~- . success! has an upcoming event you'd like publicized, the Citizen's Community Calendar is absolutely free! Simply call the Citizen at 985-NEWS and leave your message with our friendly staff, "y : All we ask is that we get Community ° Calendar' entries by Friday noon. Trust the Scugog Citizen, We're here to do everything' we can to make your event a big If your non-profit Re Z AN 23 Tuesday TAXES, TAXES Taxpayers' Coalition --'Scugog (formerly Citizens Against Unjustified Taxes) will be holding their monthly. meeting at 8 p.m. in the Nestleton Community Centre. All Scugog res- idents are welcome to attend, to vgdice their concerns and ideas regarding municipal, regional and school board taxes. i (24 -- CLOWN DAY 9 a.m. 10 noon at the Anglican Church in Port Perry. All children 4 to 10 years are invit- ed to come and have a fun time and Christian fellowship. Cost is'$3 per child. Membership i$ limited, call Tina at | 985-8595 or 985-8011. 25 Thursday t" CLUBNEWS? No matter what kind of club you belong to, news: Send it to us before 'Friday at 5 p. m. and we'll do our best to getitin print. Ne we welcome your | J (26 Fry -Year', a hilarioas adult \. FLEA MARKET At Community Nursing Home, 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m. Vendors spots available. Call Kim Mitchell at 985-3205. BORELIANS 'Same Time Next: comedy, at the Town Hall 1873 theatre, July 26 & 27. Curtain rises at 8 p.m. Tickets $10, available at Irwin Smith Music or at the N (27aturday MN door. - 7) DEMOLITION DERBY Lion's Club is hav- ing a Demolition, Derbat at the fair- grounds in Port Perry. {, Gates open at 4 p.m., the derby starts at § GOLF Caesarea Annual Golf Toyrnament, Sunnybrae . Golf Course, Prince Albert, 8 am. Entry fee is $25 per golfer. / {29 Monday PEOPLE FIRST People First of | Port Perry is having a public information session at Scugog Memorial Library on 'Monday July 29. Come learn about us! (30 Toesday ONE PARENT Oshawa Chapter One Parent Family ion meets. at (30 Toexthy 'DAY CAMP Scugog Shores Museum will be holding two, week- : p.m. at Rundle Park Community Centre, Park Rd. and Gibb St,, Oshawa, "for coffee, catds & conversation. New members welcome. For more informa- tion, call 986-5707 long Day Camp ses- sions for children aged J to 10. For mere information, | call the museum curator at 985-3589. ( 31wednesday .SENIORS + Euchre every Wednesday during July & August at the Latcham Centre. Alk ages welcome. Good prizes. $1 admission. Lunch available. EUCHRE | Senior Citizens (1 Trosday CLUB NEWS? No matter what kind of club you belong to, we wel- come your news. Send it tous before Friday %t 5 p.m. and we'll do our best to get it in print. (2 Friday FAMILY MATTERS If there's a spe- cial event in your family -- a wedding, a graduation, an anniversary -- send us a photo and some information and we'll publish it in Family = Matters. (2 x. 3 Saturday be SENIORS EUCHRE Senior Citizens Euchre, 8 p.m,, at the Latcham Centre. Also, on Aug. 17, 31st. All ages wel- come. Good prizes. $1 admission. Lunch available. L or 728-1011. AT AN ot Free! Call 985- NEWS' for more . information. e [reps] Ara PEPSI $7.99 per case 24-350 ml. cans plus taxes up to $90. CANADA DRY [$739 rome 24 -350 ml. cans plus taxes 3 CHET IA WINDSHIELD Insurance Claim with most insurance companies with this coupon at time of purchase. We also replace Headlights SUNROOFS! CELLULAR PHI RUNNING BOARDS! * Upholstery (Marine & Auto) UCK SLIDER! ES! BOX LINERS! ORT PERRY auto glass & trim id * Snowmobile & Bike Seats 5. Claims & Safety Glass rio 8 Satay Glass 985-8507 Mobile Service - Guaranteed Workmanship tery (Restaurant, Chairs, Kitchen, Office) 139 WATER STREET & 6 HIGH STREET, PORT PERRY - Purple Hill wants its sign returned The prettiest sign in all of Scugog Township has been stolen. Most towns and villages have standard' blue and white Jeflective signage, but not "Purple Hill, which until recent- 1y, boasted a hand-painted orig- inal by the hamlet's most out- rageous citizen, sculptor/inven- tor Bill Lishman,. "Everybody on Purple Hill 1, irate," he said crustily. HE figures he. painted it 10 years ago, and nobody bothered it until last weekend when it dis- appeared. y Although he doesn' t have any suspects, he figuresy"it might be in somebody's rec room.' And he doesn't care who took it. "We just warithour sifn back." On June 1, 1982, this small but happy group of Purple Hill resi- dents grabbed thelr shovels and put up their 'Purple HIll' sign, igned and p artist Bill L (that's him, d by resid . the tall one, at right. Aiso In the photo Is Henry. Wotton, Stan, Harvey Graham, Joan Graham, Muriel Wotton, and Mrs. Johnson and her son). Now the sign has been stolen' and the people of Purple Hill want it back. See story.