Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Aug 1933, p. 8

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"rieighbourhood 'Page Eight NTA Rehr ARE MRR) NANA De fa then feted, Fatah LR OSE y RNR SAR Rea SRYARALT RLS : Bi daiid Mar a a) i v : re I] Prince Albert Rev. William Mitchell, with his wife and little son, of Brigden, Lampton County, also Mrs, Nancy Maine, form- erly Miss Nancy Turner, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. K. Robertson, last week. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Howden, of Philadelphia, U.S.A., are visiting Mrs) Howden's mother, Mrs, Jas," McBrien. Mr. and Mrs, C. Philp and family, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Philp. : Mrs. M. Smith and Miss E. Smith motored to Frankfort last week where Miss Smith will remain for a time. Congratulations to Mrs. L. Ball in securing the ticket for Port Perry Sports Day, which won for her the Marshall Mattress. We also wish to congratulate. the Prince Albert football team on win- ning the third game in the series with Brooklin, last "hursday at the Brook- lin Sports Day, and on bringing home the money. Ys Lind TT Threshing operations began in this last - Saturday when Mr. Fred McKay threshed for Mr. E. McCrea. Four former residents of this vil- lage, all school teachers, called on old friends last week, namely Miss Bullen, Miss Lucy Bullen, and Miss Margaret Bullen, all of St. Catharines, and Miss 'P. M. White, of Duntroon, the only one still in the active work. lA A CAR DOES: SOMERSAULT . MANILLA NEAR "Bill" Coburn, probably the best known maintenance man on the Vic- toria County road system had a nearly fatal accident recently, when the car he was driving turned turtle. Coburn was proceeding south and going down Edward's hill just south of Manilla, the car got out of control, whether from mechanical de- fects or a flat tire is not known. The car made two complete somersaults. AF See IOC PSL oR EE ; a SER Sa Coburn was shot out through the top on the first turn and 'when the car came, to rest after the second turn it was on him. Whe H. C. Moore, who lives at the scene of the accident re- moved Bill from underneath the rear bumper, he was unconscious, but re- covered before medical aid arrived. Examination showed three broken ribs, several cuts and bruises but no serious injuries. > POLICE PROBING DESTRUCTION OF RURAL MAIL BOXES Provincial and County Police are in- vestigating the case of vandalism which occurred recently, when persons destroyed ten rural mail boxes on the Brock Road and the South Concession of Pickering. The offence was com- mitted about midnight on Saturday evening, and several of the owners were aroused by the noise but were not suspicious of what was taking place. Investigations are not yet com- pleted, but the authorities are con- fident of apprehending the culprits at an early date. About a year ago, a similar occurrence took place and the offenders were brought to justice. Lu TS THE YEAR -\T SEEMS LIKE WE COULD AFFORD MORE. A THAN JUST ONE OF THEM TO DEVOTE TO MOTHER!™: § "WITH SO MANY DAYS \N § Li ity § A mother once said, "My boy, the biggest treat in store for $ your mother is to see her boy { become the kind of a useful man that other men have faith in." § § 'We strive to be useful. Builders § have faith in us because our § building materials PROVE their J enduring worth, : ; Sam N. Griffen 'Lumber Co. i Phone 240 | PORT PERRY, ONT. enterprise PREMIER HENRY. AT THE WARDEN'S PICNIC "(Oshawa Times) 'the picnic and banquet tendered by waraen George B. Johnston, to mem- pers of the Coynty Council and their \adies, in Cannington's beautitul park on ulvic Holiday, was maae memor- able by the tact that at two o'clock'in the aiternoon MHoporable George S. nenry, rremiexr or Ontario, in the pre- sence of a distinguished gathering, cut the silk ribbon that: tormerly opened 1or trame two mies of concrete pave- ment on County Road No. lu, which connects Lannington with King's Highway No. 1%, better known as the whitby-Linusay Highway. this pave- ment, the objective ot Cannington vil- age lor many .years, was authorized py the County Council mn June and was completed a tew days ago by the Jupp Construction Co., of" 'L'oronto, with UD. J, khean, county road superin- tendent, as engineer. 1t is a very fine piece ot work and in tuture years will bring a greater measure of 'prosperity to Cannington. 'Lhe cost of the work was $46,000 and will be borne jointly by the Untario Government and the county of Ontario, 'The occasion was considered a red letter day in Cannington and the citi- zens joined freely with Warden John- ston, their popular and progressive reeve, in the celebration. Premier Opens Road The Prime Minister arrived at the intersection ot the two highways at two o'clock -and- was welcomed by warden Johnston, W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C.,, M.p.P,, for South Ontario and Liberal House leader, and members of the County Council and County offi- cials. He. was presented with a pair of gold scissors by Warden Johnston, As the ribbon was cut and 'the road declared open, Premier Henry stated that it was a connecting link with the great highway system of Ontario with which as Minister of Highways some years ago he had been more actively NEW PAVEMENT OPENED BY | "We'll be there at 2 o'clock" INS held up for a crew. where granary partitions Bill's timely notice. "your telephone. identified, the work now being carried on by his successor, Hon. Leopold Macaulay, who was now enjoying a holiday and could not be present on this occasion, This new pavement, said Premier Henry, was but another evidence of the co-operation between the counties and the. Province in the development of good roads, and to the village of - Cannington it was highly significant in that it provides for them an outlet and direct connection with one of the main Provincial Highways of the Province. - Later Premier Henry spoke again at a gathering of hundreds of - people from the village and district which was held in the beautiful riverside park at Cannington, at which Premier Henry, W. E. N: Sinclair, Dr. Peter McGibbon, M.P., for Muskoka-Ontario, James Blanchard, M.P.P., for North Ontario, and Warden Johnston, were the principal speakers. Premier Henry paid eloquent tribute to the pioneers of the rural settlements over a century ago who hewed homes out of the virgin forests, built their plank roads, and made the great highway system of Ontario possible. Nothing in the Province contributed more to comfort and happiness of the people than good roads, and the Premier felt sure that the millions invested in the highway system would in the future bring more than adequate returns. He hoped that the day would not come when the highways would be aban- doned for air travel. He congratu- lated the. County of 'Ontario on its in building a pavement which connected Cannington with an important Provincial Highway. <> - a ZION Mr. I. A. Peters, of Kirkland Lake, returned to his home after visiting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Norris, of To- ronto, spent the week end here. A number from here attended the Civic Holiday celebration in Lindsay, on August 7th, and all report a good time. \ * Several from here attended the dec- oration services in Valentia on Sun- day. Friends are sorry to hear that Mr. Edgar Wooldridge is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr, Ellis Hill spent Saturday at Sutton Fair, TA "Mr. and Mrs. Forman spent the past "week with his sister, Mrs, IL Maxwell, The Ladies' Aid picnic held at Port Hoover on Tuesday was well attended. been put ship-shape thanks to - As a work and time saver; as a means of friendly contacts; as a dependable stand-by in emer- gency, you cannot do without Bill Thompson, the threshing machine operator, finds the tele- phone a great time-saver. He telephones ahead so he's never "we'll be at your place at two," he says to Neil MacDonald; giv- ing Mac plenty of time to get his neighbors over for the job, have For 30 cents you can 2 ielephos 100 miles brs pr ution to-station 8.30 .m.. See list of rates front of directory. " '| She was born on the Island 'and lived 1 most of her seventy five years in the _| daughter, Emma, of Port Perry, visit- SCUGOG Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Geo. Midgely in the loss of her Mother, Mrs. A. Bolton who was called to her home beyond early Thursday morn- ing. 'As she had not been sick it came as a sudden shock to her relatives. surrounding district, The funeral was held from her home in Port Perry on Saturday, August 12th, the Rev. Mr. Elliott and Rev. Mr. Nind had charge of 'the services and the text was part of the 23rd Psalm. The remains were laid to rest in Pine Grove Ceme- tery. . She leaves to mourn her 'loss, one daughter, Mrs. Geo. Midgely, at home in Port Perry, one sister, Mrs. J. Sweetman and one brother, Mr. O. Williams, both of Scugog. Her husband predeceased her about geven years ago. Hark, there comes a whisper "Tis the Saviour calling Saying, follow Me, ; This is the time no more delay Come He will lead -you all the way Through the deepest shadows Sees the gate of heaven open And Thou O Lord art there. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H. Elford of Ovocca, U. S.A,, are visiting for a few weeks with his parents at the parson- age. ; ] Mr. W. E. Earle of St. John, Mrs. Crawford and Miss Wilson of Hamil- a few days. ' Mr. and Mrs, J. Demara, Grace and Glen visited their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hod in Brock Township, on Sunday. Little Miss June Sweetman has re- turned home from her visit with her sister, Blanche, in Toronto, accom- pained by her sister who is home for a couple of weeks' holidays. Miss Ivah Milner visited her friend Miss Helen Carter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinley and ed with Mr. and Mrs.-H, Demara, on Sunday. * visiting her friend Mrs. C. Graham, for a few weeks. a Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin, Mr, and Mrs. B. Grey and daughter, Dorothy, Mr. J. Martin and Miss Evers, Mr. are spending their holidays at Port Hoover. Ee ' Mr. and Mrs. Walls and daughter, Ruth, are visiting her. brother, Mr. Samuel Hall. --_--o------ TOWNSHIP OF REACH Clerk's Notice of Posting of Voters' List - Voters' Lists 1933, Municipality of Township of Reach, County of Ont- ario. Notice is hereby given that I.have complied with section 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Manchester on the 16th day of August, 1933, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal 'elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day. for filing appeals being 'the 6th day of September, 1933. -- : ' Dated at Manchester, Ont., this 16th day of August, 1933. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk of said Municipality (aug24) BY AA rb EMMA ELIZABETH ALLIN POLLOCK " The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. R. W. Pollock and family also his father William Pol- lock, of Cannington, in the death of his mother the late Emma Elizabeth Allin, who passed away on Saturday, August bth, 1933,-in her 74th. year, following an illness of a few months from heart trouble. The funeral took place to Pine Grove Cemetery, Port Perry, on Monday; August 7th, 1933, service being conducted at her, late residence, Cannington, by Rev. Mr. Cook of the United Church, assisted by Revs. Scott and Howard. The late Emma Elizabeth Allin was born in England and came to Canada with her parents Francis and Eliza- beth Allin when a girl of three or four years of age, locating near Can- nington. In 1876 she married William Pollock and they farmed mear Can- nington for a time later moving to near Port Perry where they farmed for a time and then retired to Port Perry to live until eleyen years ago when they moved to Cannington and The afternoon was spent in bathing and 'games after which supper was served. fs g Mr. and Mrs. Elba Yerex of Toronto have since resided. Several children were born to the union of whom Russell W,, of Uxbridge is the only surviving member who with his father FR Raaae PORN IRE En A AT arf left 16 'mourn the loss of a kind and loving wife and mother, and to whom the sympathy of a host of friends 'in Cannington and Uxbridge is extended in their. bereavement. Two brothers William and John, of Can- nington and one sister Mrs. J. J. Man., also survive. --~Uxbridge Journal Sproule of Minto, "2 I ~ -- pr mes aaa a | Wilfred Martin and lady friend, Mr. and Mrs. F. Turley and Dickie, Mr, Ivah all of Toronto were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dodsley. Mr. Donald Hood, of Mount Dennis, is visiting for a few days with his cousins Milton and Glen Demara. The girls' softball team motored out from Whitby one evening last week and a very close game was played with REAL ESTATE We sell, buy and exchange all kinds of Real Estate. Send full particulars "to Disney - Real Estate, Oshawa. ang24 our girls; the score was -8-7 in favour of Scugog. YL The farmers are feeling in much better spirits these days as the weather is much cooler after the loyely shower of rain on Saturday night, which will do a wonderful lot of good. NOT LEGALLY COMPELLED Some people are under the impres- sion that the municipatily is legally bound to provide relief for those in distress through lack of employment. A recent judgment in a Hamilton division court should help to dispell such "an illusion, -It appears that a | Hamilton man was deprived of relief! by the city because he was the owner He entered suit against the authorities of an automobile and a. radio. Miss Inez Fralick and: her cousins, Misses Irva and Josie Nott, are holi- daying at Port Bolster. Miss Leona Prentice and her cousin, Miss Gladys Nott, are visiting in Osh- awa. : Mr.. H. Sintzel and son Jack, of London, visited his sister Mrs. J. Al- dred, last Sunday. Scugog and Blackstock play the first play-off game of softball at the Cen- tre School grounds on Thursday night, August 17th. Let us all be on hand. ton are guests of Mr. H. Fralick ford Mrs. L. V. Savage of Oshawa 8] and Mrs." T. Godwin and daughter, | on behalf of his children and himself and the decision of the division court was that municipal governments are not bound to provide relief; that any assistance given ig:a privilege and not a right, so far as the recipient is con- cerned. Thus it :will be seen that while there is a moral obligation that cannot be- ignored, and one that is EPSOM Next Sunday' at Bethesda a Recep- tion Service will take place, followed by the administration of the Lord's Supper. The Orange Service at the United being generally récognized, no citizen has any legal claim for relief. "Barrie Examiner Ei HARDBALL The Port Perry Hardball players are putting in a live- ly time these days deciding who shall be winners of the group. Tuesday they played Beaverton here, - and beat On Wednesday they travelled to Beaverton to try conclusions with their rivals again, the decision depending on best with a score of 16 te 3. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1933 RE -- a Buy and sell Phone CAWKER BROS. G. OWEN, Proprietor, ~~ CAWKER BROS. ood meat. at reasonable price. receive prompt attention. Port Perry | PASTEURIZED 'MILK You Pay the Price--why not. "Get the Best? - She 3 hd i airy Phone 238, Port Perry Choice cuts Phone orders BO wy, en PORT PERRY ROCHESTER $1.25 ANOTHER © ACROSS THE LAKE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23rd || "COBOURG TO ROCHESTER, N. Y., and return. (Children 65 cents.) Leave Cobourg at 8.00 a.m. Standard Time. 'Return to Cobourg at 11.30 p.m: Standard Time, GOOD DANCE ORCHESTRA ON STEAMER Purchase tickets from nearest Canadian National Agent, or at steamer ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY Cobourg-Rochester Steamship Route. EXCURSION T-168 - to money, w , moderate. If you have a surplus of goeds which you want to convert in- hy not enlist the "services of the Port Perry Star? Its advertising columns bring your market to you. Our advertising rates are very will Bell 'Phone 50. es i SEAGRAVE Are you coming? Where? To Little Britgin on Saturday afternoon, August 19th. What for? Just to see Walter Moase's Red Sox take on Geo, Heatley's Britain Tigers, to decide for the silverware, Valentia having re- ceived the bye, as a result of Seagrave, Britain and Valentia being tied for first place in the final league standing with 9 wins and 3 losses each. The boys are raring to go. Jack Mark, the veteran soutlipaw, will likely start on the mound for the Red Sox, with our star catcher, Bert McMillan, receiving, Wickett and Cornish will be the Tiger battery. These two teams met twice during the regular playing season and honours were even with one win each. The mayor has proclaimed a half holi- day and all industry will cease, Church at Utica proved very success- ful. The local brethren were joined with those from Whitby, Oshawa, Port Perry, and Goodwood. - The weather conditions were ideal. Many local residents took advantage of the even- ing service to be present. Mr. Harlem Wagg had charge of the services at Bethesda and Epsom and his discourse was much enjoyed. -- a JUDGE DENTON DIES James Herbert Denton, senior judge of the County Court of York, whose life had exerted a wide influence up- on administration of public affairs in Toronto and Ontario, died suddenly on Thursday at Metis Beach, Que,, where he and Mrs. Denton had been spend- ing their vacation. tack. Reports of his death, reaching Toronto yesterday, came as a shock to two out of three games. We}members of the judiciary of Ontario, go to press too soon to learn If Port wins, they results. play Aurora here Saturday. who knew him as a kindly, humorous work, 3 . : 5 His Honour died: in his sleep, the viatim of a heart at-| threshing machines will 'be silent and the cows can walt until after the game which will start at 4 p.m. sharp. A truck will leave Wooldridge's store at.83 p.m, Just leave the dog in charge and come, You won't be sorry. Then on to Valentia and the cup. 5 Toh ,* Mr, Hayward Short had a very nar< row escape from a very serious injury | on Wednesday last. While threshing at his barn a tooth from the cylinder of the threshing machine came loose, king him on the lower jaw, making aut that required seven stitches to closé and loosening some of his teeth. Mr, Short was standing half way be- tween the niill and the tractor, and | the tooth, travelling with such forte, had it hit him higher on the head might have been really serious. You can't keep a good man: down if it is hard (on the face) to laugh. Mrs. J. W., Davis, of Toronto, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. E. members of the Bar and court officials | Butt. Mrs. English, of Toronto, has been jurist with a tremendous capacity for |visiting her daughter Mrs, A. Dowson, during the past week. who will play Valentia in the finals | Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk, of Port Perry, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Elliott and son, of Toronto, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace. - Mr, and Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, of Toronto, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers. Messrs. Joe Grantham and William Stubbs, have gone on a motor trip to the west and expect to stay for the harvest. : -Masters Kenneth and Beverley Scott have returned home after a visit wit relatives in Myrtle. : Miss Kathleen Clarke is spending her holidays with friends and relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Gordon Mark is visiting with _ her mother in South Bend, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs, Will McPherson, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, John Mark. Miss Una Sleep spent the week end - with friends in Oshawa. Mrs, C. Honey and daughter Mrs. Hardy, of Perth, were recent visitors "at the home of Mrs, Jas. Shunk, Miss Leask and Miss Velma Bennett of Taunton, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs, S. J. Wooldridge. Mrs. Mitchell who has been visiting Mrs, Tanner, has returned to her home in Toronto. : Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon and family, of Raglan, visited at the home of Mr. C. W. Moon, on Sunday: The monthly meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Albert Martin. Owing to .the absence of the - President, Mrs, A: Bruce, took charge of the meeting. Pah Mr, Green has returned from spend- ing his holidays at his cottage near Hamilton and will have ¢harge of the church services off Sunday. Everyone: try and be on hand, President, Mrs, C. W. Moon, the Vice- x - ¥

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