> Vengo Cleon Th I CITIZEN CLASSIFIED 985-NEWS Deadline: Monday Noon A Fax: 985-1410 Pp Work Wanted - SMALL WOODEN BOAT, motor and custom Trailer. $400. Call 986-0679. 20' FIBERGLASS SAILBOAT *CYGNUS", centreboard Cuddy Daysailor, all sails, motown and trailer. Call 985-0173. INDUSTRIAL or STORAGE SPACE for rent. $125. per month. Contact Karl Herder 985-3885 (TF) DJ.'s PROPERTY DETAILING WE ARE LOOKING for a bright, Vi gardens, trim trees, clean-upg, stump carving (ducks). | 705-357-2794. {S10) junior secretary- receptionist for a full time, ind position. Keyboard skills and some degree of PAYROLL apd ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK. help required for data entry three days per week from December 1 to March 31. A 'help requi days per week from November 15 to March 31, and one day pef week thereafter. A thorough HALL RENTAL - Conception Hall. Available for Weddings, Banquets, Dances CANOE - 16' Bluewater, Nylon - Kevlar, wood trim. $900. Call 985-4256. FREE TO GOOD HOME - Puppies, 3 males, 4 months old. Call 705-328-2312. (S4) and Meetings. Please contact Terry Louvelle 985-3342. (TF) UPHOLSTERY REPAIRS Need boat repairs or new tops, covers, windows or seats? Be ready for next summer. Take DO-IT-YOURSELF GARAGE SPACE available. Air compres- of fall di Call Chris (416) 985-9904. A-Frame Repairs, (S4) fiteracy " reg Please reply in writing with resume: to: George L. Smith, Lawyer, 226 Queen Street, Port Pony, Onta Ontario LOL 189. "GRANDMA'S COMPANY requires cleaners now and for sor, car hoist, el sup- plied, spray booth available $25.00 per day. Callas 10%. DAYCARE © available in my home. 6 years Full or part-time. 985-4131. DAYCARE DOUBLE or Triple Baby Stroller. Call 985-3401. Exp d, qualified person to provide TLC for your little one in ici sdb ng RIDE°NEEDED to and from Durham College to arrive at 10:00 AM to depart 4:00 PM. Call 985-0849, leave message. - Cal 985.8347. 3 Cleaning ' Fifteen | words. Five > Contracting | VAN CAMP CONTRACTING GRANDMA'S COMPANY Green Cleans (no chemicals) homes and offices. We offer Port Perry area $8,50 per hour to start; $9.50 by first year's end. Car essential. Full ime or part-time. Call (416) 986-0689, - (S4) PART TIME MATURE HELP required. Approx. 2 days per week, daytime' Call Centennial Lanes 985-7908. SALESPERSON - Will train. of ACCPAC Plys "Payroll 'and A ge of ACCPAC Plus Payable and accurate keyboarding skills are essential. A formal | Ledger, A Receivable, Accounts Payable, , Inventory Control, and daily such as a second level CMA or CGA is preferred. Please forward resume and references to Lakeridge Resort 'Limited, RR4, Uxbridge, Ont. LOR 1R4 by September 15; 1991 (84) LOVING CAREGIVER in my home for 1 year old boy and light housekeeping. 4 day week - 6 hour days. Non-smoker, references. Call 986-4080 (A27) FULL-TIME GROOM for horse farm near Utica. Will waif. Call cash ili is Responsibilities include the compilation of departmental financial reports, cash and bank reconciliation, inventory control, and interpretation of financial data. A formal accounting ound such as a fourth or fifth level CMA or CGA is preferred as well as experience in a multi-centre retail environment. Please forward resume and references 4 Lakeridge Resort Limited, Rl Uxbridge, Ontario L9R 1R4, by Must have vehicle. Please call 852-3607. or i 19). 5 54 > Fon at 985-0979. ee pmmmmims MATURE, FULL-TIME position atlocal book store. 985-0079 HELP WANTED STUDENTS 11 to 16 YEARS working for a registered charity. Earn up to $29. - $50. a day. feminist The Scugog and District Rape Crists Centre is a non-profit, to*Women Survivors of Rape ee Sexual Assault. The Centre is looking for ah Organizational Development g quality service Mother-in-Law" clean. Ready Gah for more information. Part view the i oh ol Sand, gravel, fill, imastone, or iapuston! Sons, insted aan Sot S 4 ow So i Slaves | Te Serve screened il, bulldozing a ocked. 17. x ing. Call Th Gi . 986.0689 or 9858917. usbast 4. ious: of 3 fours vsperaren in policy wid i 725-9177, 24 hr. 9 a ora woman P y a Rape Legal Ma This is an 11 month contract, commencing September 15, 3 yi 1991: It Is a 32 hour work week (with flexible scheduling). : Notice Salary range is from $32,000 to $34,500, depending on TO: SUSAN SMITH Applications should be mailed to: If belongings are not Sougog Crisis Centre i from 36 Lakeview Drive, Port Hiring Committee Perry by August 31st, 1991, 'Box 1226, Port Perry, they will bs. sold for cost of | Ontario LOL 1B7 sorage. | *Just pldce your baby's birth announcement in the Citizen Classifieds and receive as our gift to your new addition, an "I'm a New Scugog Citizen" Baby Romper. Classified word ads are $5 for the first 15 words, plus 20 cents per additional word (plus GST). Ads must be pre- paid before insertion and "3 Wht romper, VISA accepted. Scugog Citizen, 36 Water St, Port Perry