J -- a -- Tuesday, February 37, 1996 -- 3 PZ 'Timely tips on how to better protect your home by Heather McCrae "A good burglar can clean you out in three minutes." This was the message delivered by Sergeant Paul Malik and Constable Pat Judges of Durham Police Community Services and Crime Prevention at a meeting on rural home break - ins recently. Statistics show burg- laries are a rising occur- rence. Each home, unless suitably secured, offers thieves an lopportunity for a break and enter, but there are ways to reduce the risk. First, check to make sure your windows and doors are secure. Ideally, all exterior doors and,their frames should be solid or Break and enters are increasing all the time. Sgt. "Paul Mallk-and Const. Pat Judges of the Durham Regional Police recently gaye tips on how to protect your home from a break-in. (see story) laminated wood core cons Sliding glass patio doors can be easily lifted out of their frames. Self - tapping scréws or a trim piece of wood installed in the track can prevent this hap- pening. Exterior doors and'" hinges on the outside will provide burglars with easy access to your home. All they have to do is remove the hinge pins apd lift the door out of its frame One way of preventing this is to install a set of non - removable pins or install a locking pin in the hinge plate. Check the shrubbery around your home. If it's . high enough to cover a window, that's enough to hide a burglar. All key - in - the - knob locks should be replaced with deadbolt locks on all erftrance doors. Windows provide little protection but nearly all types of windows can be pinned for tighter security. Basement windows can be reinforced with security bars. Alarms should be used in + addition to other security measures, not the only protection. , Burglars seldom steal valuable items for their own use; "they steal merchandise that can be easily sold for cash. F this reason identify ol valuables by engraving them with your licence plate. Never leave a message on your telephone answering machine that says, "sorry,we're not at home ..", 'but rather say, "I can't come to the phone right now but will be glad to call you back". " A nosy néighbour is also good security" Constable Judges said. "Get to know "your neighbours and their -routines" he said. Good neighbours can work together and look out for one another's interests. \ If any groups would like to hear more on safe- guarding your property, call the DRP and ask for Constable Judges at 579 - 1520, extension 1739: \ Stoleri truck torched Durham Police are trying to figure out how a van stolen in Oshawa wound up torched in a driveway on Scugog C 8. attempted to use the bill for a purchase at a Port Perry store. The clerk * became ici of the quality A police spokesman said the 1988 blue Chev Safari was found in the driveway when a man returned to his home about midnight. It had been torched some time between 6:30.and midnight that evening. The man told Police he hasino idea who torched the van or why it was left in his driveway. 'and refused to accept the bill, The customer took it to the Bank of Commerce where the manager determined that it wds a phony. The customer, who is hot a suspect, told police she has no idea how long she had the, bill. She shops in Port Perry and Oshawa: Pair face charges over-snowmobiles Durham Police have , charged an Uxbridge man and a Port Pérry youth in tion with the theft In anoger incident, Police jo 4 igating a break-in over the weekend at a residence at Portview Beach, Scugog Island. Police say entry was gained by breakingout a second floor window. Once inside, thieves helped themselves to several bottles of beer and then made off with numerous household items. _ Police say a $10 Odn. bill is counterfeit. A customer of snowmobiles. Police made the arrests last week after stopping a vehicle on Scugog Concession 12 that was pulling.a trailer with a snowmobile on it. A check of the machine revealed that it had been stolen in Scugog Township. Charged with possesion 'of stolen goods worth more than $5,000 'is Brian Lintner of Uxbridge. The 17 year old Port Perry youth cannot be identified because he is a Youthful Offender. Both are to appear in court on the charges i in April. De Cele Pat's ROAST BEEF HOAGIE 785-9155 A ¥ In order fo make room for all our' New Spring Merchandise, we're moving our Fall and Winter Fashions and Footwear UPSTAIRS - and selling them at AMAZING ' PRICES ... AO NO Sale Starts on Thursday 410] fle 18AVA | (VIal{LINIVIale [s1% March 10th f | ... when you Visit UPSTAIRS, you will receive a coupon ertfitling you to pay FT and NO PST, on all Brock's new Spring, Fashions & Footwear |. when shopping 2 DOWNSTAIRS}. « ' - BR@CIK'S Service, Quality and Style since 1881 168 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-2571 BR@® CK, i for Kids, S 178 QUEEN ST, PORT PERRY 985-8797 i Ppp x