We stood strong and in the eyes of our neighbours as we were kind and helping. Every day in school we stood before our flag and our Queen and gave our allegiance. This was a reminder to our youth of our great, heritage and' our forefathers who built and fought for this great country. As a Christian we gave thanks to God and thanked him in our prayers for such a country. That was then, now we are faced with a unity crisis where a minority of French Canadians who through years of brainwashing by militant traitors to this great land, wish to break representative in this Liberal government to the land up at all costs to change the Oath of the true Canadi citi hip for Canada And this Liberal dropping all reference to ' government who, not to offend this small minority, wish to appease the French by offerings that affect the rest of the great Canadian people. The point in issue is the appointment of a French our great Queen. The Queen of the commonwealth is still the Queen of Canada. She represents longevity, stability, freedom, pride and honour. She is part of Canadian history and its 2,4D still recommended for use . To the Editor: I am writing with regards to an article in last week's paper. The article was entitled "Local organic farmers tell their story". Although the article was correct in stating that 2,4D is one of the components in the war time defoliant Agent Orange, it may have caused people to believe that 2,4D is hazardous. Agent Orange was a 50/50 ratio of 2,4D and 2,4-6T. In the article, it was mentioned that the Ministry of Agriculture had encouraged them (Bill and Penny Reid) to Will miss her To the Editor: . While away at University I read a disturbing article in the weekly newspaper. The paper is sent every week by my parents in order to keep me informed with all the activities occurring in Port Perry. Usually, I look forward to receiving the paper, however I was sadly aldrmed in reading about the fassing of Carolyn Best. Already mentioned several times I'm sure, I would like to take the opportunity in saying that Carolyn Best was a wonderful Lady for the community and especially for Minor Ball. 80 on behalf of the guys on the usp a chemical called 2,4D to assist in growing grain. It also stated that 24D was a component in Agent Orange and was revealed by the Toronto Star last year to be continuing to cause birth defects in Vietnam 20 years later. This statement was somewhat misleading as the component in Agent Orange causing birth defects is not 2,4D but the other active ingredient 2,4,5T. In fact, 2,4D is still recommended by the Ministry of the Environment to control broadleaf weeds. The Ministry of "the Environment and Energy states "2,4D has been in since 1947 and no serious adverse effects have been in man.", Although I may be defending the use of 2,4D, I feel that the future of our planet and our future generations will rely on the phasing out of chemical products as new biological controls become available. The pressure is on the major chemical producers to these new products, but like all research and development it takes time and money to find the answers. M.J. Anderson + Ashburn, Ont, TE Tee Te TE EE Te Te Ee Ee ELE EL LE ee EL EEL PORT PERRY WADO KAI An 5 RATES: Ages éio 11 Ages 128 Up \ Mem $80. $60. Compare Our Rates 1 Month 3 Months - 6 Months KARATE ' "A Established 1974 'The Best Choice' Learn Traditional Jopanese Karate Emphasis on Fitness, Concentration, Co-ordination, Self-defence, Confidence & Respect. AGES 6 fo ADULT SUNDAYS & TUESDAYS 7 to 8:3@ PM Limited Envoliment Now Avaliable. 12 Months $376. $200. $448. $138. $230. bership Privileges extend to over 30 affliated Wado Kal Clubs. Al Classes taught by Internationally recognized Black Belts. » & FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASSES TUESDAY, MARCH 5th at 7 PRA. FAMILY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE No Conivacts. structural strength. She represents our laws and our freedoms and all that is good. The bleeding hearts and the socialists forget the real people of this country and seem to sway to.those special interest groups that do not want to abide by the Canadian rules and way of life. T can not see why it is so important that we make these changes for new Canadians. * This country will always have some form of ties #Vith Great Britain and those who choose to live in this country are well aware of this fact. Those persons who do not choose to be a part of Canada, will not change thei minds for the simple restructuring of the Oath by dropping all references to the Queen. This saddens me to know TTT = Tol Far FLT 7 We must respect traditions of the Monarchy To The Editor: 1 was once proud to be a Canadian, this great land of rights and freedoms, It was the envy of the world. of all the tax dollars that have been wasted in the process of the change of the oath and this attack on a great lady, the Queen. For this reason I wish that our elected representatives of government respect the historical foundation of this great country before we have nothing to be proud to pass on to generations forthcoming. Lets keep what is good and that Which makes us proud, not destroy it for a mere few. D. Glazier, 8cugog Township Par KI Dele Fnday Special Home-made \Y [eYeli Lasagna f I GO-FER IT! SAME DAY SERVICE (Call by 11 AM ) Serving Cobourg to Hamilton Call for Rates & Schedule GO-FER COURIER SERVICE | PORT PERRY (905) 985-2573 f REPAIRS DONE on PREMISES | 186 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY (905) 985-2953 1 Junior Fastball team, thank you Qarolyn for all your contributions to the Todd Smart, Scugog The name, value and excellent products that Port Perry has for 8 years, 52 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY SUNDAY, MARCH 3rd LATCHAM at'the Lake, Port Perry - PRE-REGISTRATION and INFORMATION 985-9167 or 986-5071. reece) CLLLELLLLLL LLL ELL LEE LL LEE LEGG LE rrr reer rrr rrr reer rrr rrr ee GREAT DEALS on GREAT WHEELS USED CAR Ly ad {ed | RH 1992 CHEVROLET LUMINA SUNBIRD LE COURE . 19 OLDSMOBILE '98 ... BUICK REGAL LTD. BUICK REGAL CUSTOM ... Many more to Over 60 Used Units In Stock. © Velvet Pastel Celing Latex . ae $14.23 .378L trom $23.99 3781. fiom $19.99 BONNEVILLE SE... GRAND Am SE COUPE. 19904 BUICK ROADMASTER BUICK LeSABRE ..". BUICK REGAL GS. PONTIAC GRAND PR PONTIAC GRAND Am CAVALIER COUPE ..... 1903 BONNEVILLE SSF'. UICK REGAL GS .. AVALIER CONVERTIBLE BUICK REGAL CUSTOM SUNBIRD SE COUPE SUNBIRD LE, 4 door ...... , Vinyl Flooring. Take advantage of her 15 years of Decorating Experience, A 'COLOR YOUR WORLD' GIFT CERTIFICATE « makes a great GIfti _ SMILES ave FREE! Open Monday fo Thursday 9 fo 6; Friday 9 fo 9; Saturday 910 6. 52 Water St., Port Perry | 985-8221 WE RE OPEN SATURDAYS!