Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 May 1934, p. 5

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gas Cam THAT'S FLOATING POWER = IT SMOTHERS EVERY BIT OF ENGINE. VIBRATION. YOU NEVER NO ~YOURE ALL WRONG. THIS 0ODGE UPKEEP. IT HAS 10 REAL: MONEY AN TELL ME, TOM -- 1S THIS ENGINE REALLY GOING ? '| CANT HEAR (T--~ CANT FEEL IT-- FEEL AL Y JITTER OR JAR 1S MIGHTY EASY ON DEFINITE ECONOMY ADVANTAGES THAT SAVE THANKS TO FLOATING CUSHION WHEELS -- STEP OVER FLOATING OVER THAY BUMP )| POWER ENGINE MOUNTINGS SMOTHER VIBRATION! NEVER HAD SUCH A SMOOTH Get Amaz ng Facts in : "Show.Down" Plan!' There's. only one way to find out which ° "of the new 1034 cars gives the most for | your money. That is to compare. Dodge . offers you an easy, simple way to do this. It's called the"Show-Down' Plan. Ittakes the guess-work out of car buying. Gives - you facts--not claims. Ask any Dodge dealer about it--and get a copy of the FREE "Show-Down" score card. : Advertisement endorsed by Department of Engineering, Chrysler Motors. DELIVERED TO YOU IN PORT PERRY gget 937 The new, bigger Dodge on 117-inch wheelbase: Coupe with ramble seat; Four-. door Sedan; Convertible Coupe. On the 114-inch wheelbase: Coupe; Two-door Sedan; Rumble seat Coupe; Four-door Sedan; Convertible Coupe. 'BEARE BROTHERS Ch ca "°° PORT PERRY Dealers "The Rohderaft Tiré--made by Gutta Percha--is a guaranteed medium- . 2 priced tire.' The Guarantee is backed by the maker's 50 year reputation for "square-dealing. 'No other tire in this price class is protected by the @D/5...Lt- J. shock AvsonaEns" moulded into the Roadcraft Tire. GUTTA PERCHA: & RUBBER, LIMITED Head Office TORONTO, { Canada, Branches from Coast to Const, GUM GUSHIONED MADE BY THE LARGES RV 4 aati lal) RUBBER COMPANY, FOUNDED = 51 YEARS AGO ~ IN 1883 FACTS ABOUT EYES AND VISION By C. H. Tuck, Opt., . Eyesight Specialist PAY FOR VISION NOT 3 BLINDNESS If we have any sense of citizenship that is true we will see another side to the story. We are faced by a striking fact, that if our sensé of neglect leads to the worst and cannot be met by us it must devolve upon the state. Should we not be sufficiently thank- least should attempt to conserve it. The proportion of those cases with imperfect vision has been found .by group examinations to far exceed the perfect. Out of those proven to be imperfect that proportion that can be " T'corrected to function properly is about | £ 87% add to that the normal cases 156% making a total of 52% normal and normal by correction, and now com- pare this with the diseased conditions. Diseased conditions ........ 16% High Defects'..............38% Making total of ............ 48% imperfect even with correction, "' the group were diseased cases, Third ,. a congregation of fully 2000 people Some facts worthy of note re the above table are First only 16% of the group was normal, Second 15% of any of the 837% minor defects or even of the normal 16% may become dis- eased or coses of higher defect, but few of the high defective or diseased cases have any chance of becoming normal unless watched and checked through life and to any of you who may read and understand,-I repeat, pay for health. not sickness, vision not blindness, efficiericy not ineffi- ciency. (to be continued.) rr ------ PP rere ABOVE-BOARD The Sailor--'Nobody can say you have a submarine face." Tough Guy--'Says which?" The sailor--"It's never been under water. RABBI EISENDRATH COMING. "Rabbi Eisendrath, a brilliant He- brew scholar, preacher and writer held absolutely silent for an hour or more while he spoke on "Were I a Christ- ian." Every seat was filled, scores stgod in the doorways, around the walls, in the corridors, the vestry and choir rooms, wherever a spot could be found to hear the noted Rabbi." --Ottawa Journal. Don't miss hearing Rabbi Eisen- drath on May 30th in Port Perry, un- der the auspices of the I.O.D.E. in the United Church. : GREENBANK Our Beef Ring is starting its forty- second consecutive year. There have been very few weeks in that time without beef. ~ This year we have twenty-eight members. The community was shocked when they heard that on Saturday evening, Mrs, Jas. Innes had been struck with a motor car by a hit and run motorist, just opposite her home, 'that resulted in her death a few hours. later, An inquest and post-mortem was held; on Sunday. - The inquest was adjourned until Friday, May 4th at 8 pm. The funeral was held from the home of her daughter Mrs, Thomas to Bethel Cenietery, on Monday, Rev. Mr. Part- ridge officiating. Among those at- tending from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Messrs. Clifford and Bert Love, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.eHenry Taylor visited Mrs. and Miss Blair recently. ronto on Sunday. Mrs. Stevens of Toronto, visiting with ter father Mr. Geo. MeMillan, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Love, of Osh- awa, visiting with Mrs. H. Love, on Sunday. The Y. P. S. on Tuesday evening of last week showed slides of a trip through the Rocky Mountains and Alaska which were very interesting. Mr. Teesdale has moved into Mr. Milton Howsam's house. The Presbyterial meeting of the W. M, S. held in the church last Friday, was a great success. About one hun- dred and seventy-five delegates from the different auxiliaries in the Presby- tery, registered. Mr. and Mrs, Claxton, Lindsay, at Mr. T. Sharp's, on Monday evening. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs, Fleetwood Beare in the sudden death of her mother, Mrs. Heron. ful for the vision we have that we at|§ {i _ {i BE etifie _willie The RED & WHITE Store COTTAGE ROLLS BROOMS ........35¢. and 55c. Peamealed, ..... , 18c. eames per B. 18¢. | YRESH HEAD LETTUCE, FRESH GROUND COFFEE En Per Ib, 27c., 33¢., 39c. COMFORT SOAP, 7 bars 25c. BULK S0AP FLARES 4 bs for 25¢. SEEDLESS RAISINS PALMOLIVE and CALAY | 2 Ibs for 25¢c. BOAR ci caine bar Be. MACARONI. .....0...~ BD 5c. | PRUNES ....... 2 bs for 25e. MAPLE LEAF BREAKFAST BACON, sliced,....%; 1b 18¢c. MEN'S SUITS Black and Blue, with a fine stripe Black and Blue Worsted with a fine stripe. A suit you would be proud to wear. A choice of three nice cloths in a smart style. One pant suit ...... NCTE SRL $15.95 The same suit with two pairs of pants ........$19.95 Sizes 85, 36, 37, 38 and 39. Made-to-Measure Suits--$19.75 By W. R. Johnston & Co.- Guaranteed to fit. A large Selection of suitings in this popular range at this low price - $19.75 SILK HOSIERY, 69c. Chiffon and service weight of pure silk hosiery. Mercury made. All the newest shades ................Pair 69c. WALLPAPERS ot With the Wall Paper season here, see our stock of Papers including Sunworthy, Resistolite, Sun Tested. 8c. roll up. For every room at lowest prices. 't FLOOR COVERINGS New Vel-Felt Rugs, 9 x 6, $3.60. 9 x 104, $6.35 Printed Linoleum, 4 yards wide, $3.35 yard. See our Borderless Rugs. OUR OWN BLEND TEA ; 2 Per Ib 45¢c. and 49¢. Phone 43, Port Perry | COAL! WOOD! COKE! AMERICAN ANTHRACITE--"BLUE COAL" CANNEL COAL, STEAM COAL, SCOTCH ANTHRACITE HARD BODYWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD SLABS i LUMBER, LIME, CEMENT, TILE, BRICK, ROOFING. --/ MARMILL FEEDS Marmill Chick Starter has proven by practical tests its superiority over a great many chick starters. It is a ration that will give young chicks a real start in life. It is made up to a standard of quality to give results, not down to a FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73] - price to sell. BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS "and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are offering good values--60 different - designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done WwW T Rodman MERCHANT TAILOR ° ° h Over t he Telephone Office, Port Perry Mr. and Mrs. Waterworth in To- DON'T WORRY ABOUT FIRE! , Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry Custom Hatching 21/5 Cents per Egg Prices quoted on Day, Old Chicks, Started Chicks, and Six Week Old Pullets--ANY BREED PORT PERRY CUSTOM HATCHERY Leonard Block - Phone, Port Perry 42 Owned and operated by H, BROOKS and C, H. ROWLAND "i TOMATOES, CARROTS, ETC. § a Lgl ey ~ nn a, ~ x A " - rk ro Pi Rn pr J, Se Se PAA od TG od g at rd -t dh dat i LALA To re Ae rh er ETA Vow ws, whe a Rd ey I ar tiff sign ill Ec hewn Ps Z ney ~ A es » ta ar ns Onan, Chr a : 2 bes 7 = oe To

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