a Na ms -- = Si mea es Qe rg i Page Four Ee -------------- ES -------- - Mrs. Jas. Leask, .. Mrs, EL. , left -on Wednesday morning to motor LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. A, J. Davis, Miss Grace Davis, and the Misses Pearson, have returned home after a delightful motor trip to California. = They were away about six weeks, Miss Kathleen Robingon, of Mark- ham, who was staying at. the Rectory last week has now returned, taking with her Miss Sylvia Nind, ) "Mr. and Mrs. M, Davey, of Rose- neath, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Davey and baby, of Toronto, were the guests of . Rev. and Mrs: Wesley Elliott for the week end, Myr. and Mrs. Philip Nind of Thorold are spending a few weeks at the Rectory. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Stanton, Mrs. Alma Stanton, of Detroit, and Mrs, Emma Warrian, of Lindsay, are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Leask, Mr. and Mrs. Winnett Nesbitt and family, of Toronto, were in town on Sunday. Murs. 'Laura Leask and son Chas, of Uxbridge, are visiting with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. Snelgrove and Miss M. Smith, of Beaverton, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooey, at Port Perry, on Sunday. A. Walker and Miss May Walker are visiting Mrs, Nelson, in Brampton. Misses Norma Hooey, Irva and Josie Nott, and some friends are holidaying at Port Bolster. Mr. Robt. Somerville and son Roy, to their farm in Saskatchewan. They were accompanied by Mr. Stephen Lambkin, who also has a farm in the West, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Rose, have returned home after spending a month at Port Dalhousie, AA MOTOR BOAT RACES The motor boat races, which were to --------- EB Dd ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School. iy Worship - Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Both services conducted by 'Rev. Wesley Elliott, -- a a aM CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION '8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m,--Morning Service. el PP Pe JH. STEPHENSON REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at Morrison's Drug Store the second and fourth Thursday of every month in the afternoons. GLASSES AT REASONABLE PRICES "- Port Perry Council The Port Perry Council met on Wednesday eveiiing of last week with all members present, After a report by the Fire Commit- tee, the Clerk was instructed to secure prices on 1000 feet of 4 x 6 water- main. The street colored lighting has been installed and an arrangement made with the Hydro for their operation at a rate which should not exceed $5.00 per month in actual operation. The Business Men's Association has been billed $2:00 forthe use of these lights on August 7th. A resolution was wiseid approving the action of the Council in making alterations and repairs to the Swan Building for the purpose of meeting the needs of a business that is being established in town. Mr. Harlan Davey's bill of $2. 00 for salvaging two electric meters from the Goode fire was ordered to be paid. On motion it was decided to make a rebate of 109 of the total of the net bills rendered against the consumers of Hydro power for the year 1932. This was in accordance with the fol- lowing item in a letter received from the Hydro Commission. i is vii £5 i 1 5 } i fh 1 hi fof vz 1/7 4 > 3 i Ey Bolton, in her 75th year. _ weight, only 29¢. each. "ren. "children with suitable clothing "and "money--buy from us, have been run during the acquatic sports program on Monday of last week, will be put on under the auspices of the Business Men's Asso- ciation at 7.00 p.m, on Saturday next, August 19th. Some good prizes are offered. A Ns--&w"§w§ w ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James Owen, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Winifred Florence to Mr. Glenn Wallace Dunn, only son of Mr. and Mrs, William Dunn of Brook- lin, Ont., the wedding to take place the end of August, DIED BOLTON---At Port Perry, Thurs- day, August 10th, 1933, Elizabeth Williams, widow of the late Abraham R.A SS-- Y-- DY ©GO8=S CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Donalda Midgley, wishes to thank her friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy extend- ed to her, in the recent death of her dear Mother. Port Perry Dominion Store Clearing Sale -- to make room for FALL GOODS Special Week End BARGAINS 3 dozen Ladies Dresses, suitable for street wear, reg. $1.29, to clear, 98c, Jagiey Good Cotton Stockings, only 19¢. pair. : Ladies' Silk Stockings,.. 29c¢. pair. Turkish Towels, large size, heavy Canvas Footwear Clearance -- We are clearing out everything in Canvas Footwear for Men, Women and Child- The prices are very low. Come and see. g We are making a clearance of Dressgoods at a very low prices. .School starts soon... Let fit out your footwear. That is the way .to save "In view of the surplus that has ac- cumulated -as 4 result of 'past' years! operation of your system, this Com- mission has further recommended and approved of a refund to each con- sumer in the municipality, equivalent to 10% of the total of the net bills rendered against the consumer for the year 1932. This refund, however, does not apply to the municipal services, such as street lighting and water- works, which are supplied on a cost basis." MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. F. Briggs. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Percy Maynard, of Brooklin, in the accidental death last week of their eleven year old son, also to Mrs. Jas. Cooper and Mrs. Ivan Rodd, aunts of the deceased. Rev. Geo. Nickle, of Toronto, called on a number of friends here last week. Mrs. Hattie: Hudgins returned from Toronto on Sunday where she has been holidaying for the past two weeks with her son, who with his wife and infant daughter returned with her. Mr. and Mrs. F. O"Boyle and family of Thornton's Corners, visited Mr. J. and Miss L. O'Boyle, on Sunday. The Willing: Workers 'Class, with their teacher, Mrs. Carmichael, held Glenhodson County Club, last week, and enjoyed a most delightful after- noon. This is fast becoming a very popular place to hold private and pub- lic picnics, as several have been held there recently, . Mr. Will Booth spent the week end at his home in Whitevale. The recent rains have done untold good to the roots and other crops, also the wells and cisterns that the long dry spell was beginning to affect. Wm. Parrott, of Oshawa, was holi- daying with his sister Mrs, C. L. Tay- lor, last week. y 'Mr. Walter Lynde, of Ashburn, has been threshing for the farmers in this district. The season is going to be very short, as farmers who formerly had a day's threshing, only had about six hours this year. Mrs. John Leask was in Toronto, on Saturday. Mrs. Wilfred Simpkins: and baby, of Torqnto, -are holidaying at Mr, Joe Simpkins', BLACKSTOCK PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE Alix. Gilboord, Prop. Phone 177 | will be held in the Armouries on Sun- day afternoon the 20th, with Rev. Dr. lowing program was given: their annual picnic and outing at the] The arinual decoration 'day service] . C. E. Whittaker in charge. Special music will be rendered by the Angli- can Choir, Our boys are to be congratulated on winning' the Tournament at Brooklin, on Field Day, The games and scores were as follows: "| Blackstock 6, Myrtle b. Blackstock 8, Scugog 2. Blackstock 11, Sunderland 0. Messrs, Maurice Baker, son of John Baker, of Solina, and grandson of W. J. Bragg, M.P.P,, Bowmanville, and Oliver Smith, of Blackstock, have re- turned home from the World's Grain Fair at Regina, where they won high honours in the Junior Seed Judging Competition, which was open to the world and in which practically all Province of Canada and many of the the States across the border were re- presented. These young men were two of the four. members of the team which represented Ontario in the junior judging event. The team was selected in a competition at Guelph last year in a contest open to the whole Province. At the Regina Show the Ontario team took third place, Saskatchewan being first and Alberta second. NE - Mrs. John -Hoogy entertained the Ladies' Aid at her home when forty members and visitors were present. After the business was settled theé.fol- solo by Mrs. Harry Philp, instrumental by Mrs. Dave Wilson and Mrs. M. Mount- joy, readings by Mrs, Frank Malcolm, Miss Norma Hooey and Mrs, Cecil Wilson, A dainty luncheon was served by the hostesses Mrs. Herb. Hooey, Mrs. Meredith Thompson, and Mrs. J. Hooey. Miss Helen Walder, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her cousins, Smith Bros. Mr. and Mrs, John Jobb and Mr. Cecil Hill, left on Tuesday to motor to North Bay, where they will visit Mrs. Jobb's son, Mr. Gerald Hill Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Ferguson, Rev. Mrs. Cecil Hill and daughter Marion, visited with relatives and friends at Niagara Falls last week. Mr. Holden, of Oshawa, will be in [charge of the United Church services| while the pastor, Rev. F. W. Newell and family are having their 'vacation, The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Jabez Wright, with an attendance of thirty members and visitors. The meeting opened with devotional exercises conducted by the president,-Mzs. F, W. Newell. The business session followed during which arrangements were made for the annual supper and concert to be held on School Fair Day. The pro- gram was then given and consisted of a piano duet by Mrs. Jabez Wright and Miss Effie Wright, and the Study C. H. Ferguson, of North Port, and|- Book Chapter by Mrs. F. Stinson. Mr. Robert Ayers, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of the village of Blackstock, passed peacefully away on Monday, July 31st, in his 76th year, at his eijence in the village, The late Mr, Ayers was Yorn in Manvers and came to Cartwright in 1880, where for 63 years he has lived in Blackstock and vicinity. In 1883 he married Miss Eliza Latimer, who predeceased him nineteen years ago after an illness lasting eight years, and 'during which time her husband patiently, tirelessly and lovingly ad- ministered to her care and comfort, He was. upright, honest and indug- trious and won the respect and esteem of his various employers. He leaves to mourn his logs -one son Newton, of 'Lindsay. The funeral service was held on Wednesday, August 2nd, conducted by Chancellor Bowles, who spoke of the kindness and devotion of the deceased to his invalid wife. The remains were laid to rest in the Union Cemetery, the pallbearers .be- ing Messrs. S. Jeffrey, Geo. Crawford, Sr., Jos. Forder, Isaac Whitfield, Harry Oliver and John McLaughlin, The beautiful floral offerings testi- fied in a silent manner to the love and esteem in which the deceased was held. Among the relatives from a distance who were present for the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kettle, Mrs, Jas. Mitchell, Mrs, A, Oliver, Mr, Jas. Pat- terson, Messrs. Geo. and Harry Ayers, Mrs. Robt. Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Latimer, "Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown ? Jesus, 'we know, and He is on the "throne." Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE id AUGUST 17, 18 and 19, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Betty Compson, in "GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY" a -- Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Save With Safety at Your Rexall Stere.) : al ~ EPHEDROSST JELLY--for Hay Fever. If you suffer from this ail- ment, you may be sure of almost instant relief from Ephedrosst Jelly, Convenient and easy to use. . Per tube 60¢. 3 ACETOPHEN TABLETS--for Headache, Neuralgia, Cold, and relief of pain, : \ -Acetophen (Plain), 20¢, 50¢, and $1.00 = + --#cetophen Compgpund--~8be.; 76¢,, and $1.50 AGAREX--A safe and effective mechanical laxative, replacing harsh : purgatives. Pleasant and economical. 16 ounce. bottle $1.00 NOXZEMA--The greaseless skin cream, - Wonderful for sunburn. 2c. and b4c. WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALT---Cleanses the system, stimulates Sthe ! liver, relieves rheumatism. Two sizes 50c. and $1.00, A. M. LAWRENCE Phone 49. THE REXALI, STORE PORT PERRY CHAMBERS' 'BAKERY Phone 93 and have one of our deliveries call. A full line of delicious cakes, Wedding cakes a specialty. Owing to a further increase in the price of flour, we are advancing our price of Bread to 8c. effective August 7th. We take this opportunity to thank you for helping us to 'ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) build up a flourishing business. : ' wholesome bread, give it a trial. If you are not using our See the greatest court drama; an the judge for good entertainment such as this. Don't miss it. Also Laurel and Hardy comedy, LAUGHING GRAVY" * x Thursday, Fite and Saturday, AUGUST 24, 25 and 26, (double bill) Tom Keane, in . "BEYOND THE'ROCKIES _ also } "MYSTERY TRAIN" western thriller, This special double bill for' August 24. Remember the street dance. Refreshments sold in the theatre \ PORT PERRY FAIR ATTRACTIONS b to enter, 3 to start. $25.00 1st Prize $12.00. Only teams within 16 mil 1st Prjze $10.00. A real game in Horseshoe Pi $18.00 'SATURDAY, SEPT. 16th 2.28 Trot--Purse $100.00 8% to enter and 6% of the winnings Girls' Softball Tournament 2nd Prize $8.00. compete. rdball Game An entry fee of 26c¢,, and teams restricted to radius of 15 - miles of Port Perry : Pony Race--under 12 hands 1st: Prize $5.00. 2nd Prize $3.00. 3rd Prize $2.00. To come in between 2nd and 8rd horse trots. Bama Excitement for all, Port Perry Band All the above to take place Saturday, SEPT. 16th. fh in Prizes 8rd Prize $5.00. es of Port Perry allowed to 2nd Prize $5.00 ' store for the fans : tching Contest in Prizes ~ ADMISSION TO GROUND--25¢. CHILDREN, 15c. AUTOS and RIGS, 25c. Be! 'GRANDSTAND 10¢; : '| phohie 318, Port: Perry. © (aug 24) --------------e POP FOR SALE The Peoples' M Meat Market We sell everything you on Van in childs, clean, ' palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT MacGREGOR : Will do the rest. -- vo H | PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1933 MARKETS TORONTO M REET PRICES DAIRY PRODU (Quotations to Shippers) Creamry Solids, No. 1..........20% No. 2... 20% A > 3 Churning Cream, F.0.B. Country Sedaris sesnany | Points--Special 20, No, 1, 19, No. 2 16. : POULTRY AND EGGS =, Eggs ...... reriuscnnae 10 to 14 Poultry-- (A) Grade--Alive ! Fat Fowl ..... veranda so 1:00°10 Broilers, EERE PERRET EPR | POTATOES-- New, 11 quart basket ..........3b 90 1b. bag, No. 1.... ..$1.60 to $1.76 LIVE STOCK-- Bacon Hogs (F.0.B. i : i 25 to $6.40 Fed Calves .. ... ..$56.00 to 6.75 , Veal Calves ........... 88. 50 to $5.75 Cows .....uun PRC hy $1.76 to $3.00 Hallas: i Xie vals $2.60 to $4.75 Blears ....c ivvsiviaes $2.60 to $5.16 Wheat .. ......... eesen 70 to 76 STEADY ADVERTISING PAYS GREER- & HUMPHREYS Barristers, "Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located ifthe office of J H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block [5 Queen Bizest Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. v ¥ Me ho ~~. 'Commencing August 7th Bread Bread will be 8c. single loaf. Why not leave your baking worries with Gerrows? Our aim is to PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE !! GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confeotioners, 3 Port Perry. all such troubles as models. WRITING TABLETS--a new Port Perry Dr. Scholl's Foot Remedies A full line in stock at present time. growing nails, crooked toes, weak arches, etc., ete. ' STATIONERY--Only a few of those 25¢c. boxes left. CAMERAS--The new Eastman is very attractive and very easy to operate, and costs no more than the older HEALTH SALTS--Large tin, 89c. Morrison's Drug Store 2 Phone 16 They cover corns, bunions, callouses, in- Small tin, 16c. line at 10c., 16c., and 26c, Ontario pi THE HITCHING POST (One mile east of Manchester on gravel road) Sunday Chicken Dinner, with home made ice cream, 60c. Afternoon tea every day. Tourist accommodation, Phone 174 r 6 , AREA OP ee nn, ACCOMMODATION High School Pupils, apply to Mrs. Jabez: Crozier. Cochrane St. north, ing oven for coal oil or electric plate, $1.25. Bargains. Apply at Port Perry Star Office, DP. eh WANTED ~ A copy of the book "On the Shores of Scugog." Apply at the Star Office, For good board and rooms, for| Bissel Carpet Sweeper, $1.26; Roast-| i Port Perry Fair Friday & Saturday September 15& 16 . FOUND A boat on Lake Scugog. Owner zp nl have same by proving property | d paying expenses. Phone Grover | 6921, Toronto. hy LOST: After the automobile accident, % of a mile south of Manchester, on Tues- day, August 1st, some of the articles in the cgr were missing, particnlarly a new silk chiffon dress, Any informa- tion as the whereabouts' of this dress would be appreciated by Mrs, Guay, Port Perry Hospital, ro N =F a DR.. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity 'Medical - College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclinic, London, England, North East London. Post Graduate College London, gland, Royal Infirmary, Ry d Office Surgery--Port Perry, Ont -- The Creamery IS PAYING 19c., 18c., and 16¢c., FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to the ~ ; PORT PERRY CREAMERY' A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors Lo > pry Teo Ww. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGHON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § pm. "Office oyer Nelson's Store. eR RR [] ° Chiropractic D. E. STECKLEY, drugless practi- tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether- ington's practice in Port Perry, and is continuing in the same office. Chiropractic treatment, Electro- Theropy and special attention given to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments. . Consultation and examination free. Hours 9 to. 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. . : 4 Good Eyesight Don't delay any longer. It you are troubled with headaches, blured images, nervousness, con- sult at once : F. E. LUKE & SON. OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) Rie ae -- HOME LOOKS GOOD AT 65 -- At 65 it is hard to go to work. The body craves ease. Plan now to make your old age inde- _ pendent with CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES Write or telephone for descrip- tive booklet to-day to your local Postmaster,