F 4 . - . ad bed - PORT PERRY; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1934 ~ IS EASY IF THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS -- FROM -- " BERT MacGREGOR YOU BUY LAST SATURDAY EVENING, JULY CALL 28th. THINK Absolutely New Furniture 'BY AUCTION In order to clear out the balance of our stock before starting to renovate the building, we have decided to hold another auction on Saturday, July 28th. to get absolutely new furniture at your own price. Be on hand early. Ask Those Who Have Bought. Those that attended the sale on Saturday night last, were more than pleased with their purchases. It is a chaice of a life-time. OF IT! "This will be your last chance - ir THE OFFERING INCLUDES 'Bedroom, Dining Room, & Living Room " Furniture, and Bedding. A. L. McDERMOTT, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO TED. JACKSON, Auctioneer BLACKSTOCK The July meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Church, was held at the home of Mrs, S: McLaughlin, Nestle- ton, on Thursday evening last. The meeting opened with a devotional period followed by a business session during which arrangements were made for making quilts for the fall bale. Plans were also made for the annual Sunday School picnic to be held at the Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville, and for flowers for Decoration Day which is being held on Sunday, Aug. 5th. The first chapter of the New Study Book was prepared, by Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin and read by Mrs. H. Bailey. The program was in charge of Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, and consisted of a reading by Mrs. Hamy McLaugh- lin, "Mother," Our Best Friend"; a reading" by - Miss Ethel Thompson, "Home Making in Distant China'; and a reading by Mrs. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Newton, of To- ronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hooey and others in our vicinity. Sunday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Lansing and Mr. Bert Hoogy, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Hooey; Mr. and Mrs, O. Wright and Edith, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm; Mr. Walter Yates with Miss Lulu Wright at the home of Smith' Bros. The Annual Field Day. under the auspices of the Athletic Society was held on Friday afternoon. The 'ball tournament resulted as follows: Girls' Softball--Blackstock b, Port Perry 22. Port Perry 16, Honeydale 9. Boys' Ball--Caesarea 3, Providence 16: Port Perry 9, Blackstock 10. Ty- rone 16, Scugog 4. Providence 11, Blackstock 6. Providence 8, Tyrone 8. Cafeteria supper, ice cream and old drinks were served by the Victorian 'Women's Institute. In the evening a very successful dance was held in the Community Hall, the music being pro- vided by the "Merrymakers" of Osh- awa, The eleventh annual re-union of the Marlow family was held in the grove of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow, at Nestleton, on Wednesday, July 18th. 'It was attended by 148 members of the family who are descendants of Nelson Marlow, George Marlow, Mrs, Wm, McLaughlin and Mrs. John Whitfield, who came from England and settled in| Fleetwood and Miss Carrie Balfour, of Descendants Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the of the family are now scattered all{home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell. Cartwright Township. over Southern Ontario and they came from Toronto. Whitby, Oshawa, De- troit, Montreal, Victoria Road, Hallo- way, Winnipeg, Blackstock, Nestleton. The following program of sports was enjoyed by all, prizes being awarded to the following winners: 5 years and under--Merle Bailey. 8 years and under, boys--Arnold Taylor, Jack Marlow. 8 years and under, girls--Sarah Marlow, Irene Marlow. 11 years and ander, boys--Jim Mar- low, Arnold Taylor. 11. years and under, girls--Gwenieth Marlow, Sarah Marlow. 15 years and under, girls--Madeline Marlow, Gwenieth Marlow. Young Ladies -- Frances Mauntio%, Madeline Marlow. . °' Young Men--Gordon Pollan, Anson Taylor. Married Women -- Mrs. Naysmith Henry, Mrs. Bert. McMullen. Married Men -- Howard Wallace Marlo Boys' Thro egged race -- Anson Taylor and Stewart Thompson. Girls' Three-legged race -- Doris Marlow and Frances Mountjoy, Boys' Wheelbarrow race -- Gilbert and Bill Marlow. Ladies Minute race--Mrs, Jos. Sedg- wick and Mrs. Ted Marlow, Shoe . Kicking Contest -- Mrs. Sedgwick did Mrs, Ted Marlow, Women's Walking race--Mrs. Fred Bailey. Oldest person present--Mr, William Porteous, Nestleton, Youngest Child, Dora Black, Nestle- ton. One who brought the largest load-- Mrs. A. L. Bailey. The one who came the farthest--Mr, Gordon Pollan, Letters of regret at not being able to be present were read from Dr. Fred Marlow, Toronto, Mr. Andrew Fair- bairn, Lakefield, and Mr. Gilbert Mar- low, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. N. Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorrell and family, are holidaying at Muskoka. Mr. Dougal McDougal, of Toronto, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, E. Darcy. - Mr. Bruce Woods, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. Geo. Carter. Mr. Alvin Bell, B.A., and Mrs, Pat- terson, of Toronto. Mr. Rutherford, of Omemee, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finney and. family, of Bailey, Jos. Misses Susie VanCamp and Hazel KNEE-ACTION FRONT WHEELS RIDE STABILIZER 84 HORSE POWER ENGINE SAFETY GLASS ~ WINDSHIELD & VENTILATORS k= ~ SYNCRO- bt A GENERAL = MOTORS VALUER L 4 PRODUCED ALL-FEATURE SIX of LOWEST PRICE THs, new Oldsmobile Six has everything. It's the buy ys the lowest- rice field because it places Olds- mobile dependability and performance within reach of 8 out of 10 Canadian motorists. If you don't know the meaning of Oldsmobile dependability, ask any Olds- mobile owner! He will tell you about his experience with this car -- its economy -- its ability to do all things well. That's a safe way to Jog. a car's value --by owner loyalty. Take out an All-Feature Six. Put it "on the spot". You don't have to pamper this car. It's built to take' the toughest grind without balking -- because it's a General Motors-built Oldsmobile. Need we say more ? SEE ALSO THE MEDIUM-PRICED OLDSMOBILE STRAIGHT 8" PRICES BEGIN AT "0904 Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ont., fully equipped. Freight and Government license only extra. Convenient G.M. A.C. Terms, READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY H. R. ARCHER MOTOR SALES PORT PERRY, ONTARIO F. W. BROCK & SON | The RED & WHITE Store Rug 9x 6 Regular $5.75, for Rug 9 x 10% Regular $10, for Rug 9 x 714% Regular $7.25, for Rug 9 x 12 Regular $11.60, for I'wo Rugs, (seconds) 12 x 15 At the Special Clearance price TWO PATTERNS Per running yard KITCHEN PAPERS, Regular 20c. lines wh Chase & LINOLEUM RUGS 30 of these long wearing r SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS WEEK. LINOLEUM, 4 yards wide BEDROOM PAPERS, 2 patterns, reg. 10¢, © b Patterns, reg. 12 and 13ec. lines 4 Patterns, reg. 8 Patterns, reg. 18c¢. and 20c. DINING ROOM and HALL PAPERS, 8 patterns SUNWORTHY PAPERS, 15 patterns, reg. 25c¢. Per roll 18c. Black or Mixed Tea, Broken Orange Pekoe Tea, per lb. 55¢. COFFEE Ground while you wait Three Blends of Coffee, Popular Prices, Our Own Special Blend 27c. - Magic Brand 33c. ugs at $ 5.25 $ 9.25 $ 6.75 $10.50 + $15.00 $3.00 Per roll 8c. Per roll 10c. .Per roll 10c. Per roll 15¢. 13c... PI Tgp Per roll 15c. OUR OWN SPECIAL BLEND 49c. Perfectly Fresh. Sanborn, bulk, 39c¢. A DAY OF Street Dance, Ball Games, Horse Races. SPORTS--AUG. 6. Water and Land Sports, All for 25c. Phone 43, BI EL TL HL TR TS following pupils on being successful at the recent Entrance Examinations held at Blackstock: | Cadmus--Teacher, Miss H. Fowler-- "Elmer Archer, Dorothy Brown, Mar jorie Galbraith (Hon.), Maisie Guyton,' Keith Johnston, Muriel Lansing, Lois Veale, and Lloyd Brown. Mahood's - - Teacher, Miss Cobble- dick, Jim Fallis, Lucile Hyland. Devitt's -- Teacher, Miss Mabel Argue--RBessie Fee, Caesarea -- Teacher, Miss Florence Fallis--DMarie Marlow, Madeline Mar- low (Hon.), John Nesbitt, Alfred Samells, Mary Wilson (Hon.), Irene Watson (Hon.) - rll A or ] chester to Port Perry > A TAT NET Miss Olive Van- (Hon.), Arvcher's--Teacher, Camp-- Roy Carter Whitfield. SA WD -- = -- LAND WANTED building rural dwelling, Brooklin district. Box 151, Whithy. John IYisher, _ NU Posi i i OATS FOR SALE to Stewart Rodman, Phone 101 r 1-2 ---- toa FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A good driving horse for sale or will trade it on a cow. Apply at Star Office. Apply Scugog. >t LY ADVERTISE IN THE STAR Mountjoy are atending the Summer School at Oak Lake. Congratulations are extended to Misses Susie VanCamp, Hazel and Lelah Mountjoy, and Mr, Percy Ham- ilton on sucessfully completing their year at Peterboro Normal School. Three have also been successful in getting schools: Lelah at Mount Car- mel, Susie at the Long Sault, and Percy at Janetville. Congratulations are extended to Miss Lula Wright on winning $56 in a draw for lucky coupons in connection with the Naborhood Shoe Store's ten day sale at Bowmanville. Mayor Ross Strike.drew the lucky ticket at 11 p.m. on Saturday night. Mr. John Venning and Miss Dorothy Stevens, of Toronto, fire guests of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Ven- ning. Among our recent guests were: Miss Mae Stevens, of Hollaway, with Miss Susie VanCamp; Miss Doris Heaslip, of Toronto, with Miss Gwenieth Mar- low; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Philp, with] Mr. and Mrs. John Larmer; Mrs, Germyn, of Hastings, with Rev: and Mrs. Bell; Mr. and Mrs. John Jobb, Mrs. J. Larmer and Miss A. Wright with friends in Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Devitt, of Manitoba, with Mrs. J. McKay of Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henry, Mrs. Pryer and Mrs. J. Henry, Miss Velma Henry, Coboirg, Mr. and Mrs, M. Henry and family, Lindsay, with .Mr. and Mrs. James Henry. } Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Wilber Vance on the birth of a baby daughter at the Port Perry Hospital on July 9th. Congratulations are extended to the gam EVERY ROADCRAFT TIRE IS Live Advertising Pays Good Returns for Small Outlay. The Roaderaft Tire--made by Gutta Percha--is a guaranteed medium- priced tire. The Guarantee is maker's 50 year square-dealing. backed by the reputation for No other tire in this price class is protected by the GUTTA PERCHA &. Head Officer TORONTO, Canada. TTA PERCHA LLL GUM GUSHIONED 'sv "MADE BY @)/5-.:(t- "sno ABSORBERS" moulded into the Roaderaft Tire. RUBBER, LIMITED Branches from Coast to Coast, 410 . od Vb "gv THE LARGEST ALL- CANADIAN RUBBER COMPANY, FOUNDED ~ 51 YEARS AGO = IN 1883 Beatrice - Man- x aN AL Te AN, ay = aS RTS x oo. ST a : AN --y. " Law aw . aX -- a PA Ne SET So a hos a », rr rt er AN ep ee Et SS RA nN ag a re 2 Lome a SC Sa -- % 3 i hv Y A x & 1 f hs A) 4 i So