\ § Beugog Clflien -- Tuesday, Augusl 7, TOT --8 'Blood Ben Clinic, One of the happiest Ing to tragedy. My baby was fine, but | was hemorrhaging that felt like But there was blood there mements of my life was turn- TUESDAY, ' SEPT. 10th . from 2 PM to 8 PM co-ordinated by Fidelity Lodge 428 atthe MASONIC LODGE - 320 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY For further information please contact: Don Bower 985-8764 or 985-0402 GIVE TODAY.... GIVE FOR LIFE. John Ross 985-2818 FA PORT PERRY port party printing i LUCYK > 985-8569 oye RENOVATIONS LTD. 434-051 7 201 NORTH STREET, PORT PERRY 985-9755 = : FORDER - PARKS INSURANCE BROKERS INC. Personal Attention to All of Your General Insurance Needs 34 WATER ST.. PORT PERRY W 985-8471 * DENNIS 268 Queen Street PORT PERRY _ CHEV - OLDS LTD. * SCUGOG CHRYSLER LTD. The GATE FAMILY RESTAURANT Comer Hoy. 7A &e 12 3 Manchest sr 985.7355 or 655.4826 Port Perry Plaza 985-8686 . PAUL VAN CAMP EMM ERSON Se artered Accountant 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 31, PORT PERRY 0054728 985-7306 THE GALLEY FISH & SEAFOOD {5 Party Trays Available Upon Request 5 Check our Fish and Seafood Counter 161 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-8647 < 24 HOUR ATM J Get us working fon you! [IIS 145 QUEEN ST, PORT PERRY Thanks to the above merchants and businessmen, who have sponsored this advertisement. = ~