A Proud Voice For Scugog Vol. 1, No. 8 Tuesday, August 13, 1891 Cire. 9,000 24 pages 245003 Dump still possibility - Go pink shirt -- the Citizen - In the pink A profusion of pink posies, a pretty giriin a n't resist taking this photo. Thanks to Wilson for letting us borrow her beautiful photographer Melissa Goode Jor posing, and to Lori could: pink petunias for a backdrop Marg will be misse Friends and associates of Marg W mayed and deeply saddened on learning the wt died sudden 2 high profile member Township render Mrs. Wilbur filbur were shocked, dis S2-year old y August 7 of the New Democrats Party and a ureless volunteer with the Scugog Memonal Libwary and Scugog Community Care flipped over dpinned her ae he ul the lawn 3 the family's rura home sbuthwest of Port Perry She was & real leader, 3 con erned and vibrant individual will slways approcisie Marg as a person and a lriend," said a shocked Margaret Scott, chairman of the Scugog Library Board wis killed when a nding mower Mrs Wilbur served on board sfpoe 1985 includ three yours a charman and put 2 on of ume and effort into fend. rasng ihe for the Library Marg had a concern for the long range future of the Library she was always looking 10 the future," sed Mrs. Scout Along with her commitment and drive, Mrs Soon noted Marg sense of humour as we A meting: she awed 10 wy 0 My talk 100 Jong, give me a goo ck under the abl Latwaran Suwanee Whe wlke shout Mrs Wilbur a for the libeary, her willing hel really spprecisied her sup port when | stared (a Wibvanas She was always there 10 help Sh made me foe! welcome ad M White While der presence) will be dooply massed by Libvary stall and She eB board members, the me Can he t he wd shout Commuraty Tare wher Community Mrs Wilby worked as a voles ae Comm oer in the office and 28 2 dry tee n taking patients 10 0CI0F § viel In and She slways whatever the worked a3 2 1. the was really phenomons unteer at Whenever we couldn't get som s . hing 0 work around the off me. She wa { we'd just give Ming a © sd instrament { sorothy Impetial, directa he i - J Scygog Community Lane prim 4 Marg Wilbur Everybody. afound here Care ot wp & gowng 10 miss her. She wowched w ystem for ihe office aby peaple mpPuler Plense soe FRIENDS, page } QN 10% RecycLep Newsprint 8 PLEASE, RECYCLE THE CITIZEN