\ » i Ld <n " .Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, April 16, 1996-- 27 Ride safely -_ your bicycle Although spring is already here (according to the calendar) the rpal first sign of the season comes under the malady of "spring fever" - when peopleltake their bicycles out of cold storage and ready them for the road. But before you or yayr loved ones turn a pedal, the Ontario Safety League's Policy Committee has some sound advice: "The most important safety device for all cyclists, regardless of age, is a properly- fitted and properly-worn approved helmet." * Last fall, the committee set out to work on a comprehensive policy on bicycle safety, recognizing that cycling continues to grow in popularity in Ontario, both for recreation and a8 a means of transportation. About the same time, the provincial government made it law that anyone under the age of 6 years is required to Wear the injury prevention and sometimes . life-saving device. In addition to everyone wearing a helmet and complying with all required safety equipment, the committee recommends all cyclists receive training on how to ride a bicycle and full knowledge about the rules of the road. Programs are available at many bicycle clubs and associations. When such programs are not' offered, it is the parent's or guardian's responsibility to ensure new cyclists, particularly young ones, are taught how to ride a bicycle safely. In addition, children should not be permitted to cycle at night. As well, OSL's committee reminds riders .that all safety equipment, mandated in the Highway Traffic Act, such as lights, bells,« reflectorized-«tape and brakes are required for all bicycles and. must be maintained throughout the machine's life. By law, bicycles are vehicles, réquired to be driven on roads. However, inexperienced cyclists should not bicycle unsupervised on roads until their knowledge and driving ability have improyed to a satisfactory level. Cyclists should always dismount at intersections and walk across. In a nutshell, the policy committee believes that the safety of bicycles and? . cyclists has not kept pace with other road vehicles, such as automobiles and motorcycles and recommends! * cyclists should always wear helmets and ride a bicycle appropriate to their size. * cyclists should wear ~ bright clothing and operate a bicycle that meets all the safety requirements of the HTA. * new cyclists, twelve years and under, should ride on dedicate paths and should not ride on roads until they have been trained to dé _safely. = * the HTA should be amended to permit inexperienced cyclists use of sidewalks when pathways are not available. 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