<= ERW( Hendrick 'Hank' SYMES, George David CTER S VE Eo VASHY Fray =F Zh 00 Lon King, Powe Ranger Herder Sales REWARD Mombor of Sea ol a a wae a. Cal Kathy 088 5 3670 166 Reach Park Rd. Harmony, Soacrouth Duka of late June Brown, Dear father of === ppv 905) 985-3885 : : / the Canadian Kennel Club - Dennis Symes. Survived by his ox X SEAT HO HOT ue a Used Cars offered for information concerning the Di¥ision) Salers Cala Warten, Bly ines, }S2uch break-in at The Antrim House Pub, Suddenly on Thursday, December Milly Hodgkins, Margaret Grehan priv sind Pool Kit - 1094 FORD TAURUS 28th, 1995 at the Community and brother Walter Symes. 700. PRE 0 136 Water Street, Port Perry Hospital in Port Parry, at Grandfather of Devon and Scott, (705) 786-2043, after 6. 145K. $5,495, | : age 66. Hank Verwoerd of Green- Resiod at Low and Low Funeral =wrmmrmmmsommer meee PRR 80D) sometime early Tuesday morning, bank, beloved husband of Gail Home, Port Perry, 1763 Reach SARPET BROKER 3,995. J 2nd 1996 (noe Towner). Loved father of Road (985-7331) on Saturday, Buy Direct from Wholesale, 1060 DODGE CARAVAN anuary N 5 Marianne and her isha Peter Devel y 2d, 1905 om 709 sain Tsailant, i thick plush carpet $8,905, Call (905) 985-8853 in ng Intlermen Ix " ore a wi Mollia, ~ Comalory. Memorial donations pice ides wiv eupor 1992 DOR SHADOW Dave Verwoerd, and &n may bo Heart and ke PAS 47d Vial tallation. 1989 NISSAN PULSAR Verwoerd, awa, n lerest, Moore and his wie Linda of 81, memes eee no payment for one ull , Catharines, and Kathy Moor of Merion For free estimate WE BERRI P Work Wanted ] Please remember Uxbridge. Loving fardlator oI {loired Bol Canaca Operator Daniel 1-600-401 5357 1989 CHEVY ASTROVAN | om to recycle ul Othawa) TT CYLINDER HEADS 110k .... $8,498. HAND? anne and AW aay: | a liness on Sunday, CYLINDER HEADS and Ryan and Joshua Verwoerd December 241, 1905 al he Aj tock or 1968 C1EV For a SE THE CITIZEN and great grandathr of Teneshia and Pickering General , at Complete Engine Rebuilding, 1994 FORD ASPIRE ... pass it on to your schamps: Hank will also be age 78. Marion (nee Hu aR Cure Kits, 10k .., $6,495. a missed by his ged children of the late John al Mechanics, 1091 FORD TEMPO Evi "family and friends! Duchess arid Zora. Relatives and Hall of Brooklin and Port P. Atom & Sarit Soo 87k... $5,998, aa Y - friends wore received at the Wagg Loving mother of William and BFE Parformance 985-8700 1088 MAZDA 323 Pain Funeral Home, McDermott - wife Loraine of Ajax, and ober: Riba) ££ EEF thay RO $3,405, ualky Pe ing, rr Panabaker Chapel, 216 Queen and his wile Ca: Port Perry. NEW & USED WOOD STOVES 10% FORD AEROSTAR Rnd Rol ; Eine EE a i EES CITIZEN rom an lopher, ael, achel and =o ome te men mene eee PMA unas servica was hold in An ia, Rolaives and fronds AS FURNACE LAR 159: Dooae Sido Consultations. a @ Cl on uesday, anual were al uneral 20. 1960 at 1 PM wits Flow. Roy Home: McDermott ta Caan and Cary of inslalled. Br ROHR Jala. Clansiiiegs Shepherd officiating. If desir Chapel, 216 Queen Street in Port Also - ork Design and 1990 JEEP CHEROKEE Phone memorial donations may bo made Perry 085.2171) on insalaion: Call 986-5726 Laredo... ) to the iid Memorial Yom ¢ fo 4and 7 pd Fri TTT WOOL 8 SUP ere aes 1086 TOYOTA TERCEL Hospital Foul n. neral service was PPL $3,495, December 4519 Old Simcoe Rd. Yard Clan ups, Snow Plowing arrmtmpimmnee SAP UL Tiiraday, Cucumber 14513 Old Sires Quality Used Trucks . and Odd Jobs. POST, Edna Eisaboth David Showman officiating. Iter Silver Edges 985-0842 1085 ame WRANGLER Sail Dave Balingali 985-2834 | i 20th, 1905 at ihe' Community Brookins Il desired memorial " LUMBER, SPRUCE, All Prices Include Creation. CUTTER'S EDGE Nursing Home in Port Perry, al donations may be made. to the Construction Hardwood, TRADE-INS WELCOME. I age 98. Edna (nee Kinsman) of Alzhoimar Sociely. Slab Bu Call us at ... 985-3885 Yard Clean-up. aesarea, beloved wife of the late - $30, Softwood - $10. hos g and . otc. Eisha Post, Loved daughter of Bob Kyle 986-5200 Kathy 985-0073 the late Andrew an i A -- - Kinsman. A graveside funeral will JENKINS ANTHONY RITTER . Son Ae P PETS | a= Help Wanted wright sich ) Comotery. | Black Fax Cash Registers, ~~ Jona ------ stock. dona- FIREWOOD Coplers, 'ypewriters. , docks, Hons. may" be made lo the A hardwood, cut & spilt 16", aiso Sales - Rentals - LOMES NeRbED! 9 yoars experience. Free SETTLEMENT om any aan Vsti CASS 301 sey Coorace Seiler [gana sows mime CumEsss | yoygp sHOPS amangomenis have begn on SOLID OAK & PINE 726-7501 or 985-9783 ANIMAL CENTRE SNOWPLOWING : h rusted 10 the 29g Fu uneral FURNITURE =~ ere meee erie yy Residen! " i Home, McDermott baker direct tario' YAMAHA PSR150 Rates & Fre full time receiving / Chapel, 216 Queen Street ps oy Hydra im ons of Ontario's , Case and Stand. BOARDING AVALABLE Estimates. Call Derok 985-2057 person. Perry (985-2171). and waich your fumitre $225. Call 986-5456 i TT USTYNSKL, Walter ool ETT -- --TOS TE Now oh Non Drip Send resumes to: Suddenly a! Oshawa General Bedroom Snowmobiles | tons STALLSFORRENT au Carl or Doro, 005-3540 Saffenion House Sheps 21st, 1095, Wailer, husband of Diring Room Tablas. Chairs, from SNOWPLOWING Port Perry, Ontario . ther of Lydia and Kitchen Tables & Chairs. 1980 YAMAHA 340 ENTICER Call 985-4123 Residential and Wri husbang Allan *Seppala of "Al 300. No Vierobr Excellent ow aC, Pe Bos! rales. Call anytime 086-5811 | LoL 187 J ondon, , Jim an ' seal and rebuilt. $1,350. RETRIEVE! Jane Justynskl of Port Perry, Finished in your choice of stain Sine [Bul 8: Soon vady o be adopled nko ogi AEM ion ooo © Rio. NI TA 1991 POLARIS INDY 500 and oat grandaor of Garon, 118 Nori Pot Re. Port Perry $3200 Janoivil 705 328.3180 BUSINESS 60 Day yn Position - + (Renewable) Winans Wr Josynsd wil be FREE DELIVERY OPPORTUNITY DUTIES: Switchboard, resting at the Mc! b T Ea po 2 ko Shon) * uote ) T= TT Loman ig Faxing Copying asl, awa 5 0 y hh Rentals Sales Ploasn call bor lomaton, ©" rows tr San oy mda Receivables, T . con 3; Note locking bot youl Other Duties as required. MIDDLETON, William Joseph PORT PERRY DIAL a JUG Hobson 1. 7" A Poacolully after a lengthy illness 178 Reach Rd., Unit C 985-7873 Call Liz "1-80.57 777 Must have extensive knowledge of at "the WOO a WordPerfect version 6.0a for Windows. Hospital in por pom. at age 83. ow WNDOWSE ok ) DAYCARE Knowledge of CorelDraw version 4 or § boved hrs of of M ; Manos R pp Cashand Cany a rr a would be an asset. Please fax resume to nee 0! lather of fessional Installal AILAB ® avs and | his wife Lori, and available from InSeagrave, convenient for Office Manager at 985-9592. and his wile Leslie, all of yard. toys, fini Island. Loving grand: activities and T.L.C. References - her of Ann. Donald A n. C & Trucks avi 905-985-0702. g 3 RT ] hnon, Kristie; great grand- --~---------wr--------- Bars & Trucks] ---------------e pr, Jo: an ars SESE ~ BEOR SALE| p FOR SALE Relatives ane friends were ocelv Funeral desired may be made to the Community Memorial Hospital Foundation. STILL WALKING? 1? Poor / No Credit? hr 3 C30 Bank mad you 1987 BRONCO Nl Eddie Bauer Edition, black & tan, loaded. 180,000 km. $4,200. Janetville 1-705-328-3188 p ForBeauiipu NEW & USED TIRES [Funeral Flowers 170 Casi Soot, Por Pony Everlasting Memori Tr Floral FIREW PELLETS 235 QUEEN STREET , mixed hardwood, b 985-8208 dios eita ioral ot NA GUC JAY 434 V6, overdrive, LY a 0 ok reuy a now paint. COT or 499.1787 PORT PERRY PRINTING now has CUSTOMIZED COMPUTER FORMS at competitive prices. Call us today for your quote 985-9755 Pp port perry printing 201 NORTH STREET