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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Aug 1933, p. 5

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Pi Ne ry of [4 & --- RURAL LIFE " power. * commodities, 'which has the effect of PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1933 aanlaa --" y a DON'T DELAY ONLY A SHORT TIME LEFT ~ For the balance of the month, you can "save money by purchasing our stock, as we do not want to move it, and - will dispose of it at very low prices. 'We have for sale-- QUEBEC HEATER. Xx a . SIX FOOT SHOW CASE. Ho © TWENTY FOOT AWNING and frame complete, ol EIGHT FOOT MIRROR A QUANTITY OF NO. 1.STOCK FOOD in 251b and 501b bags, - JAMES Phone 152 'McKEE Port Perry, BRITISH COAL, HAM ~ FRED E. Phones: COAL WOOD COKE "BLUE COAL" is cite mined in America. It is colored blue so as to be identified at a glance. We can supply you with -- and Soft Wood, Cement, Lime, Lumber, Etc. ps ey : ; Office 73 w; Res. 73 j the best Anthra- ILTON COKE, HARD REESOR HAROLD W. DONT WORRY ABOUT ~~ FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once J] EMMERSON COAL ." COKE . WOOD CEMENT - LIME - TILE When in need of any of the above give us a call. We have a full supply on hand to meet your needs. FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, STEAM COAL, CANN COAL. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE, BODY HARDWOOD, D-{ WOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. CEMENT--A fresh carload-just PARISTONE, TILE. arrived. Also Fresh LIME and! Your orders will receive our usual prdiiipt" and careful attention. PORT PERRY : W.G. W. Phones--94 W and:94J. COAL YARD PYATT "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" (Continued from page 1) 2. Over a long period in Canada the system of Tariff Protection in force has operated to raise the prices of the things the farmer must buy while leaving the price of what he has to sell at world. price levels, and has further restricted his export markets by preventing the importation of foreign goods in exchange for farm products. : 8. The practice of production for excessive profit rather than for ser- vice results in high prices of processed depleting the farmers' purchasing This effect is increased by practices of loading business with fictitious capital which has no founda- tion of investments of either com- modifies, services or funds. Under this system the manufacturer in many cages seeks to counteract the law of supply and demand by creating an ar- tificial scarcity of industrial products, which tend toward unemployment and increased taxation, To avoid free competition at home and abroad, the industrialist often furthers his inter- ests by resorting to national and in- ternational monopolization, thus con- trolling prices to the detriment of all consumers. / . Thus conditions of special privilege governments and the organs of public opinion by powerful financial interests. All this, we believe, contributes to our present difficulties. As remedies we would submit the following: -- 1. We do not believe any remedy is to be found in the return of the farmers to the conditions of a self- contained life, in which /the farmers would purchase as little as possible of 'city products. Such a condition would be a retrograde step, in our opinion, and would be disastrous to both urban and rural people alike. This, however, will be the inevitable result unless re- lief for the rural people is provided in such ways as we are about to indicate. 2, We recommend such immediate controlled inflation of currency, or else revolution of the dollar in gold, as an emergency measure, which may also become permanent, so as to restore the price of farm products to their former levels, This is absolutely es- gential if the farmers are to be able to carry their fixed charges, to pay their taxes, to redeem their debts, and to have a surplus to purchase the goods they need, which are the pro- ducts of urban labor. 1 3. We recommend further such a reduction or entire. removal of the protective "features of the Tariff as will allow the prices of manufactured goods to adjust themselves to levels comparable to farm products. exists, linked with corrupt control of 4. Failing Remedy No, 8, the only etl 43 { piles are expected to arrive here any ROSES-- SHRUBS -- PERENNIALS ROCK PLANTS---EVERGREENS Canadian Grow--Three-Year-0ld "Everything for the Garden" Write for special price list THE ARCADIAN NURSERIES Islington, Ontario. = alternative is state control of manu- facturing industries and the prices of manufactured goods. The. present condition, By which the powers of the state are used through protective factured goods upward at the expense of the consumers in general, and of the farmers in particular, has resulted in unearned accumulations of wealth, tariffs to force the prices of manu-|' Myrtle Station We wish to express our sympathy to Mrs. J. Hughson and Mr. Norman Hughson, who recently received word of the the death of her eldest som and brother, Mr. Frank Hughson, of Sask. The confmunity was shoeked to hear of the sudden tragic death of little Billie Maynard, of Brooklin, last Thursday. The bereaved family have our deepest sympathy, Mr, and Mrs, Hamilton, of Toronto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Briggs. of Seagrave, on Sunday, were visitors Miss Ethel Gray, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at the home of in financial jugglery, and in political to continue. We. must have either! freedom or else social control for the benefit of, not a few privileged inthyt4: ests, but the whole people. 6. We recommend further -the en- couragement of co-operation among the farmers. But this, while good, we believe to be inadequate as a remedy. EE CONSTRUCTION WORK AT OSH- AWA HARBOUR UNDER WAY. Construction activities' on the wor at Oshawa harbour are now under way. The workmen on the new freight warehouse which is being built under contract by-the W: J. Trick Co, Ltd, have the foundations of the new build- ing almost completed, and its walls will start to rise within the next day or two. The building, which is much larger than the warehouse built a year ago, is of exceptionally strong con- struction, and will carry a three inch plank floor, Around it, new roadways are being constructed, and it will also to load and unload. Work is also under way on the ex- cavation for the new harbour wall ex- tension, which will run for 180 feet in a north-westerly direction. Some dif- ficulties have been encountered on ac- 'count --of water seeping into. the ex- cavation, but the teams and workmen are carrying on, and have already dug a hole of considerable proportions. The day to provide the reinforcement for the pouring of concrete for the new sea wall... "While the number of men employed at. present is not large it is expected that more local labor will be required when the work reaches a more ad- vanced 'stage. At present about 20 men are employed on the two projects. David Ferrer, the new inspector of habour construction at Oshawa, is on the job and watching the progress of corruption, which cannot be allowed! {and under Dr, John Moore's care. carry a cement ramp to permit trucks| -| Parr, of Blackstock, Mr. Geo. Painter, Mr. and Mrs. John Coombe, of ux bridge are guests of their son- odor and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Mowder. Mr. Cross and son Bob, are bony their vacation at Owen Sound. 1 Misses Betty and Nellie Myers, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Simpkins and daughter, Miss Galilee O'Boyle, of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of Miss L.*O'Boyle and Mr. John O'Boyle, who we are sorry to report, is very sick Mrs. Russell Ellen and daughter, of oronto, on Sunday, were guests Lie Mrs, Jas, Dickson. Miss Catharine Moore, and Master Harold Moore, of Seagrave, are spend- ing this week visiting at the home bf' Mr, C. Harrison. Mr. Joe Garnis, of Toronto, is visit- ing at the home of Mr. Jos. Simpkins. Rev. W. E. and Mrs, Hassard, of To- ronto were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beacock. Mr. Gordon .Pilkey, of Hamilton, was home last Wednesday and with his parents, attending the funeral of his aunt Mrs. Geo. Lee, of Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs, Will Houston, of To- ronto, also Mrs. McGill and Mrs, F. last week were guests at the Beacock home, Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm spent the week end at Balsam Lake Frank,' Mr, and Mrs. Roy Scott and family, ' of Mrs. Long. |. Ra Mr, and Mrs, Cushnie, Toronto, were visiting with Mr. Embury, on Satur- day. Mr, and Mrs, R. Nugent and family, at Mr, John Howsam's, on Sunday. Miss Aletha Cragg is holidaying at her home here. Mrs. L. Burnett, Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr, T. Sharp. Come to Oshawa, Fair Aug.23 PREPARATION DAY, TUESDAY, AUG. 22nd. EXHIBITS, MIDWAY "HORSE RACES, SPORTS 'FREE GRANDSTAND A Vaudeville and' Musical Comedy Revue in Two Acts. REGENT THEATRE "WED., AUGUST 23rd, - Starting at 11.30 p.m. himself from a SE Straight- Jacket "ESCAPO" Free THE LINDSAY CENTRAL EXHIBITION September 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd, Advance Sale of "Tickets 4 for $1.00 On Sale at A. M. Lawrence's Drug- Store; and Dominion Stores, (C. L. Brignall, Port Perry.) BUY. NOW AND SAVE MONEY. GREENBANK Misses Marjorie Leask, Ruby Lee, ; Marjorie Phoenix and Jean 'Bushby, the work. are camping at Port Bolster. suspended in mid-air in front of REGENT. Theatre at 11 pm, WEDNESDAY. FREE TUESDAY EVENING AUGUST 22nd, 1933 DANC OSHAWA ARMOURIES SPLENDID 'STREET FROLIC--DOWNTOWN BOTH TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., M.P.P,, President. CHAS. P. DAVIS, Secretary. -- | Made-to-Measure - Page Five F. W. Brock & Son The RED & WHITE Store. = WOMEN of colours. summer shoe. Sizes Calf-skin, Dongola. ends. able for children's Clearing at 25c. ydrd. this week. BUY NOW SUITS and Overcoats We are offering good values--60 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. YOUR CHOICE FOR $35.00 Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done W. T. Rodman MERCHANT TAILOR. August Clearing SALE. CHILDREN' S SANDALS, to Clear--Sizes 8 to 2, regular $1.19 'S AND CHILDREN'S BATHING SHOES, in a variety August Sale Price 39c. pair. BOYS' SCAMPERS--Made from good quallity muleskin. 11 to 13, regular $1.25 for 98c. 1to 5, regular $1.50 for $1.29. Men's 7, 9 and 10, $1.29. LADIES' SHOES--A special clearing of broken lines--Patent, Up to $4.00 for $1.98. Summer Dressgoods to Clear VOILES--12 remnants fancy Dress Voiles. Regular 25¢. to 50 yard. RAYONS--10 ends Printed Rayon, mostly dark colors, suit- choal dr esses, GROCERIES, Ec. FRESH TOMATOES, for this week-- Special 89c. A good Sizes 134 to 4 yard Special 19¢. yard. Regular 40c to 75c. a yard. PERFORMANCE, GRAND CUPS AND SAUCERS--C lov er Leaf design in a good serviceable PARADE OF PRIZE STOCK ~ weight. 12 of each for $1.00. 3 --b string, extr SAU Gin snenend nnn im gH *h 26c. EVENING DE b string, extra heavy 4 each 26c¢ 0 O) 0 CL ee 98' MID NIGHT SHOW PERI ECTION BREAD FLOUR--made at Hampton, 98's ..$2.69 ; . : PASTRY FLOUR--Kissimi, White Rose, or XXX, 24"s...... 65c. 'Hits and Bits of '33' |» ; ? The Tomatoes are coming in A good time for preserving. JAMS--Strawberry and Raspberry in 40 oz. Jars .......... 39c. NEW CHEESE--Mild New Cheese, per tb. ................ Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry " EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of Eyes in Modern Life Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyesight and ! glasses. : Open Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday evenings. Disney Block Opposite P.O. OSHAWA, ONT. 1616 -- Phone -- 1616 Heres why PONTIAC the Economy Straight 8 AT ITS BEST "AIR-STREAM" STYLING exclusive to 'NO-DRAFT VENTILATION General Motors Cars hadingh its price fieldinsales FISHER IT'S MADE BY GENERAL MOTORS, THEREFORE ITs RELIABLE STRAIGHT EIGHT PERFORMANCE WITH TRUE ECONOMY i PONTIAC OWNERS ARE VL \_PoNTiac S BEST FRIENDS ARE REINFORCED FOR SAFETY ALL STRESS POINTS PRICES THIS YEAR ARE UNUSUALLY LOW IT'S BIG, ROOMY AND BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED PORT PERRY NAME WHAT 30,000 MOTORISTS TOLD US The "Automobile Buyet's Guide' tells about our recent survey among Canadian motores and provides information which you will find Lalaable in chom'ng your Aext car. Send coupon for free copy: Customer Research Dept, General Motors Products of Canada, Limited, Oshawa, Ont, ADDRESS p-188 A a HY Lr A IN A a NEC rn el i se SA urs) Lay, fren Crh? i ~. AAT LT Ly a vas ey NTE SHE Le are £ a DE AT a TON Ee aa

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