=" Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, April 9, 1996-- 29 A Final sign-up for Nestleton hardball players Just a reminder that the final registration Nestleton Hardball will held this Thursday night from 7-9pm in the hall just outside the CCPS gymnasium. Winter ball and umpire clinics will be taking place in the gym, should you like to observe. The team lists must be in to the affiliated for | CANNR DO (T MR. FIX IT... | CANNA CHANGE. THE LAWS OF leagues by April 15th. The hardball programme is open to players ages 9-20 "ears. The Mosquito and Peewee divisions will be playing in affiliation with the Scugog Baseball Association, with home games played in Blackstock of Nestleton and away games in Port Perry. Rep ball will: again be available to interested players in these divisions. The Bantam, Midget and Juvenile divisions will be playing in affiliation with the Victoria/Brock League with home games played in Nestleton and Blackstock, and away games played in Victoria/Brock; the bulk of which will be played in Lindsay. Players in these divisions had expressed a desire, for more competition. *The Victoria/Brock league will provide that for them, based on 10-12 teams per division in Bantam and Midget and 4-6 teams in the newly formed. Juvenile division. If you can't make if Thursday night, registration forms are available at Pineridge Sports or by calling: Kevin Balser 986-4954; Dale McClurg 986-5196; Rick Boccaccio 986-0508; John Ellis 986-0934. Remember, it is imperative that we have the final team lists ready by April 15th. By NATURE. ! (T CANNA BE DONE! IT'S "Your advertisement in the Scugog Citizen reaches 13,500 homes and businesses covering the communities and rural routes of Port Perry, Prince Albert, Blackstock, Caesarea, Nestleton, Janetville, Seagrave, Greenbank, Little Britain, Ashburn, Sunderland, with partial coverage of Manilla, Uxbridge, Oshawa and Brooklin ... (a possible readership of over 30,000). IF you WENT RESULTS ... YOU NEED THE CITIZEN [| Electrical Contractors | Custom Homes Consultations Blue Prints Desien DraFTING Quality Drawings at ' RICO FENECH (905) 985-1729 HOME PLANNING | Design Service Blueprints for Building Permits * Custom Homes e Additions + Barns Concept Drawings * Specializing in Engineered Complete Soraced the way, pur year-round, on- going fundraiser is the Nestleton Bingo held every ° other Friday night at the Nestleton Community Centre. The next Bingo is April 19th, beginning at 7pm. In the'months of July and August, Bingo will be held every Friday night Te at 7pm, Spring Tol \ATR TET) Time to advertise your services in The Citizen Service Directory. Call 985-6397 for seasonal rates. =r <> ici = ls iy f1 ¥ Restyling of 4 So tng choparies Custom Window Treatments &Home Accessories = M3) Sm - WM Sklar-Peppler Dealer * HM Quality Fabrics MW Replacement Foam H Repairs FREE ESTIMATES OVER 25 YRS. EXP. Recover or Buy New Proprietor: DAVE WALKER TARTAN UPHOLSTERY | & DRAPERY SERVICE COME VISIT OUR SHOWROOM DINAH WILSON 1-800-776-5311 Call for FREE In-Home Estimate, 50 VANEDWARD DRIVE Unit 8, PORT PERRY INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL 4 Edinborough Avenue (905) 985-2917 © Water Softeners Port Perry, Ont. 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