\ \ Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, January 23, 1996 -- 7 He Johnny Rowett's long road to recovery Johnny Rowett, 26, of Port Perry has been batting his way to recovery since a serious motorcyle accident last July while on vacation in Vermont nearly cost him his leg. See this remarkable story. by Heather McCrae In a few weeks Johnny Rowett is going to lose something that's been a part of his body since last August. A steel rod called an screwed into the bones of his right foot and leg since the Port Perry man was involved in a motorcycle accident last summer when he and a friend, Ray Edwards, 'were riding through Vermont. With Johnny's shoé lodged in the car's front bumper after the impact, he was thrown on the road, suffering a badly mangled foot. Severed above the ankle on both sides down to the heel, it was left hanging by strands of skin and muscle. Luckily the arteries weren't severed. taken by ambulance to a hospital in St. Albans, Vermont doctors wanted to amputate his leg immediately and were asking Ray to sign consent forms. But Ray refused, insisting his friend be taken to a bigger hospital for another opinion. After being transferred to external fixator has been When he initially was' Fletcher Allen Hospital in Burlington, Johnny was given a 30% chance of having his foot saved, before being sent home to Port | Perry. After arriving home last August he spent time in the Community Memorial Hospital and the Markham- Stouffville Hospital before being admitted to St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. There Johnny was booked for surgery in late August after doctors discovered the bore was crooked and muscle and tissue, that had been badly damaged, had to be removed. The surgery involved removing a piece of the right side of Johnny's stomach muscle. About 10 inches long and two inches wide, this was grafted to his foot above the ankle area. Before this operation Johnny had no guarantees of keeping his foot but "everything clicked and knitted together" he said. Around Hallowe'en Johnny returned to St. Michael's again for a bone graft. Surgeons removed bone from his right hip, filling in an area of leg above the foot that hadn't healed. "That was painful" he winced, reminiscing to the Citizen. "I was a miserable patient" he admitted, having had his fill of hospitals by that time. Johnny doesn't have an ankle anymore and there's a possibility he'll have to have another piece of surgery 'down the road'. "I owe a lot of thanks té Ray" he said. "If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have a leg today". Changing his friend's dressings every day at the Fletcher Allen Hospital Johnny says Ray was his personal nurse. "For a mechanic, he sure has good nursing fingers" he smiled. And he gives a lot of credit to orthopedic surgeon, Dr. James Waddell and plastic surgeon, Dr. Alex Dagum, both of St. Michaels. "They've been fantastic" he said. "It's amazing what they cgn do to the human body" he mused."They've repaired my foot by using other body parts". t the IGA where Johnny's worked for over ten years in the computer department, he says his boss, Jim Grieve, has beén fantastic during » his recuperation and has invited him to come in ro visit the staff any time, " keep my sanity", Yohnny ns. When the story about the accident was printed in the Citizen last gsummer, Johnny says the response was amazing. "I was overwhelmed by the number of people who called and sent cards" he said. The external fixator that was screwed into his heel, fibula and tibia and below the'knee since his visit to the Vermont hospital, will be removed on February 13. "Then I'm going to screw it to a mannequin's leg and hang it over my bar" he \laughed. / After the steel bar is removed a walking cast will be applied, after which Johnny will take six to eight months of therapy. "I look at it this way; it was an accident and I'll get on with my life. My goal is to get out on the golf course this summer - that should keep me out of trouble" he grinned. "Before the accident I always thought I was invincible but I've learned I'm not" he said. The Corporation of the Township of Scugog PUBLIC NOTICE REGARDING THE PROPOSED STOPPING-UP, CLOSING and CONVEYING of PART OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE BEING COMPOSED OF PART OF LOT 19, CONCESSION 7 (PART OF COULTER STREET) WARD 1, TOWNSHIP of SCUGOG, IN THE FORMER TOWNSHIP OF REACH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 297 of the Municipal Act, R.S.0., 1990, Chapter 45, that re Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog proposes to pass by-laws tb stop-up, close and convey a portion of a road allowance described as part of Coulter Street, Part Lot 19, Concession 7, Ward 1, Township of Scugog, in the former Township of Reach. ' The Township, the Developer and the Owner of certain lands have mutually agreed to the ho following: 1). Th li of a new section of Coulter Street to intersect t with Roach Street at Simcoe Street. 2). To stop-up-close and convey a section of the existing Cotter Street that is no longer required. 3). As compensation for providing the land for the new alignment, the Township has agreed to deed the existing section of road. (Sketch below). The proposed plan and description showing the lands affected may be viewed in the Clerk's Department, Township of Scugog, 208 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario. On Monday, February 12th, 1996 at 2:00 PM, in the Council Chamb Mi The Corporation of the Township of Scugog PUBLIC NOTICE REGARDING THE PROPOSED STOPPING-UP, CLOSING and CONVEYING of PART OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE CONCESSIONS 9 & 10, LOT 17, WARD 4, TOWNSHIP of SCUGOG, IN THE FORMER TOWNSHIP of CARTWRIGHT NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 297 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990, Chapter 45, that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog proposes to pass by-laws to stop-up, close and convey a portion of a road allowance between Concessions 9 & 10,.Lot 17, Ward 4, Township of Scugog, in the former Township of Cartwright, more particularly described as Part 2, Plan 10R-979, Part 2, Plan 10R-1763 and Parts 1,3 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 on an Unregistered 10R Plan. The Township has agreed to stop-up, close and convey part of the Original Road Allowance. Note: The parts described above are occupied by abutting owners on the north side. Fhe p d plan and d i h g the lands affected may be viewed in the Clerk's Department, Township of hy 208 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario. On Monday, February 12th, 1996 at 2:30 PM in the Council Chambers, Municipal Office, 181 Perry Street, Port Perry, Ontario, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog will hear, in person, or by Counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his land will be prejudicially affected by the said By-Law and applies to be heard. Any person who wishes to be heard should, as soon as Office, 181 Perry Street, Port Perry, Ontario, the Council of the pe rd of the Township of Scugog will hear, in person, or by Counsel, solicitor or agent, ny person who claims his land will be prejudicially affected by said By-Law and applies to be heard. Any person who wishes to be heard should, as soon as possible, make application to: Earl S. Cuddie, Administrator-Clerk Township of Scugog, Clerk's Department 208 North Street, PORT PERRY, Ontario LIL 1A7 (905) 985-7346 *First published January 9, 1996. ' 1 1 1 Hl = Li 8 i ty 3 ' - 3 " ) al wt 1 . «t =e wl mr = | h COULTER steer [] ater om ww 0 a = 1 = - Ei, PU ° 1 AOR 5842 ov | > al . ' ° - N r-- L] I} | Fer eee eee = 4 Pd A © mas G° * o © J PART 3 ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS . AN T (aor aon rom . ible, make i to: Earl S. Cuddie, Administrator-Clerk Township of Scugog, Clerk's Department 208 North Street, PORT PERRY, (905) 985-7346 - *First published January 9, 1996 Ontario LL 1A7