Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Jul 1933, p. 4

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Page Four SERAR EN NG - --y ---------- SR ---------- LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Forbes Nasmith, of Martin's Siding, Muskoka, spent' the week end with {friends in town. Mr, and Mis, C. J, Jeffrey, of TH ford, Sask., have been visiting friends fr and) . od wo . hd rE) é RO 3 ns et 4 5 ' x rt % pV on. | 3 - . Xi Caw ti he } ; SS LI i . Rick YR pad 0) ot SE in Port Perry and district. They are i z, very welcome visitors. . HE } Wi : Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy, of AN 2K Blackstock; Mr, and Mrs. R. Mount- joy and daughters June and Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkinson and son of Toronto, and Mr. 'W. H, Crozier of Lindsay, were visitofs with Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Crosier, over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gimble, Mr. J. Allin and son, and Miss A. Johnston, ' 4 Al - | ); ¢ P< 1} y \ h i : d 2 Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Davey. Mr. Jas. Medd, who was taken sud- denly ill last week, is improving. Mr. P. Nind, is spending his holi- days with his parents at the Rectory. aes ry Ne Res Fy ASMA LAR fae SRA AT iN i) hi chard, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orchard. Mr. Jos, Stansfield and sons Joseph and Donald, of Stratford, have been visiting with Mrs. Robt. Town, Mr. Stansfield's. mother-in-law. ie Miss Edith Peter, who has been teaching at Kakabeka Falls, is home for the holidays. Miss Smyth, of Belleville, and Miss Nash, of Wellington, have been the guests of Rev. W. J. H. Smyth at the Parsonage. Miss Smyth is a sister to Rev. Mr. Smyth. Mr. Ed. Griffen has moved into the Hugh Lucas house. Mr. and Mrs, James Terry, of To- ronto, Mr, Dick Terry, Gormley, and Mrs. Wm. P. Watson, of Uxbridge, spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prentice. "Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Doubt, of To- ronto, were in town over the week end. a SCUGOG CHAPTER, 1.0.D. E. The Scugog Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire; held a most successful Garden Tea, at the home of the Misses Harris, on Wednesday last, in spite of the intense heat. A number of- ladies were present, both from Lindsay and Uxbridge. All were most enthusiastic in -their ex- pression of appreciation for the after- -noon's entertainment. ~The guest speakers were: Mrs. Detwiler of London, and Mrs, Lum- "bérs, of Toronto, both members of the National Chapter. Mrs. Detwiler spoke on. "Empire pr bond ap fortunate enough to be able to listen to her. Afternoon tea was served at little tables under the beautiful trees, | where about seventy ladies were waited upon by a bevy of pretty girls. The garden, with its profusion of canterbury hells, delphiniums and other beautiful flowers, was much ad- mired by the guests. : After Mrs. Detwiler's address, Mr. Chas. Hartfield sang two numbers in a most artistic manner, and the or- chestra of the United Church supplied music during the tea hour. The Scugog Chapter owe a debt of gratitude to the Misses Harris, not only for the loan of their beautiful A LR A ht : - grounds, but also for their co-opera- 2 tion in making the afternoon a suc- 337] hoi cess. : 38 * i KING EDWARD LOYAL ORANGE LODGE NO. 223 ~ All Orangemen are invited to the ; presentation and dedication of a Banner by distinguished = Toronto Brethren, oh Friday evening, July. 7th, in the Lodge Room, at 8 o'clock. @G. J. Morrish, ~~ Wm. Ettey, Rec. Sec'y. Wor. Master BE aL ™ SEPA - THE PRIZE WINNERS The following were the Prize Win- ners. in the recent contest at Mulli- gan's Beauty Shoppe: First Prize--Mrs. Hattie Murray, Port Perry. Second Prize--Miss Alma Clemerits, Seagrave. Third Prize--Miss . Myrtle Sweetman, "Scu- ~gog- P.O. ' '3d ' - ~ LEAVE FOR CLEVELAND | Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Davey left for Cleveland on Tuesday aftet spending several months in Port Perry, While in Port Perry they were Day Mr, and Mrs, M.<Goode. Mr. Davey, will . long be remembered as an excellent baritone singer, and his services in this respect, particularly in the, nited Church were much appreciated. ood wishes go with these péople, We trust that fortune may smile upon i om, of Toronto, were week end guests of | The Misses Laura and Norma Or- ~ ~~ Study" and .charmed all who were WITH of Toronto. will be at PORT PERRY, Mr. Bind. will have with Choose Your EYESIGHT SPECIALIST EDWARD BIND, R. 0. Optometrist, Eyesight Specialist, I. R. BENTLEY'S STORE, THURSDAY, JULY 13th, to make a thorough eyesight examination possi- ble, and a selection of modern, up-to- date Spoetacieyare, : WATER IN PLACE OF MEAL HELPS, STOMACH Stomach trouble is often helped by skipping one meal. Drink dots "of water. Add a spoonful of Adlerika each morning to clean out poisons in stomach and bowels. A. M. Lawrence, druggist. : CARE ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN 20%: ©. CHURCH ~~ A Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister. 7 p.m.--Evening Service v re eee -- ----- 4 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. BE a PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, July. AER 10 a. m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Worship service Subject: "The man with the Measuring Line." 7 p.m.--Worship Service-- Subject: "The Ignorance of him sufficient equipment the Expert." Rev, W. J. H. Smyth will have charge A Good Citizen Gone. « In the death of Wm. Masten, Port Perry loses an SB kind- ly, useful citizen, For something more i a goa Mr, MacGregor has been laid aside through illness, and the community have regretted to see him robbed of his former activity. It used to be a treat to meet Mr. MacGregor for he was full of fun and hopefulness. After a brave struggle the end came on Tuesday, June 27th, 1933. late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MacGregor, of Scugog Island, and was born, Oct. 27th, 1870. For a number -of years he lived on Scugog Island, putting in Rose. Next he went with his father, who was a carpenter and'barn builder, and with him" hie "learned his- trade. | This relationship continued for a num- ber of years and then Mr. MacGregor went -to work -with' the late John Stovin, Finally a partnership was Mr. Wes. Powers. This partnership continued until illness "compelled Mr. 'MacGregor to give up his work. In various parts of the surrounding ~ district and at some more distant points may be found evidences of the industry and craftsmanship of the de- ceased and his partner. About 41 years ago, Mr. Miscliogor. married Phoebe Jane Wells. children blessed this union--Bert., Earl and Leighton--all of whom, to- deceased.' Mr. MacGregor had a 'number of interests outside his regular business. 'He was fond of music and for many year was a member of the town band, also of St. John's Presbyterian Church choir. ~ engaged much of his time and. effort was the Fire Brigade of which he was Chief for a-number of years. It is interesting to note that his son Bert. | has succeeded him ag Chief of the Fire 'Brigade, and that Leighton is an, active member of that organization. The large attendance at Mr. Mac- Gregor's funeral gave ample evidence of the high esteem in which the de-' many beautiful floral tributes. 'Both the members of the Fire Brigade and the Band attended the funeral in a body. The funeral. service was conducted by the Rev. D. A. Ferguson, and in- terment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. The community -éxtends - sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. -- to ------------ -- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Arrangements have beer made to hold this annual event at Stephenson's Point, Scugog, on the afternoon of July '12th. The usual arrangements are being made for transportation and sports, . ----e Po: IN MEMORIAM McKEE--In loving memory of my dear mother, Elizabeth McKee, who was killed July 9th, 1932, One year has passed, dear mother Since you were called away; The 'call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one, we loved so dear, For life is not the sanie to us' Since you were called away, God only knows how we miss you And we trast in God to meet again, Sadly missed by daughter' Fthel, and son-in-law "Clarence. ] Mr. MacGregor was the son of the his school life there and-later working. Jon the farm for Mr. Foy and Mr. Wes. formed between Mr. MacGregor and ; Three gether with their mother, survive the| Bu Another 'organization which ceased citizen was held. There were - of both services. '- | Port Perry - Dominion Store - SPECIALS for "ihe WEEK- END Cups and ei Good selection of all kinds of dishes at remarkably low prices. Men's Work Shirts, double shoulder, good weight and make, only ..69c. Men's Dress Shirts, good value at 86c. Men's Work Pants, red back, beady EERE] A) Z "THE MAN WHO HASN'T weight, reg. $1.60 ...... for $1.29 Men's Good {| OREN 1.10 TIME FOR PUBLIC DUTY ms Dyaaliys dor $ DOES THE MOST KICKING- Men's Good Dress Socks, 3 pairs bbe. . BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSe 'RUNS THE WORKS la Men's Work Sox. ihved "ve. pair 15s, Ta Ta RERIE, Men's: Straw. Dress Hats, reg $1.89 oman, whe, oesn't . ume, or 49¢. | kf to go over his building plans } with lumber experts often; has, } cause to kick--when it is too H late. Come in and let us explain the necessity for perfectly sea- soned, well graded lumber. Men' 8 Good Work Boots, special '$1. 89 Special bargains on Men' s, Women's i and Children's Wool and Cotton Bathing Suits. We have many more bargains in our x store waiting for your inspection.|¥§ Call in and see for "yourself. 1 Ie 1 Sam N. Griffen | Lumber Co. Phone 240 Good selection of RunningShoes for men, women. and children, at very low | prices, #2 ig PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE Alix. Gilboord,- Feoh, Phone 177 Saf SE, THREE DAY Optical Sale! at the SEBERT HOUSE HOTEL, PORT PERRY Thurs., July 6, Friday, July 7, Saturday, July 8. Proper Glasses relieve Eyestrain and Headache Special Reading or r Sewing Glasses, with Sph. Lenses, complete with neat frame.. Special Bifocal, double vision. Two sights. aline to blur your vision.. Sph. :Lenses only Special Latest Style White Rimless Glasses, . Square or octogan shapes, sph. convex lenses on sale, . Regular up to $12.50.. $7.50 LOUIS WINKLER, D. O. y (Licensed by Ontario Sn $4.50 ' . GLASSES ADJUSTED FREE Satisfaction or Money * Complete Refunded. 4 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1933 a -- Summer Goods & Vacation Supplies | You Save with Safely al you Rexoll Store. ~~ FOR MOSQUITOS-- . = . Lavender Anti Mosquito Ng rir ivan Per tube ssc. i+, Shaetafas for Mosquito Ma LLL and $1.00 oof of Citronella, ....... via. war] ounce 15¢. 2 ounces, 25¢. FOR SUNBURN-- ; "Noxzema, 27¢. and bHde. French Balm, 25c. and 39c. Italian Balm ............ «» . Tubes, 25¢. Bottles 29¢.. and 49¢. Jonéolia Cream, tube 33ec. Menthiolatam, 25¢. and 49c. HEALTH SALTS-- Brighton Health 8alt-:.......... PE PY AF is LE ounce bottle 19¢. English Health Balt ...........coiieieivesananss 25, and 50c: 'Wampoles' Grape Salt .......c..otiiviianindanns 50c. and 3. 20. Riker's Seidlitz Powders .........coooeuisnnsiavisoesiones Bromo Seltzer ..........cciiviverrieiinans 25¢., 50c.. and $1. % "DEODORANTS-- "< + Dew, 25¢. and 50e¢. Odorono, 35¢. and 60c. Vemo Deodorant Powder ..........c. oi ivescnsssnsnronens 25¢. Perstik, per stick §6c. Daintee Deodorant Powder, 38c. A. M. LAWRENCE THE - "REXALL STORE PORT PERRY Phone 49. ° 3 $ for you. ? "The next entry was: Apply to D. Corbman, = Chambers 'Bakery 'Now that the hot weather is here, why get all het up in the kitchen and be cranky with your husband. Let: us bake ~~ Our Cakes are Delicious AND OUR BREAD IS BETTER THAN MOTHER MAKES. Phone 93 and bring one of our-trucks to your door, or visit our store, 2nd door from the corner of Queen and Water Sts. Phone 93, Port t Porey, Ont. § One of Irvin Cobb's-best stories con- cerns an appraiser who was sent to a home to appraise the contents. The entries in his book halted when he] came to a table on which was left a full bottle of old Scotch and then con- tinued: "One bottle of old Scotch Whisky, partly full. 4 - - FOUND Wall tent--near Utica. Stanley -Christie, Utica, Ont. Apply to - <> LOST - : Between Port Perry and Jas. Parr' s, Cartwright, a 'pink laundry bag' con- taining assortment of washing, with 'the initials H. W. C,, on front of bag. "One revolving Turkish rug." | Please leave at Star Office.: L Sal Err 4 nC Cd C--O 7 STRAYED to the premises of Sam Tummonds, on the 7th Con. of Reach, a Hereford heifer, about 2 years old. Owner can | have same by proving property and paying expenses. : em EES R 2 TE A A -- v : ery The traffic cop sez that not all the wooden headed drivers are found on golf courses. -- to-------------- FOR SALE som Refrigerator in first class condition. Apply to W. M. Letcher, Port Perry, ROCK PLANTS--EVERGREENS Canadian Grow--Three-Year-Old " "Everything for the Garden" Write for special price list THE ARCADIAN NURSERIES Islington, Ontario. : FOR SALE b foot stakes suitable for staking, tomatoes or dahlias, Each 2 cents. Why not leave your baking worries with Gerrows? Our aim is to PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE 1 GERROW'S BAKERY Port Perry. Bakers and Confectioners, The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT MacGREGOR will do the rest, ROSES-- SHRUBS -- PERENNIALS | Hot Weather is Here Again i kJ i OLYMPENE--The antiseptic liniment. For the treatment of abrasions, cuts, gashes, open wounds, sore muscles, ete. Recommended by the manager of the Maple Leaf Hockey team, Nuff said. CONCENTRATED LAVANDER ANTI - MOSQUITO CREAM~--the sure bite preventative. 36c. tube. YE OLDE ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS--Large can, form. erly 50c. NOW ONLY 39c. FOR MOSQUITOES and FLIES--Fly Tox, Kilzol, Whit, Black Flag and Poison Pads. DR. BELL'S WONDER COW 'PHYSIC--ten times more apes effective than salts, oil, ete. 50c. per package. CO GATE'S and PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM --Now 26c. per tube. Mr. J. 0. Stephenson, the eye-sight socialist, will be here in the ; afternoon, ° of Thursday, July 13th, Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Phone 16 . Ontarlo : Points--Special 20, No. 1, 19, No. 2, 16,. ' di POULTRY AND EGGS EBS vss vss assins cesses ri 11 t016 i Poultry--(A) 'Grade--Alive. . Spring Broilers ............ 11 to 17 | Fat Fowl ....... \easeaaeess hb to 10 Old Roosters ...... a tae states be, Potatqes «.....vrvrurss SEWN $115 LIVE STOCK-- nn Bacon Hogs (F.OB.)) ..........$6.10 Calves .... tres ses+.92.00 to $5.00 Ladi COWS + vvvsnnsersaess $2.00 to $3.10 X Heifers +... .ovinii saves $3.00 to $5. | Lambs'. .oovannensnind .$6.00 to $9.00 Sheep + yreersssssvsivs 60c. to $2.50 Steers ....coovisnianns $3.00 to $6.26 ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) Wheat ..ooieineioinenenines 72 to 18 Oats... 0000 atoning 28 to 30 Barley .....ocoveniiininnis, 38 to 40 COIR ih ininrseson teeters 60 to 65 BYo i. vier iss se erre ans 43 to 46 Buckwheat .....conieeneeans 31 to 33 LAW OFFICE - GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. ; Money to Loan Now located in the office of H. W, Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8514 3 Oshawa, : o gr] = gets he > 5 : 'e DR. W, S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and ' Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclinle, London, England, * North East London. Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Peery, Ont. Phone 17. The Creamery IS PAYING 19c., 18c., and 16c.,, FOR . BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending . your cream to the = PORT PERRY CREAMERY - A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 te 5 pm. Office over Nelson's Stere. Ey a) op ° ° Chiropractic D. E, STECKLEY, drugless practi- tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether- ington's practice in Port Perry, and is continuing in the same office. a Chiropractic treatment, Electro- Theropy and special attention given to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments. Consultation and examination free. Hours 9 to 11 am. on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. >> 7 COMING F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St., Toronto's able eye- sight: specialist, may be con- sulted about your eyés for glasses 'at 'Lawrence's Drug Store, Thursday, June 29th. "Prices lower than the lowest-- quality considered." F. E. LUKE and SON 163-167 Yonge St. Toronto a -- a h VS A PENNYLESS OLD AGE - Do you realize what it is to be friendless, unwanted? You can & guard against all this with Canadian 'Government Annuities Write or telephone for de ow Your Postmaster scriptive booklet to-day to + bE 8 TORONTO MARKET' PRICES DAIRY PRODUCE-- 3 (Quotations to 'Shippers) Creamery Solids, No. 1 ........ 20% No, 2 .\veusefunss Yeas teense 204 © Churning Cream, F.0.B. Country :

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