¥- = - ¥ A Cawker wins tourney The SA Cawker Junior Boys Basketbal] team completed a successful © season on Friday night with a tournament victory at Brock High School. The Eagles posted four convincing victories over Beaverton, Adelaide McLaughlin, Palmerston and Joseph Gould to capture the "A" championship. However, the highlight of the season came a couple of weeks earlier as the team won the DEAA Area «1 pennant. Victories over Cornish, Cannington, Epsom, and Gould secured the championship. The boys, then advanced to Oshawa and lost a hard- fought 20-19 battlé to Ormiston to be eliminated from further DEAA action. Coaches Carolyn Morton &= Rob Murray were extremely pleased with the fine team work A big yard sale The Utica Community Daycare is a flurry of ' spring activity! All the parents and teachers are busily gettfhg ready for their first major fund- raiser of the season. Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 4 - the Utica Community Daycare is having a Giant-Ramily Yard and Bake Sale starting at 9:00 a.m. All the proceeds from the sale will be going toward the upgrading of the children's: daycare. The Utica Community Hall, located on Durham Road 21 and Marsh Hill Road South in the village of Utica, has been generously donated to the daycare for this mammoth event. In addition to the Utica Daycare yard sale parents have been busily baking family recipes for. butter tarts, squares, pies and cakes, Willowtree Farm Market is donating their Residence | 985-0587 famous home-baked pies to this special event. According to Tammy Andres, President of the Utica Daycare Board, and co-organizer of the event, "We are amazed at the wonderful donations from the Utica Community plus some of the fantastic items that are being donated to the sale!" Andres continues,"You're sure to find a bargdin with our lamps, floral arrangements, country baskets, country accents, window blinds, glassware, brass planters, clothes, books, toys and games and that's just a fractipn of what will be there . . . you have to shop early or miss the bargains!" Mark, your calendar and find a treasure at the Utica Daycare Giant Family Yard and Bake Sale, Saturday May 4 starting at 9:00 a.m. Chevrolet ® Oldsmobile (ofeTe[[|[eTeN Ne, T-NUVA ((VIe1183 140 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA 798-7893 linen, '95 CONVERSIO| Raised Roof, TV, VCR, pw. Only 600 km. Balance of Factory Warranty. N VAN - $39,888. . pl; cruise, fitt. Full conversion. '94 CONVERSION VAN - $28,999. Raised Roof, p.w.. p.l., cruise, tilt, 4 bucket seats, rear seat / bed. 52,000 km. Only 18,500 km. '94 SAFARI VAN EXT. - $19,450. Dutch doors, fully loaded, factory warranty. Lease! Buy or Smart '95 LUMINA VAN - $20,450. 3.8 V6, auto, air, p.w., p.l., cruise, iit, power sliding door, fully - fully loaded. Factory Warranty. '95 GEO METRO - $11,395. 2 door hatchback, auto, 4 cylinder, Buy or Smartlease. (95 CORSICA - $13,888. V6, auto, ak, ABS, Factory Warrdnty. sportsmanship and attitude of the entire tearh. Chris McKitterick at centre was a work horse on the boards all season and while Geoff Grieveson and Nathan Cook provided a 1-2 punch on guard that was unequalled in all of Durham. Graham Dick, Jamie Smith and Tyler Lee were also important players in the forward positiohs. ' Other key grade 6 team members included Mike Shisko, BJ. Schaump, Mark Lott, and Peter Konstantinopoulos who provided excellent bench support whenever called upon. Cai grea ratulations on a year boys. => Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, April 30, 1996-- 31 ee A The Junior Boys' Basketball team from S_A. Cawker PS recently won the DEAA championship. Front from left are Michael Lycett, Danny Halward, lan Page, B.J. Schaump, Mike Shisko, Shane Jeffrey, Kyle Bannan. Middle row from left, David McGarry, Jon Breen, Lucas Fraser, Pete Konstantinopoulas, Geoff Grieveson, * Sean Jenkins. Back from left, coach Rob Murray, Craig Thomson, Jamie Smith, Mark Lott, Tyler Lee, Graham Dick, Chris McKitterick and Nathan Cooke. Absent - - are assistant coach Carolyn Morton and Jordan Froats. / ONG 985-GOLF 4653) SEASON PASSES: ontry Ag, ® Frequ r Cards @ Birthda & Group Rates @ Individual & Group Lessons SPECIAL: 4 - One hour Group Lessons with CPGA Golf Pro 1525 Huy. 7A, Port erry pp 151/11 EMAIRE $80.00 PER PERSON Lindsay : Golr a Country. Cus Mature 9 Hole Semi-Private Golf Course offering.'Pay as you Play" or New Adult Memberships from $320. / season. OFF ANGELINE STREET, South of KENT ST., ' LINDSAY (705) 324-5662 "7 Fully stocked Pro Shop on Premises. 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Soul of Por ery 1st Road south of . - of shavia East on Shirley Road, Durharit Road 1, east oft Brock Road, Claremont LA of She Ses. FOXBRIDGE GOLF CLUB SOCAN Pasig 8 94 CHEV PICKUP EMF. 4 CAB - $22,888. GREAT GOLF al the | » 1996 GOLF V8, auto, ak, fully loaded. 31.000 km. LOWEST PRICES TOURNAMENTS -- Annual Membership $500,+ | Rates from $35. (wk) |} | . '94 PICKUP - $13,995. Wookday Membership $400" | pir acy a reumrcert. || | SCENIC 18 HOLES - PAR TO 8 box, 4.3, auto. Work Truck. Day Green Fees from s17.° Minimum 30 D pencrs. pe A SURAT (905) 987-4851