Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 May 1934, p. 7

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we Sal RK eit d mediately. 'Streamline Menus. = Tw AR right; here we go-on-a- streams Will Reach. Maximum Ton- nage Permitted by End of 1936 SECRET MANOEUVRES _ London, By the end of 1936 the Bri- tish Navy will reach maximum tonn- age permitted by treaty, Sir olton Eyres-Monsell, First Lord of the Ad- miralty, told the House of Commons last week, in presenting 'naval esti: mates for the year, : Practically all airships he said, will be under the treaty age-limit, at which they can be replaced although the navy will have 60,511 tons in the destroyer category and 4,000 tons in sub-marines which will have reach- .ed the age-limit SR The building program, Eyres-Mon- gell said, was in accordance with "a carefully considered Admiralty poli- cy of replacement--to pursue a stea- dy, annual program of construction He pointed out that the treaties permit the laying of. 86,350 tons of cruisers in three years from 1934 to 1936 but the current program calls for only 32,000 tons in that class. He did not favor laying of the entire 86,350 tons purmitted by treaty im- . "We are still trying to bring about limitation in armaments," he said. "It would be impossible for"us, on the eve of a 1935 naval conference, to be- gin a largely increased building pro- gran. on the assumption that the con- ference will be a failure." Eyres-Monsell indicated that the proposed new aircraft carrier which Britain plans would exceed 20,008 - tona. : The proposed increase in personnel he said was one of the most satisfac- tory features of the estimatee. He re gretted that 'unhappily there is still a surplus of lieutenant-commanders, and lieutenants," 'London;--Great Britains's increas- ed nava' activity was signalized by ' secret manouvres in which 100 war- ships operated in the Eastern Atlan- tic. ; So secret were they that until they were ended, the ships did not com: municate even with the Admiralty here to avoid any chance of messages being picked up by a theoretical en- eniy or outsiders, a It wag understood the manouvers were to determine whether a mythi- * eal expeditionary force could be land- ed on a coast line represented by the length of the Spanish and Portu- gese coasts, and approximating one side of Great Britain. ~ A Meditepranean "Red" fleet left Gibraltar for the Atlantic to act as an intercepting force. At the same time a home "Blue" fleet left the vi- cinity of the Azores Islands to try to convoy and land the theoretical ex- peditionary forces. TO SAVE THEMSELVES The Admiralty has decided hence- forth not to try to.raise sunken sub- marines in an effort lives of trapped seamen, Sir Bolton informed the House. : : oo Instead he said the 'crews will be jnstructed to use the Davis escape apparatus which theoretically enables the men -to shoot out individually to the surface : The United States Navy has reach- ed a similar decision, he said "Streamline Figures line swing to romance, It seems that romance will persist only as long as thé gentleman in the case may clasp the lady of his fancy easily within his two strong arms. Most ladies are inélined to forget. questions of cir- cumference once the gentleman in the case hes been taken safely to the altar. But a far-sighted hostelry in New York felt danger lurking ahead for romance, and has cléverly obtain: ed the services of a figure-control ex- pert, to plan streamline menus for them. Constance, is a person who . even puts an artichoke to .use and says htat 1000 calories a day may put steak in the stomach and yet make the figure sufficiently interesting for romance to rap at the gate. Of course, one wouldn't know what romance will think, when romance finds out that Miss Gaul's salad dressing is based on mineral oil and evaporated milk. But just skip that! British War Nurse Dies in United States Ariington, Mass.--Mrs. Ralph Hill, a nurse with the British forces dur- 'ing the Great War, died recently, Two of her song were killed in action during the war. Mrrs. Hill wag awarded a medal by the King for carrying a woman work- er from & munition factory at Park Royal, London, during an air raid. Beside her husband, phe leaves three sisters jn Birmingham, England, and a brother in New Zealand, "The man too bumptious in his modesty is apt to cut an even more |. comic and ridiculous figure than the IS CRUTCHES NOW BACK AT WORK 5 S He was not wrong, 'either--this- man who conculded that he would never '| need his crutches again. For it is now six years since he burned them, and he is still quite active. Writing of his experiences, he ,ays:-- : to rheumatism, and was given up as a hopeless case. I also had a bad stomach, and I could never enjoy & meal without my food repeating on me. One day .an old friend of mine bought a bottle and gave it a trial. "After taking two bottles I was able to sit down and enjoy a good meal, and also have a good sound sleep--a thing I had not done for years. I was also getting about more freely. One morning I got up and lit the fire, and put the coffee on. My mother thought I was crazy, because 1 saw- ed my old crutches up and boiled the kettle with them, "That was six years ago, and I am now back at my old job as a chef-- and a chef puts in some long hours on'his feet."--H. A. B. "For five years I was a cripple, due |' told me to try Kruschen Salts. So I} gm nl BOILED KETTLE Once Crippled with Rheumatism Do you realise what causes rheu- matism? Nothing but sharp-edged uric acid 'crystals which form as the result of sluggish eliminating organs. Kruschen Salts can always be count. ed upon to clear those painful cryst- als from the system. And more! They ensure such perfect internal re- gularity that no such body poisons as urle acid are ever able to accumu- late again. Kruschen Salts {s obtain- able at all Drug Stores at 46c. and 6c. per bottle, By GEOFFRE All rights (Editor's Note: Many letters of ap- preciation have been received from readers who have accepted the au- thor's offer of a personal analysis from their own handwriting. Have you sent yours? See the announce- ment following this article.) The value of Grapho-Analysis 'is never more evident than when it is used to assist Cupid. For it tears aside the veil that love so often weaves, and reveals in unerring fash- ion, the characteristics of the writer. It is not merely a question of hon- esty and straightforwardness--al- though these are points that have to be considered. The emotions and the degree of expressiveness of those emotions--these are of vital import- ance. EXAMPLE Take, for example, a girl who has a warm and ardent nature; who feels things very deeply, and who expresses would be very unhappy without the affection of others. - What chance of happiness would she have, married to a man who is cool and unemotional, who dislikes any manifestation of affection, and: who i8 so governed by his mind that he hasn't a generous streak in his nature? - Only the other -day I received a very poignant letter from a girl of 24 years of age. She was married two years ago, but has never been happy, since the first raptures de- parted. She is of the type I mention above, and asks me why she is un- happy and wonders whether she is responsible. The writing of her husband, which she enclosed, shows that he has about as much feeling and affection as a gargoyle, ; These two are mismated; I can see them. saved much unhappiness. OPPOSITES that feeling. She likes to be loved and, very little chance of happiness. for |- Her's is a case where the ad- vice of a Grapho-Analyst would hace There is an old saying that op- posites make the happiest marriages. What Does Your Handwriting Show? Y ST, CLAIR (Grapho-Analyst) reserved. This is fallacious, Look on every side of you, and you'll find married people who are unhappy and discon- tented, because, their natures are so unlike, ; : Marriage demands affinity of in- terests. It is too much to ask, or to expect, that the average couple will have all the same interests, the same likes and dislikes -- and there is a good deal of compromise necessary in most marriages. But a young couple whose natures are at the opposite ends of the pole,. are starting out with a tremendous handicap. And that it is too great a penalty is seen by the number of un- sucessful marriages. M. H., Toronto.--By all means sue your husband for divorce. Yours is a sad case. Married four years ago, your husband left you three years ago, and now you meet a young man who loves you. He is a straightfor- ward young man, and is trustworthy --which cannot be said of your for- mer husband. I am writing you direct regarding the personal matter. °° Can Geoffrey St, Clair help you? Would you like your handwriting an- alysed--or have you a friend whose real nature you much desire to know? Send a letter in your normal hand- writing, with 10c coin and a 3c stamped envelope, to: Geoffrey St. Clair, Grapho-Analyst, Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Ont. Please enclose coin for each specimen of writing you enclose. Your analysis will be a revelation to you. | Call for Canned Peas in Canada Until recent years most of the do- mestic requirements for canned peas were supplied by Ontario, or by im. portation from Europe, but Quebec and British Columbia have establish- ed and expanded in output rapidly. In 1921 the recorded acreage of canning Makes Itself Known to You HERE ARE THE SIGNS: ervousness Frequent Headaches in Feeling of Weakness Indigestion Sleeplessness Loss of Appetite Mouth Acidity Nausea Sour Stomach | Auto-intoxication WHAT TO DO FOR IT¢ TAKE--2 teaspoonfuls of ips' Milk, of Mag: Files a glass of water ul 30 after eating. And another before you go to RT Ake oF Magnesia iH tablet for LL] vou have Acid Stomach, don't } fib about it. Follow. the simple directions gus above, This small dosage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia acts af once to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach Jan and other distress. Try it. You'll feel like a new person. But--be careful you get genuine Bl Mot Magnesia. Tobles when you buy~256c and 50c sizes, ALSO iN TABLET FORM man too wise in his own conceit.""-- Sir Henrl Deterding. : How Acid Stomach oS SoA Phillzgel Mlk Migr: peas was 2,202 acres in Ontario. In bec 3,161 acres; 418, and small acreages in other pro- vinces brought the total acres. 34,341 cases in the-1932 crop season, Agricultural Situation Bulletin. composing it--J. 8. Mill "We must form perfect models in ker Eddy. -1931,-Ontario--had 9,385 "acres; Queé- British Columbia to 13,248 In the past year or two, im- ports of this product had been negli- gible, and the Canadian pack is find- ing export markets as a result of its high quality. Exports amounted to practically to. Empire markets.--The ' Theeworth of a state, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals thought and look at them continual ly, or we shall never carve them out in grand and noble lives,'--Mary Ba- Brilliant Social Season Expected in "Dear Old London" London, -- The most brilliant so- cial season since the world war was ushered in recently with the opening of the opera at Covént Garden before a house packed with bejewelled wom- en and scores ¢! the aristocracy. Hundreds stood in line all day long to obtain tickets in the gallery to wit- ness both the spectacle of society on opening night and the opera on the stage, of" = Cu The season continued with the Roy- al Academy exhibition on May 7th, followed by a swift succession of so- cial events, Highlights include' the Ascot and Goodwood race meets; the Royal Henley Rozatta yachting week the Richmond Horse Show, the Eton snd Harrow 'Schools' annual cricket match at'Lord's and the Wimbledon tennis fortnight, ~ As a background for all these func- tions are the traditional four courts at Buckingham Palace in May and June, when the King and Queen re- ceive debutantes and many others of the socially elite from numerous o- ther countries who are lucky enough to be invited. Wool Industry Records High Level in Years The wool industry of Australia has witnessed one of the most complete instances of price recovery in the his- tory of that industry. Prices recover- ed to such a degree that they reach- ed the highest level since the 1928-29 season, Over 60 per cent of the wool which will be available this season has been sold at an average advance in prices of 80.per cent as compared with the previous year's clip. Much of the wool reaching Canada is car- ried in Canadian Steamships vessels which provide direct service between Canada Australia and New Zealand. "All women are squirrels--because they instinctively hide things." --Ed- na Ferber, oy ) Dogs - And Cats Says the Victoria Times--"Albert Payson Terhune, the novelist, who has written so eloquently of his fond- ness for dogs, broke down the other day and admitted that cats are really smarter than dogs. ; They are smarter, that is, in that they are always looking out for num- ber one. A dog will give you his loyalty and stick to you when there {fs not anything in it for him. But not a cat, "You, maybe, have had a cat for years and have treated jt like a king," says Mr. Terhune. "I come a- long. I have a warmer kitchen and more milk and liver. Your cat will gladly come to my kitchen and desert you. To find a cat with loyalty would be like finding one, with five ears." Few people who have owned cats will be inclined to quarrel much with this assertion; indeed, the odd thing about it is that it is precisely this unruftled selfishness which makes the cat a nice pet. , For it the dog flatters the ego by plunging headlong into the most un- critical and unselfish loyalty, the -cat does it in a more subtle way by means of a haughty condescenslon. A dog goes about the house humbly, looking gratefully at you for permit. ting him to stay there. A cat goes proudly, regally, looking through you or past you and quietly letting you anderstand.<bat it is a rare privilege to provide the daily ration of milk and chopped liver. Even when it submits to being pet- ted--or, for that matter, even when it-comes over and demands petting-- it does so with an air that lets you know that it ig strictly an impersonal matter, and that it is not committing itself in any way by accepting such a favor fromeyou. And all this, for some reason, Is rather agreeable. The unmitigated snootiness of the cat is actually flat- tering. In a world where most people in one way or another, have to put up with a good deal to keep the dally bread in the pantry, it is somehow cheering to find one pensioner who neither scrapes nor cajoles. "If," says Mr. Terhune, "I could sponge like a cat, please God, I'd do it. The only thing a cat will ever do is something for herself." «pho greatest man is he who chooses right with the most invinc- ible resolution."--Seneca. -- Day and Evening Classes may be conducted in accordance with the regulations {ssued by the Department of Education. Commercial Subjects, Manual Agriculture a are provided for in the Courses tinuation and High Schools, and Departments. Education may High School Boards & Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish Industrial, Technical and Art Schools With the approval®of the Minister of Education Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of e obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings Toronto. Theoretical and Practical Instruction is given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of an Advisory Com- nittee, Training, Household Science and nd Horticulture of Study in Public, Separate, Con- You Have Heard? Girl--You fresh thing! Who "said you could kiss me? Ditto Boy---Every young you've ever had a date with. man Wife--The -new washwoman has stolen two of our towels. Hubby--The thief! Which ones, dear? i Wife--The ones we got from the Hotel Prince Edward in Toronto, We learn from reliable sources that it was only recently that a great- ly agitated woman, carrying an in- fant dashed into a local drugstore. She eried: Woman--My baby has swallowed a bullet. What shall I do? Druggist (calmly)--Give him some castor oil, but be sure you don't point him at any one. Bride--Did I appear nervous dur- ing the ceremony? Bridesmaid--A little at first, but not after Fred said 'Yes'. The trouble with getting henpeck- ed, is that you have nothing to crow about. The Young Bride--I'm looking for an apartment. The Friend--What style? The Bride--One of those where it is illegal to cook. A compromise is an agreement by which both parties get what neither of them wanted, Cautious - Gentleman--What time do you have to be home? Girl--How much money have you got? Gentleman--Five hundred dollars. Girl--Thursday. Nowadays its a question of whether the engagement ring is a symbol of a trusting heart or the symbol of a trusting jeweller, Minister (who was filling out the marriage certificate and was uncer- tain of the date)--Let me see, this is the fifth, isn't it? Bride (indignantly) -- No, This is only my second. sir! So live that none of your kinfolks will deny the relationship. The Boy---Wouldn't your mother, be awfuly angry if she saw you in that scant bathing suit? The Lass--I should say hers. The Aft of "Getting Along" Sooner or later, a man, if he is wise, discovers that business life is a mixture of good days and bad, vic- tory and defeat, give and take, He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses. He comes to realize that the busi- ness could run along perfectly well without him.+ He learns that carrying a chip on his shoulder is the easiest way to get into a fight. He learns that buck passing always turns out to be a boomerang, and that it never pays. He learns that the quickest way to become unpopular is to carry tales and gossip about others. He learns that it doesn't matter so much who gets the credit so long as the business shows a profit. He learns that it doesn't pay to be a sensitive soul--that he should let some things go over his head like water off a duck's back, He learns that even the janitor is 80, It's BIG Chewing If you want a man's chew -- ask for THE PERFECT PLUG BIG SIZE BIG VALUE \ BIG SATISFACTION BEN Tobacco Farmers Get Better Sows Government and Packing Firm Co-operate In Distribution Merlin,--Gordon Drew, hog buyer for the Swift Canadian Company, To- ronto,! is assisting the farmers in Es- sex, and Kent to improve their breed- ing stock and recently distributed a- mong the farmers of the Tilbury dis- trict a carload of choice breeding sows Thes sow are made available to the farmers through the co-operation of the Swift Canadian Company and the livestock commissioner of the Do- minion Government are ordered in ad vance and are sold to the farmers at market price, the government paying the freight charges in lots of 20 or more. The government also under ap- proved conditions will supply boars free. These sows are .carefully selected by the Swift Canadian Company at their plant and are all of good bacon type. Farmers are allowed to send any marketable sow to the packing com- pany and receive one of the selected ones in exchange. The object of the packing house and the government in assisting in this way is to try and hold for Canada its share of the English bacon mar- ket, thus assuring the farmers a bet- ter price for their hogs. "Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any mater fal force, that thoughts rule the world."--Emerson. BU Uh Jt Helps Me!"' That's what 98 out of 100 women say after taking this medicine. i quiets quivering nerves, gives them more human and that it doesn't do any harm to smile and say, "Good morn- \ ing," even if it is raining. He learns that all men have burnt' that he shouldn't take the other fel low's grouch too seriously, | He learns that most of the other | they have brains that are as good or better, and that hard work and not cleverness is the secret of success. Farmers in the North of England are turning from ploughing to dairy- ing and farms of from 50 to 75 acres are in demand, To, forgive a fault in another fs more\gublime than to be . faultless oneself.--George Sand, Je C2 Hypo | ' "King of Featherwelghty" As a boxer no man In his class ever excelled George H. Dixon, all-time king of the featherweights, Athletes of all classes and degrees -- boxers, wrestlers, hockey players, runners have found that Omega OIll can be rubbed in without blistering, and that it is quicker in reaching the spot. Omega O11 is equally useful in the family household as a quick means of reliet from the pain of cramped, atift, sore or swollen muscles from strain, over-work, exposure or from whatever cause '35 and 60 cts. at all drug- gists, Sole Agent: John A, Huston Company, Limited, Toronto, ; fellows are as ambitious as he-is, and | strength before and after childbirth, tides them over Change of Life i ; : makes life seem worth living again: toast for breakfast now and then aL YDIA E. PINKHAM"S VEGETABLE COMPOUND i ik WANTED Broker and Security Salesmen in outlying districts to act as district representative for a well established Toronto Brok- erage House. This is an op- portunity for live wires. Every assistance and co-operation will be extended to applicants ac- cepted. References required. WRITE TO 44 Victoria Street, Toronto Ontario SKELTON & COMPANY THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile -- Without Calomel You are "feeling punk" simply be- cause your liver isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels, Digestion and elimina- tlon are both hampered, and your syatem is being poisoned. What you need is a liver atimulant Something that goes farther than ealts mineral water ofl, laxative candy or chewing gum or roughage which only move the bowels--Iignor- ing the real cause of trouble, your ver. : Take Carter's Little Liver Pills, Purely vegetable, No harsh calomel (mercury). Safe, Suré. Ask for them Issue No. 19--'34 by name, Refuse substitutes, 25¢ at all druggists, 3 "Cat Heiress" Is Quite. Youthful -- A cat was left £1,200 for life by her mistress, the late Miss Jane Bar: wise, of Eaglesfield, Cumberland, Eng The cat stands between fifteen mid. is likely to keep these residuary lega. tees waiting for a long time, for she is only four years old, Classified Advertising FOR QUICK BALE--POWER PUMPH A few to go at special Jubllee price, Greatly reduced. Cost far less, Pump water night and day. Exceptional value -Write today for prices giving depth of Limited Fergus, Ont, Box 239W. QUICK RELIEF wring Bumna ECZEMA marting Burning Mr! ------------ writes: "I bad Eczema break out on my I almost gverything, but it aid A 0 wl bo od Inat I tried 'Mecca' and got relief at once from bp RL WO! too highly of it." Neca Olormem I ou bral 30c and $1.00," Suhel) . 'Mecca' tment. I cannot spesk OINTMEN PIMPLES XY Add an equal amount of cream, or sweet oil, to Min. Toh fhe Nl re aily, [1 . ment which will Pan Clear up your skinl n oy $1.20 Al Brogglsty, Also excellent for Temporary Deafness EAR OIX, | Descriptive fader 08 request and Head Noi . caused yo tne Jo hn ' A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 70 Fifth Ave., New York City Kennedy & Menton 421 College St. Toronto Harley-Davidson Distributors and Used Parts Write at once for our bargain list ot used motorcycles. Terms arranged. STOMACH TROUBLES Relieved at Home Most cases of stomach ulcers caused by gastric hyperacidity acid stomach, constipation, gas distress after eating, stomach pains, sour stomach, indigestion, ete, respond to ys VON'S CANADIA A PINK TABLETS | They help re-create the proper "che | mical balance" thus freeing you of § pain and distress, No rigid dlet -- you can eat all wholesome foods and entire system-is being polsoned: Send 10¢, for Trial Offér and full particulars. { ae) Security Bldg, Windsor, Ont, A----------------------] dle-aged people and the legacy, and ° well. Mr. A, J. Holbrook, Beatty Bros, CANADIAN VON CO. } ¢ NE ON WT ai CA, Ph th Sin Ss Sw my

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