wp" 22 .. Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, August 13, 1991 Readership versus circulation. What's the difference? Circulation: + That's the actual number of news- / papers delivered (circulated) on / any given publishing day. eye on tirculation claims, to ensure their accuracy. * Readership: Many newspapers use a common formula to determine how many people read their product. In most situations, the CIRCULATION 2 is MULTIPLIED by 2 or 2.7 or sometimes even 3. The explanation for this arith- metic is that when a'newspaper arrives at a house, it is read by more than just one person, This readership arithmetic averages the number of family members* per household. ' The Citizen: We are proud to say the CIRCU- LATION of the Scugog Citizen is 9,000. That's the highest circula- tion of any other Scugog area community newspaper. With a little Readership Arithmetic applied (9,000 X 2.7), the Citizen's READERSHIP could be esti- " mated to be 24,300. No mater how you play with the figures, the fact is this: No one + delivers more papers about Scugog Township in Scugog Township. The bottom line: As an advertiser, you want your message to be received by the most potential customers, Fact is, the Scugog Citizen reaches those customers. Every week. $ For advertising information, contact Valerie Ellis or-Doug Olliffe at 985-6397. Regulatory agencies keep a close . Kon enjoyed Port Perry, but quest drove him on FROM PAGE 18 : He hopes that once thg weather cools this fall and his walk takes him into less populated areas of the country, Darren will be with him on the road. ' Ken is a Type 1 diabetic, which means he needs daily injec- tions of insulin to control the dis- case. When he lost his sight to the disease three years ago, he ad was "very tough" for the first Tew months. ~~ « ' "It findHy came to the point where I had to make a decision 0: get on 'with my life, or sit around and sulk. + "I just decided to get up and re- build my life," he told the Citizen. Diabetes is also causing circu: lation problems in his lower legs, but he has found that walking helps the condition slightly. But he admits that the "Incredible Journey" is not even half over and he is facing the, toughest part: walking across Western Canada in the dead of winter. i He'll be wearing a special jackekwith heating tanks that will allow him to breathe warm air 9 into his lungs. As for the cold, he just shrugs and says "I'll be dressed for i." When asked why he would put himself through this, Ken says' simply that diabetes has hit 1 mil- lion Canadians of all ages. There isfa need for increased public awareness, and as always, money for research. Ken's target had been to raise $1 million for the Canadian Diabetes 'Association. Now, six months later, he's hoping for $2 million. Volunteers will accept cash donations along the road. And anyone wishing to make a donation can do so at any branch of the larger banks: Ken also notes that this year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Fred Banting, and the 70th anniversary of his discovery, with Charles Best, of the drug insulin. When Ken first started the walk he wore out three pairs of sneakers before getting out of Newfoundland. Now, that Alec Tilly is providing him with the distinctive sports clothing and foot-wear, that's not a problem. He started wearing Mephisto shoes and is: still wearing them. Though there are people with him every step of the way and often groups will actually walk alongside Yor a few miles, Ken admits it can be lonely. He often listens to music. And during July, he battled the humidity and blistering heat that some days cut his walk 10 15 KM. And being diabetic, he must carefully monitor blood sugar lev- els, diet and especially his fluid in-take. When asked' if he would do' this again, Ken paused dnd thought for a moment. "Never *been asked that before," he replied, before adding no, he would not walk across the coum try But he is making plans in two years time to climb, Mount Kilamanjaro in Africa. As for what hell do some time - next winter when he finally arrives in Victoria, Ken said he would like to return to the Port * Perry area to live and work on a On Tuesday, Aug. 6, however, his "mini vacation" came to an book rabout his "Incredible end and it was back to Highway 2 Joumney." 4 for the trek into Torogto. * "I really like Port Perry, the He said his next "break" won't people have been great." be until Winnipeg. ¥ All at Guaranteed Lowest Prices || I UNITED re oaiDs CARPET. 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Offer oncls August 26th, 1991 RJM photographic 60 WATER ST., PORT PERRY VIDEO CAMERA 985-8821 AVAILABLE CALL: 985-NEWS = L] Extra coples of the Scugog Citizen are available + atthese great Scugog Township Businesses: IRVINE'S XL GAS BAR, Port Perry * SUNNYSIDE MARKET, Casearea NESTLETON COUNTRY STORE, Nestleton ALDRED'S CORNER STORE, Scugog Island . DOWSON'S VALU-MART, Port Perry IGA, Port Perry PORT STOP (formerly Barry's Variety), Port Perry RE/MAX SCUGOG REALTY, Port Perry RIDGE NORTH REALTY, Port Perry A Proud Voice For Scugog i