- "76 -- Bemgog Citiea : a. " n Tres, Hay T1996 - . "WEF 1.0on't advertise Just pretend everybody aveady KNOWS that youre in pusiness: 2. Don't advertise Tell yourself you just don't have ihe time to spend Thinking agout Lo) 5! S ou sell. pont advertise: Convince yourself that you've peen in pusiness sO \ong that ome ou. i 5. Don't advertise get that there are new potential customers who would do 0 SO. 6. Don't advertise forget that you have oO mpettion trying to attract your U. i Tell yourself it costs 100 much to advertise and that you don't . get enough out of It. . g. Don't advertise overlook ine fact that advertising is an investrnent in seling - pense. J . q.pon't advertise Be sure not to provide an adeauate pudget for pusINess-« 10. Don't advertise forget nat you nave to weep reminding your establisned customers that you appreciate their business: ' . yOu DECIDE ~~ T'S YOUR BUSINESS | In GOOD TIME and BAD! \ That's wha THE SCUGOG CITIZE! plans GOG CITIZEN! | y hi * . "ADVERTISING WORKS' Phone 985 r Street, Port cand | | - 110 - . - ALL Yak REA | REALLY NEED IN A NEWSPAPER' : <