uw 6-- pe Cee Tesla Apr 08 X GM vehicle sales off slightly in March : March was a mixed month for General Motors Canada as total sales of new vehicles slipped four per cent over the same month a year ago Figures released from ' Oshawa on April 1 show a total of 82,8056 new vehicles delivered in March across the country. Truck sales climbed 2.8 per cent to 14,319 units, while passenger car sales fell 8.6 per cent to 18,486 ° units. Despite the combined slip in overall sales, GM vice president of marketing Tom Mason said sales through the first quarter of 1996 are "close to our forecast with combined sales up 3.3 per' ITC awards winner If you see Leanne Lang of Blackstock copgratulate her, on two recent achievements. After winning the local ITC Club Speech Contest, Leanne represented Port Perry at the Council Contest on March 22nd in North York. On that occasion She was presented with 2 writing contest awards. The first was in the fiction category and second for her poetry entry. This is significant accomplishment as Council 'HAUGEN'S _#, CHICKEN BBQ (Hwy. 12 at 7A Manchester) is proud to offer an EASTER SUNDAY Breakfast Buffet { SUNDAY, APRIL 7th. 9 AM to 1 PM 74 includes beverage EQCIETREPEE 'B -- Buffet date is June 16th, Father's Day) ; Ty TD R.C.L. BRANCH 419 EX SERVICEMEN DINNER & DANCE at the Legion Hall SATURDAY, APRIL 13th Cocktails 5:30 PM Dinner 7 PM 9 PM to 1 AM Dance to the sounds of DEBBIE DRUMMOND Admission $5. ea. Veterans & Guests $12. Non-Veterans Forinformation call 985-8502 Yr rr rr Fa NOW OPEN KUT 'N' KURL y Hairstyling 'Pleasing You Pleases Us!' Introducing our courteous staff ... rnin SPECIAL reuinscussve 39,95. 115 PERRY ST., PORT PERRY 2nd LOCATION 2985-3597 OPEN: Monday fo Wednesday 9 fo 5; Thursday & Friday 9 tq 7; Saturday 9 to 4. Appointments not always necessary Seniors' Discounts Monday, Tuesday, Wed. v II of ITC covers'a wide area, from Metro Toronto East to Ottawa. Club members are extremely proud of Leanne. Tc (International Training in Communication) is a non- profit organization. Anyone interested in learning more about ITC can all Ruth'at 985.9126. Citizen cent compared to last year. "Truck sales ead the advance, up 5.6 per cent with car sales up 1.3 per cent for the three month period," said Mason. So far in 1996, GM Canada has sold 88,129 vehicles, compared with 85,349 during the first three months of 1995. Car 'Sales stand at 50,738 units and truck sales are at 317,391, he noted. Sales of the Chev Tahoe and GMC Yukon sport utilities continued to be strong in March, posting a Trans Sport this week at the New York Auto Show, and our completely re- designed full size vans, the Chey Express and GMC Savana now arriving.at' our dealers, we expect | i consumer enthusiasm for. GM 'trucks to remain strong," said Mason. 73 per cent increase over the same month'in 1995. And the sales of the Olds 88 was up 33 per cent. "With the debut of our new minivans, the Chev Ventura and Pontiac closed Good Friday The buginess office of the Scugog Citizen will be closed April 5 for Good Friday. Our office will be' open again on Saturday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and on Easter Monday fdr normal business hours. There will be no disruption to the normal printing and distribution, schedules of the Citizens because of Easter Weekend. At this time, all of us at the Scugog Citizen wish to take this opportunity to extend best wishes to our valued readers and customers for a safe, thoughtful and enjoyable Easter Weekegd. i] pr J ua! ° HOME BASED BUSINESS SHOW - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Frée Admission % Door Prizes 4 Show Specials Networking 4 Exciting Business Opportunities Thursday, April 11, 1996 * 6:00 pm Scugog Community Centre, Reach St., Port Perry Home Based Entrepreneurs provide Lwide rang&of products and services. Come and see the contribution N\ they make to the community & the local ep \ 9:00 pm 4 # IN'FINE DINING # Easter Specials! From 11 AM fo 10 PM GOOD FRIDAY 20% OFF Fllet of Sole Bemaise Filet of Sole Marseille Fllet of Sole Italian Style Breaded Filet of Sole Fish Hungarian Style * SATURDAY 20% OFF Lamb Steak Marengo Chicken Italian Style / Shashlik Armenian Style 56 Water Street Reservations please call i 985-3232 Scugog Cancer Soclety volunteers Eric Mair and Jill Bates were busy last Friday selling daffodils to kick off the month-long fund-raising drive in the township. During the month of April, volunteers * will be going door to door to raise money for the Cancer Society. Give generously. Fo 6000 SQ.FT, of SHOWROOM Furniture, Appliances, TV, VCR and more! UNITED CARPET OVER 2000°'SAMPLES® Largest Carpet Selection In Scugog Township and a member of the largest carpet buying group in-Canada: All at Guaranteed Low Prices! FAMOUS Levolore 74 BLINDS BW VERTICALS BW VENETIANS W PLEATED SHADES HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Carnegie HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157 zs, Free Delivery ® Installation W Easy Credit Terms ud (ofe=o{=To] THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 6th - 8 PM NESTLETON HALL Comedy, Dance Cold Buffet and Door Prizes Tickets $14.00 each - Available at Sunnyside Market in Caesarea or call Ron at 986-0801 ~~