TT. 1 \ : of 8 -- Suge Citizen -- Ticoudat, January 9, 1996 ha i co-publishers : John B. McClelland, Valerie Ellis editor : John B. McClelland office manager : Sibylle Warren advertising manager : Valerie Ellis adv, sales reps : Thom Doran, Jennine Huffman reception : Janet Rankin | production : Tanya Mappin feature writer : Heather McCrae published by: Beas Cizen Publishing Ld. THE SCUGOG CITIZEN .an independently owned and operated OCNA Member CCNA Member weekly community newspaper, = king is distributed, free of charge, (=) FCNA 4 EY to over 13,500 homes and businesses ---- in and around Scugog Township. 54 WATER ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. L9L1j2 CCNA Verified Circulation C "Proud Canadians, proud to call Scugog Township home." Phone : (905) 985-6397 Fax : (905) 985-1410 Subscriptions sold outside Scugog eevee = EDITORIAL foe Palace blues We are disappointed that the Ki has decided not to take on the Ice Palace project this winter. Having said that, we should add that we understand letely why club s voted not to push ahead with this popular open air skating facility on Lake Scugog. First of all the Kinsmen Club is badly. strapped financially after taking a huge loss on the Sled Dog races last year when the second day of racing had to be scrapped because of bad weather conditions on the lake. Secondly, operating the Ice Palace requires an enormous amount of work--from setting up the snow fences around the skating tracks, winterizing the picnic shelter by the tennis courts, operating this shelter and selling coffee and hot chocolate to the skaters, taking money for admissions and soon. ' And the work to keep the skating tracks in good condition for skating, free of snow, etc. is a never ending task. The Kinsmen Club, like most other volunteer organizations these days just doesn't have sufficient manpower to handle such a large job. Their members, like most of us, are busy enough with their jobs or businesses, families commitments. Getting the Ice Palace up and running and keeping it up and running for the cold weather months takes a huge commitment in time and work. Although there will be no Ice Palace this winter, hopefully the project is not dead forever. Over the past four winters when it has been open, it has been a success (when mother nature co-operates) bringing countless people into the community and providing a unique winter skating experience for residents of the Township as well. When the weather has been good on weekends in years gone by, the Ice Palace was a sea of skaters, a marvellous place for a family to spend a day or an afternoon. Inthe few short years that it was in operation, the Ice Palace helped put Port Perry and Lake Scugog "on the map" for people from all over this part of Ontario looking for winter recreation at a very reasonable cost. It would be a shame to see it die a permanent death. If the Ice Palace is going to come to life again next winter, the time to start planning for it is now. But first of all, the community must decide whether it is worth it. We would suggest that this decision by made by the local council, the Scugog Chamber of Commerce and the Business Improvement Area (BIA) whose members benefit directly from the out-of-town visitors who use the Ice Palace and spend money in the community in the process., The Ice Palace should not be considered as a sure money some money can be made. But if the opposite happens (bad weather, bad ice conditions) the venture will be a money loser. It's a bit of a gamble, to be sure. If the Township, Chamber and BIA decide that the Ice Palace is worth having next year, scale it down a bit. Open up a rect 1 kating area with one irregular haped track d the tside. It is not y for the skating tracks to go halfway across the lake. Hire people to operate the snack bar and take admissions when the Ice Palace is open. Hire people to do the heavy work setting up and taking down the protective snow fence and winterizing the picnic shelter. Enlist the services and advice of the ice makers at the Scugog Arena to help in creating and maintaining a decent skating surface. Perhaps the Zamboni used at the Scugog Arena could be pressed into service from time to time for grooming the skating surface. If the decision is made to carry on next winter with the Ice Palace, it should be made now and the planning started immediately. It's a major project. If the decision is no, let's give the Ice Palaces 'a proper burial, once and for all. Club of Port Perry« maker. If the weather is good, the ice is good and so, perhaps - ---- WINTER in'SCUGOG ... ENJOY! LETTERS To THE EDITOR "Thanks for killing Snoopy' To The Editor: 1 would like to thank the person who ran our family dog down (a white and black Pointer- Lab), Thursday, Dec. 21 st 8:15pm on Edgerton Rd. in Cadmus, east of Blackstock. He was left on the side of the road dead (brain-dead). I know you're well aware of what you've done, because you must have a great big dent in your car because you hit him at a great speed. You didn't even stop to see what you hit, if it was a person or an animal. So little respect for others. A neighbour witnessed the whole thing, and was kind enough to come and tell us what had happened. My husband found Snoopy and dragged him home, But, he was gone. Our 2 boys were devastated. He had grown with them. Christmas was hard enough without losing him. Snoopy turned 4 yrs. Dec. 20th. . Perhaps Snoopy was at the wrong place, wrong time, but was owed much more than that. He was a good friend. Please, when you're passing through a village or town, please remember to slow down. re are children with pets playing or walking down the road. Signs usually are posted to slow down to 50 kph, but no one heeds them. We need speed bumps to deter these kind of drivers. This wasn't the first time nor will it probably be the last. My children, their friends, family pets have had the misfortune to meet with these inconsiderate I'm closing, I hope it won't happen again and something is done to prevent this. Next time we may not be so lucky, it may be one of us. Sad owner, G. Drisdelle Cadmus, Ont. Contracting out To the Editor: I must take exception to Gord Gettins' letter in last week's Scugog Citizen opposing privatization of government services. With the magnitude of provincial funding cutbacks we Running some government programs as private enterprises, providing needed services, yet meeting a financial bottom line is not easy, but it should be very ' rewarding to any provincial or are now facing in Ontario, the way government operates will have to change and privatization looks good in many areas such as the LCBO, Homes for the Aged, and even Fire Departments. While using employee's cost , cutting suggestions is a grt idea, such as is being done in ex, the results will in no way fficient for a i pality ds a possible 46% cut in provincial funding in two years. Frankly, I am surprised that so many government employees have had the entrepreneurial spirit so ground out of them that they .do not recognize an opportunity when they see it. ~ ployee that has the guts to take the challenge. It should be a lot better than just punching a time clock, mindlessly following orders, and counting your. years to retirement. ' I know private enterprise is more efficient than the government in most things any day. Raising taxes is no longer an option, we have to make government more efficient, and provide only the most necessary services. We need to cut out all this whining that has been going on and face reality with a Can ' Do attitude and accept change. * David Dietlein Nestleton drivers who are part of the road and drive through the village at excessive speeds. Letters policy The Scugog Citizen welcomes letters to the Editor on just about any topic, local, national or international in scope. We will endeavour to print all letters except those that we consider to be outside the laws of libel and slander. We would also ask that letters stay reasonably within the bounds of good taste for a community newspaper. Our policy is to insist that the writer of the letter allow his or her name to appear with the letter, however, we will make ions in certain circumstances. Deadline for letters is Monday at noon. You can mailto 54 Water St., Port Perry, LOL 1J2, or fax t0.885-1410.