ae He "implements may cause cuts or bruises location, erable carry-over from the previous "about fifty per cent. of last year's .. Ontario is still available, but it is - othy, $6.60. to $6 per ton; mixed hay, "Taxis for Officials, 'next ear if the recommendations of © peas, : ra | ~ tion tor Pid ne any ibe Corn sub- stituted for the peas answers well, Towards the enc. of the finishing per- Joi, the heavy part of the ration may fully three-quarters id sting i cake ts highly iret] by many sheep feeders. It may be substituted for the bran, when the .proportion. of heavy grain should Ace cordingly be diminished. From half} a pound to one and a half pounds of _ grain per head per day, according to the ends to be attained, constitutes a fattening ration, when the coarse fodder used is of good quality, and - fed liberally, ; TUBER'S THIN SKIN, Bearing in mind that a potato is} at all times a living organism, con- ditions must be provided which will prevent severe losses in storage, In- deed, conditions are widely prevalent in Canada which cause in many cases a high percentage of loss in stored crops. Above all, it should be borne 'in mind that the tender skin of a freshly harvested tuber is easily scratched or~broken, that diggers or which prove disastrous when such po- tatoes are placed in unsuitable stor- age. Rot and decay soon follow. Moist tubers, especially when cut or bruised, are the first to succumb, Therefore avoid bruising and, if at all possible, the placing of potatoes: into any kind ok storage ntl they are Perfectly HAY MARKET REPORT. : An official report on the hay market situation shows that in Eastern On- tario the crop was short again this year, but there has been little move- ment of market hay as yet. Current prices to growers are reported as fol- lows: In the St. Lawrence Counties, "timothy, $12 to $14; in the Ottawa Valley from $8 to $11 according to kind, and straw $4 to $4.50 per ton. In Northern Ontario hay prices range from $11.60 to $13, according to the The hay crop in Western Ontario was heavier than last year and of ~ better quality, There is also a consid- year, particularly of timothy and grass mixtures, It is estimated that crop of market hay in this part of being fed at a rapid rate owing to the early winter, The movement to prin-| cipal consuming centres has been draggy, but' the general demand for hay is 'e to improve as the winter advances. Alfalfa hay has been "in fair demand all fall for the manu- facture - of alfalfa meal for which there has been an excellent export de- mand, As a result, the supply of sec- ond cut alfalfa hay for grinding is rapidly diminishing, Current prices being paid growers are--No, 2 tim- $4.50 to $5.26; alfalfa, 2nd cut, $9 to $10; alfalfa, first cut, $7 to $8; oat raw, $3 to $3.50; wheat stray, $3. 25 Yo $3.75. ; : OFFICIAL CROP REPORT. The dry bean acreage this year is placed at' 52,300 acres, with an aver- rge of 14,9 bushels per acre, giving an estimated total production of 779,- 300 bushels against a five-year aver-|- age production of 1,027,000 bushels. The bean crop was very spotty and the yield extremely variable. The price being received by growers is con- riderably more than last year and in ite of a much smaller crop, finan- tial returns will be larger than last year. Sugar beets are yielding better than weather conditions early in the season Indicated. The acreage shows some re- duction from last year, being 383,300 in 1932 and 31,900 this year, Produc- tion in 1932 was estimated at 333,000 + "amg. and in 1933 at 319,000 tons, with an acreage yield of 10 tons per acre both years. The averagé sugar content approximates 17 per cent. this year, compared with 14.7 per cent. last year, and as a result the yield of sugar iy be greater than in 1932, although he total tonnage of beets is less, MCRAE British Guiana Plan Georgetown, British Guiana, -- The British Guiana Government will dis: pense with its departmental motorcars the Traveling Allowances Committes are adopted by the Legislative Council, 'The committee holds that the Gov- ernment should us more hired cars in view of the cheap rates, which are as low as 12 cents a mile. It proposes & fixed allowance up to $24 a month-- with an additional $16 a month if the officer is authorized to employ. a chauf- teur--for officers who travel an aver- age of 200 miles and over and who are required to keep and .se their own ears for the purpose, Officers who have to travel less than 100 miles and who have cars of their pwn are entitled to an allowance of up to 12 cents a mile, The motorcycle Mlowance is $16 a month, the bicycle, {Wiowanes, is) $2 a month. Trying to quell Arm wrath 18 like sitting trewatks better, but that's another story.) The ing rehearsals of & new play, it seems, never varied. Always before the re 'himself upstairs. He would go over each gesture, each intonation, each sign, each word of pralse or 'blame, Leach pyrotechnical display of temper. ament which he could turn on and oft like a ap. i Flattery, during the first week WAS the order of the day. Came the sec- ond week of rehearsal--and promptly Belasco changed his tune, He would work himself up to a fine frenzy. "And finally," chuckles Achmed Ab- Ldullah, "in a terrifying, frenetic rage, a rage 'so beautifully rehearsed and yet so. well stimulated that he de- ceived everybody ,and possibly, at least for the moment, deceived him- self in the bargain, he pulled a watch from his pocket. He slammed it to the ground, He jumped on it, stamp- ing, grinding, so that it lay shattered ina thousand powdered pieces. "There was complete silence. The actors exchanged frightened looks, Then he stumbled back a step. He stared at the ruin on the floor. He drew an arm over his eyes. "Dear Lord--' he mumbled -- and sobbed once--'my mother's watch -- my. dear, dead mother's last gift to me, . 'He trembled. It was superb. The entire company, including myself (it was a play by Achmed Abdullah un- der rehearsal), was profoundly affect: ed, ; . "He looked up. "Forgive me, children,' he whis- pered humbly. 'I--oh--I am ashamed of myself. So ashamed, Jl am my. own very .,worst enemy.' Again he sobbed. He mumbled disconsolately: 'My dear, dead mother's watch. ..." . "Another silence, A single tear roll- ed down his cheek. He smiled sadly. Then he went on: . "And now--children--will you try --to work--for me? I--I am s0 old-- and tired, . J "And. they threw themselves into it, with renewed enthusiasm and vigor and, really, doing beautifully, while 'Belasco pulled at my sleeve and -- winking at me broadly, forgetting the insults and bullying of the past week --spoke to: me in confidential under: tone: "4 'That weit over big, you damned heathen--eh?' iol ie " 'You bet!' I agreed, > "He continued: 'Remind me to buy another one of those dollar watches tomorrow--will you?' "I laughed. 'Guv'nor,' I suggested, 'you can't break your mother's watch twice in the same place," "But he almost did one time; dur- ing the rehearsal of 'The Comedian,' At the very last second' I stopped him, Even so, I have an idea he 'would have got away with it; would have exclaimed quickly, after smash- ing the second watch: "'Ah--my grandmother's watch -- my dear, dead grandmother's last gift to me, . ."" Cie oven Heroine of Fire Given A fine gold watch with an inserip- tion and about $400 has been award- ed by the Carnegie Foundation to Gun- hild Leimer, aged 15, of Stockholm, Sweden, for her heroic deed in saving her five younger sisters and brothers from being burned to death. Gunhild was in charge of the other children in the upper storey of the home in Stockholm, the lower part of which was in flames, She took the children one by one. by their hands, stretched> down as far as she could from a window and in that way help- ed them to escape unharmed. Oné of 'the children, a 10-year-old girl, re- fused to risk the jump, Although al- ready surrounded by flames and smoke Gunhild "took time to let her down to the ground by means of a sheet. When the plucky girl herself was ready to jump she was already badly burned and the fire and smoke blind- ed her go that she fell on her back and fractured two vertebrae, with the re- 'sult she became an invalid for life. The reward will make it possible for her to get medical treatment and learn some trade that may enable her to make a living, " t Bb ay Planning Menus A Week Ahead is Economical A week's - menu planned in ad- vance is a definite means toward economy. Money, time and labor all are saved. The tendency toward extravagant marketing is checked and the frantic haste when it Is near- ly meal timé and nothing is planned is done away with. In many In- stances it also enables one to double up on cooking processes, Enough potatoes can be boiled at one time for the fmmediate meal and a potato salad or creamed ~potatoes - for. the following one, A meat ple, tinbales, hath of cro: personal performance of Belasco dur- |: hearsal downstairs, he would rehearse | | serves, '| many of the leading and most power- Reward and Watch : "land west from the coast. a 2 2 Youngest of film stars and a group of featured motion picture players at a giant benefit periormance sponsored for Los Angeleg relief work, The benefit was held at the Shrine auditorium, Los Angeles, Lett to right: Lucille Lund, Daisy Neysa, with baby Leroy and Lois January, Royal Bank Annual Shows Strong Liquid Position Liquid Assets At $362,471,645 Are Equal To 55.76 Per Cent. Of Liabilities To The Public--Total eta At End of Year Were + $729,260,476 -- Gratifying Increase Of Over $18,000;000 In Canadian Savings And In Demand Deposits -- Many Busi- nesses Evidently Showing Large Turnover, The Annual Statement of The Royal Bank of Canada covering the fiscal year which ended November 30th last should afford satisfaction to the pub- lic, as well as to shareholders. The statement discloses a very strong posl- tion, with an Increase in liquid assets to-a total of $362,471,645, - equal to 65.76% of liabilities to the public. It {8 understood that & particularly in- teresting feature of the year was an increase in Canadian Savings and De- mand Deposits. A lower volume of commercial loans and increase in the portfolio of Government bonds is in line with expectations in view of the reduced demand for banking accom: modation.- The necessity for invest. ing larger amounts . in Government bonds is one of the causes contribut- ing to a reduction in earnings, but after making full allowance for all bad and doubtful debts and providing for 'cost of management, profits were amply sufficient to cover the payment of dividends and the usual appropria. tions, leaving $216,650 as a further contribution to profit and loss account. The unsettled state from which busi- ness is now emerging, has emphasized the usefulness 'of strong Inner ye- The directors' recognition of this fact is evidenced by a transfer of $15,000,000 from Reserve Fund to reim- burse the inner reserves of the bank, and to provide reserves which they consider adequate for future contin- gencles. This action is in line with adjustments which have been made by ful banks in all parts of the world, and will be regarded as a prudent and.constructive move. The publishéd Reserve Fund is maintained at the substantial figure of $20,000,000 and $1,383,604 is carried forward to the credit of profit and loss account. Strong Liquid Position, Total assets shown by the State- ment for the fiscal year which ended November 30th last are $729,260,476; liquid assets of $362,471,645 aggregate 55.76% of liabilities to the public; cash and bank balances total $157,- Statement 699,215, equal liabilities. - The total of $106,850,615 invested in Dominion and Provincial Government securities represents an Increase of $17,401,771 compared with the pre- vious year, A small decrease Is shown in Canadian municipal securities and British 'Foreign and Colonial public securities, . While certain lines of business are less active than a year ago, other in. dustries have experienced a keen de- mand for their products in recent months, with the result that inventor- ies have been brought down to abnor- mally low figures, Both these factors have contributed to reduce the need for banking accommodation, and this is reflected in a decrease of $44,442, 954 in loans and discounts, Commer- cial loans now stand at $316,119,392 against $360,662,286. 'Call loans in Canada and abroad were reduced by $3,698,671 during the twelve months' period. Canadian Deposits Increase A feature of thé Bank's year was an increase of $18,610,694 in Canadian de- mand and savings deposits. As Cana- dian demand deposits represent in the main the working balances of business and farming customers, the substan- tial upward move in these figures is ot particular interest as an indication of to 24.26% of public increased commercial and industrial | activity. Shareholders will be interested in seeing that despite the lower level of interest rates which particularly af- fected the return from liquid assets maintained at reserve centres, profits for the year were $3,001,649. This amount fully covered dividend require- ments of $2,975,000, contribution to Officers' Pension Fund, $200,000; -ap- propriation for bank premises, $200, 000; reserve for Dominion Govern- ment taxes, $310,000, and left $216,650 to be added to profit and loss account, making a total of $1,383,604 to be car- ried forward to the next fiscal year, The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders will be held at.the Head Office of the Bank in Montreal on Thulsdas, Jamisly 11th. Dr. Knud Rasmussen, Arctic Explorer, Dies Copenhagen, Denmark, -- Dr. Knud Rasmussen, Danish 'Arctic explorer, is dead after a long illness brought on by food poisoning contracted on his last expedition to Greenland. 64 years old. Dr. Rasmussen was serfously 111 when he was brought home November 3, He was removed from the ship to his residence in an ambulance. It was said at that time that only a trans. fusion aboard ship had saved his life, Dr. Rasmussen was born at Jakobh- shavn, Greenland, June 7, 1879, His ancestors on the maternal side were Eskimos: After making his first expedition to Greenland in 1902, he visited all of the known Eskimo tribes between 1905 and 1924, studying their customs, Later, he announced he had ascer- tained that the Eskimos originally were Indians who had wandered east - Last year, the explorer was at the head of an expedition which surveyed 12,600 miles of Greenland"s southeast coast, and measurements taken by that expedition proved that Greenland wag moving westward 20 yards a year, The immediate cause of the ex-|; plorer's death was a blood ¢lot which stopped his heart after he had appear. ed well on the road to recovery from an attack of botulism, @dénfug may be switter than perge- verence, but the: latter wing in, the long Tn, 2 Loy RL a "Even the game of golf Hes. its "v d on a bunoh of Hghted ern them xolng hin tne Wert ovens from a Tomsl, fis quettes are planned to take care 1 ~ He was |: A tactful wife keeps . Mrs. Todd: many little household secrets from her husband. Mrs. Babb: that she has all the brains. Yes; even the fact tly Maintain Cheese Volume There is a real danger to the Ca- nadian export cheese trade in permit- ting the volume of cheese to decline further, Same dealers in the United Kingdom even now question the ad- visability of dealing In Canadian cheego in view of the limited quantity available, and the relatively short time during which they are available, ~Dominion Dairy Commissioner, PR Ignorance is the stepmother of most arguments, Wille For Tnformation : and Map on UNIVERSAL IL. GOLD SYNDICATE 1201 Central Eloy Toronto, ork evils," says a writer. And. te up- heavals. % CAST OFF UGLY FAT Woman Loses. 28 lbs, in 3 Months "Three months ago," a woman writes, "I was persuaded to try Krus- chen Salts to reduce my weight, which was 222 lbs. I had tried other things, but all to no avail. Now I know that Kr uschen Salts are different. In three weeks I lost 5 1bs,, and I felt five years younger, I really must say I feel a different woman. I have now lost 28 Ibs, to date."--(Mrs.) S. G. B.. If you are overweight take one half- teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of 'hot water bhefore breakfast every morning. There will be no rapid or. alarming loss of welght, but just a steady decrease of that flabby fat which is as unhealthy as it is unsight- ly. Kruschen is a sclentific blend of six mineral salts found in the waters of those European spas that have been used by generations of overstout peo- ple to reduce weight. : SS Immortal Child "I hope you will be a child still when I see you next."--In a letter from Carroll." 'That was his wish, How many years ago - Were the words written? Tuto what small hand Fell that enchanted letter? Did she know, : As Alice did, the way to Wonder- land? Some clocks run backward, Whether we accept The shadow on the dial, the y&ars that pass; : And time will never touch us once we've stepped Across his threshold, Looking-Glass, through the I like to think. he found her still the same, And that she read twinkling lines More than pretending, more than just a game, ' Undimmed by any doubt of ours, there shines A light that child has given us to hold, When darkness gathers and the story is told, between his --Leslie Nelson Jennings, in The New York Sun, tre A ies : Muff Bags Among New Accessories Chicago.--Muft bags can he had for daytime and evening wear, They are developed in fur, fur-like fabrics, fea- thers and fabrics. Either utilitarlan like wools, or dressylike velvets, Most of the new styles in daytime bags are not discernible as a muff, resembling instead a moderate sized pouch bag, which closes at the top 'with.a zipper, clip, or tricky fasten- ing. The muff is in the fulness of the pouch, The little evening muffs of feathers are the darlings of fashion right now. They were seen in several styles and in the range of this season's popular after-dark. colors, These little feather bags are effective compliments to feather-trimmed frocks, or to feather capes, "> To Live to Be 100 We may listen with especial inter- est and respect to the advice to wo- men given by Dr, Marie Charlotte de Coliere, Dayenport, who wag born, 80 she says, one hundred and nine years ago, in the Russian City lately known Leningrad, and is now astonishingly going about on a lecture tour ob- gerves the Providence Journal, These are the six points of Dr. Davenport's doctrine of the Long Life, ag she im: parted them to an audience of wo- men in South Bend," Indiana, the other day: 'Never got angry; learn selt-control; develop agility; be quick and lithe, fot muso ebound; avoid ex- cessy in all things; don't put any: thing on your face that you wouldn't put in. yo stomach; don't Tet your ming dle." Sl >> "SMILES... > It's not what you'd do with a milion it riches should fall to your lot, But what you are doing at present with the $1.35 you've got. A word to the wise may be sufficient but it might be wise to say it over the radio to make sure and certain, Next to illiteracy, the saddest sight in the world is the man with more education than he can use, est thing In the world is to criticize the mistakes of others. A dog has nothing to give his mas- ter but faithfulness and a good appe- tite, but he- gives both to the fullest extent. Noticed a newspaper headline the other day which read: "A Sad Death. Well, who ever heard of a merry one? A man is as old as he feels before breakfast and a woman is as old as she looks before breakfast, Experience "Know anything about cars?" 1 'Been mixed up with em a bit," "Mechanic?" "No--pedestrian," No Reply "Look at the telephonist at the next table." "How do you know she is a tele- phonist?"" "I have said 'Hello' twice and got no reply," a ------ Wonien teachers don't get a fair deal. They should be paid enough to support a husband on hefore they get too old to want to, the rich man who desires to die poor when he takes to writing poetry for a rings A man's success is not measured by the number who cheer him, but by the number who envy him, A lad says that while sitting out in the moonlight may be. bad for one, it appears to be all right for two. There are folks willing to blame their troubles on the Lord and expect manna from the same source, In the old days the youngsters used to be troubled with the whooping cough. These days they have the whoopee cough, The two most unsatisfactory things in the whole world are soup and love that have grown cold, You trust your wife. That's confi- dence. Your grocer trusts you. That's confidence, too. You trust yourself. That's a mistake, . When we have universal finger printing it will certainly go hard with the small boy who samples his moth- er's jam, Cider is very much like a man fin one respect, The more it works the harder it kicks. LS A rabbit is a little four-legged ani: mal that grows the fur that other ani- mals get the credit for when made in- to a woman's coat. A man begins to be money-wise when he doesn't want anybody to lend him any money. Maybe they named jt "Call" money because somebody wants some every time the front door bell rings. Jim--""They say there are more mar- riages of blondes than brunettes, [I | wonder why.' John--"Naturally, the light headed ones go first." Father--'"You are golng to marry that insignificant little fellow, Percyl Why, you used to say you would never marry a man less than six feet high." Daughter--"I know, dad. But I de- cided to take off twenty per cent, for cash." Ap Boiling vegelaliles calls for great precautions to preserve the food value, For cabbage, turnips, onions, cauliflower and brussel sprouts use only enough water to cover and boil gently, Cook green vegetables, such as spinach, in a very small Cn of water, or none at all except moisture which elings Se eh after washing. Next to making mistakes, the easi-| We'll have faith in the sincerity of } a4 N i ro, ee AvEN lo t i par, "Oliswe Cane Rirne nevs nr COAL AND gy { CAL--WRITH OUR WHOLESAI artment for quotations on st pt Milnes Coal Co, Ltd, Toronto, or ---- oak The A ri Coleman Lamp: Repaired For $1.50 No matter how well made any product occasionally needs to be "tuned up. Just. ship your lamp to us prepaid with your name and address, to- gether with $1.60, We will repair it and return it to you prepald. (This does not include replacing a fount beyond repair or a broken shade.) Always ship lamp without shade. All other repairs are included in above price. The Coleman Lamp and Stove Company, Limited 9 Davies Ave, - 'Toronto, Ontario RELIEVE CONGESTI! POULTICE with M ECC INTHE Ano MUSTARD Instruction Seite Beauty forgotten yet Is beauty still, For nothing lovely ever upon earth, Not Helen's face, nor Aléxander's will, Passing to death, but comes again to birth. In some new brain the sleeping: dust will waken, Courage 'and love and were done, Called from a night by thought of man forsaken, Will know again the gladness of the sun, that conquered And all things we have known beauty here, All little things fugitive and forgot, for Quick blossoms that hidve fallen year by year, Kisses that even the dawn remem. © bered not, All these are now the judgment that 4 we bring To know the heart of every lovely thing. --John Drinkwater, in The Cincinnati Classmate, : -- a en The weight of a coat of paint makes 80 much difference in the weight of a transport p'ane that manufacturers are careful to select colors which will cover _well Light colors re quires more coats to produce a last - ing finish. . ----- ET eT ---- - Get Rid of That Cough or Cold For Only a Few Cents In these days when even pennies Sount, it's Fit to have a remedy like BUCKLEY'S IXTURE, that banishes coughs and colds so quickly that the cost is only a- few cents. One dose of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE gives unmistakable relief, Two doses ver often knocks out a cough or cold for Phin No matter how long your cough or cold has hung on, Buckley's will stop it--yquick! That's why people say, "It acts like a flash--a single #ip proves it." Beware of substitutes. Buckley' . is sold everywhere. The Soap That's Known and Sold The World Around Cuticura Nothing Better for Daily Use Price 25c, < QUIVERING NERVES When you are just on edge vs « when you can't stand the children's noise i: when everything you do is a burden + i113: when you are irri. table and blue : 7: try Lydia B. Pink« bam's Vegetable Compound] 98 ous of 100 women report benefits It will give you just the extra en« ergy you need, Life will seem worth living again: Don't endure another day without the help this medicine can give: Get MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS |i Write us for suggestion prices, |! easy payment plan, eto, Cornets, Saxophones, Violins, etc. ! 'Conn-Leedy Musical Instruments Ltd. 10 Shuter 8t, . Toronto a bottle from yout druggln todegs VEBETABLE COMP! (SSUE No, 1-34. % NPI,