' | L wT Beugog Citizen - Tuesday, December 19, 1995 -- { Cartwright celebrates Christmas &. Christmas Story by: Miranda Cartwright P.S. It was the night before Christmas. Tomorrow is Jesus' birthday. "Who is Jesus?" "He is my saviour." "Do you think I could get Jesus to become my saviour?" "Sure! Just repeat after me." "ok." "Dear God." "Dear God." "Please come into my heart." "Please come into my heart." "Amen." "Amen." "Now Jesus will be in your heart all of the time." The end. Christmas Story by: Sarah Cartwright P.S. It was the night befor Christmas and I was watching X-men. X-men was my favorite show. Then my mom called me to bed. I ran up the stairs and hopped in my bed. 15 mipates later I heard a clatter. I jum out of bed and my as jumping on the roof. I went back to bed. Then I heard a Yoiog that was saying "help". utiped out of my bed and Santa was stuck in the chimney. I went outside and got a ladder. I climed up the " side of the house and pushed Santa downthe chimney. Then I remembered that I left the fire on. I.ran inside as fast as I could and turned off the fire just in time. Then I wnet back to bed. In the morning I got a ton of toys and I got a note from Santa that said... Thankyou for helping me diliver my toys. From Santa, P.S. Thakyou for the milk and cookies. Then my family and I had a big feast. by: Samaria or Ricky Cartwright P.S. One day I was in my bed on Christmas Eve. It was 9:00am and I was excited. But there was nothing to do and I was lonely. My dad tried to name something to do, but there was nothing to do. Then it was 4: 00pm. 1 asked my mom if there was anything to do. She said, "Watch tv or a movie." I watched the Santa Clause. It was funny. Then it was 9:45pm. My mom said, "It's time for bed." Then I heard somehing ont he roof I said to myself, "I think it is Santa!" I got dp and I hurried outside. "Who's up there?" I said. "It's me, Santa." And when he said Santa, he fell off the roof. He was gone. When I looked back, I looked up on the roof and the reindeer were there. I said "This is gone way out of control." Then my Mom and Dad came outside. I said "Santa's suit is on the snow." But when they looked, nothing was there. I said "Look up." They did. There was nothing there. The Christmas Tree by: Craig Perhinski Gr. 3, Cartwright P.S. It was Christmas eve wen the hacihs famly decided to pot me up. this Christmas tree looks protey good. Santa arived at the hockins hose. He fode some mike and cookies. Santa was hugrey after a log trip. He pot the gifts under me It's moning it's moning shoted little Jowey! Can we opin are presins...ha! yes sade mis hocin. Santa wocht them opin all thar presins. Santa mit wach you opin your resins too. The Christmas Card Gr.3, Cartwright PS. one day when some people came to see me. They bought they put rit merry christmas. 1 was very happy. They put me in a enriot and put me on a pesint. And I had to wait 21 days untill I was open by a little girl. She could not read 80 she asked her'mother and 1 said hope you have a merry christmgs. Love mom and dad. She said thakyou. and gave her mom the card and they were 'done she put me in a Jorwe. then one day when I was sleping she got me. And put me in her room up in the closit it was very dark. But I licked it. Then a nuthér day her mom came and put me in a box. I wonde if they were moving. 1 did pot licke this. the wrid was bumbey. And I head them talking about moving to blackstock. Then we got there I was exsided. When we got in the room I was up in the closit again for a nuther. for yers. And so that is now I got hear. The end., Christmas Bulb! Gets a Home by: Cody Gr. 3, Cartwright P.S. I was in a big boxidt a store. I was a bulb. Sometime the toy solegres would like to tease me. But I didn't mind. I just won't a tree. I live in a big big box. Nobody wants to buy me I cried. Then my friend the rabbit came over. Christmas bulb he side. I no there is somebody out there just Christmas Wishes by SA Cawker PS My Christmas Wishes by: Sheri Currie 8A Cawker P.S., Gr. 3 This year 1 am wishing for a happy Christmas for everyone and a clean earth. Everybody deserves a good life. * My Christmas Wishes bys Erica Bulloch SA'Cawhker P.S.; Gr. 3 Christmas is a wonderful time of y wanti to wish for many things like I do. This year I am wishing for a kitten and to meet some famdus people. The most I wislylr is world peace. This year at Christmas I'm wishing for peace on earth and for people to take good care of our wildlife and for a present. This year I would liké a bunny ri . Have your self a Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Christmas Story = Melissa Mathieu, PS, Gr.3 a Christmas is going to be extra special. I wish I could have three wishes. I would wish for one thing to keep everyone from fighting. My second wish is for my family. I wish I could get my brother and A r. You may' my sister and my big brother and mom-and dad stuff. My third wish is for eveyone to haye a Merry Chrismas and a happy / New Years. My Three Wishes by: Chrysteen Reis SA Cawker P.S,, Gr. 3 I wish I could see a headed - me ganser and a rufous hummingbifd and don't forget my favourite is a cinnamon teal. I'd like fo have smiling markers. Christmas Wishes by: Andrew Adams SA Cawker P.S., Gr. 8 no fighting around the world and a very merry Christmas Eve around the world: I wish for Santa to have a very good year. , Christmas Wishes by} Michael Rickard 8A Cawker P.S., Gr. 3° This year at Christmas I am wishing for lego and to meet Matt Sundeen and lots of other players It is going to be fun. Me and my sister are going to get little "things to give to my mom and dad *The end. Chi s Wishes by: Beach SA Cawhker P.S., Gry 1] This year I wish to the Toronto Maple, ee game. I would like to meet Doug. Gilmour. Matt Sundeen, Mike Hudson and Felix Potvin. I wish I could get Potvin to'sign all my cards. 'Christmas Wishes by: Kylie Goodwin SA Cawker P.S., Gr. 3 If 1 had six wishes I would wish for...My Mom to have every thing she wanted, and for Erin Hughsén and 1 to be best friends for ever and every, and for peace on earth, and for Sonia Vanier to * come back to S.A. Caker. I would wish for the Vancamp hocky team to win the Championship and last but not least I wish to meet Felix Potvin. My Christmas Wishes by: Kathy Wanamaker SA Cawhker P.S., Gr. 8 Christmas is a time for wishing. My Christmas wishes are for peace in the world, people take care of the world, everyone to have dne wish and for it to come true and a nice cuddly dog. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ' My Christmas Wishes by: Ian Wick SA Casbker P.S., Gr. 3- |. Christmas is a time for love and getting together with our family. But my diing to buy you. Over the weeks my friend the rabbit was sold. I was just about J right when he' Hh me he rushed towards me. Then he went back to his mom and baged her to buy me. She finaly side yes. I was pver joyed. I had finaly had a home. but the best part was when I wasithere my best friend the rabbit was there. The End. The Stocking : Rebecca by: or 8, Cartwright P.S. The stocking do's not like being meded at the toe he said awe that heret I do not wot to be here nate christmas I hate being mended at the toe aver rere I all ways have to be mended at the toe and ti hearts I do not water to be a stocking anemore I wish to be a angel I could go urge the top of the tree and th I'would be up on top of the tree on til christmas day we had to take me don aver christmas I won'd be in a box on til it was christmas a gain so I don't wan't to be a Angel because I won'd be in a box all the time. so I wonld saiy like a stocking and I sot of like the mended at the toe. I wonld like to be here for aver in my live I {love this house I won't to * saye in this house for aver. I * hate the pane but I have a lot of fun in the Day that I have ben here I see Santa arie Christmas night I hope I have a good night on til christmas a gain. I all ways be good on christmas eve. I hope all the aer kids have a f happy new year and a good A% other wishes are wi meet famous hockey get better hockey le and ds. 1 would especially want to . " meet Matt Sundin. Christmas Wishes - by: Jonathan Hamelinck ' SA Cawker P.S., Gr. 3 am wishing for a wooden hockey stick. I am wishing for another two crazy * carpets and a lI am also wishipg for a vidoe game. I wish that there uld be peace on earth. christmas ard you all have a lot of toys so you do not nid to mors this year so be a good boy are gile I holp you all be good this year so can you Plese say yes to yer Mom and dad so do not say no to yer Mom and dad a las you have to say no so be good or you well not gat toys yoy no not to be bad to yer bor over or sissder I fitth + with my borover so times. The end. The Decorations by: Corey H. Gr. 8, Cartwright P.S. One cold and widy night it was justone day till christmas eve and I couden't 'wait till chrismas night han they would put me up 23 lee on chrismas night I saw Santa he came up to me and said this ball is nice he rubbed me and made me all shine and clen. it tickeled I lafed Ha Ha*Ha stop it I said Santa said it must be a kid he said I said Santa its me santa looked around and siad its a talking ball he said were are you I said on the tree. Santa said what is your name I said Corey and my friends name is Cody he is this ball right here I gave Santa a.donut and a cooke, milk and a bowl of suger too, He said it tased a little bad * but prity good next year I got hug up from the chrismas tree I said to santa you are my best friend santa claws same with me Cody said and just for that santa gave us a train set for us in the morning I went on my choo choo train with Cody it was fun so fun that I let patrick and James ¢ome on it to maybe Dean because he would be relly silly. _ 1 was in a big box. At a stor. Now this stor is not eney stor that you by eneything at.' It was a Star tor ause | am a christmas J bolb. So my pie cher is a big butiful christmas tree on both sides it is beutifull. I was varry vary sad one day. All the other bolbs were gon and I was alon. But one nigh a littel girl walkt in and sed momy that is so pritty to! me. So she sed I wand it momy I relly relly wand it. She got it and I was happy to. ~ The Stocking , by: Vanessa Gr. 8, Cartwright P.S. One snowy morning I wake up at 5:50. My sister Melissa wake up at 6:30. My mom and dad were laxing around. Me'and my sister were looking at my sisters stocking there was a big hale. so we want back up - stairs and when I looked back I saw a hole in my stocking I went upstairs to tell her. I told her to came but she would'nt came. I told her I wouldn't gave her a horsy thing for Christmas sahe come right away my sister always wanted grand chameengs for Christmas I always wanted puppy in my pocket like dog stuff for Christmas. My sister is crazy just for horses I am crazy just for dog stuff and nobody even cares about that. the end. Christmas Card by: Kristy P h Gr. 3, pci sow 4 I am a little card I had get been bought I am so Happy 'but what if they give me a , way it was so Christmas and I was put on a presents I was set to someone's house's ant I was a speail card I sing snogs and I was 80 preay even every boty woted to buy me. it was v L christmas and 1 got read. - The end. hen we got in the room I was up in the'closit again for a nuther for yers. And so that is now I got hear. The end. Stocking by: Marci Burger Gr. 8, Cartwright P.S. I am a stocking and I am geting manded at the toe and I feel like I just got picked with a needle and I feel like I am just about to screm awww and I think I am going to feel raelly good win I git funched wich I think that will be never but win I am don than I will get put up on a buck and I don't think that wod be vary comfortable and I feel like I am mandeing myself and I cant not stop manding myself so I will refnaber this so I can screm win I remaber and I even maby mite cry way did I have to get a hole maby becases I feelt like it wall I feed foolish some how I feel " raelly sorry that I did this and like I am going to going to cry and going to faxt win Ijust feel like I going to cry agen really soon maby this mom or how aver this is. is going to mand me day and night so I feel rady to cry wawawawa thare I feel a little bit bager maby not maby I do a little bater no I don't I feel raelly dunb becaues I just had to get this hole in my toe maby this fels good no I am ron this feels torrable horrabol lats hope we cdn try ot to © get a hole in myself agan wall lats hope I'can not get another hole in it agen lats hope and I will try to stay in a good spot win I get pot +back in the box of Christmas wiy did this have to hapen to me siy Ideya ow now I feel beter becaues shes all fiset up and she don sowing I feel grat now wall good biy the end. If | was a Gift If 1 was a gift by: Me Jones RH Cornish P.S.Gr. 4 If 1 wah a gift under a tree, this is the gift that I would be: 1 would be a gift full of love. My love would be for my family and friends. I also think that I should try to make it possible that people would rach .out their love for one another. - .. If I was a gift by: Jack Shepherd RH Cornish P.S., Gr. 4 If I was a gift under a tree, this is the gif} that I would be: I would be love. I would be love beacause I would make people loving and there would be no wars or murders. I think it would be nice for éverybody to love. Everybody in' the would world would be pice. do you have any |