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Scugog Citizen (1991), 30 Apr 1996, p. 12

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Ln , => " wi" 13 -- Sougog Citizen Tuesday, April 30, 1996 " DAVID BISHOP Advisor May 1 - May 7. ' TAURUS: (April 2] = May 21) Your ability to communicate effectively is enhanced with both friends and colleagues. The practical use of your time and energy will most certainly pay off, bringing good times to all. You are particularly witty and will make company gl va LETTERS To THE EDITOR Dean Kelly responds to ituperative attack' To the Editor: «The vitupegative attack on me by Ed Daigle in a letter to the editor in the April 23 Citizen is nd his first vitriolic challenge fo my writings, His first blatant statement was, that my figure of $35 million Opposition--a party whose purpose is to destroy Canada as %: it pin its place the chojoe i in the Reform "party - with 52 members that represents a much larger segment of the population--not one province Canadians was founded in pa, 1967 after French President * De Gaulle made his infamous "Quebec libre" speech and was promptly ordered to leave Canada. That statement fostered the uprisings of the FLQ, the that d 1 spent on French I in Durham Region is the week. . GEMINI: (May 22 - Jugg 21) | Daydreaming may make you lose touch with fri family. Be careful not to fall into this trap'too much this week, fof friends may rely on you. You display a warm and generous mood that should make you popular to be. with and melt even the coldest heart. CANCER: (June 22 - July 22) You should take the time to consider otherd feelings before making rash decisions about how 10 improvestheir lot. If you hold your tongue, you will avoid hurting someone through an ugly. confrontation. Your energy should be focused with stability and harmony. : } LEO: (July 23 - August 22) You display great insight into yourself and what makes you tiok. It may indicate a renewed faith in yourself and others. Not so! The figure was given to me by none other than lan Brown, theg chairman of the Durham Bord. He stated at, the time that French Immérsion ¥ cent of the Board! Today's figure of $35 million does not include the cost of core French in grades four and up. Nor does-it cover the cost for separate schools which could be near the figure for the lic board. I am informed that Ridgeway School in Oshawa, fon 'example, is French I only. are particularly rewarding right now. While you seem to attract people with opposing views, it is a good time to study the unusual. VIRGO: (August 23 - September 22) Self-evaluation brings about some lofty transformations in you, particularly in your beliefs and attitudes. Be cool and get ready, for this happens several times before the end of the year. There is gopd harmony between realism and in Your life. E relations provide growth. LIBRA: (September 23 - October 22) You may tend to quarrel with family members, particularly if you take an active interest. in improving the home on 'your' conditions. This is a good time to try and foster a sgnse of togethemess and team play among family members, and you should try hard to squelch the desire to do everything 'by yourself". SCORPIO: (October 23 - November 22) It is best to engage in work that requires little risk of financial loss or original thought. This is an excellent time to do all the little things that you have put off and forgotten to do. You need to create stability and harmony in your life so that your emotiohs won't make you 'crazy'. x SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 - | scember 21) You find stimulatidilythrough an interest in cultural and/or literary affairs regarding the 'how 10's' of spending money to make money, rather than merely collecting it for material gairi. Yopr intelleft will take on a sharpened edge that brings further tlarity and insightful decisions your way. CAPRICORN: (December 23 - January 0) Jupifpr instills you with a spirituality that actively seeks to help others. Volunteering your services to a friend can be most rewarding. Once done, lady luck could be open to bringing you new opportunities for personal growth and excitement. Resist risk could mean getting bumed. AQUARIUS: (January 21 - February 19) Leisure activities are best engaged in with loved ones though you may be prone to excess as you perceive your relationships to be greatly harmonious and on solid ground. Change on the home front should be undeftaken at this fime in order Lo secure your owh peace of mind. PISCES: (April 30 - March 19) You discover that romance could be brought around for you particularly through taking an interest in social activities and pursuits like religion and volunteer work. There is also a great love of children that may guide your hand and attention id finding an outlet for your energy. C ARIES: (March 19 - April 20) It is time for that family puting as yoy are empowered with a great deal of physicdl energy. Being outdoors is very stimulating to you right now. There will be an excitement created that brings you chances to meet new people fhrough unusual means, fag everything that comes your way brightly. Ny All dates for astrological signs may vary, depen g SY » EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY ONTARIO LOL 189 85-7306 VJ Al-Types of Insurance = Daigle goes back some seven weeks to an article I wrote about the fact the Bloc only the Certainly the is party headed by Jean Charest could hapdly become the Oppositfon with just two The Liberals at the time had more than a 180 seal majority--hardly shear by the Reform party, I'tried to bring a balance to . and the illing of Pierre Laporte." Ottawa ordered martial law and sent troops into the streets arresting dozens of people. Fear and arnachy ruled the streets in our nation's capital and the rest of the_wdrld looked on us as some third world country. The French separatists have our Parliamentary system-as never ceased their campaign it was intended-not top heavy to break up our country. with Quebec politici My ition has buen to As u stated "Quebec sets the agenda, and the rest of the country follows." His secretary of state Serge Joyal openly stated their aim was to make Canada a French speaking state. Deputy pi Nictsow stated in the C: that French costs province of Quebec and should not be recognized as Her Majesty's Loyal the country $30 billion a year. Our organization the Association of Dedicated Seats and Complete Upholstery, Sun Tonneau Co ors REPAIR or REPLACE ORT PERRY auto glass & trim Id. Windshields, Boat Toma Vinyl Tops and Capers 139 Queen Street ------. Call for Details 985-8507 (at Water) Port Perry 1. John, Maureen, e.g. CLUES ACROSS 9. Labors 10. Sellers 11. Gangster 13. 14. Showing sound judgment. 19. quantity 21. Location 23. Sense 24. Solid ground 26. "Sawed wood" 27. P 1 1. Most favor. 2. Caliph 3. Advantage 5. Queen of 6 A church building degree 13. Environrie tal 15. Promote 16. Take in 17. Emphasis 18. i. 20. Takes dictation 22. Blur 25. Unrefined the immense spending of billions of dollars to placagh, Quebec--all to no av Ottawa mandarin Official Languages commissioner is paid $155,008 a year with a $16,000 apattment rental, $8,156 for meals and chauffer driven limo to carry him home to Montreal each weekend. About $24,000 of this is tax free. Less than one per cent of the population outside Quebec i is unilingus] "French. The refeyendum showed us how close We came to seeing this country broken apart. They are hell-berfy o on separation np matter how much we spend on Pronch ] . i SHtonemoot °C of, ped Port Perry Uxbridge 985-0800 852-3510 ~including Iocgacee outside Quebec. politicians say they could \care less abot French language outside Quebec. 'The French Services Bill 8 by the Peterson Liberals has cost Ontario hundreds of millions of dollars, followed by Rae's doubling of the ,. debt--a luxiry we can no longer afford. Ontario debt is (estimated at $150 billion wjth firterest at $9 bj jon. We 'must now face up ly. Every article I ever wrote estioned the politicians-- never the general plblic or individuals. I have volumes of material on this issue pers that could fill every page of this. newspaper. My files go back 29 years, . including a letter from "Mr. Canada," Johh Fisher, 1967 Centennial comissioner, who * wrote io me; "I share your feelings about what! is happening to this country, We seem to be spineless and speechless as our reountef gets pulled a) Fisher's grandfather Wael " one of the Fathers of \' | Confederation. John was | featured in Reader's Digest (Dec. 1967) Queen Victoria was the Mother Confederation. 'Allan Fotheringham says int the April 24 paper * "Jean Chretien operates serene in a bubble because he has no credible opposition." Also today, veteran newsman Peter Worthington writes, "For starters there is no persuasive example of unity ; being enhanced official languages. On the contrary, a common language of communication is essential for unity--witness East Afrida (Swahili) Angola (Portuguese). English helped India 2 BLACKSTAC Self Defense TOCK REC CENTRE 986-4389 two, oh Now Have come a "functioning or ings relchie democracy. Two-or more to 12 official languages tend to vide and ghettoize." HOURS £30 AM 15.6 7M Information is the currency turthe! call d Je me souvien. please call Dianne Dean J. Kelly. ., 905) 985-0800 Assoc. Dedicated ' Canadians, (since 1967)

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