wp" 23 Scugog Citizen -- Tuesd: y, May 14, 1996 AUCTION S. THURS., MAY 16th - 5 PM At the Islander Banquet Hell, Scugog Island, 150 Percy Cres. Viewing from 2 PM. Large estate from Oshawa with 12" boat & trailer, outboard mo- tors, 6' snow blade, fridge, stove, washer & dryer, colour tv, micro- wave and sland, cookie jar collection. 12 place setting of dishes, crystal, silverware, china cabinet, glass lop table set, bunk beds, chesterfield and chair, day bed, dressers, linen, gas gen- eralor, lifejackets, and many more good items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES (905) 655-8073 or 985- 3807 AUCTION SALE THURS., MAY 23rd - 5 PM At the Islander Banquet Hell, Scugog Island, 150 Percy Cres. Appliances, Fumiture, Antiques, Linens, Dishes, Sea-Doo. More delails next week. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES (905) 655.8073 or 985-9807 COMPUTER TRAINING On a schedule that's FLEXIBLE! v Leam PC software when YOU want - days, évenungs, Saturdays cts v/ Ingpase your job pros oma & tareer pro 1al assistance available to sse who qualify learning immediately! ACADEMY OF LEARNING Computer & Business Skills Truing nn Suara 579-8973 MICroSoft solution Probider FH MONDAY AUCTION Monday, May 20th - 10:30 AM Lemonville Community Centre on McCowan Road Antiques, Collectables, Furniture, Dishes, Glassware including Wooden Wheelbarrow, Wooden Washing Machine, Cistern Pump, . 7A West, Port Perry Westlake Sideboard, Germany character doll, bush cutter, original oil Paine br Sholoy). Old orgi Toys, Wedge) Wo fle Dishes Quilt Ly Furniture. Ci nments still coming in. Camival, Hobnail, Eporgne and Rocking Chairs, Harpback Chairs, Adams Silver Crocks, Depression, AUCTION SALE Thursdey, May 23rd - 5 PM Greenwood United Church 2430 Concession 6, Pickering (Hwy. 7 at Greenwood), the property of - Doug and Marjorie Morden Contents of a 3 bedroom home including antique collectables, dishes, glassware, bake cupboard, 14' aluminum boat, u A Mercury molor & trailer, KELLETT, Auctioneer many othe pieces. Torms: Gash 185 arl Gauslin, (109) 326.2 (905) 640-3079 boat & 9.9 hp Evinrude motor. Terms: Cash Earl Gauslin & Norm Faulkner (905) AUCTION SALE | A - Auction Sale of Anti y for AL and DORA DANIELIS of Sunderland, held atthe property. Take Hwy. 12 North through Sunderland to Hwy #7 East Turn left at Ridge Road and go north 2 km. to #18405, watch for signs. FARM MACHINERY: Balarus 250A diesel tractor (loader, 498 hours, 35 hp. with half track), 3 pth. Bush Hog mower 5', 3 pth. spring-t1ooth cult. 8', 3 pth. blade, 2 fur. Ferg. plow, 9 drag cult., § galv. gates, water trough, gas water pump, lawn sweeper Lambert HDT38, 3 pth. wood chipper, gas reel mower, 4' Beefco rototiller 3 pth., Honda powered band saw (lumber, EX), wood saw mill (shingles and attach., EX), Trinden and Homelite chainsaws, cast iron pump, large Martin house, garden tools, leveling instrument and tripod, elagtric grinding tool, Busy Bee band saw, B&D radial arm saw, two routers, large circuldr sander, 5 hp. Johnson » ouboard motor, Browning 12 gauge rifle (FAC required), plus more. ANTIQUE and HOUSEHOLD: 6 1/2" corner hutch (2-11 pain glass doors, wooden pulls), antique spinni eel, highchair, 5 pc. wicker, buried walnut tilt top table, oak washstgild Tempus Fugit oak grandfather clock, Colonial Times walnut grand it clock (3 weights), walnut balloon-back arm chair, walnut wicker back and arm sofa, ahtique oak chest of drawers, ant. walnut nic nac stand, pine antique, pressback rocking chair, mahogany nursing rocker, maple rocking chair, antique desks and tables, walnut bed (double head andJoot board), 4 pc. oak veneer bedroom suite, antique walnut bed, waintyt vanity dresser (3 glass panes), quilts, quilt rack, bedding, old sleigh, piano stool, hanging dock wall unit, antique grain rake, model log cabin, old pictures and frames, Technics stereo, air conditioner, wall oil lamp, crocks, glass and china, antique bathroom set (jug. bowl, soapdish, chamber pot, Flo Blue style), HO. gauge train set (3 engines, jet pump and pressure tank), canoe, plus much more. NOTE: A Friday sale. Property sold. A nice clean offering. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc.) ¥ Gary and Nancy Hill RR1, Sunderland LOC 1HO Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 640-3079 ' MONDAY, MAY 27th - 7 PM PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION at Hwy 7, 2 mi. east of Peterborough Now accepting consignments of cars, tucks, vans, 4X4's, RV's, boats; riding lawn mowers. Consign early lo be listed in ads. Expecting approx. 40 vehicles. Let us sell your car. Call now. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION PETERBOROUGH 745-5007 or 1-800-461-6499 Orval & Barry Mclean Auctioneers THURSDAY, MAY 16th - 5 PM Modern herp] Appliances, ues at oRvaL "LEAR AUCTION CENTRE - LINDSAY Selling Property of Mrs: Aileen Mclinnis and other local estates. Dont miss this interesting sale Hundreds of items To consign estates, full house or apartment fulls, business , liquidations, appraisals call McLEAN AUCTIONS LINDSAY (705) 824-2783 or lo dist your sale on site or at our barn 1-800-461-6499 Orval & Barry McLean Auctioneers SATURDAY, JUNE 1st - 0AM Farm Machinery, Vehicle, RV, Boat Auction at . MCLEAN AUCTION + CENTRE - LINDSAY Now anti ignments of * Tractors, Farm Machinery, Cars, Trucks, 4X4's, Vans, Trailers, # ORV. Dp Career Training |) Career Toning | M RV's, Travel and Tent Trailers, Aluminum Fishing Boats, Cruisers, Speed Bdats, Riding Lawn Mowers, Shop / nature's corner ken carmichael The joys of birding in Texas This year for the third time Anh and I evel south to Texas. The weather on the southward trip was cool but sunny it wasn't until we got to Arkansas that I was finally able to shed my long underwear. Our main aim in Texas is to enjoy the sunshine and wgrm weather taking long walks each day to enjoy the Texas Gulf beaches, parks and sanctuaries. Each day wherever we go we watch an amazing variety of bird species often travelling 100 miles from our home base in Rockport Texas in search for our list of new birds. Ann is now becoming hooked on identifying the many different species that are in great numbers. Birding in Texas is considered a sport but for me it isan obsession. There.are 964 specjes of birds in North America, representing 73 families. Close to 600 documented species are found in Texas. More than 75% of all birds occurring in the continental United States have been reported in Texas. ' The endangered Whooping Crane which winters at the _ Aransas National Wildlife Refuge on the Texas coast 30 miles from Rockport has recéived much publicity bringing: tens of thousands of people to visit the refuge annually, just hoping to seé this magnificent bird. However, many bird watchers from North America as well as world wide bird watchers travel to observe others, such as the Golden Cheacked warbler, Black-capped vireo, Green Kingfisher, Green Jay, Lucife's - Humminghird, Colima Warbler and the endangered 0 Attwater Prairie Chicken. It is hard to believe that bird watching in Te: has more of a following than fishing which used to Be the numbet one sport. A typical example of#thig is the Hummingbird Festival held each year in Rockport in early September. Thid year at the fourth annual Hummingbird Festival they are expecting a crowd of some 6,000,people. The first festival had less than 100 pegple in attendance How did Rockport Texas become world renowned centre for birding? It began' with a lady named Connie Hagar who came to Rockport in 1935. Twice a day Connie Hagar observed birds in an area around Rockport taking notés of which ghe saw. Her accounts of the abundance and variety of both the summer and winter resident species and the spring and fall migratory species not previously known to occur in, the area was published. . Birders such as the renowned Roger Tory Peterson were skeptical and came to investigate. These people came, they saw, and marvelled at the authenticity of Connie Hagar's observations, her discoveries, and her charming Woodworking / Construction g T THE D HAM VANTAGE Equipment personality. The birds were there just as she had said. 4 To consign of or into. call Rockport cannot claim the same wonderful birding that in Connie Hagar's time as there are not as rhany " __Uikosay (705) 324-2783 irda now as there were half a century ago. Bird ; T - t i E - populations have been reduced all over the world by the' 4 loss" of habitat, pesticides and many other factors. ¥ rain 0 ecome ADVERTISING However, Rockport still has good fall and spring - the founddtion migration varieties showing up each year adding to the \ a ofa Texas list. someth i ng strong and vibrant This year we travelled to Galveston Island Texas. Wes ec my! enjoyed this historical'city and its many Jandmarks~ N " including a trip to an aa where the last Eskimo Curlew h em (0) ers rea * : someone * was seen in the late 1960's. We travelled around the \ starts advertising ... different Wildlife Refuges watching birds but my priority . someone starts was "the field of dreams". 'wa nt a buying! Standing on the side of the road 'and looking across the z When someone pasture field where the last Eskimo Curlew was seen, 1" starts buying ... could imagine what it must have looked like in the late "someone starts 1800's when thousands of Eskimo Curlews would have selling! stopped here on their trip north to nest. Whatever your, hobby is you need a field of dreams and for me it was When someone standing there thinking that perhaps this spring an yp . starts selling ... Eskimo Curlew will be sighted again brigging hope that some starts t { Durham ¢ ollege programs offer vou oN skills and know rol at today's making! ! Rad extinct write this column do I say anything employers Ww, © backed bya guarantee that they can rely 8n -- that s the a When someone * political but the action by the Ontario Government to p make cutbacks to the Conservation Authorities and Durham Adv nage ! Sans making Provincial Parks is, in my opinion, extreme. The proposal The frend in employment is shifting toward skilled trades and modern working! is to close 15 Provincial Parks in 1996, privatize or sell 61 workplace skills To meet growing employer demands, Durham College 1s When someone Ee en ona Loy Soir 2000 pecyls now offering 30 week techniques programs in: Heating, Ventilation and starts working ... 40% of the workforce, : 4 Air Conditioning; Industrial Maintenance; Machining; Motor Vebicle someone starts I realize that we have to tighten our belts, get our earning! spending under control but it seems shameful to put this Mechanic; and Welding Fitting. ' When someone much stress on one ministry. Where else can you and I Bo Md These programs involve theoretical instruction however the emphasis is starts.earning ... for a quiet me ak 8 reasonable price, to camp or picnic . . on precious weekends of . placed onghands-on training ' Protection of the environment has reached'the critical It you are 19 years of age or over with grade 10 Math and English or if frame An area such 2 Scugog noeds oy server may \ ualifie e. A note to your local mel | vou have a grade 12 education -- call us, we can help you start a new career ATTENTION help to pH problem. Enough said! ~ N . » ADVERTISERS! My next article will be on a birding trip Ann and I are N planning to Rondeau Provincial Park for the spring For further information call Get ahead start on your Did you kno migration. I will have to be at my.birding best as Ann is ' = Student Services, Durham career and call today! ou becoming a more competent birder. On the Texas trip College Whitby Campus Programs begin fistrib Ken saw 180 species, Ann 161 species. You can see that at (905) 721-3300. . August 26. : this trip is going to be fun. --- - The birds are returning in spité of this unspringlike 1 weather. I hope you can set aside some to get out . < and enjoy this most exciting season. " "Educating You for the Real World. LUCIE (Ken Carmichael is a Scugog resident, bird waicher, 4 385-6397 n list and wildlife ph