Citizen - Tuesddy, August 13, 1991 wp 8 -- Scug a Most people know the goed look- ing pair pictured over there with the microwave. Ralph and Chic at "| Homestead: Furniture & Appliances °| arc-giving away, I say GIVING AWAY a microwave oven. For your chance to win, fill out the coupon in today's paper (page 5) and take it on over to Homestead on Hwy. 7A. While you're there, rub the sleep out HIDE-A-BED SPECTACULAR! It's a Simmons Truckload Caravan special purchase, with a tractor-trail- er load of EXCELLENT Simmons Hide-a-beds. Talk about your bar- goons! These comfy couches are the stuff couch potatoes' dreams are made of! AND THEY START AT rk con sinh ONLY 8499! BARGOON OR WHAT? Yes, and for no extra cost, you can gei UPGRADED FAB- RICS! You're saving' HUNDREDS of dollars! It doesn't get any better than that! This sale ONLY LASTS d I FOUR DAYS. So ACT NOW! It's amazing what a coat of paint can do for a kitchen. on if the paint is 'Melamine', which gives kitchen cupboards the European look that's so popular right now. Talk to Mary at Lizylou Decor Cooly on Queen St., and she'll fill you in'on all the colourful details. [Last cHaNce wish Were a TO WIN! ||| Oo = De Les 1 gs Charlie and Margaret Steranka (shown here with loyal employee Lori Lockhart) were so happy with the response to last week's 3-piece dinner special at Dixie Lee (on Water St. in Port), that they're doing it again. WOW! Three pieces of great Dixie Lee chicken, fries; roll and salad, for only $3.99. See you at lunch, Charlie! Chic and Ralph' at Homestead: now they're cooking. "This Saturday is the LAST DAY 10 enter the Citizen's EVERYTHING 1 NEED IS AT THE PORT PERRY PLAZA CON- TEST". If youhaven't clipped out last week's - game board by now, you'd better get busy and hand it in to any store at the plaza by Saturday at closing time. It's EASY, it's FUN, and you might win-one of two prizes: airfare to HAWAII or a $200 SHOPPING SPREE at the plazas As you can tell by Pat Kneale's (she's the co-owner of Pete's Pet Pantry) expression, the contest is going real- ly well. So enter! Now! . of your eyes and take a gander at the © LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Detests skateboards "To the editor: "Skateboards." Regarding the skateboard issue: I detest the things! Being a retail merchant on 'Queen- St, | have lived in horror, swatching these 'big boys' weave in and out of pedesttians (who have the right of way on our sidewalks). Several times I've approached the kids to please leave the main street (Queen) and have been told 'where 10 go'! One boy told me I didn't own the sidewalk; well, I may not.own it, but we happen to be.paying the property tax (for the upkeep of the beautiful planters and promotional advertising for our delightful vil- lage). What is wrong with some of these teenagers, that they do not appreciate the beauty, and care so little for what we are so fortunate to have? I am very much against our tax dollars being considered to. spend; to accomodate this 'whim' of the past couple years. It is a phase likely to pass 'as all childhood games do. Rather than mess up our park for/use by other people, I have a suggestion -- how about a project for the woodworking class at the high school? A skateboard ramp could be built and ready by spring (when the skateboard sea- son begins) and placed on the high school grounds. It would be away from, and not bothering, anyone, This week I noticed they are skat- ing up and down the road (another accident waiting to happen). The' car-drivers are not expecting skateboards to whiz by! While I'm letting off steam, how about getting the 'bicycles' off the sidewalk. too? Teach the | children safety rules of the road and make a by-law that 4 license . is necessary 10 operate a bicycle. If my memory is correct, I think a license was necessary a few years back. It's most unfair that the mer- chants are being fined for outside displays, while being taxed to the hilt, as well as constantly giving 10 every local organization and wor- thy cause; and these few teenagers who seem to have no respect for other people's property, are getting away with anything they want 10 do. I like children, but I feel it is time they showed a little respect for their elders and we should not have to give in to their every demand. " Jean McDermott, Port Perry. Another municipal drain To the editor: I was very surprised and shocked - in recently. being informed of another municipal drain being created in Mariposa. This one will have an effect not only on my property (lot 4, Con. 1) but lands that are being con- served for the people of Ontario. They are valuable to the fish and wildlife habitat located in King's Bay on the north shore of the few left on this lake which has not been interfered with: Itis a most valuable spawning arca of this lake for muskellunge so it is environmentally sensitive. This drain, according to a Wildlife Canada habitat survey, can, and I quote: "The fertilizer Council's 'hidden agenda? Scugog Council may have a hidden agenda for turning down -the Fairboard's request for a letter of.endorsement regarding recon- struction of a ball diamond. The letter would not cost or commit * council to anything. The grant would come from lottery funds (voluntary tax, no cost to taxpay- ers from either pocket). [tis difficult to understand councils attitude. It wanted to provide more recreation facilities by building a very expensive recreation centre at massive cost to the taxpayer, yet refuses to endorse a facility that would not cost the taxpayer. Perhaps council Kas informa- tion on the fairgrounds that would help explain its decision. 'Colin L. Kemp, Nestleton. and other chemicals coupled with soil erosion and runoff, after stream, river and marine habitants and have adverse impact such as fertilizey runoff from farm fields can accelerate "aquatic plant growth, which, upon decompos: ing, takes oxygen from water. Pesticide contamination harms the sports fisheries in these waters." 1 have contacted the Ministry ,-of Natural Resources in Lindsay Lake Scugog. This bay is one of - about this situation and they inform me that this drain will have no gffect pn fish habitat. To this, I must positively disagree. When a municipal drain is started; there is no telling how far and how large it can go. " Who is and where is our envi- . ronment governm&nt? This is unbelievably shocking to say the least. Surely there are people in Mariposa who will rise up and fight these disastrous decisions which can be disastrous to our natural resources. By the way, why did Mariposa Council pass a resolutionigiving a landowner a tile drain loan before he had a sufficient outlet ($9,300 -- bylaw passed Nov. 6, 1989)? Is. this another tactic to force another municipal drain which the 'majori- ty do not want because they are not only losing their water but are paying more taxes -- which are already excessive -- and which will cause untold damages down- stream to private property: and Lake Scugog A former Ontario Minister of Agriculwre, David Ramsay, who 18 still a member representing the nding of Timiskaming, speaking as agriculture critic recently in the legislature, said the drainage act has done tremendous environmen- tal damage and is having a tremendous financidl impact on people along that drainage land. Doug Fish, Mariposa.