Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 May 1934, p. 4

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es Page Four : EXSAS , N He RY, INS, : ---- LOCAL ITEMS Rev. Wesley and Mrs, Elliott have returned home after a visit of some weeks in Toronto. Rev. T. A, Nind is attending the sessions of the Synod, in Toronto, this week. Miss Ruth Read, of Sydenham, is spending a couple of days with Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Allin, this week. COMING--J. H, Stephenson, R.O., Eye Specialist and Optometrist, will be at Morrison's Drug Store, Port Perry, Thursday afternoon, May 17th, Eye examination from 1 to 6 p.m. Make your appointment early. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, of Brampton, Miss Rhea Walker, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. E. A. Walker. EMPIRE DAY AT THE SCHOOL The public are invite to an Empire Day Program in the Assembly Hall of the High School at 2.15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23rd. The program will be provided by the students of the Public School, also a guest speaker from the I. O. D. E. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders are asked for the building of a Public Library in the| Village of Port Perry. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Star Office on or after Monday, May 21. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by Monday, June 4th, at 6 pm. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contractor to furnish bond for proper completion of building within a specified time. S. Farmer, Secretary, War Memorial Committee. I. 0. D. E. On Wednesday, May 23rd, the an- nual Empire Day program will be held in the Assembly Hall, of the High School at 3 o'clock. A large attend- anace is hoped for, to enjoy the pat- riotic program which the boys and girls of the Public School have gone to considerable pains to prepare. DON'T. MISS THIS! The greatest amateur comedy play ever presented in Port Perry, entitled "THE ADVENTURES GRANDPA". This play will be presented under the auspices of the United Church Sunday School, in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on the evening of Monday and Tues- day, May 21 and 22. Synopsis Monte's dependence on his "Grand- pa" for a living lands him in a very difficult and embarrassing situation, when he decided to borrow Tod's wife for two hours to convince -the "ould man" that he is married and has set- tled down. But when the policeman comes along and quarantines the house, it looks as if everyone, includ- ing the guests and Grandpa, are going to be kept there for three weeks. The problem now is to prevent Grand- pa from knowing the truth about Monte, and many embarrassing and amusing situafions constantly happen. Grandpa appears in a rage, covered with smallpox. Pansy attempts to escape through the window, but in the end everything turns out very happily. Sunday School Orchestra will furn- ish music between acts. Admission 2bc. A few reserved seats at 35c. Plan at. Lawrence's drug store. RR a Myrtle Station Miss Hilda Banks, Missionary on furlough from India, will be the speaker at the evening service next Sunday, May 20th. Miss Banks will be in native costume, and will give an illustrated talk about her work as a representative of the W. M. S. in India. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen and daughter, of Lotus, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Simpkins and daughter, Sylvia. Miss Belle Waring and Mr. Allan Young, of Toronto, were Sunday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, and Mr, and Mrs. O. Lane. Mrs, Chisholm was a visitor with Toronto , friends on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, George Houghton, and Mrs, Johnston, of Toronto, were Sun- day guests of 'Mr and Mrs. Jas. E. Beacock. We are sorry to 'hear that Mrs, I. "Grant, who has been very sick 'all winter, is now in a critical condition. to lose one of his valuable horses this week. pd Anniversary at Greenbank «On Sunday May 20th, Anniversary Ser- vices will be held in the United Church at 11. a.m, and 7.80 p.m. The morning eryice will be sondicted by Rev. P L. ll, BA and the ev pin service by ¥ Bishop, of e. Special t both services. Coll fons in aid nday School DANIEL McDERMOTT In the death of Mr. D. McDermott, on Sunday, April 22nd, Port Perry loses a good citizen. He was a man highly esteemed for his industry, in- tegrity, and kindliness. - Retiring in character, he lived a wholesome life quietly and did his share toward the work of the community and helped to ease the burdens of others. The late Mr. McDermott was born at Seagrave. His parents died when he was but nine years of age, The |} will be at I. R, BENTLEY'S JEWE to consult Mr, Stark. Make an ap ANNOUNCEMENT This is to announce that * MAXWELL R. STARK, R.O., Eyesight Specialist, of Toronto, FRIDAY, MAY 25th, 1934 ° where: he will conduct Optometric "Eye Examinations. 'suffering from headaches, eye strain, or faulty vision, should not fail Friday, May 25th, LLERY STORE, Port Perry, on Anyone pointment with Mr, Bentley for setttttttttttttttttttttttttttittsttisststts tts ssssasaiitniaasnisaniiaisgg family had moved to Dorset where] they carried on farming for a number of years, Next they came to Scugog where they remained until Mr: Me- Dermott moved to Port Perry thirty- one years ago. } Mr. McDermott married Eliza Mc Kinley, who died some eighteen years ago. Four children were born to them--Mrs. Arthur Sweetman, of Scugog; Miss Ethel McDermott, and Mr. A. L. McDermott, of Port Perry; and a son Milton, who died some years ago. DANCE : The Ladies' Softball Club are spon soring a dance to be held in the High School Assembly Hall, on Friday, May 18th, Music by the Royal Canucks. Admission 25c. Everybody welcome, Who has not heard with pleasure Rabbi Eisendrath over. the radio on Sunday afternoons? On May 30th we want you to hear and see him at the United Church, Port Perry. Admis- sion 2bc. . EYES EXAMINED If you have any trouble with your eyes consult F. E. LUKE & SON Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto (Upstairs opp. Simpson's) Deceased was last of a family of seven children. PRINCE ALBERT Rev. Mrs. Denny of Epsom, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Butson, on Monday. E Miss Laird spent the week end at her home at Maple Grove. Mrs. Greaves has returned home after spending the winter in Toronto. Mrs, Wagg and Miss Olive Wage are home again after visiting "with 'relatives near Agincourt. -- >> NOTICE TO CREDITORS - In the Estate of Annie Maria Fergu- son, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Maria Ferguson, of the Township of Cartwright, de- ceased, who died on the '10th day of May, 1934, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the. 18th day of June, 1934, LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in the office of H. W, Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. full particulars of their claims. We are sorry to report Mrs. John Immediately after June 18th, 1934, the assets of the Testatrix will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated May 16th, 1934. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for Annie Maria Ferguson Estate. Warren on the sick list. i Mr. W. Webb of Norwood was in the village over the week end to take home his wife and little daughter, who have been visiting with Mr, and Mrs, A. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs, A. Smith of Torani, have moved into the home of Mr, S. Lambkin. oy Miss Etta Smith has been teaching for some weeks at Plevna, Prontenae County. : .Sunday visitors to the village were Mr. and Mrs. Worden Sonley, of To- ronto, with Mrs, Worden; and Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk, of Lindsay, with Mr. Albert. Shunk and Miss Shunk. We are glad to report Dr. Campbell is somewhat improved in health. Although the weather keeps chilly, people are busy improving their pro- perties. Mrs, Patterson has had the grounds of her property levelled and Messrs. B. Snelgrove and McGregor are. painting the house. The Sunday rain was badly needed and very welcome. The Young People's Society of this village visited the Epsom Y. P. S. last Thursday evening, butting on the program, which consisted of a chorus by the boys, readings by Miss L. Murphy, Miss M. McCrea and Mr, H. Toombs, cornet solo by Mr. L. Hunter, a vocal duet by Mesdames Luke and Hope," and an instrumental duet by Jack Butson and J. Davidson. The topic was taken by Mr. C. Clarke. A dainty lunch was served by the Epsom| ladies. On Sunday the Mother's Day pro- gram was used for the Church service, Close thy sweet eyes calmly, and without pain, |. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth giving the ad- And we trust in God to see thee yet again." dress. <a >> Port Perry Dominion Store OUR RECENT SALE Was a Real Success Our Customers secured MANY GOOD BARGAINS We still have some offerings at prices that will please you. Visit our Store and Save Money. ALIX. CILBOORD, Prop. Phone 177. Open Evenings " IN MEMORIAM COTTER--In loving memory of my dear son Frederick Cotter, who de- parted this life, May 18th, 1933. "Death should come Gently to one of gentle mould like thee, As light winds, wandering through groves of bloom, Detach the delicate blossoms from the tree, "tle. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James E. Wilson, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of James E. Wilson, of the Township of Cartwright, deceased, who died on the 20th day of January, 1984, are hereby notified to send in to-the undersigned solicitors on or be- fore the '10th 'day of June, 1934, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after June 10th, 1034; | the assets of the Testator will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated, May bth, 1934. Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port. Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for James E. Wilson Estate. --<eoo------------ - A group of the I.O.D.E. ladies are selling tickets for Rabbi Kisendrath's address, "What I Saw in Germany", May 30th, Port Perry, Tickets may also be procured -at "Bentleys and Gerrow's stores. . --_-- co eor------------ AUCTION SALE, MAY 23rd.' The entire farm stock and imple- ments of the late Harry Deacon will be sold by public auction on Wednes- day, May 23rd, 1934, at the Deacon farm, wright, 3 miles north of Blackstock, Full line of implements, 40 head cat- Lot 12, Concession 7, Cart- NN nts 07 n 0080 nsesnttannstantssnttsantsstesetostontsitettitettsesiotitioionionittnnententtaitns ins its ssl The follow Yice that it YX to shop a quality. ounce 26c. . 8 ounce rice. 82 ounce bottle 7 FRENCH BALM--A sizes; 26c. and 389c. sizes 76¢. and $1.50. LAWRENCE'S DRUG STORE wows || "(You Save With Safety at your Rexall Store) prices on everyd 04 drug store merchandise will con- t the Rexall Store, OIL--The finest hb Oil. 16 41 8 o Ge. 32 o PURETEST CASTOR OIL--Tasteless 4 "40e, : REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA An excellent product and Took at : Mi oi NTISEPTIS -A Pleasant and effective antiseptic for use as 4 h and genes ral use. 8 ounce 39¢c. ounce 69¢. REXALL "Mik OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PAST Nor clean teeth and real enono! Large tube 25¢. Giant tube 38 'hand lotion We are proud to 0 300s ani Two BISMA REX--The finest stomach powder we have ever stocked. Two unce, sade. of extra heavy 35 Oil of the highest Phone 49 Cherry Cakes Fruit Pies : Doughnuts PHONE 98, ' - A M. LAWRENCE "THE REXALL STORE" WE OFFER YOU THE BEST IN Cookies of all kinds Filled Tarts Jelly Rolls and many other kinds of Delicious Baking "Try our Brown and White Bread--It's Good CHAMBERS' BAKERY Port Perry : PORT PERRY : wl poe THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY --_ FROM -- id BERT MacGREGOR -- Manager Shulman, of the Strand Theatre, Uxbridge, has secured that new talkie sensation--Mae West and Cary Grant--"She Done Him Wrong." for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 21, 22 and 23. Don't fail to see this well talked about special feature. PASTURE FOR RENT 'Pasture for ten head of - cattle. Terms reasonable. 'Apply to J. E. LAWN MOWERS: machine ground. All kinds of light repair work done. Apply to S. CAUSLEY, Phone 228 ad PRACTICAL NURSING The undersigned is prepared to do practical nursing at reasonable rates. Have had hospital experience. MRS. D. GRIBBIN, Sale commences at 1 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer: (nee Frances Christy) Phone 179, Port Perry. Celebration at Uxbridge-- | Thodey, May 24 'Races at Elgin Park--Class 2.18 trot or pace, Purse $76.00. pace or trot, purse $75.00 games open to boys and girls. Horseshoe Pitching. Uxbridge Citi- Mitchell, R. R. 4, Port Perry. zens Band. Midway. Free Parking. or Dance at night. Admission to grounds @ 15c. Children 10c. fg eee GOD : nity 'Without Public Liability and| Property Take advantage of our new low rates. Glass and Burgular Insurance also written at reasonable rates) Phone 33 THE PROGRAM "Class 2.2F Softball Open Dr. Ed. Bailey, Secretary. - DON'T DRIVE Damage Insurance, (Fire, Accident, Plate E. H. PURDY. Port Perry --Mrs. C. Cotter. | mmm ioe be ae adr : a i A aay, < he PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH | AF Sunday, May 20th-- 11 a.m.--Rev. B. F. Green, of Sea grave, 7 p.m.--The Pastor will preach. Sunday, May 27th--Anniversary Ser- vices. Rev. James Endicott, D.D,, former Moderator of the United Church in Canada. ', . -- te CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Whit Sunday-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. nat 4 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grose spent a day in the city last week. Little Doris Slute, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slute, has been very ill with pneumonia; but is improving nicely. ' Mr. and Mrs, John Kellington and son Ronald, of Oshawa, have moved | here for the summer months. Mr. 4nd Mrs. Miller and sen. don, spent a day at Little Britain, 1a8 188 Bets week. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and sons Chas, | and Geo., spent t "week end in To. | a ronto. " Rev. Mr, Totton took charge of the services on Mother's Day, assisted by our children's choir. The service was much enjoyed by the large attendance. Mr. Arthur Ormiston spent Satur- day. with his parents here. THE OA TIRE CONSTRUCTION Sl SINCE THE BALLOON TIRE! THE LARGEST ALL GUM GUS MAL A NADIAN Ladd R C Col IN @ Silt: "SHOCK ABSORBERS" Every Gutta Percha and Roadcraft Tire is built of the highest-quality cotton cords, every strand impregnated with and protected by rubber. These protected cords are built into criss-cross layers for: 'added strength, and are further live gum points by broad pads of protected at crucial rubber built-in tween the plies to safeguard the cords from damage, , as shown in the photograph at the left. how blows on the tread or cushioned by these them--the § you see in the photo :gthershdoof e tire. Only Gutta su ou iii "& RU CICRNED )E BY MPANY, F OUNDE D - 5 1 AL AR id shocl-abeo side-w rbers. %» There are 7 of See for yourself alls round be P S graph and 2 on the a and Roadcraft Tires give you this safer construction at no extra cost. DER on LIMITED LUMBER WOOD--98% Maple. Price right, ! WE CAN S u PPLY Your Lumber Needs. Estimates Cheerf uly Given. mag ~ 4 Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. . Phone 240 SA PORT PERRY, ONT. RE a tah ol (Quotations to shippers) BUTTER-- Creamery solids, No. 1 ........21% Seconds iui ve iaanetiiesesd2l CHURNING CREAM-- ~ Special 22, No. 1, 21, No. 2, 19. EGGS-- - Grade A large ....\.....iv05 7170, Grade A medium Fedanve vin seal, Grade C ...v.ivrivernnnseaa de. POULTRY-- Spring Broilers Fatted Hens .... "ry cediiesnd 8 to 19 ceverese. 1010 12 Old 'Roosters ......cveveveesseds® White Ducklings-..........11 t0'12 LIVE STOCK-- : Bacon Hogs (off trucks) veees: $8.00 Weighty Steers ......$4.60 to $5.76 Butcher Cattle ........$4.00 to $6.25 Heifers ......cv0vvues $4.60 to $5.25 COWS ius irritants snes Bulls ....... ceeseress $2.76 to $3.60 Store Cattle ......... .$8.76 to $4.50 Veal Calves ..........$3.00 to $7.00 Lambs veri eevee iiss sores +$10,50 Sheep ...............:$3.00 to $5.00 Spring Lambs ........ $5.00. to $9.00 Eyesight Specialist - Open 'Monday, Wednesday, ~and-Friday Evenings, or by- appointment at all times. DISNEY BLOCK Oshawa Orp. P Post Office, Phone 1516 RED U CED PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office. DR. Ww. 8. HARPER Graduate of ity 'Medical College and Poat G Su SEE of Boe, coy for nd, Royal Todvmary Satin n Offic a Burgery----Port Perry, Ont, DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. , Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson' 8 ; Insurance Office The Creamery IS PAYING 26¢., 25¢., and 23¢. FOR and make more money by sending AC 10) your eream to .[ ' V PORT PERRY. CRE Y A. ir ERNE mn GOOD BODY HARD | @ .$1.50 to $4.00 _ W..A. 'Sangster : Tey Cio & wind oe 4 Coat P BUTTER FAT. You can save labor ~

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