7 . { wp 20 -- Scugog Citizen ~ Tuesday, May 14, 1996 43 PARKSIDE DRIVE - Over 1500 sq.ft. custom built bungalow, spacious kitchen, oak cabinets, walkout lo covered patio, 3 baths, finished basement, central air. QUALITY 4 bdrm, L-sh: 7 THORNDIKE CRES,, OAKWOOD Modem" aped livi wood fireplace, 2 baths, oil heat - ining room fealuring $114,900 THROUGHOUT. $179,900. . - WASHBURN ISLAND - 2 bedroom chalet style home, main floor laundry. NICE LOT - ACCESS TO WATER FOR ATING 'and SWIMMING. $88,500. 13 COUNTRY LANE, CRNNINGTON - Over ick bungalow, detached garage. $69, 1400 sq ft. bri fo AREA OF FER HOMES, Only $124,900. 78 GLENELG ST. - Spacious 4 bdrm. older home, formal dining room, hardwood floors, gas heat. ECONOMICAL LIVING . $ COUNTRY LIVING - 2 bdrm. on 1/2 acre lot. Main floor family room, attach: 7 vaRD sALE North Nestleton United Church. Saturday, May 18th-910 3 Walfles & hot dogs will be served. GIANT MISCELLANEOUS * Yard Sale - All proceeds to Muscular Dystrophy Sat., May 25th - 8AM 10 4 PM. 4 River/Street, Seagrave (south en to Seagrave). To donate items call Sandi Beamish 985-0652 "GIANT 'NEIGHBOURHOOD Yard Sale - May 25th from 8 to 4. Cawkers Creek Subdivision + Rain or Shi SATURDAY, MAY 18th 7:00 AM to Noon 37 Williams Point Road 986-0185 Sola, loveseat, chair, highchair, lable saw, skis & boots, alarms, baby clothes, etc fur coats, bal YARD SALE A \. Salurday, May 18th- 9 AM 321 Balsam Street, Port Perry Sears 1988 Lawn Traclor, Table and chairs, baby swing, seat and other baby ilems, dressers, dishes, clothes and much more. Classifieds Work YARD SALE | Garage Sale / Bake Sale al 4550 Hwy. 7A; Nestieton Saturday, May-18th, Suday. May 19th, ) Monday, May 20th Lots of Chavoio parts & ols. YARD SALE Saturday, May 18th - 8 AM 304 Stephenson Point Road Hogkey equipment, 4x8' Fish Hut, Sup. machine. many small lems. MOVING. SALE Hundreds of items must go Sat., May 18th - 9 AM 10 4 PM Sunday, May 19th - 9AM to 4 PM Rain or shing rn Road » . PB Thank You | You The "family of the late John TzountZouris would sincerely like to thank the many friends, neighbours and roiggves for the beautiful flowers, tards and support during John's fliness: special thanks to the Community Yursing Home for their com- "The T: is Family , Bernice * chapel on Wednesday, Ma KEELER, Evelyn Annis Peacefully on Sunday, May 12th, 1996 at the Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry, at age 86 ~Evelyn (nee Mackin), beloved wife of the late William Keeler of Port Perry. Dearly Joved mother of Marlene Jarvis of Port Perry, Mane Ki Qf Supderland, Ine of Oshawa, Ross (deceased), Bruce (deceased). Evelyn was loved by heg 13 grand * children and 13 great grand children. She was predeceased by her sister Ethel and her brother Lonnie. Relatives and. friends will* be received at the Wagg Funeral * Home, McDermoti-Panabaker Chapel, 216 Queen Street in Port Perry ¥(985-2171) on Tuesday from 2 fo 4 and 7 10 9 PM. A funeral service will be held in-the, 15th ~ at 1 PM with Roverand obert LePage officiating. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. If desired, memorial donations; may be made to the Central Seven Association for Community Living. "Blass her dor giving her best in time, energy, thoughtfulness and love." . family of the late Clara rett of View Lake would like "en to thank Dr. Stewart and the nursed and staff of the Port Perry ly Memorial Hospital for o 250 Scugog Isl SALE YAR On May 18th and 19th, 910 4 4151 Edgerton Road, Cadmus Two blocks sou Gener: of Nestielon Store. (ful care and am whe county town realty inc. ¢ 17 Russell St. W., LINDSAY REMIX Please cal MARILYN PIGGOTT sao op. TORONTO LINE (905) 686-3711 LinpsAY (705) 324-6153 } oy 24 hr. pager ' b NOTICE | p NOTICE | ). NOTICE | VENDORS V WANTED ' MOVING SALE 436 Fralicks Beagh. Sat, May 18 Electronic typewriter, table and chairs, wall unit. g "hanks and appreciation for fare- well gifts, cards and well wishes as we left the community after years with many 1882 CONCESSION 10 West of Burketon May 18th and 19th-9 104 Radial arm saw, ping-pong lable, Yain set, furniture, loys a ang more: 'SATURD, Sunday, May-19th N some fond 'memories. We would also like to thank those who remem- bered Mel with cards; Calls of concern, help and offers to help during his recent illness. To one and all, we shall miss you but memories last forever. Sincerely, Mel and Mildred Milne 'OGELGESANG, Gertrude Ponce on Friday, May 10th, 1996 at her home in Cadmus at 88. Gertrude, beloved wile of the late Peter Vogelgesang Loving mother of. Nick Vogelge- of. Menden, Missouri, and ! Re 4 nd and her husband 'Karl Katzsch of Cadmus. Dear grand mother of Ursel Weber, and Peter: Nogelgesang. both of Germany, Rita Cooke and her husband lan, and Susan Lackner, and her husband Walter, all df\Cadmus. Gertrude will also be by the rest of her family and friends in Germany. Relatives and fiends were received at the Wagg Funeral" Home, McDermol}- Panabaker Chapel, 216 Qu Street in Port Perry (985-2171) oft Monday, May 13th from 10 1o 11 AM. A funeral service was held in the chapel at 11 AM with Father Paul Hickey officiating. Interment Cartwright Union Cemetery, Bl I ired i : 3 Trewin Court, Tools, clothes, household items. MAY wh o J h Bhi Dots) Quality La ar Ws. Jeff Taylor and Kerrie-Ann Gibson wish lo express our J thanks to all of our family and friends who attended our Jack and Jill on May 4th, 1996. A may "be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario or the Canadian Cancer ety. ORMISTON, Phyllis Toots' Find out what Strollers, Aniiques, Truck Cap, Special thanks lo all who helped i504 nig rast at the Whilb for summer events at NEW nd out Exercise Bice, Finishing Mower, Blan and. organize bis Special General Hospital on Thursday, Shores Museum y STROLOGY c:elc bg ly appreciate al May Otfl, 1996 in her 70th year. For Information call 985-3580 'F. t T k » . 4571 Dovits ha. Blackstody a area Your support. diye. Tools, beloved wile of Dean. Dear A at Tracker'| | 5 THE STARS | "7ion™™ Taian Des La SCUGOG TOY eNom "ANNUAL ROBINGUADE - Shaw wish 10 © Bren and George Bryant, Gail Library Annual Meeting and SYSTEM say about Estajes Giant Neighborhood om o 3h x er rare hincare an yne Precoor, Pam and / Membership Registration 4 Your Hom, Stengths Yard Sale, Sat., May 18th - 9 AM al Fre Shymko, Shelley and Shawn. / Thurs. May 23rd, 1996 at 7 PM and Challenges; Something for everyone, ~~ @nd the hor Sua 3 Pon per McGrath, and Did and Doug . . Port Perry, United Chugch [Y + Fi Ci bili nt. Lovi randmother of 13, o Upsiais Lounge e HE ALTHS L$ Yoo: Successes; MAPLE STREET NEIGHBOURS Yanks lo all our ibis o 61 Ash hi and 2 greal-grand Membership registration for + Your Lucky Times of the Year + Clothes, Toys, Treasures. in the weeks Sri up of © Shildran, Survived by her mother 1896 97, Wrst come basis A Canada's Hedlth Food | as well as your Numbers. « 9AM - Saturday, May Many thanks 10 all relatives, mma Wyali,_her brother Walter Only 40 spaces available. - friends and neighbours f ds. Wyall, and her sister Lucille No advance registration. Guide h to » , SATURDAY, MAY 16th -9 AM onas and rr can Kehoe.' The family received Personal attendance required. Effective ight Loss! . North on Si 0 20 km. to priguiilg to the or alions. Wagy {ends a he W.C. Jon Puneeal Guest aker, coflee/ tea/ Ro. Ci il (7th 4 km eas! apel, Dundas 3 For more information please call | * 0n@ to one counselling NATAL | reel TT 2X1028 Funeral Home. Whily (605) 668-3410 fom 2 985-0682 or 985-8618. » personal menu planning CHARTS . -- Wht Flora Shaw and Family 450% 8 on Friday, May hay. -- eee » affordable Glant Nelghbourhood Service in the chapel on Satu . ar at-1:30 PM. Interment Groveside . Call Deb McDonald FORECASTS | | 'YARD / GARAGE SALE BIRTH. | Someta. in momoan dora * - today at ~ DAVID BISHOP Sat., May 18th -810 4 . tions may be made 1o the'Heart STORAGE (305) 985-4482 Fane done | Sie Foun 985-9372 : 620 Alma St, PortPorry| RA M "BRUNT, Alice (neo Mark) - ~~ " 2 This fs a sale not to miss. Keith and Joanne (nee Birkett) At Swrathaven Litdcare Centre on Mini & Maxi Toys, games, fumire, | the arrival of SO yas. Betovad wie of th Ine 2 - lawnmower, sports cards & MICHELLE ALICIA y PORT PERRY" A . f May 7h, 1996, Arthur Brunt. Loving mother of * : BLACKSTOCK illa, hockey equip., vy ay 7. siz Mona and her husband Allen 143 Reach Ind. Park Rd. h - -- old Pepsi sign, crafts, lawn A rs 5 2. Martin and the late Carl Brunt. 985-7622 | KARATE CLUB "som wenesowooun | chars, ics coving baby | Proud arandparenis as uray (100 SIG it 0° 50, Bn: + "BEAUTY and the BEAST" ' accessories, high chair, Ray and Ei of Port Perry Loving grandmother of '6 grand w Self Defense * presented by Marlin Travel. "| "Ce RLF and Ray a7 B 4 dauohier Children and 9 greal gr = Weight Control Salurday evening Oclobeg 9th, | S70: @ J ar Rioy Bika of Ragin + Dear siser of Start Mark of Por - a g Includes Prime Centre Orchestra Cg wy ks fo of Rak Perry, Grace Carnochan of Sun- < w Stress, Reduction sealing and return luxury pecil n fl pried + derland and the late Zella Mark, ~ 'NEW?' «'Confidend ion from an wonderful nurses Ruy Harrison, Norma Jéfirey, ign Port Perm Costs $125 por SNAPPY -, Port Perry NowLlle Cento. * Alion Mark and Gordon Mark. 3 low th ues person, se call to regisler by Friends called at the, Northcutt SCUGOG MOVING ou JA fs May 10th. For further details y TREASURES Elliott Funeral Home, 53 Dj & STORAGE N call Virghia at Matin Travel Assortment of New, Street N., Bowmanville from 2 to 4 il for all § Children and Adults AS (905) 985-2268 Snap-on Clothing and 7 10 9 PM on Wednesday, will rent out for all your T Thursda Jackets, Hats & Tshirts, Funeral service in the' chapel on MOVING NEEDS - uesday & rsday Also N Used ' Y, Thursday at+1 PM. Interment - Fadi ; a Evenings 15 Words ow and In loving memory of my dear Hampton Cemetery. M Memorial , Packing Material, Boxd's, Affiliated with. Tools and Tao| Boxes ° > p 'donations may be made « Fumiture Pads, Dollies, International Karate B Bee PAC enya, Misc. May 16th, 1968. qanville Memorial Hospital toa Fodgn Carts, Wak Boards Associaton 2:50 ara | paeroertsy © Bary ol your choo. Piano Skids & Trunks " Ladies Clathing. ' do 1 everyday. ap ARN a (905) 985-3761 BLACKSTOCK CITIZEN FRIDAY, MAY 17 | Msngyousanentacre 15 Words REC CENTRE Y #110 AM plus You had a smile for everyone /e : - -- Phone (905) 9864389 fl CLASSIFIEDS | sara sunoa¥uw seu Yod his 2 paar of god , SZ.850 5 . i world could ever hald. .- Classifieds Work for You! Toy, . Sadly missed & lovingly CITIZEN b z . Seagrave " your 2 Call 985-6397 Classifieds Work. ~~ 985-SB397 + nissan. Gon ray fart © CLASSIFIEDS