IN Sa [y - wy 24 Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, April 9, 1996 4 re -- presents a sale of , CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, TOYS, SHOES, BIKES, etc. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH 1710 Scugog Street, Port Perry -SATURDAY, APRIL 27th, 1996 8:30 AM to 200 PM I FOLK ART CLASSES Open House & + Registration FRI, APRIL 12th 4PM to 7PM SAT, APRIL 13th 10 AM to 2PM Beginners Experienced Painters hb} LESSONS & SUPPLIES Call LESLIE at ; 985-0546 'My Country Bungalow' 10521 Old Simcoe Rd., ) Port Perry BLOOD DONOR CLINIC &"" 'Next¥ate to be announced. from 1 10.8 PM, Masonic Hall in Port Perry. Info. call 985-8007 Pid dine contributed 177 units. HUNGRY! Ontario's Food Banks believe that no one should go hui ina *~ province as wealthy'as irs. For - more information about hunger and food banks or how you can help, please call 1-800-621-5613 In Port Perry non-perishable food donations may be made at IGA SATURDAY, APRIL 13th " B\AM 10 5 PM at 2320 Reader Rd Household goods, elc. TRAYNOR . Ken and Carol would like to express aur heartfelt thanks to all, who were at our surprise party in' honour of ouf 25th Wedding Anniversary and for all the best wishes, cards and gjfis received A special thank. you lo our children Rachel and Simon,-also Tim, Ross and Carolyn for such a great surprise - which it t truly w was. Ther Scugog-Toy Lending Library es lo thank Ken Koury and staff at Nuts About Chocolate for their help and support in our Easter i event. Without Find out what STROLOGY & THE STARS say about # Your Health, Strengths and Challenges; + Finances, Compatibility and Your Successes; + Your Lucly-Times of the Year as well as your Numbers. > NATAL CHARTS & FORECASTS DAVID BISHOP (905) 985-4482 Ken's generosity it wouldn't have been such a great successr Thanks again. Also, thank you to * Hol all those who supported the Toy Library in Wis fundraiser. The family of the late John Rutledge would like to exprass our sincere thanks to the Little Britain Fire 'Department, the Lindsay, OPP and Lindsay Ambu- lance Crew- at the time of the accident. A special thanks to Rev. O'Neill and to Mackey Funeral Home. Also to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their thoughtfulness and support at the time of our need. - Ethel Rutledge and family DOWSON, John Arthur In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather and great grandfather who passed away April 9th, 1993. Always a smile instead of a frown. Always a hand when one was down. Always true, thoughtful and kind. Wonderful memories he left behind. Loving remembered - 'by his family. 5h AT REST |. HAINES, Dorothy Aftdr a'short lines Fila April 5, 1998 at the Community Memorial Hospital in Port Parry, at age 81 Dorothy (nee Ames), beloved wile of Reg Haines of Port Perry. Loved mother gf Edna -and her husband Edward De Jong of Havelock, Adrian and his wife Phyllis of Tyrone, Marion and her husband James Dicks of Wilmot, N.S., Kéith and his wife Edna o Havelock, Aylwin CHARACTER CAKES - fon as, Sports, ete. p Cakes. Soc ph 985-3679 3 , CYLINDER HEADS : "Stock or Performance Complete Engine Rebuiding, Allemalor & Starter Service. BFE Performance 985-8790 his wife Brenda of Seagrave, nd Colin and _ his le Cheryl of Caesarea. Do will also be missed by her/15 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren and she, was predeceased by her Leanne Hainas BELL, Graham Passed away at Uxbridge Cottage' pita) on Tuesday, pril 2nd, Graham of Greenbank, bang husband of Margaret, father of Fergus, Sheenagh, Rory and Elspeth. Loved son-in-law, brother -in-law 'uhcle and cousin. Friends called at Low and Low Funeral , 1763 Reach Rd. (905) 9857331, Wednesday, April 3rd. ' from 2 to 4 and 7 to,.9 PM Funeral service held in the chapel Thursday at 1 PM. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadiafi Cancer Society or the Toronto Humane Society. KEUNING, Peter Loved life and fought poditively until he lost his battle with cancer on April 3rd, 1996. He died peacefully at home with his far at Shi. bedside. Born in Holland in She is survived by her sisters Mary, Joyce, Beryl and Di in the UK. and her brother George Ames and his wife Helen of Toronto and their families Relatives and friends were received at Waog Funeral Home, McDermott-Panabaker Chapel, 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (985-2171) on Sunday from 310 5 and 7 to 9 PM. A funeral service was held in the chapel on Monday, April 8th at 1:30 PM with Reverend John Griffen officiating. United NEW & USED WOOD STOVES ' Call 985- 778, NEW & USED TIRES Hol 170 Casimir Street, Port Perry Call 905-985-8054 Construction Hardwood, Slab Bundles, $30. Softwood - Hardwood - $10 Bob Kyte 986-5200 : JENKINS * Business Equipment Fax Machines, Cash Registers, Copiers, Typewrilers. Sales - Rentals - Supplies Service / Contracts Since 1962 35 King Street East, Oshawa 728-7591 or 985-9783 Church Cemelery in the spring. If desired memorial donalions may be made to the Community Memorial Hospital Foundation or the ay of your choice. 1928, he lived in and Nort Carolina. He is survived by his Brenda Haines; bmn | will rent out for all your MOVING NEEDS - Packing Material, Boxes, Fumiture Pads, Dollies, Fridge Carts, Walk Boards, Piano Skids & Trunks. (905) 985-3761 ® HUTCHINGS Martin and Anne of Port Perry are thrilled to announce the arrival of their son, L EDMUND HARRY on March 29th, 1996 at 6:17 am, weighing 6 Ibs. Proud grandparents are Agnes brothers Jacob, Jan and Gerrit, sisters Tiny and Alie, all of Holland; son Cordell (Pete) and Son, Solina; daughters Kathy, ium, and Annette and family, Nova Scotia. He will also be missed by six grandchildren, Anthony Haines and Annetle Munroe 'of Janelville. He was predeceased by his former wife Bernadeite, and a son George. Funeral service was held Easiar Sunday, April 7th at Low and Low Funeral Home, Port Perry. Pastor Robert Sharpe of London and Cri and Shirley Hutchings of Utica. Delighted great grand-mothers are Lizette LeBoutillier and Sidney Hulchings of Haliburton. while his wife Caroline, sang a solo. Donations may be to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Salvation Amy. Interment will follow later at. North Nestieton Cemetery. ) NOTICE. | # -TRAVELLIN' WILBUR'S Music for All Occasions. LaserKaraoke, Disc Jockey, LOSE .» PEARCE "PERM SPECIAL - 10 serve by letier to the 'Secretary' INCOME TAX ' PROBLENISA LET us HELP! ' Reasongble Rates. 3 Call Betty or Dianne "~~ + | 985-9077 » uy Me KARATE CLUB w Self Defense - - Weight Control * «' Stress Reduction w Confidence Low Monthly Dues NO CONTRACTS * Children and Adults Tuesday & Thursday Evenings Affiliated with (plus bottle deposit) Cooler Rentals and Sales. We now sell Water Softener Salt - deliver, PORT PERRY DIAL a JUG 178 Reach Rd., Unit C 985-7873 CARPET MILL DISTRIBUTORS 12 Months No Payments, No Iplerest. 3 Rooms (30sq.yds) LeATHERET TE RECLINER - $250. Gun hpi with light, : like new - $250. Rotary Hot Dog & Sausage Machine ($600. new) - $250. , + Call 945-1896 GLEANER F DJESEL COMBINE 15 ft. Grain / Say head, 4 row com head, pickup head, header parts. FIREWOOD All hardwood, cut & split 16", also _ firgwood logs. Call 985-3361 "soli OAK & PINE FURNITURE Buy direct from one of Ontario's largest manufacturers and watch your fumiture being made before your eyes. Complete line of Room Tablas, Chairs, * ffets & Hulches, Kitchen Tables & Chairs. All solid. No Veneer. Finished in your choice of stain. TRADITIONAL WOODWORKING of the Annual Meeting. Members eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting are Life Membets and those individuals who have purchased their annual membership forty-five (45) days preceding the date No person shall be nominated at the Annual Meeting for. lection to the office of Governor, whose name has not be submitted to the Secretary of the Board in writing, signed by two qualified members of the Corporation, at least forty- five days before the date of the Annual Meeting. David A. Brown, Secretary-Treasurer Every member of the Auxiliary of the Community Memorial oon Hospital who holds a, currently valid membership in the Hospital Auxiliary' shall be a member of the Hospital Corporation, and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. « Board of Govérnors Package or will sell separatel Straw, square bales. 986- 7 SAND, GRAVEL, LIN LIMESTONE Rosman os Pickup or Delvered, Any qua Shepstone aes 985- 7282 "HAY for SALE . Small squares - 2nd and 3rd cut. Gogpd quality. $1.60. 655-3925. FUSCHIA CHESTERFIELD with malching chair in excellent condition. 985-8106 MOVING SALE Modern blue overstuffed loveseat wood and brass trim - $225. Newer, Citizen microwave - $125. ~ Deluxe microwave stand - $75. Call 985-9649 ADER Uj y Saale, Pintle Apron, good, . 2 wihoe land Windrow Tumer, 2 heel Inland Tractor, 6 cylinder = deisel, 9 Tooth Coil Shank heavy- duty Cultivator, AC 13' - 18° Disc, AC 72 Combine, Straw Spreader, Auger Feed 5 Sieve, Set extra cylinder bars. Best offer. FIREWOOD | hardwood, cut and spiit - $160. a bush cord, uw. Square bales of hay and $1.00 por bale, you pv Ci fter 6 PM -4494, Singing Duat. + Mon-Tues-Wed. Only (905) 965-6774 eee. ig A AUCTION SERVICE $39. o5 115 North Port Rd., , Port Perry Yedas Saran Wilbur Moving Anywhere in the includes cut & style. rr 1958) 3s 481 im rad Onto os | | Call 985-3597 New Windows in Stock. Shocaly curator For information phone or fax KUT 'n' KURL I plan an Bayer i sions. HEAL HSTYLE (905) 655-8073 Family Hairstyling available from X call lacs S05 5032 ~ ~ Way!" Clean, Courteous Service 115 Perry St., Port Perry A " KAREN E. HUNT, C.PE. | no meal . Rd. 8. Call 985-3747. i Electrolysis, «+ = personal menu plan T - Permanent Har Removal, one 10 one counsel : NORTH DURHAM APPLIANCES Mormoor of no += proven weight is NOTICE of ANNUAL MEETING Major Appliances Call ons. 1271 TC ere Sir Call Deb Today! COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Soh Eros 1-000-085-1571 rolession; ERR ied . Call (905) 985.9085 ' 985-9372 \ Port Perry + 1BM PERSONAL RE he ot ar ae COMPUTERS ~ WEDDING VIDEO! ~ Losing Weight MONDAY, JUNE 17th, 1996 at 7:30 PM Now - Uged. RE shel have vast In the Hosphtal Education Resource Centre "For AACE Call StarTrax at (605) 663-9922 anarm and a leg : BM Dealer T The Annual Meeting shall, in accordance with the By-laws, Aan fio) ooo 53% in Mesh A he : receive the reports of the committees, r the report of + N management of our museum? BLACKSTOCK the auditors, elect Govewnors, and sh nsider such Apply to serve the b other business as properly comes before the meeting. | April 10th. Signify you PORT PERRY BRINTING i now has \ ' CUSTOMIZED ; COMPUTER FORMS at competitive prices. Call us today for your quote =. 2985-9755 P port parry prin ting 200 NORTH STREET hs * \ i 5