Scugog Citizen -- Tolesday, April 9, 1996-- 3 Easter Food Bank drive falls short of target The: Operation No - Easter food drive has short. of _Ann fallen well expected totals. Wanninkhof, volunteer co-ordinator with the Food Bank was at a loss to explain why public Ld Children at the Anglican Church of the Ascension celebrated Easter with a short walk on Good Friday that ended with a symbolic raising of the cfoss on the church prgperty. There were also hymns, prayers and scripture reading. donations of food tailed off sharply. "Maybe it's the economy," she said with a shrug of the shoulders at the drop- off in Hall 1 ofthe Port Perry Fire Department. She said donations are down considerably over the last food drive held at; Thanksgiving. Usually, the three day drive results in"many boxes of food piled high ih the fire hall. However, over the weekend, most of the boxes were only partially filled with food. _ Mrs.Wanninkhof said the results are disappointing to the volunteers with the Food Bank, but there are enough stocks to continue Vandals strike stores, Durham Police report several cased of mischief in Scugog Township recently. During the night of April 5, a rock was tossed through the glass front door at Kellett Variety on Perry Street. On Sunday night, Police say a rock was thrown through the front door at the Daisymart variety store on Scugog Street in Blackstock. té provide food on a regular basis for the more than 25 families and individuals who rely on this servige. She said she is hopeful their drives well under target. While "the number of people using the Operation Scugog Food Bank service remains relatively small, increase on a regular basis. Donatidns can still be made at the drop box in the IGA or at the Food Bank in the basement of the Kinsmen Hall in Port that the public will continue to donate food in the permanent drop-box set up at the Port Perry IGA Store on Queen Street. And she said there are no plans to extend the Easter Food Drive in Scugog Township. Scugog was not the only area reporting a decline in food donations this Easter. Food Banks in Toronto and other centres in southern ' Ontario noted a marked drop in donations, putting those numbers continue to Perry. school Police also report that ' four portable classrooms at the Cartwright Public School in Blackstock had windows smashed out some time Saturday night. The portables were entered and grafitti was spray painted on the chalk- boards. Damage wds Ijmited to the broked windows and the cost of cleaning up the crear Ty Oshawa.. ad in Bh: pA I > i a LL) JACKETS, JACKETS, JACKETS! | SAVE 25% Darren Hamelinck, 14, a grade nine student at Durham Christian High School, worked as a Food Bank volunteer as part of his "Service Week" study requirements. He also worked at the ' nursing home and a shelter for the homeless In TOS TT on our on our entire 8 selection selection of EJ] \ ofMen's* Infant & Children's || eg & Women's SPRING files (1) SPRING | OUTERWEAR = yy | OUTERWEAR | * Rainwear = & * Windsuits ) %* Jackets fT) WI N DSU ITS * Girls' Dress Coats 10 * excludes Gant, Chaps & Leather From i! Jackets - a 16% Discount will apply, \_ Infant to Size 14 aw } LC or TW KI] Plus: Many More In-store Specia Is! || Sale ends Sunday, April 21st | = ; ih 1S: BR@C K SS BR@CK'S 178 QUEEN ST, il - os PERRY | am) (Service, Quality and Style since 1881 : FORT av 168 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-2521 for ; Ki 985-8797 a : - NX Be]