$i : Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, April 9, 1996-- 27 PP Eagles fastball team packs it in this season For the first time in memory, there will be no mens fastball team in Port Perry this summer. The Antrim Eagles have dropped out of the Oshawa and City District League. Team spokesman and veteran Eagle player Todd Wilbur told the Citizen the decision was a very difficult one, but it was a question of not being able to field enough players, Everyorfe associate Sith the team is reatly going to miss the games and especially the camaraderie, he said. . A couple of playerg opted to sign on with Oshawa teams for the coming season, dnd two of the pitchers, John Annis and Lawrie Williams are both over 40 years of ege. But what really hurt the . team, was the OASA decision to raise the Junior age to 23. There are a lot of outstanding young players in Port' Perry who have matured through the minor system who woul be moving to senior teams like the Eagles. However, with the Junior age now at 23, they are staying together as a Junior team rather than PORT PERRY & DISTRICT MINOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION playing at the intermediate leve]. Wilbur said that several players includi Pilkey are thinking about signing on with. Uxbridge in the York-Durham fastball loop for "the coming season. And the Eaglks are also thinking of entering the newly announced Masters Divisien for OASA playdowns. In the Masters, pitchers must be over 40 years of age and all other players over 30. . The Eagles have enjoyed a fine history in Port Perry over the last couple of decades, providing fans Dave Dickson and Larry . with many memorable . fastball moments in tournaments and regular league games. The = team's finest moment came in the fall of 1991 when it captured the OASA (Ontario) Intermediate C title in a spell-binding tournament in Bracebridge that literally came down to the final pitch before a winner was decided. The demise of the Eagles does not mean Port Perry and areg fastball fans will be deprived of their favourite sport this summer. There will be plenty of exciting action on the diamonds as both the Greenbank Gamblers and the Port Perry Juniors are entered in the Oshawa City and District League with the Juniors playing their homes games at the lakefront diamonds and the Gamblers at their homaet park at Ianson Park in Greenbank. Even though the Eagles won't put a team on the field, Wilbur said the players rib to continue to work on| fund:raising ventures and to play a lot of golf together. + House League Coaches' Clinic. & Meeting TUESDAY, APRIL 16th at 7:00 PM New Scugog Community Centre Hall For further infgmation confact Dave Dalton 985-3838 PORT PRARY 3 DISTRICT PORT PERRY JUVENILES rm mp---- on winning the Evaluations Scheduling ALL-ONTARIO 7.\ MITES (bo 5 I, si CHAMPIONSHIP 1995-96 |. SQUIRTS (born 1984 85) . Thursday, April 18th - 6:30 PM at South Lakefront PLAYERS - PEEWEES (born 1982-83) Mike Pashley Tuesday, April 16th - 6:30 PM at South Lakefront Jamie Lowe BANTAMS (born 1980-81) Joe Broadworth Monday, April 15th - 6:30 PM at North Lakefront Steve Stiles MIDGET BOYS (born 1977-79) : a cam Thursday, April 18th - 6:30 PM at North Lakefront fei MIDGET GIRLS (born 1977-79) Chad Garvock Wednesday, April 17th - 6:30 PM at North Lakefront Greg Thompson JUNIOR MEN - Sunday, April 21st Mat Hebe Gord Bentley John Hall lan McCready . . Mike Leeming ORT STATS| A ol Mark Thornton . Steve Desautels > Eric Hudson Valley National Eight Ball Association an) Jamie Menzies Port Perry and Uxbridge Pool League Trainor - week ending April 2 Scott Menzies - TOTAL Piso Microw Stove Hellrai 4635 General Manager ' A shamshooters 4,387 David Menzies an 4,383 Ny Serer 4% Congratulations from the community and the following businesses ... , Port Perry Dart League : week anding March 6 DAVID'S HAIRSTYLING SCUGOG i AIR Toor wo 257 Queen Street, Port Perry {i OVERHEAD DOORS Crandells C "noe 1 1 eo 4 985-7101 or 985-7102 Port Perry 985-3735 . a Arrows 1" 7 2 2 87 2 m1 1 AE or EAN JOE'S PIZZERIA VAN CAMP Crandells 5 2 6 Sparking Spurz moa os 1 eo 7 PORT PERRY 985-3700 CONTRACTING vA nips os BROOKLIN 655-4008 Port Perry 985-8469 ian Tri 3 Comonnial -- ERT : : 44 n " Bry a a Rick Trotter Excavating NORTON AANE; apt WL T Tot" Pra. 910 Scugog Line 12 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Legion AWOLS noe 2 3 eg Phone 852:5701 Port Perry 985-8187 Lo Lally EE ArimB "ne 3 2 7 3 . CCE I 4 Taylor Ford Mercury § Trader Sam's Restaurant Crandells D Hoe 34 8 Hwy. 7A West - Port Perry 1888 Scugog Street, Port Perry has HES WS 985-3655 or 985-4451 985-9955 or 985-8755 Winchester Farm Team "nm 3 6 2 564" ' 8 Traders Terminators 1" 2 6 3 50 9 Traders A 1" 2 8 1 40 10 #