mw" 26 Scugog Citizen - Tuesday, Decemb 19, 1995 "BACHELOR APARTMENT Downtown Port Perry, available immediately. Utilites and appliances included. Call Laure! ig 8:30 & 3.00, 15-4673 al 985-4673 APARTMENT 3 . month plus utilities. Available immediately. 986-5359 or 986-5609 Bedroom Apartment in Triplex, storage shed - $756. + hydro and appliances. Call 985-4792 eal ON APAR 5 appliances, cable and salellite, pool. all inclusive. $610. 1st & last. 15 minutes east of Port Perry, Janelville area. Call 985-3936 cLeA, difiaHT two bedroom' \. one bat reid por me month plus ul vailable January 18 cal Jody at (905) 985-7349 EF eae "Available January 1sl $700. / month plus heat & hy rrr ree Nestelon Community Coniso December 20th has been NOTICES] Pin Memory | Yak You | NEW YEARS EVE PARTY with the Burnt River Band and Guests at the Port Perry Scout Hall $35. per couple Door Prizes - Buffet For tickets call 986-0292%0r 985-9900 'NEW' SCUGOG MOVING & STORAGE will rent out for all your MOVING NEEDS - (905) 985-376 J CE, "BLAIR, Willem H.- RONVR Tro Churchill family would io 10 sta tel BLACKSTOCK December 19th, Joss thank all their re| friends Sh ey 35 Re La by GRANT MORGAN KARATE CLUBR tater and carey prams, Tor ia guar: Shape . REALTOR med = Self Defense Forever i alan fo Sy p 7 = [= weignt control loved or he oy he Sing ard als whie Jo was y a w Stress Reduction Edith and daughlers, 120 22fin, sianq and during the A ico. "Wp feel S $s Greetings | |= coms itr eh Re Low Monthly Dues | ARCHIBALD, Lois bad is ARR NO CONTRACTS h loving memory of s dar wil. In this big hearted community of to Yours! Chiron and Acts posed oc S00. 1903 vine Sa ok athe Tuesday & Thursday cannot have tho old days back all of you. There are loo many Hope your holiday season is really Evenings When we wero af names lo menion. but wo woud + something to write fiome about! AGtod wily Ard loving houghis, of you for your hough card, International Karate Will be with us forever. flowers and meals and Enjoy all that the season has to offer " wi reine for prayers Al is special me of LAC K Susan, Murray, Glenn, Beverly family - ish Burr y with friends and family and plenty RECCENTRE | and thi amis. you and yours a 'very. Meny of good cheer. Merry Christmas. Phone (905) 986-4389 ARCHIBALD, Lois ye Tanks ao wonderful new In loving momary of a dear mother oT en son grandmother who Bost - GRANT MORGAN LC . ey December 20th, 1092. -- Although we smile My. family and | really feel our ' EE Find out what RNS, vane, tialives, deishbsuire aid ends If there i . do ; in th went the last mile assisting us Where fn anyihin Loan do fo assie Jou vie STROLOGY | And whan oid mos wo oft recall while husband and dad, "Les RE/MAX scugog realty Itd., THE STARS most of all Boacock, was hospitalized and 144 Queen 8t., Port Perry. Phone (805) 985-4427 & Love - Murray; Kalo & Aber mooie as eorvie Y tomtco em I'm here to help! + say about mmm o{ Dy. Smith and nursing staff, There is no substitution for making informed decisions. # Your Health, Strengths ARCHIBALD, Lois appropriate message from Rev. 5 and Challenges; In loving memory of a dear mother | oPage, excellent help from + Finances, Compatibility and grandmother who passed Wagg Funeral Directors and z and Your Successes; vay Doconber 20h, 1992. lovely vocal solo by Audrey Beau- NOTICE | PNOTICES | | etsy iss mves | teers ir Te oc And speak of you often. floral baskets, flow of cards, as well as your Numbers. Goa tess Joi dear Mother. cious floods, truly touched us. g [3 = | 'ou are not forgotten. Your kind deeds will always TRAVELLIN' WILBUR'S . BRIE [MEE Ems FEET a . Disc Jockey. CLASSES NATAL - Grace Beacock and Family Book now for Family anions, ith E A CHARTS & XXXIIXIIIIIIIXX Todd & Carolyn Wilbur with Marty Evans ' FORECASTS : Call (905) 985-4867 Meaday Corn DAVID BISHOP WOREETINGS : fe would ti SWEET. CELEBRATIONS January 8 to february 26 (905) 9854482 the Citizens of Scugog. By Specially Cakes for Y Township for their bo Call Janice 985-8032 Wed. evenings 8 to 9:30 support during 1995. 34 ht January 10 to February 28 Best wishes to everyone 34 Full Course Fee : $70. CUT YOUR OWN inthe coming year. bq March Date to be announced Stress Release CHRISTMAS TREE 3 for the Focus Your Interests From the 2 be * Next Red Cross Feel Good! nd rtcuties of be le Co! your BRANCH 419 of the in Por Perry. to. can 005 aot} experience in medion and ROYALCANADIAN : ic contributed 156 units spiritual ans. Inquire regarding LEGION PORT PERRY pg 3 ; ------ XIXIIIXXXIXIIXX vi : - ; Ontario's Food Banks that § Gift Certificates available. x redericton, N.B. Fourth great PORT PERRY no one should go hungry in a . SRR cts sauna as wealthy as ours. For MAW TT MoJACKS JR. C ere | LOSE | rare Sey an 0 HOW YOU S30 2p. Dloase |] R ZACHARY DANIEL people for their support in Ini Port Perry non. on Decermbet 121, 1965, Famiy Night a success nations may be made weighing 8 Ib. 4 oz. . 11GA & Dowson Vakr Mart. * Proud grandparents are Charlie and Lynda Maw and Dowson's Valu-mart The John and Pat Smith. oN Value inicio Dan ie vied. Cashway Lumber HEALTHSTYLE | ~"rsaom Maron Luke Way! Dennis and Carol White Phenols mb w no meal replacomants (noo Mackey) are thriled ouse Sap - plan Wil, 0 Guay a sale aval 15 WORDS County Style Boris = one 1o one counseling EMILY THERESA $7 50 1 proven weight loss bom Friday, October 27th at 'oy. ay ve For information phone or fax Call Deb Today! Wisin fle ns Mg Hos ' (905) 655-8073 Rachelle une." Proud grand- Fiamars Galury con, Couronne saa | | 985-9372 | peers ban actor J "AT REST A L Weight of Whitby, and Dennis and Cathy Back Yard Shoppe doesn} "a voi cost White of Norman Cove, Nfid. v IGA an am and a log! or Sipe other Theresa » For Beautiful a Mother Jackson's A penville, Nfid., and all Hair s aunts, uncles and cousins. | Funeral Flowers aosichs Special thanks to Or. Jones of all , Nuts about Chocolate Port. Perry and thanks to Dr. Everlasting Memories Nuts ak ; ERE Rowe, Dr/Lia and the nursing staff Shoppe dance ei oR a OGH, Thank you lor family and 235 QUEEN STREET Chicken Coop ; ATTENTION Hrierds support. Everyone is doing 985-8208 q "GARBAGE COLLECTION CUSTOMERS A of Jack Wanninkhof ' CHRISTMAS WEEK PICKUP will be delayed by one day. : A Tuesday's pickup will occur Wednesday, Dec. 27th 3 : Wednesday's pickup will occur Thursday, Dec. 26th Collection during the week of New Years will occur on the regular scheduled days with no changes. SEASON'S GREETINGS ily t 3 \ i 216 QUEEN ST INO! RRY 985-2171 SAUER ENE] But Please - Don't Drink & Drive!