F rowr FER RY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1984 FEL 3 be Old Right of Way May be Used as Link to Provincial Highway (Toronto Globe) Lindsay, March 19--A representa- tive audience of members of Victoria County Council, Lindsay Town Coun- cil, Ops Township Council, Manvers | Township Council and Cartwright Township, gathered in Lindsay this afternoon to discuss . the proposition to_take over the abandoned Canadian Pacific roadbed from Lindsay to New "Nestleton, thence branching over to Port Perry and linking up with the Provincial Highway No, 7 to Toronto. ~~ The C.P.R. offered to sell the right of way for the nominal fee of $1, the distance being some twelve miles. The roadbed is fourteen feet wide, and it is proposed to widen it to twenty- four feet. The Provincial and Fed- eral Governments have agreed to al- low the widened road to be built on the relief plan, allowing 40 per cent. for labor. The Department of High- ways agrees to alow the usual town- ship subsides. There will be six miles in' Ops Township, one and one-half miles in Manvers Township, and four and one-half miles in Cartwright Township. The total costs would be $26,000, with an estimated cost of $6,100 by the municipalities. | A ." BUY FEEDS ON GUARANTEE Do not find yourself with a "gold- brick" feed, money spent and no value in return, Oat feeds analysed in the - laboratories of the Dominion Experi- mental Farms have had a range from 4 to 14 per cent. of protein and from 10 to 80 per cent of fibre, meat meals of from 40 to 65 per cent. protein and phosphoric acid from 10 to. 20 per cent. Therefore do not buy your feeds blindly but study the guaranteed analyses, as printed on bags or other - containers so that you know of what value the feeds are for your specific purpose, and also as compared with . other feeds of the same class. INOCULATING 'LEGUME CROPS When legume crops are being plan- ned for spring seeding, consideration: should be given to the question of in- oculation. This is particularly -re- commended for such crops as alfalfa, beans, especial- 1y when seeding for the first time. In- oculation consists in adding a culture the seed at e time of sowing. It is easy to carry. out and helps to: insure success - gweet clover and soya of the proper bacteria to with the crop. + TAKE ADVANTAGE OF REDUCE PRICES AND Get Ready for - EASTER Suits sponged and pressed ~~ 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 .. C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office. TAX ARREARS Owners of property on which taxes for 1933 are unpaid are reminded that arrears to the County Treasurer to Oshawa, visited with & MANCHESPER '=. Vo Ad Mrs. Ralph Butt and child W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office and was fairly well attended. The President, Mrs. Jas. Shunk, occupied the. chair, and opened the meeting with devotional exercises followed by an interesting business session. It was decided to hold a pan-cake social in the near future, at the home of Mrs, At the close of the busi- ness period, & program was then en- Mrs. B. F, Green favoured with a splendid reading. Payne gave a reading, "The Songs My Mother Used to Sing", assisted in the solos by Mrs, A. Snyder, with Mrs. R. Scott at the piano. were greatly enjoyed and appPeciated. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs, Green. The commit- tee in charge served a lovely lunch and a social time spent by all. ren, of | My, and: Mrs. J. Moore, last. Sunday. LE 2 LAE : Miss Ada Masters visited friends in Oshawa last week, "=~ Mr. and Mrs. Spencer are spending two weeks with friends in Picton, Mr. and Mrs, McKenzie were in To- ronto one day last week. ' Mr. Lloyd McKee is wearing a smil these«days--it's 'a girl. Mr. Max Wilson, of Trenton, is visiting his grandfather, Mr, Wilson Crosier. : : Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy Thompson and son Jack visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Crosier, last week. Miss Helen Crosier was_in Toronto recently. oo C. W. Moon. Jennings, of Toronto, were recent The numbers The Young People's League held on Wednesday night, March 14th, was in charge of the President Mr. H. Jack- son, who opened the meeting with Rev. B. F. Green leading in the devotional Miss Ila Moon conducted the Bible references. The topic was in charge of Miss Marion Eagleson, the Treasurer is required to remit all| be registered for tax sale; and that the Collector's Roll will be returned to the Treasurer on March 31st. DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto, Post Graduate in Bu of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyelinie, London, Bagiasd, North East London. = Post Graduate London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. who gave an interesting paper on missionary work. Miss Esther Gra- ham favored with a splendid reading. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the benediction. " The social held on Friday evening, March 16th, in the Sunday School V. P. STOUFFER PIANO TUNING Overhauling -- plano = actions repaired, lost motion taken up, sticky and noisy keys re. paired, moth-proofing, cleaning and lubricating a specialty. All work guaranteed. Phone 30, room in honour of St. Patrick, under the auspices of the Quadrata Girls' Club was a very good success in every The room was very nicely deco- ing review Sunday. There will be an open session. A committee was .ap- pointed to arrange a program for the service which is expected to be very helpful, Miss Vera Tanner and Mr. Fred week-end visitors of the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Tanner. Mrs. Alvin Bruce and Master Irwin, spent a few days in Toronto with relatives, while there Mrs. Bruce at- tended the Ice Carnival held at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Mrs. H. Eagleson spent a few days in Toronto, where she attended the funeral of a friend. : ; Mr. and Mrs, Orr Shunk and family, Miss Alma Clements and Mr. John Craig, all of Lindsay, were visitors of relatives and friends here on Sunday. Mrs. Chas, Wilson and daughter Jean, of Prospect, were visitors over the week-end of relatives here. Miss . Myrtle Slack, of Saintfield,| #8 was a recent visitor of Miss Iva Rey-|} nolds. Mrs. S. McCoy is still confined to bed through illness. ~ South Ontario Conservatives rated for the occasion. The program consisted of various games played and a vocal duet by Misses I. Reynolds SEAGRAVE The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association was held at the home of Mrs. S. Reynolds, on Wednesday - afternoon, March, 14th, and I. 'Moon, who also led in the '| community singing, after which lunc was 'served cafeteria style. joyable time was spent by all. silver collection amounted to $6.00. 'Sunday School on March 26th pro- mises to be of special interest, it be- The Purpose of deciding the time and place for the holding of the annual meeting | i SENSATIONAL DODGE "SHOW DOWN" PLAN TAKES GUESS-WORK OUT OF CAR BUYING... LETS THE BUYER COMPARE INSIST ON HAVING ALL OF THESE DODGE FEATURES IN YOUR NEXT CAR te! Cqr buyers all over Canada are using the Dodge *"'Show- Down" plan; It's the fair way to judge automobiles--lets the buyer compare new. cars feature-by-feature, point-by-point. You see exactly how Dodge hydraulic brakes work, Why 2 they'se safer. More dependable. You see why odge all-steel ' , reinforced with steel, is safer than w ~ le-drop X-type box section frame keeps the car ¢lose to the , How you can take sharp curves with safety, You con- . vince yourself that "Floating Cushion wheels smooth out the. bumps in the road -- do away with back-seat bouncing. You learn for yourself that patented Floating Power engine mount- for y I Hamer engine vibration. See your Dodge dealer today and arrange for a "Show- - Down" demonstration--and remember--Dodge is Priced Right Down Among the lowest-priced Cars! Tin hy Dodge DODGE 7.POINT. VENTILATION, 1. Cowl ventilator, 2. Wind- shield opens. 3. Front half of forward window apens. 4. Rear half may be lowered. 3. Both halves lock into. a le unit whi or lowered as an ordinary window. 6. Rear door window raises and lowers, 7. Rear window has butterfly' draft control, : ; ~ BEARE BROTHERS THIS NEW DODGE IS are two models, one wit inch wheélbase. riding. were unable to attend. i election, that there had been consider- "able progress made. 'The most favor- ts modern design, They ¢ are thrilled by i down among the lowest-priced cars. There horsepower on 117. A BEAUTY/ Canadians everywher are amazed that this big 114-inch wheelbase car is priced right h 77 horsepower on 114.inch wheelbase, another with 82 ch may be raise: in many of end "bucking on a dime. Dodge hydraulic ey save you money. stant DODGE. "FLOATING CUSHION" + WHEELS, A ront wheel springing the same as ui e world's highest priced cars, The long, soft coil spring ends from method of independent and back-seat 'bounce' DODGE ALL.STEEL BODY is t's made of steel an Look at the test Dodge engineers are modern people. DEALERS a real modern body fot d reinforced with steel. iving this car! Pitched eaping Into the air and ors opened and closed-- drove away under its own power, rolling, bouncin finally landing right side up. the engine ran and the car MEW - = \ . 0 : ERR IAAI MRE A qi Sm i WAT LS PRICED RIGHT DOWN AMONG THE LOWEST PRICED CARS PORT PERRY On Saturday afternoon a most en- thusiastic gathering of the executive |} of the Liberal-Conservative Associa-|¥ h tion of South Ontario was held in the Council Chamber at Whitby for the of the association, as well as to make plans for, the organization of the units throughout the riding. George Hart of Oshawa, presided over the gathering of between forty and fifty members from every district in the The meeting fixed the date of Fri- day, April 20th, for the annual meet- ing. to be held in the Town Hall, at Whitby, at 7.80 .p.m. The chairman was given the authority to change the date to the 27th if the roads should be in a condition that the rural people The representatives from the var- F.W The RED & WHITE Store SUITS 4 Smart Clothes at modest prices. By handling made-to- measure clothes we can offer a larger assortment, more styles. better fit and better values. A special representative of W. R. Johnston & Co. will be at our store on Wednesday, March 28th. Come in and see his full range of patterns and place your order for a new spring suit. DON'T FORGET THE DATE-- Wednesday, March 28 Meet at Whitby || RED & WHITE JELLY 1 package FREE. CHOICE PEACHES, 2 tins 36c. RED & WHITE COFFEE I' PEARL SOAP PINK SALMON PICNIC HAMS FRESH CARROTS, BEETS, 3 bunches for 23c. and rindless ...... ¥, 1h 18ec. Sa GROCERIES, ETC. LETTUCE, large heads, TOMATOES, NAVEL ORANGES, 29¢. & 39c. CHEESE; September ..Ib 17c. GRAPEFRUIT, large 2 for 15c. SOAP FLAKES..... 5 Ibs. 39c. BREAD FLOUR, .. SODA BISCUITS, .. ..10c. CABBAGE, SPINACH, ETC. Ib 15c. MACARONI .......... Ih Se. ..24'8 B9c. CHOICE CORN ....2 tins 19c. 2 lhs 23c. BLACK TEA .......:.. hb 45c. RED & WHITE TEA Ib 55c. POWDERS, 4 pkgs. for 23c. | PLUM JAM, 32 oz. ....... 23c. PRUNES, ...... 2 tbs for 25c. 7 for 25c. Per 1b 39c. 10c. FRESH GROUND COFFEE 1b 22c. ih 25c¢. BREAKFAST BACON, sliced Phone 43, TISAI HBS TH. er onal Shi SNES CARE = Port Perry jous districts in their reports prom- ised their fullest co-operation with the central committee and stated that while there was still considerable or- ganization to be done before the able report was presented by Ernie Marks, of Oshawa, who reported the formation of a Conservative Club, with the object of creating interest among the younger people of the community. Plans have already been laid as a result of the report for the formation of similar clubs in Port Perry and Whitby. The speakers at the meeting stressed the importance of the necessity of creating interest among young people, young women as well as young men. Port Perry Masons Attend Port Hope Lodge Function The annual celebration of Past Dis- trict Deputy Grand Masters of the Ontario District, was held at Port Hope on Friday night last, and was sponsored by Ontario Lodge Port Hope, No. 26. The guest speaker of the evening was Rt. Wor. Bro. Rev. S. E. Lambert of Toronto, Grand Chaplain. room were occupied by Past District Deputy Grand Masters of Ontario District, when the ceremony of the first degree was exemplified. R. Ww. Bro. H. G. Hutcheson and R. W. Bro. A. B. Cawker, of Port Perry, attended the meeting, and 'assisted with the ceremony. WANTED Muskrats for export. I will guaran- tee higher prices than anyone in the business. ) CHAS. TURNER Phone 176 Port Perry. - a DON'T TAKE A CHANCE INSURE YOUR CAR. Get the New Rates from R. D. WOON Fire and Auto Insurance Phone 80 J Port Perry. eat many chick starters. hicks a real start in life. price to sell. COAL! WOOD! COKE! AMERICAN ANTHRACITE--"BLUE COAL" CANNEL COAL, STEAM COAL, SCOTCH ANTHRACITE HARD BODYWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD + SLABS LUMBER, LIME, CEMENT, TILE, BRICK, ROOFING. ---- MARMILL FEEDS Marmill Chick Starter has prove superiority over a gr that will give young c¢ up to a standard of quality to g FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 n by practical tests its It is a ration It is made ive results, not down to a The various chairs in the lodge] DONT W BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS 'and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are offering good values--60 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done he Telephone Office, Port Perry rg iti Salo Te Cw : 4 , 1 i } Hi by i: bt A NS AR a ro i" re a Se Fi yr ~ -m . - I Cp " na "og " "a os d MERCHANT TAILOR T. Ro man Over t ORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON rT rea rnd 3 Jog -- Port Perry Custom Hatching ~ 21/5 Cents per Egg Prices quoted on Day Old Chicks, Started Chicks, and Six Week Old PORT PERRY CUSTOM HATCHERY Leonard Block - Phone, Port Perry 42 Owned and operated by H. BROOKS and C. Hu, ROWLAND Pullets--ANY BREED A ha 2, + " ea ger Te a re. Er SIAL