ww 12 : Scugog Citizen -- Tuesd: 7, oid} > 9, 1996 a. pon't advertise Just assume everybody KNOWS what you sell. 4 Don't advertise Convince yourself that you've peen in pusiness sO long that customers automatically come fo you. ; 5. Don't advertise Forget that there are new potential customers wha would do « pusiness with you if they were urged fo do so. 6. Don't adverfise forget that you have competition trying fo attract your customers away from you. ES 7.0on"t advertise Tell yourself it costs 100 much fo advertise and that you don't get enough out of it. g.Don't advertise Overlook fhe fact that advertising isan investment in selling - 9. Don't advertise Be sure not to provide an adequate pudget for.pusiness: e ... Forget that you nave fo keep reminding your established customers that you appreciate their business. : . That's wha t youn | THE pi pg what you'll i oG CITIZEN! igh 'ADVERTISING WORKS' 3 | CUGOG CITIZEN 54 Wat er St | Phone aan os Dy = : Fax 985-1410 : U REALLY NEED IN A NEWPAETR