ee - - ER -- 4 COCKATIEL found on Scugog Island, July 28 Days 985.0802 SVovings 985-3204 Mil I'm a stay-at-home mom interested in starting up a support group for stay-at-home parents and their children We would meet weekly starting this fall at the Scugog Island United Church. If you are YOUNG CHINCHILLAS - unrelated matings. Starting at thirty dollars 986-4983 * SHELTIE PUPPIES and adits Call 986 5164 . Notice | pair. ht 900 5004 Rid : Livestock J ARABIAN MARE, soma 1958 CHEV DELRAY, 6 cyl excellent, 4 door, bIK grey interior. Sell or rade 985-2454 1985 CHEV MONTE CARLO air conditioning, cruise, AMFM , Me » 11 your old. a daughter $700. Also colt by Biscaynebay 576.7383 MOVING SOON? Scugog Moving & Storage Inc. please call Karen Braithwaite at 985-4845 (A13) Local and Long Distance Moving Piano and Office Moving SCUGOG RAPE Pallokzed Heated Warshouse CRISIS CENTRE 3 "Free Wardrobe Service" 24 He Grn Line . SENIOR CITIZENS - 5% DISCOUNT 579-8006 Cotect ¢ 3 Office: (416) 985-3761 Offic Hours 9105. Mordiey 1 Adley PORT PERRY, ONT. Warehouse: (416) 985-4360 985-8850 CANNINGTON, ONT. (708) 432-2237 OVER 25 YEARS MOVING EXPERIENCE INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. (416) 985-7306 LoL 1B9 $4.500 corubied or BO. Call ahor 300 pm (705) 878-1315 7 passenger. 18.000 mies, alc, lots of extras Like new Call 985.0104 (An) S24) Ugog n -- lay July - . N CLASSIFIED CITI Deadline: Monday Noon Fax: 985-1410 " ee : Ae : > Thank-you Alt Rest 3 Greetings » Cretings » For Sale » For Rent A TI ; tt a -- We are overwhelmed by the CULBERT, Frederick David GOTCHA! BO-OX ECONOGRILL® wood- INDUSTRIAL or, STORAGE love and attention we received (Ted) in his 53rd year. Suddenly + Hy -- burning barbecues. Faster than SPACE for rent $125 per for our 50th Anniversary. The at the family cottage on Monday, y { propane, tastier than briquettes. month. Contact Karl Herder + surprise trip in the limo fo the July 22, 1991. Ted Culbert of * X Compact and portable, great 985-3885 + (TH _. Royal York by our children was Seagrave, beloved companion Birthday outdoor cooking. 986.4681 ii em fantastic , The afternoon tea and of Jan Howard. Loved father of © fi 30) OFFICE SPACE, main floor dinner prepared by the Douglas and his wife Janet of ot ~~ Downtown Port Perry 9854422 Rebekahs and the people who Oshawa, David of Port Perry, CATHI SAND, GRAVEL, LIM TONE , (TH shared them with us were Carly and Cindy at home Dear OLLIFFE Call Gary Carter afer 6 PM SSRN super. To our dear children, brother of Paul Culbert of 985-8588 (02) FURNISHED ROOM, réwson relatives and friends we are- Lindsay. Friends called, at the the able, weekly Kitchen, laundry « truly grateful for gifts, cards and Wagg Funeral Home original i Wireless. BURGLAR ALARM privileges In Apple Valley close all the work and good wishes. McDermott-Panabaker Chapel Tea ion! = _SYSTEMS For demonstration to downtown, Port Perry After To the Prime Minister, Mr (985.2171) in Port Perry BIRTHDAY version: # 1 416 965-8061 (A7) 30pm call 985.7613 (A7) Stevenson, The Premier of Funeral service was held in the HAPPY 24th BIR A i Ontario, Mr. Mills, the Township Chapel on Friday, July 26th August 1st, 1991 , Love ONE 12" MONOCHROME EXTRA LARGE 2 BEDROOM of Scugog and Mr. Hall, we Cremation If desired, memorial . Hyundai monitor and cor apartment, with laundry room thank you donations may be made to the LIZ the WHIZ, from Version #2 $150. or best offer 985-3631 and walkout to deck Available Merlin and Dora Dowson Heart and Stroke Foundation of the Bobbling Fool! (J30) Septeqper 15st No pets $950 FRE Ontario Love from your and the rest osm iim Df mONth includes heat 8 THE LIONS Club of Port Pony Te ------ Sepster & Her Hubby of the family APPLE Il COMPUTER and hydro 985.0191 or 985 7908 would like 10 thank the following ~~ STAFFORD MONUMENTS : monitor Also two - .----_--, sponsors for our Demolition offers top quality year oid ii Excel Derby: Gord Lewis Motors; monuments and flat markers at condition. 985-, aher 6 pH m Anderson Ohev-Olds; Taylor reasonable prices. Our Coming Event COMMERCIAL Ford; Ken Edwards Motors, Bowmanville store at 143 King J 410 MASSEY COMBINE - new P FE Philp Pontiac*Buick Ltd ; Fieler St East has an indoor show. . . paint, belts & Spain Field S AC Service Statiof, Emmerson room. We serve all faiths and ready $6 500 1° 799-7782 Insurance, Fofder Insurance. home appointments are avail: MARLIN TRAVEL S . nesses 3 1,000 or 2,000 sq.Mt. with Taylor Insurance; Port Perry able. Free flower containers are One Day Tour to Stage West Dinner Theatre | ANTIQUE BUFFET, 5 excer. | Oversized bay doors, hoist, Marina; Scugog Island Marina; available for the asking Days ti lent condition Call 986.0374 550 power, gas heat, air Ray's Towing. Scala Auto call 14166238150. After hours presenting ------ 5 ie #7 wah Wreckers, Port Perry Star. calf Oshawa 579-1116 V7 CE " CEDAR FENCE Posts & Poles upphed, i Scugog Citizen, Remax Lid References are available as NE R TOO LATE podied or unposied Cedar | 700M ample parking Close Real Estate; Ridgenorth Real well as a written guarantee on i § Trees for h ng Pickup or 0 Hwy 12 Estate; Frank Real Estate. all memorials (TF) starring Jamie Farr : delivered 1 nage 227 Call 985-1036 i . Valu: = : - Souriey | aa Fa 6 sin: va WEDNESDAY MATINEE - AUG. 28th, 1991 | oa oo Lumber, JR Fish Huts, Ken Offi $59 00 per Person Lean Minced 1 80 ib Patties Muftay Electric. Royal Bank ce Pric includes: Return Coach Transportation, 1o and rom Marin 20016 Sun Foasby 986.3546 Auctions Dawson Wate Hauge. win Equipment Travel, Port Perry; Meal, Show, Coffee / Tea, Tax & Graluty ih us. Fort Ponty Fau Bus wil leave Port Perry al 10.00 AM; return approx & PM see poxes = 12 honey a -- TYPEWRITERS, Fax Machines, hydraulic hedvy duty. 966-5164 6:30 PM ive Seren acl Supply for To reserve your spot please call Virginia or Dan af MARLIN TRAVEL i jek - PORT PERRY FAIRGROUNDS all types of machines . treet Perry 2268 PIANO - HEINTZMAN 42° 1 nchude . Business Equipment 728-7501 246 Queen Port 985- excellent condition $3,000 Call Renaissance senes hall table ane OF 985.978) (430) * 985.8085 mirror Sel, sik drapec. Aage YARD SALE - 266 & 275 ---- . Kiomp. ol veining" amtigee Pavey Bhd August 3rd from 8 | dressers, collectibles, glass . ud - - ) Boats Cars Cleaning pasion Jute chairs Soins, ee De | Cr Tr mama b Choatay = JT a id - asant \ 176" RALLY RUNABOUT, 175 G £avsarda Househdly tems, 3 ennels OMC Vo. new convertible top. hay Jougés. 40,008 on Powys SRANDMAS OUPANY ) con mew. ruc cap, icycle frames, - vo --. clean boat $7, 000 or, ran ranty ertihe books, glasses, etc Follow OAKRIDGE DOG BOARDING Joo Sau (430) $3005 Call 085.4073 (430) homes and oMces We ofler oe Aco KENNELS - Quality care, low MARA i Meas La Goan. Ready - oon and Dove rates, located just south of Port R. Westall's MOBILE MARINE "86 DODGE CARAVAN, ou space Bonded, insured Perry 9859170 (ho) Professional service to all @xceflent condition $7,500 GAUSLIN AUCTIONS Al " certified. Call 985.8901 Chamber member 986-0689 or = makes. Also small engine 725.0177 24 bv answering. MONDAY, CIVIC HOLIDAY AUGUST Sth, 1991 at 11.00 AM LJ u ile C ity Contre » Work Wanted CARPENTER / HAND YMAN Registered, 21 years expen once. all work - big or small | guprantoed References Recession Rates. Phone Dan Hastings 966-5002 1A20) Business Opportunity CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE Take thirty minutes of your time and find out about an exciting new opportunity that can supplement your pre sent income or even replace t. Cad anytime 1-800-755-7191 work in bur busy salon in Usbridge. Starting at $300 wookly guaranteed If you think this could be you. call 852.5158 apd ask for Tori (430) . Auctioneers on McCowan Rd, the property of the lake Ws Shanahan SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th at 11.00 AM at Stoutvile, Ontario, the property of Mr and Mrs. Robert Stevens mownglothe US) aufTon seRvrce Selling Estates. Ansques Farm Equipment float Estate cal DON, FREIDA or PHIL 985-2788 SCUGOG TRANSIT LTD. now ¥) wom exporenced school bus drivers holding a vid, Class B hoanoe Employment to commence September 391 Call 985.2323 Call 985-NEWS