= 10 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, January 30, 1996 Citizen Calendar ar Is published at no-charge to adline 1s Friday prior to publication, (first come - first serve) and is limited as space permits. The Citizen reserves the right to edit calendar copy. Ps ' » WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31st 1 * Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 1:30 PM 8 * North Durham Parkinson Group supper meeting, 7 PM. 1 For further information call 852-7433. » THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1st 8 * February is Heart & Stroke Foundation Month. A door-to-door ® fund-raising canvas will be underway during February in 1 _Scugog Township. \ u * Registration for Andy Avis Memorial Sno-Pitch Toumament | § to be held February 10th. Please call 986-0653 or 986-0231" a to register or drop into Pineridge Sports. - 1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd » * Blue Ray Chapter 'Hope of Spring Luncheon', 11:30 AM to § 1:30 PM. Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Port Perry. » SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd 1 * Traditional Burns Supper at Port Perry Legion, Br. 419 s Cocktails 5:30; Dinner 6:30; Dance to follow. Limited number g of tickets available. Call Legion at 985-8502 a | Euchre at Latcham Centre, 8:00 PM 1 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th a» * Whitby-Oshawa Branch Genealogical Society meets 7:30 PM 1 atArs Resource Centre, 45 Queen St, Oshawa (back of city 3 _hall). Beginner and problem night. Call 683-2476 for info 1 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th » * Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 1:30 PM 1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9th 8 * Scugog Soccer Registration, 6 to 9 PM at the Scugog Chamber of Commerce Office, 269 Queen Steet, Pon Perry. u * Bingo at Nestieton Community Centre, 7:30 PM. 986-5196 1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10th » * Big Brothers / Big Sisters 'Bowl for Millions' at Uxbridge 3 Bowling Lanes. More information call 852-3201 a Town Hall 1873 presents 'Love Under the Lights' (Broadway musical duets), 8:00 PM. Tickets available at a Jayson Callan Music 985-2635 or at door 7:30 PM. ' * Scugog Soccer Registration, 10 AM to 4 PM at the Scugog Chamber of Commerce Office, 269 Queen Street, Port Perry. ¥ + Cartwright Minor Ball Assoc. registration at Blackstock Arena ¥ 8AM to 12 noon. Softball, hardball, youth lob ball, 4 to 19 yrs + Andy Avis Memorial Sno-Pitch Tournament. For more info I please call 986-0653 or 986-0231 * TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th . LK Rummage Sale at Port Perry Nursing Hore, 15941 Simcor ¥ Street, from 10 AM to 4 PM. Clothing donations accepted 1 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th ¥ * Happy Valentine's Day 1 * Seniors' Regular meeting at the Latcham Centre, 2:00 PM * SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17th LN Big Brothers / Big Sisters 'Bowl for Millions' at Centennial Lanes, Port Perry. Celebrity day featuring Local Dignitaries. § Goal $40,000. Lots of prizes. More info. call 985-0585 ® * Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 8:00 PM § * Cartwright Minor Ball Assoc. registration at Blackstock Arena 8:AM to 12 noon. Softball, hardball, youth lob ball, 4 to 19 yrs MONTH-LONG EVENTS * Port Perry Seniors' Activities at Latcham Centre Every Monday & Friday - 9:30 AM Seniors' Exercise; 11:00 AM Seniors' Line Dancing Every Monday - 1:00 PM Seniors' Shuffleboard Every Wednesday - 12:30 PM Seniors' Choir Practice * Is someone's drinking bothering you? Alanon meets 8 PM, Monday & Tuesday Nights at Port Perry United Church * No. 41 Port Perry Ligh School Cadet Corps meets every Wednesday Night, 7:00 PM at Port Perry High School. * Port Perry Fiddle Club Dance & Jam Session every 4th Wednesday 7 PM, Scugog Community Centre. Fiddlers, Pickers, Dancers, Public Welcome. Adm. $2. Call 985-7557. * 'Refiactions' Ladies Group meets 9:30 AM, at Emmanuel Pentecostal Church for coffee, crafts, friends. All welcome. * TOPS (Take Of Pounds Sensibly) every Tuesday 7 PM at Anglican Church Hall. New members welcome. 985-0535. * Scugog Duplicate Bridge Club meets Wednesdays at Prince Albert Community Centre at 1:00 PM and 7:30 PM. New members welcome. Info call 986-0767 or 985-2204 * Weekly Thursday Euchres,.Prince Albert Community Centre starting 8 PM. $1.50 ission. Prizes, light refresh * Come and learn how to develop communications skills. Join us at ITC (I Training in Commu tion) the second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM at the Borelia Co-op Hall, Port Perry. Info. call 985-4048 * Scugog Optimist Club meets every Wed. 7:30 to 9:30 PM, Kinsmen Scout Hall. Anyone interested in our kids welcome "Support Groups for Alzheimer Families - Call 576-2567 * Bingo every Wednesday 7:00 PM at Catholic Church Hall. * Baha'i Faith - For automated information dial toll-free 1-800-433-3284. To call a local Baha'i 985-4582. * Durham Save-a-Life offers a variety of CPR Training Courses thruout the year. For further information call (905) 683-1041. * Parent Finders - Information call 905-404-9151 * tray of the Heart Study Group. Information 1-800-563-4398 * Break & Story Hour meets 9:30 AM every Thursday at Hope Christian Reformed Church. Information 986-4853. * Women's Support Group meets Thursday mornings 10 AM - 12 noon, in Port Perry. Info. call 985-8461 or 852-9560. * ies 'Re i at9:30 AM at E F Church, by arena. All welcome. Babysitting available. * Breastfeeding Support Group at Port Perry Hospital, drop in every Wednesday from 2 to 3 PM. * Kinark Child and Family Services is looking for volunteers in Durham Region Training provided. (905) 433-0386, ext, 308. * United Survivors Regional Outreach Program offers help for people affected by mental / emotional problems. For more info. call (905) 436-8882 - collect if necessary. * Line Dancing, Pt. Py. United Church Tues. 7:30 to 9:30 PM. * Lung Association, Durham Region offers help for smokers and those with chronic lung lems. Call 436-1046. * Parents & Tots meet every Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 to 11:30 AM at Fellowship Baptist Church, north of Little Britain * Durham Family Respite needs volunteers to enjoy time and friendship with special needs individuals. Info. call 427-3541. Spirit of Freedom Christian Intervention Program for the chemically dependent meets Wed. 6:30 at Oshawa United a Pentecostal Church, 700 Ritson Rd. N. 1-800-528-0070. § Literacy Council of Durham needs volunteers to teach adults a reading and writing skills. Full training provided. 434-5441. A] LE RE pap yu ung ura ss ag X by David S. Daniels The 19th century American evangelist, D.L. Moody was known for his quick wit. One evening, just as Moody was about to preach before a large audience; an usher handed him a slip of paper. Opening it, Moody saw one word scrawled across the page, "fool". As he stood to preach, he mentioned receiving the note with just the word "fool" written on it, saying, "I have often received letters withoug a signature, but tonight I have received a signature without the letter." Someone evidently did not care for Moody's preaching, and had chosen this way to show disdain. One of the hazards of living in a free society is the unavoidable presence of mutually 'exclusive worldviews. While we all cherish the liberties enjoyed in this country, those liberties inevitably lead to clashes when competing value systems collide. And being unable to force others to adopt our values, we are tempted to lash out against those with whom we disagree. This is not to say that all value systems are equally valid, for some values by which people «live are desirable even though they less "may be perfectly legal. For example, purchasing and using pornography is legal, but hardly beneficial to a wholesome view of women (or men for that matter). While abortion is legal in Canada, I believe it is terribly wrong, since it denies the dignity and sanctity of an unborn baby's life. Some differences are minor, and pose little difficulty for peaceful Ly If you see MAEGAN on January 30th, wish her a Happy 18th Birthday! Aqd by the way, JAMIE was 19 on December 24th. . Love - Mommy Dr. Kevin Dunkerley Dr. Lionel McTague GENERAL DENTISTRY for ADULTS & CHILDREN Dr. Robert Boyko ORTHODONTIST Dr. Nancy Baldan PERIODONTIST (We collect from Insurance Companies) 8 PAYMENT PLANS ARRANGED 8 SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT 462 PAXTON ST. [CYCEER (CT RL ERS EEL) ACCEPTED ® 8 EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE WHILE YOU SLEEP Genersi Ansesthesis Available By the Book coexistence. Personal * them into conflict with tastes in food, clothing and music reveal great diversity, yet present relatively few problems. One person likes classical music, another jazz or new country. My wife enjoys fresh "fruits and vegetables, whereas | could live on Big Macs. However, other differences are profoundly troubling, creating great conflict among those who disagree. Such issues as abortion, pornography, sexuality, euthanasia, genetic engineering, fetal tissue research, origins, religion and politics pose great challenges to harmony in democratic societies. These kinds of issues strike at the very heart of who we are as human beings. The views Canadians hold in these areas are sometimes mutually exclusive and irreconcilable. The perennial danger is that societies will fragment, disintegrating in their battles over which views will prevail. And Christians need to see their understanding of biblical truth often brings society at large, and so must learn to hold their convictions with grace and tolerance. t The Apostle James advised Christians living in cultures antagonistic to biblical values: "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires" (James 1:19.20). Living in a society founded upon principles of liberty and freedom for all, includes freedom to hold opposing views. Christians must speak out for truth, for moral justice, for integrity in public life. More importantly, Christians must themselves live with integrity. But in so doing, they must acknowledge that ultimate justice prevails when all creation stands before God. To remember this is to escape the temptation to lash out with anger and frustration at those with whom 'we disagree. Antique Show Due to overwhelming requests at our Annual Antique & Craft Show, we are now holding a separate Wellies (Ark ERs (4c (Hwy. 12 at Myrtle) (old YEAR {0 lV] |s) ror FRUITS & VEGETABLES (Wholesale & Retail) Antique only show. The 1st Annual Antigfie and Nostalgia Show takes place Saturday, February 3, 1996, from 10:00 to 5:00 and Sunday, February 4, 1996, from 10:00 to 4:00 The show, spondored by the Scugog Centre Advisory Board, features 30 dealers of Antiques only and takes place at the Scugog Centre Community Hall in Port Perry (located on Regional Road #8, Reach Street). The cost of admission is $2.50 per person (children under 12 free). All proceeds from this show are to go towards capital projects at the Scugog Centre Community Hall. For more information, call 905-985-8698. PERRY Opp, = Established 1952 - Independent Opticians Brock & Wendy Reville EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED Everyday Low Prices on Quality i Optical Products : SHOP & COMPARE ¥ Prescription Lab ¥ Large Frame Selection Cyq, 30 WATER ST PORT PERRY