aut Lorens I' a 3 hg» oll \ LERtS 4 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1983 a Page Five A % Men' 8 'Black Side Leather Blucher «2 oz balls, CLOSI SPECIALS We still have a lot of valuable Merchandise to dispose of and we will be glad to have you come in and look over our bargains' to see what we really have to of fer. Oxfords, a smart, well fitting last. Sizes 6 to 10, 'Special $1.98 "A notable offeting for: small boys are these Oxfords of Blk, Leather with good leather soles. 'Sizes 11, 12, 13, 13%. Clearing at $1.69 'Corticelli' Thistlebloom Wool. Nearly a full range of colours. Clearing at' 25c. $1.00. A few of our specials for this week. Prices very low on these boys' Oxfords, cut from strong Black Side Leather, Blucher style: Sizes 3, 4,6, b%.. Sale price $2.39 Men's Fancy and Plain Silk Ties. ' Many colours to choose from, reg. Sale Price 49c. Men's Dressy: Grey Flannels, cut on popular lines, with five pockéts 'Reg. $3.50, . Sale Price $2. 29 'If you are needing foot content thy a pair of Dr. Scholl's Arch Supports - or Foot Easer. Pefhaps you have a pair and are "needing new ones. We "have a few pairs lett and are clearing them out at very low prices. JAMES McKEE Phone 182 Port Perry, 1two splendid sermons full of thought land study. The goung people's choir 3. 'This is the tim TO BUY - Made-to-Measure "SUITS and Overcoats We are offering good values--60 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. YOUR CHOICE FOR $35.00 . Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done) W.T.R dman MERCHANT LOR EYESIGHT SPECIALIST SCUGOG Next Sunday'is Communion service at the Centre Church at 11 a.m,, and evening worship at the Head Church at 7.30 p.m. We Hope to see a good turnout. i Sunday School at the Centre at 10 am. sharp. Sunday were well attended. We were favoured with a beautiful day, and Rev, Mr. Wolfraim, of Courtice, gave rendered several fine selections with Mrs. Geo, Samells at the organ. Murs. T. Redman, Mrg. S. Rodman and Miss W. Niddery sang "Sweeter as the Years Roll By." The music was ex- ceptionally, good, ; The marriage of Miss Jennie Leigh- ton and Mr, Frank Bailey, took place on Wednesday, June 21st at the home| of her parents, Mr. gnd Mrs, Arthur| Leighton. The ceremony. was per- formed on the lawn under an arch of roses and bells, by Rev. Jas. Elford, in the "presence of relatives and in- timate friends, Miss Mae Leightom, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid. Mr, W. Hamilton was-best man, was played by Mrs. T. Redman, Author 'of Eyes in Modern Life jalizin exclusivel in popes ii Fy cyenhy and - glasses. : Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings Disney Block SG pposite- P.0. OSHAWA, ONT. 1616 -- Phone -- 1616 en -- It is stad iy all right for a woman to hold on to her youth, but she should Over the Telephone" Office, Port Perry 'not. do it while he is driving. iy ring, to the best man a tie pin. christeried by Rev. Mr. Elford. After Redman and Mrs. Hamilton. Blackstock.' ow advance in price on July 1st. hoping for a further is our lot. We therefore are * Let us have' 'your order : supply. 'We can supply you with desire. reduction in price, is now selling -at the lowest summer price. Summer Prices on Coal Our latest Advice from the coal companies is, coal 1 vil We have been holding off but disappointment forced to announce. that coal \ now - for your next winter" S- almost any kind of coal you [rm ---- FRED E. "REESOR' ~ Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 1. life together. 'Mr. 'and Mrs. A. Martyn and Inez with a little hail. any damage, and. 'the rain did a lot of good. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick and child- ren, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and fam- ily, 'of Toronto, vigited thei father, Mr. H. Fralick and"brother Mr. C. Fralick, over the week end. Mr. A. Prentice has put a new steel Yoof on his barn recently. Mr. Stuart Mark of Shirley, Mr. Percy Jéffrey, and sisters Myrtle and Luella, were visitors of Mr, and Mrs. 0. Jeffrey, on Sunday. 3 "Mrs. A. Brown and two grandchild: ren Gordon and Laura Prentice, of Epsom, visited 'the formers sister Mrs. R. Prentice, on Sunday. . Pefnce Albert "football boys came . over last Tuesday evening and played COAL COKE "CEMENT - LIME - TILE When in need of any of supply on hand to meet FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. SCOTCH : COAL, "WELSH COAL, STEAM COAL, CANNEL} COAL. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE, BODY HARDWOOD, HARD- the above give us a eal. your needs. WOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. CEMENT--A fresh carload just arrived. - Also Fresh LIME and PARISTONE, TILE. Your orders will receive our usua PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones--94 v and 94J. El ie 0) TH RS y DRAW MADE JUNE 30th | Be sure to have a coupon: - Permanent Wave--Absolutely Free. to take place on the evening of J une 30th, "Win a beautiful 'Draw yy . WOOD We have a full 1 prompt and careful attention. "Relighle Service and Better Fuels" MULLIGANS BEAUTY SHOPPE | HH. MULLIGAN, Proprietor - THO 4 game with our boys. The score was 1-0 in favour of the visitors. The, return game will be played soon. Mr. H. Phillips, Mrs. Daricott, of Toronto; Mrs. L. V. Savage, of Osh- awa, Mr, and Mrs. C. Graham, Vernon' and Dorothy, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sweetman. Rev. Mr. Elford took charge of Mr. Wolfraim's work on Sunday. Misses Edna Dowson of. Port Perry, 'and Merle Hope; Prince Albert, are .| visiting 'their grandparents Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Jackson, for a few days. "* Miss 'Cecila Hope, Prince Albert, is 'visiting her aunt Mrs. J. L. Sweetman, for a few days. Clara, were Sunday guests of her' sister, Mrs, D. Hope. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ploughman and little Audrey, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beacock.' Mr. and Mrs. C. Samells, Edna and George, visited his brother Mrs. G. Samells, on Sunday. Miss Myrtle Sweetman visited her parents over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ploughman and Audrey, were in Toronto a few days last week. M&S and Mrs. A. Sweetman and Milner, on Sunday. Toronto for a few days last week. DONT WORRY ABOUT | FIRE!" Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON won by a score of 8-6. J of 17-16 score. the' Scugog boys, on Friday, June 80. school' grounds. "The Union herein services last |. The bride looked charming in' a white silk dress with hat and acces- gories to match. The wedding march The groom's gift to the bride was a ward- | robe case and the the bridesmaid a After the wedding ceremony the bride's little cousin, Norma Fines, was the ceremony the guests were served dinner by Mrs. Thomas The bride and groom left for a motor trip to the north. 'On their return Mr, and: Mrs. Bailey will reside on a farn? near . Their many friends on Scugog wish for them a long and hagpy married Mr. and Mrs, E, Fines: and family, Mrs. T. Redman were invited guests. We had a splendid rain on Monday The hail did not do . Congratulations to Miss Clara Hardy) and Mr. Earl Clark, on getting their Entrance on their year's work. Also a number of:others got a pass to the next class on their year's work-- Helen, Murray, Doris. and Leonard Clark, Keith and Bobby Croziér, Joy Hood, Willie, David- and Owen Read: er, all of the Foot School, with Miss H. Ackney, as' teacher, " There is a new feature on the school fair prize list this year--Mr, Gordon Collins is giving a pail of honey and three money prizes are being offered by the Junior Girls" Institute, to the boys 'who get the most. woodchuck tails. Many' woodchucks have already lost their lives, as some of the boys are working hard. Mrs. Arthur Leighton and PVA Mae, and Mr. and Mrs, F, Bailey, of Bjackstock, visited the former's brother Mr. B.. Fines, on Sunday, BLACKSTOCK The following is the annual report 'of the Victorian Women's Institute as submitted by the Setrelary, Miss Frances Mountjoy: : The Victorian Women's Institute for the year had.a membership of "50. During the year there were 12 meet- ings, including two special meetings when we exchanged visits with Ty- roné and Shirley Institutes. The total attendance for the year was 539. In the 12 meetings there were 10 papers and 1 address given. The address on "Doukhobours" was given by Rev. F. W. Newell. Some of the most interest- ing papers were: Canadian Industries; How to make our Institute a Failure; Canadianization; Remembrance Day; Essay on Laura Secord; Accidents in the Home; Easter; Home Beonorirics; and The Home. Throughout the year our Institute was responsible for the care of "the Memorial 'Park; flowers and shrubk on the park gate which reflects on the monument. The war veterans helped to pay for the light. a We also spent some money on the light in park, $41.50; For power for light, $10.00; Fall Fair donation, $10; were bought, also the Perpetual Light following items: For installation of On Saturday night the Blackstock girls went to Brooklin for a game and lost by a score of 16-14. The regular monthly meeting of the, Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church, was held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Hill, with an attendance of «24, Mrs. N. Mountjoy, read the The RED & WHITE Store Bible lesson and.gave a short talk on "Thé Blind Beggar" after which Miss Ferga Johnston led. in prayer, "Thel, program was in charge of Mus. Nod Dominion Day Specials man Mountjoy and consisted of Temeprance reading by Mrs. Cecil Hill, entitled "Mrs. Booze", The of the Western Provinces" by Mrs, Frank Stinson, and a piano duet by chapter: of Sindy Bid 4The wh FIG F INGERS, 2 To. for 29¢ Misses Evelyn Sanderson and Marion FALCON'COFFEE ..... per 1h 39¢. Stinson. Lunch was served by those] : 1 : it in charge. | i PEARL i Mr. and Mrs, W. C..Ferguson and > BRITISH EMPIRE TEA ...... per Ib 3le. Rev. Clarence Ferguson, of Bowman-| * IEEN ¢ re 8 oz. . On ville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil SOAP QUEEN OLIVES, 1! 0% A per hat, 4c, Hill, on Saturday. ~_ CHIPSO ............. PEN per pkg. 2le. Mrs. McCullum, of 'Winnipeg, has bs . SVQ STi 4 ¢ gone on to- Orillia, after a pleasant 10 bars for GILLETT'S LYE, ..... eee 2 tins for 25¢ visit with her cousin Mrs. Jas. Strong 'o FALCON PICKLES, 9 oz. ........ .. jar 10c. and others in the neighbourhood. - . A a : . cits 4 : C. : GRAPENUT FLAKES .......... pkg. 10c. GREENBANK CLOVERLEAF SALMON, "2's ..... tin 18c. Mrs. Baldwin left last week for Lo a : ; gi wlicre she expects to make] BRIT, [,O: Cleans BAKING hoy DER, R.& W....... tin 25c¢. e . ne op » >, ' ' need Min. "gsm tarde bout] - and -Polishes-- TOILET 1 Al ER, R, & w: iain ee 3 for 23c rol moved inte Mis. Boldwin's howto.) = per pkg. l4c. BRILLO--Cleans and Polishes, ... pkg. 1dc. o Mr. and Mrs. Williams have moved into the house vacated by' Mr. and Mrs. Dyson. Miss H. E. Cragg left on Sunday for Victoria, B.C.; after a three week's visit here. or ? : Mr, and Mrs. John Bagshaw and SUGAR, 101bs. 72. Miss Edna, were with relatives here on Sunday. ~ The Women's Association held their monthly meeting last Tuesday at the home of - Mrs. Edgar Leask, Jith: 3 large attendance. = a. Mr, and Mrs. W. Phoenix wield at Whitby on Tuesday of last week, with Mr. and Mrs. Mackie. 3 We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. A. J. Chapin, in Victoria, B.C. better known in this locality: as Rose Hall, 3 Mr. and Mrs. ronto on Monday. Mr. J. :Byden, Searharo Junction, N H Blake Crag, in *To-| FALCON PEANUT BUTTER, Pint jar 19¢. Balmoral Assorted SANDWICHES, Ih 15c. 3 JAVEL WATER -..... "= ......2 for 15c. Gold Medal PINK SALMON, I's .....oooieinn tin 10c. . TOMATOES, Gold Medal, 2%'s ... tii 0c. Sardines EDUCATOR CHEESE THINS ....pkg. lde. 2 for 25¢c. BIG FIVE CLEANSER ...0........ tin Se. : CHOCOLATE PEANUTS. ....... 1, Ib 13¢ PURE LARD, 1 Ib prints .......... Ib 10c. WELCH GRAPE JUICE ........ bottle 25c. a Mr. and: Mrs. C. Hardy, John ol children, visited her father Mr. John Mrs. F. Gerrow visited friends in Our boys' ball team, with a large number of friends, motored to Black- stock, last-Friday, evening and played their second league game, and all came home feeling very happy having The Port Perry girls came down to play a game of softball with our girls last Saturday evening, and went home with broad smiles having the big end The next ball game horé "will be played between Port Perry boys and The . Blackstock girls play here' on July 4th. Both games at the "Centre Games wil start at Park caretaker, $10; Federation fees, with friends here on" Sunday. 87. 50; Fees for Girls' Coaching. Class, $3.15; Miscellaneous Bride's Gifts of 'silverware; babies' bank books: and fruit for the sick. We also gathered tin foil and sent it to the- Shriners' Hospital for Crippled Children in Montreal, where it is made .into souvenirs. . - which, are sold to supply funds for 'thé hospital: "i To raise funds we had two "Pot Luck" suppers, two euchre and croki- nolg parties, and one. night of lantern slides. We helped others along by sending to the Northern Textiles for blankets made from old discarded woollens "which we gathered. We sent a barrel of fruit to the Sick Children's Hos- pital, Toronto, and a bale of clothing for relief containing 3 quilts, 10 pairs stockings, - i og boots, rubbers, | ete, valued at $27.2 This bale went to a family in the Nipissing District. Receipts for the year ..... 10. $141.05 Expenditures .....vo..o.oeie $112.90 Cash on hand ..J. oven $28.15 Tos * Fx Mr. Alvin Bell of the Ottawa teach- son, of Toronto, spent, the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bell. Mr. Maurice Waldon, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with his cousins, the Smith Bros. - A number from here attended the Decoration Service "at Pine Grove Cemetery on Sunday last. i Mr. and Mrs. L. Polan; of Sask., are, enjoying a visit with relatives and tee) newing old' friendships in our neigh- bourhood. On Sunday, the- 2bth, anniversary services were held in St. John' s Angli- can Church, Rev.:J. N. Blotgett, of Wycliffe College, preached both morn- ing and evening and gave two very inspiring addresses. At the evening service, Mrs. Hayes, of Port Perry, rendered a beautiful solo which was greatly appreciated. ' On Saturday July 1st, ball games will be held on the Fair Grounds fol- lowed by a supper in the drill shed and later by a concert in the Community Hall, consisting of a play entitled "Mammy's Lil' Wild Rose", a comedy drama of the Sunny South, played:by the Newcastle Dramatic Club. Music and classical dancing between acts. Mr, Joseph Hooey of North. Battle- ford, Sask, is visiting his brother Mr, John Hooey Aad other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bell, Alvin and Pearl and Mrg, Wm, Petterson, spent Sunday with relatives in Bethany and Lifford. On Friday "evening last a game of boys' softball was played between the locals and Scugog. The score was 8- 6.80. ing staff and his aunt Mrs. W. Patter-} | 5 in favour of Scugog.. t Come in and see the world's safest tire When Goodrich invented the Life-Saver Golden Ply, they revolutionized the tire business. This amazing invention checks internal heat and keeps ;rubber and fabric from separating---- prevents blisters and so protects you from blow- outs. What's more, the new Silvertown has the most skid-resisting tread on the road. We have PROOF. Goodrich Standard Cavalier offers really astonishing value -- sce prices. Strdng, rug ed, with a great amount of traction in the tread. At the price you can't buy better tire value anywhere. Goodrich produced the Commander for the man who wants as good a tir¢ as it is possible to make at an amaz- ingly low price. It will give more wear and satisfaction than you would: be: lieve possible at this price. SWEETMAN'S "GARACE "Local Dealers. - > FREE This handcome emblem with red crystal re- flector to protect you if your tail light goes out, Come in and get yours, and become a member of the Silvertown Safety League, ox 1 THE OUNTIE This sign eietih os as a Goodrich Fie on can Safety ie with Life Saver Golden Ply. Port Perry F. W. Brock & Son