o pd + 5 wl 12 Scufag Citizen |- Tuesday, May 13, 1996 r4 - DAVID BISHOP Astro Advisor partners. Also you are concerned more about the fut and romantic associates now than at any other time. This is the most fleeting of transits, and depends greatly on other aspects of your personality. - GEMINI: (May 22 - June 21) Tensions between you and a partner or loved one may increase due 10 a difference in opinions. You will likely be full of energy at this time and ready to scize the days opening. The synthesis of your creative energy with a partner could prove rewarding. Failure may cause unwanted problems. CANCER: (June 22 - July 22) You are single-minded in your pursuits now, and you seem 10: attract people with opposing viewpoints. It is a 'good time for study of the unusual. Verius has insiilled a happy-go-lucky mood in you. You feel affectionate and strongly desire romantic intimacy. LEO: (July 23 - August 22) You will discover a great deal of energy as far as romance is concemed. The power of atiraction and desire for love is great, but you should exercise caution before entering a new relationship which may come about this month. You may be inclined to physical activities with the opposite sex. VIRGO: (August 23 - September 2) An interest is brought about in religion and philosophy with many questions being raised about mysterious topics like your purpose in life. Talk among friends is usually serious at this time. Find those who add to your enjoyment in your. day-to-day Jiving and searching. LIBRA: (September 23 - October 22) Romance becomes stronger and the opportunity to express these affections is greater. You may experience many situations when a new relationship may begin, particularly one of a physical loving nature. Additiorfally, this is a time when your powers of creativity are heightened. SCORPIO: (October 23 - November 22) Interest in family matters is your strength, particularly in regards to the general living environfént in the home. Further you may wish to strengthen ties with your father figure and may act excessively | patemal to those you come into contact with, particular' in the social setting. SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 - December 21) 4 There is a strengthening of your desire to succeed, not only financially, but personally as well. Al this time, you may actively be concerned about the welfare of others in your business or people who work under you. Try listening to their needs before deciding for yourself how best to help them. CAPRICORN: (December 23 - Jomuara 20) You find that you are bestowed With inclinations to engage in new projects or invest in what is best described as 'shaky' investments. If you make the effort to act 'selflessly', you can be of tremendous help toa friend or family member. Spiritual interests are high! AQUARIUS: (January 21 February 19) You are empowered with great mental activity. This is a time to discuss any problems with friends and get them out in the open. You have the opportunity to be a tremendous help to a friend, though you may Mbt realize it immediately. Scize the opportunities for creative expression. PISCES: (May 14 - March 19) Jupiter brings a time of harmonious relationships and all around good times. Leisure activities are best engaged in at this time with loved ones, though you may havé a tendency to excess. While you attract people with opposing views, you find a great deal to study in human ature. ¥ ARIES: (March 19 - il 20) You should take every opportunity to get ! outside and enjoy the "natural 'world. Work will seem T and you should 'more relaxed once you 'engage in some sort of health- relasdd activity. Your thinking process will become more lucid and you will be we 10 clearly express ideas. All dates for astrological signs may vary, depending on the year. EMMERSON Ed STREET, PORT PERRY [87s ARIO LOL 1B9 (905) «05985-7306 "All Types of Insurance LE, FR 3 i i » i wi LETTERS To THE EDITOR A reward for MPP O'Toole? "To the Editor: I understand that our local M.P.P., John OfToole, is interested in hearing comments" from his constituents with respect to the Tory budget. It is consistent with everything the Tories hav, 'done so far. It benefit th rich at the expense of the poor. Jt is not surprising that Mike Harris and Ernie Eves are promoting it as a "good news" budget, . since it does what the Federal Tories did in all their bydgets, bestow gifts on their supporters which are almost impossible to recover. Mr. © O'Toole has commented in the past that the high imcome earners would lose-much of the tax savings to the new levy intended to replace the Employer Health Tax on small business. However, in absolute terms, high income earners will still benefit handsomely. The same cannot be said for lower income earners. Their, savings will be severely eroded by user fees that are springing ap all over. Mayors Lgstman and McCallian could hardly wait togtart levying away. User fees are appearing in libraries; efitrance fees to provincial parks have been increased and transit fares have increased. These fees place additional burdens on the poor, dnd will not only erbde' their tax savings, but end up costing them more. From what I've heard, many middle income earners will pay down debts. This money will not go to stimulating the economy. The wealthy will pad their R.R.S.P.s and foreign investments, meaning their contribution to che economy' will be basically nil Based on what the Tories haye done so far, I predict we'll have fewer jobs, most will be lower paying, based on anti labour legislation and freezing the minimum wage, and we'll e lly memberships while all this is going on. Perhaps his end up with more people than ever living below the poverty line. I wonder if "Mr. Harris will continue enjoying hig golf and social We'll pay for bribe Tb The Editor: - We will all pay for thegl billion bribe and payoff to the Maritimes by the Chretien Government to harmonize the hated GST. The three are all Liberal- run provinces. A blended tax in Ontario would cost another $2 billigrga year in taxes -/ wiping "out any gains of the Mike Harris promised 30% income tax cut. The hated GST has taken some $60 billion out of our pockets. Hardest hit would be the homebuilding industry, the backbone of our.economy, if the GST was harmonized with the PST. The sales commission including tax on a $200,000 home would hit $11,500. The Harris Governme ORT PERRY auto glass & trim itd. INCE 1981 Windshields, Boat Tore Call for Details . 11. Ingress CLUES DOWN: 2. Magnitude Seats and Complete Upholstery, Sun Roof: - PTonneas Covers, * 985 8507 Vinyl Tops and Carpets 139 Queen S REPAIR or REPLACE (at Water) PoryPerry CLUES:ACROSS: 1. Merry 8, Fight 9. Custodian (10. Program 12. In a way, put r 17. Month 21. Referee 22. Female monster 23. Prepare, in a way 24. Geological time period 25. Accepted unwillingly 3. Meretricious trictions on 4. Church, blocked the increase of 5 the ministries from Bob Rae's 27 to less than 20. While Ottawa wants to increase the number of MP's to over 300. Harris wants to cut Ontario MPP's for 130 MPP's and has cut PERSONAL PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit, Thou make .me see is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me. 1, in this short dialogue, want to thank You for everything and confirm once more that | raver wart o te separaied rom You no matter how gr fhiyim granted no matter how difficult it may be. Promise 10 publish this as. soon as. your favour has been granted. M.M. riding ion should reward Mr. O'Togle for his' part,in helping to decimate ioeg ) Brian Bird Perry from 130 to 99. He. his office staff by 1 than Bob Rée. Rae's office expenses were a staggering 12,498. He spent $12 illion on polls, Harris he to cut $27. 'million within Queens Park itself. Province wide there are "cut about 12,000 people on the ~ public payroll rhaking in excess of $100,000. They pull down more than $1.2 billion. The province by comparison has only 4,500 in the six figure club. Requiring all 12,000 to take a,5% pay cut would produce more than $60 million in savings annually. As an example Denmark introduced the Vat Tax (GST) at 10%, now it's ared to 24%; Israel's is ~ now at 17%, came in at 8%. In Austria it came at 8% and now its a whopping 20%. For .Ontario to combine the two taxes we could lose control to Ottawa and wind up - spaying more in the long term. At the gas pumps we pay close to 4 cents for GST litre, 10 cents a ljtre exten tax making a total of about 29 cents per litre. By the lon that's $1.30 (Ont. included). Any new paney would 'be the kiss of death for the already struggling economy. . - Dean Kelly, President of Association of Dedicated Canadians (since 1967), Port Perry officer 5. An advantageous purchase "6. Idiotic 7. Requirements 13 Lincoln 14. Trick 15. Greediness 16. Humorg#ls 18. Steering system 19. In a way, flavored 20. Twist in pain SUILM 02 POOKIS 61 Jappny 'gl Buisnuly 9) eoLEAY 'Gl 18YOOUS 'p| qY '€ SpURWeQ L eulisy 9 umbieg 'gs 1eBiep 'p Apmel ¢ Weix3 2 INMOQ SNOILLNIOS popup 'gz eusc03 yz e1ednp3 'ez ssabo '22 eudwn 'k2 1OQWEAON 'L} -PeuoiEH 'ZI 8anu3 'ii epueby 'Oi pJeMelS 6 O|SSeH '9 OAISe '| :SSOHOV SNOLLNIOS it Matters CONGRATULATIONS 'June 15th, 1996 in Barrie, Ontario. N JESSE MICHEL on May 15, 19%. Love rom TF he " d a FAA Fe iy: SAAREA RAT SARA BRASS LEAN NE ! § 5 6 Ff ' resabdavenie 3