® NE > ¥ (~w Add » gr EZ "0 & ~ By Mair M. Morgan ART OF CONTRIVING There are thousands of women managing to look well-dressed, to keep their houses attractive, and even to dispense open-handed hospi- tality, and are doing these things under circumstances that many others would consider hopeless, We have in mind several instances. One woman had no money to buy cur- tains for her hall door, nothing to spend on wallpaper, So, with a few drops of green paint left in the bottom of a can and a little turpen- tine to thin it, she: painted the glass in scroll fashion and the effect is of rather effective frosting. She stripped the -old paper from the walls and tinting a pail of white wash with a package of blue dye, she brushed the mixture over them and to all intents and purposes they are delicately muresco-ed. In another instance @& woman having given away a good pair of curtains in or- "der to freshen a sordid home, made a ragged pair do by starching them slightly and placing bits of still more ragged material over the: lar- ger holes and pressing them on with -a hot iron, In a third instance a wo- man long accustomed to .moneyéd circles, and whose income has dwindl- ed to next to nothing, manages to keep a servant and continue her hospitality to all and sundry, by dint of dying a diminished wardrobe at home, and having enlisted the in- terest of her maid by kindness:and consideration, is equally able to be thrifty in all household ways. EATING UP THE SCRAPS The last of a roast always seems to taste better than the first slice. Perhaps it's because those tasty bits of brown outside slices that fall off .in slicing, and = those juicy bites one had to dig out from:around the bones, are. actually the choicest part of the meat, It seems unkind to slight these juicy bits by treat- ing them as scraps. In reality these so-called "leftovers" make the: foundation for many a delicious dish, : . Cut all the meat from the bones just as soon as the roast is taken from the dinner table. Don't let the meat dry out. Place the cut meat in" a bowl and cover it closely with a lid or waxed paper. The bones go into ~the soup kettle. = Cover them "with cold water, add salt and simmer them gently fer an hour or more. This delicious broth or meat stock may be used as the basis for soups, gravies or sauces. Place it in : a glass jar in the refrigerator, for "~ tomorrow's use. ~ RAISIN-CRAMBERRY PIE Three-quarters cup sugar, two tablespoons flour, one cup cranber- ries, cut in halves, onehalf cup rai- ~~ "7 gins, 'séeded anl cut in pieces, two tablespoons shortening. Cover bot- tom of pie plate with paste. Re- serve enough for upper crust. Tor with ingredients mixed in order given. Bake thirty minutes in mo- derate oven. A little more sugar may be used if preferred than given in recipe above. HAVE YOU TRIED THIS? Old silk stockings, socks and knitted silk underwear need not be discarded when "they are worn out. Attractive and colorful purses, chair sets, footstool govers, small pillow tops or hot-plate mats can be made from such remnants. Pink and white underwear, and light colored stockings can easily be dyed using any good dye. In choos- ing the colors, have plenty of green and be sure that the colors harmon- ize. The colors produce a more strik- ing effect when the dyeing is uneven as this shades the design and gives it depth. To acquire this effect, * allow a third of the material to re- main in the dye several minutes be- for dropping the .rest of the length by degrees into the kettle. You have, as a result, a length of material ea = oo a a a oa ai a which varies from a dark, rich hue to a pale tone of the same color, The 'dyeing is: done, of course, before the material -is cut into strips. Men's socks can be used for variety as they are usually woven in several colors cand make the design 'more interest- ing. * Materials for Background Cut the material into one-quarter inch strips, being careful to follow the line of the knit up and down so that the strips will not ravel too easily. The weight of the silk may vary, but this does not matter as long as the worker does not use the too fragile chiffon stockings. These are not practical or lasting. The plain, monotone stockings can be used for backgrounds when such are desired. J The material into which these cut strips are worked is either fine white cross-stitch canvas, monks cloth, or any heavy material not too fine in weave. When the cross-stitch canvas is used, a neutral background, dark or light, must be worked in on the whole surface around the design. When using monks cloth, only the design needs to be worked and the cloth itself «forms a background: Purses can be made on remnants of wool dresses to match the costume, The design to be worked on the foundation material can be either geometrical or floral. A design of simple flowers well placed and well shaded with darker centers and lighter colorful petals usually 1s most effective, These designs can be traced or copied from photographs and drawings of flowers in seed catalogues 'ant advertisements, ox drawn 'freehand by 'an original worker, Also ideas may be gained from art books in the public library or transfer patterns may be pur- chased. ~~ Butterflies copied from magazines that pmoduce the real color are effective. For the cross-stitch canvas, the design 'should be drawn on paper or :pasteboard and -may be colored; This is placed under the canvas and traced through to the right side. Water-color pencils or water-color paint can be.used. Crayon lines will not last long enough to follow in working. In using monks cloth, the design has to be traced on free-hand, 'but with a little practice, the worker will, become skillful in simple de- signs. Do not make extra lines as they will not erase and there is no worked-in background to cover them. : With the design drawn on the foundation material, the colors chosen 'beforehand for the various parts of the pattern, and the material cut in strips only as it is ready to be used, the work itself may be started. The method is very. similar to that old-fashioned hooked rugs. Use a No. 12 crochet hook for the fine work and a No. 8 for work on monks cloth. Hold the strips of silk on the under side of 'the material and with the crochet 'hook, pull the strips through into small loops on the right side, following the drawn design careful- ly. Remember to shade the leaves and flowers, using a wide range of colors. Th effect is like a minature hooked rug, with small, even loops close to- gether. It is not necessary to use a frame, but if the worker finds it easier, she may tack the cloth on u small picture frame. Another more novel method of making these bags is to color ana shade in the floral design on the material with water. color pencils ct water color and work in a monotone background around the flowers. The background can al- so be crocheted by using a chain stitch through the material. This works up very fast. The purses may be finished with regular {ops of wood or composition or vith a hardle of the same ma- terial as the bag. They are lined with satin and look neater when they are finished .off around the edges with a small cord, * crocheted out of knitting silk is desired. The cost of making these bags, including | of .|- Krank Buck, a baker of Leytonstone, England, is shown above . with his cake model of Westminster Abbey, 'which was one of tne Christmas exhibits shown in London. high, weighs 2,600 pounds and 'was made of Empire fruit. The cake, which w~as six feet are niuch admired and there is a ready market for them. SPEAKING OF BOOKS "What are you reading ~these days?" he asked. "Qh, I've just read the funniest book," replied the modern flapper. "Honestly, it's a scream--it really impressed me frightfully." "Who's it by?" "You know that awfully funny nerson who writes things--I can never think of his name." "What's it called?" "Let's see---it's some awfully fun- ny litle. . . . Funny, 1 can't for the life of me think of it at this minute, but it's terribly amusing. It simply gave me hysterics." «what is it about?" "Well, it's really terribly amusing --you know, one of those sort of satire things." "Really, it must be delightful." "I think his books are wonderful, anyway, don't you?" "Whose books?" "This 1an whose name I can never thing of, I mean." SUNDAY SCHOOL "LESSON PETER'S LESSON IN HUMBLE SERVICE GOLDEN TEXT---"All of you gird yourselves with humility, to serve "one another.--1 Peter, 5:5. TIME--. Thursday, April 6, A.D, 30 the Last Supper held in the city of Jerusalem. "Now before the feast of the pass- over," The greatest of Jewish festi- vals, commemorating the deliver- ance of Israel from Egypt, "Jesus knowing that his hour was 'come," (Luke 22 : 14) Not a particular per. fod of sixty seconds' duration, but indicating the entire time during which his death occurred, and which was "his hour,"" because for that tremendous event hg had come into the world. "That he should depart." In the Greek verb therg is nothing suggesting death, but only a pass- ing from one place-to another, "Out of this world," The origin of the Passover an exodus from the land of Egypt, is here most remarkably ful- filled in the departure of Christ out of 'this world,' which Egypt always typifies, "Unto the Father." To go to the Father is to go home, "Hav. ing loved his own." They were by his own choosing (16.16) and were soon to be his fn even a deeper way by his purchase of them with his own blood (Acts 20:28) "That were in the world." The world out of which he was about to depart and in which they must remain (17:14-16). "He loved them unto the end. Bet- was PLACE--In the'Upper Room where was girded." Shame 'and weal preceding the Lord's Supper; or, it was as many believe, the be. ginning of the Lord's Supper. itself, which is not, as such, recorded by John, "Thg devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son to betray him, "Thank- fully we feel, the heart of man was aot capable of originating the be- trayal of 'Christ; humanity had fal. len, but not so low. "Jesus, 'knowing that the ['ather had given all things into his hands Therg are at least sixteen different gifts of the Father to the Son spok- en of in the New Testament, eg. a throne (Luke 1:32); Judgment (John 5:22); authority over all flesh (John 17:2); his own (John 10: 29, 17, 2, 9) ete; all things (John 3:35; 13:3; 17.7). "And that he came forth from God and goeth unto God," No one but God the Son could ever know such stupendous things as these, "Riseth from supper." The cause of this sudden aet on the part of Jesus was certainly the unholy and hitter argument among the disciples which of them should be accounted the greatest, "And layeth aside his garments," The large upper garment or cloak. "And he took a towel, and girded himself." He wrapped the towel about his walst so that both of his hands might be free for what he was about to do, - "Then he poureth water into the basin." That it is called the basin would indicate it was the one placed in the. upper room for such occas- fons as might arise. "And began fo wash the-disciples' feet." It was cus. tomary among the oriental people for a servant to wash the feet of guests .as they camg into the house, their feet, with only sandals on them having accumulated much dust from the road. "And to wipe them with the towel wherewith he astonish- ment shut the mouths of the dis- ciples, and not a sound hroke -the. stillness of thg room, "So he cometh tn Simon Peter." With what disciple he began we do not know. "He saith unto him." Apparently the first ong in the room to speak, "Lord, dost thou wash my feet?" By this question of astonishment, pos- 3ibly accompanied by drawing his feet upunder him Peter pays a great tribute to his Master. "Jesus answered and said unto him What I do," In this he has madg himself ultimately responsible for all that happens for all of us, "But thou shalt understand heieaf. ter. Hereafter means after these things," and refers to the entire Passion of Christ, which is here be- ginning, "Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet," Here ia a de- liberate setting of th will of Peter thous hast no part with me." The matter of Peter's salvation is not involved here, but his fellowship with the Saviour, "Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord not only my feet, but also my hands and my head," The absolute word of the Master breaks down tha oppos- ition of the disciple, but still it does not fully break down his self.will, "Jesus saith to him, He that Is bathed, needeth not save to wash his feel." This entire passage can. not be fully understood unless the distinctive meanings of the two Greek verbs for washing and bath- ing are recognized. The Greek verb louo here translated "bathed" (the only use.of the verb in the Gospels) implies always, not the washing of a part of the body, but the whole. "But is clean every whit," He also made a similar pronouncement later in the same evening (John 15:3). "And ye are clean, but not all." Ju- das was then in the room. "I"or he knew him that should be. tray him," Literally him that was betraying iim. } "So when he had washed their feet," In what mood do you believe the disciples now were? "And taken his garments and sat down again," One at once thinks of that greater work which he was soon to finish, after which he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high (lleb. 1 to 3), "He said unto them, Know ye what [ hava dong to you?" Of course they knew the external act, but did they know, he asked, wart that act really meant? "Ye call me, Teacher and Lord)" As Teapher he was the ultimate au- tority in their thought; as Lord, their Master in every purpose and act of life. "And ye say well; for so [am." Such 'an acknowledgement would be ginful unless Christ were more than man, "It 1 then, the Lord and the Tea. cher, have washed your feet." The heights of his deity and the depths of his voluntary humiliation couldn't be more vividly placed in contrast. "Ye also ought to wash one an- other's feet." Christ is here com. mending to the disciples an attitude a willingness of heart that does not hesitate In stooping low in serving other people, the virtue of humility. "For I have given yoa an ex- ample." Christ is twice spoken of as an example in the New Testament, here and in 1 Peter 2:21, though the Greek nouns in the two passages are different, "That ye also should do as [ have done to you," It we first learn from our Lord to associate with others in the blessed spirit of a ser- vant, what a blessing we should he- come to the world."--Andrew Mur. ray. "Verily, verily, 1 say unto you" Twenty times in the Gospel of John and not once in the other three Gos. pels, does Christ begin a statement with his solemn phrase, Verily, ver- ily. "A servant ig not greater than his Lord," They surely are not ab- ove dim, and therefore could never rightly feel that they were above doing what he had himself stooped to do, "Neither one that is sent greater than he that sent him." We also are sent nes, his apostles; (John 17:18; 20:21), "It yo know these things." Know. ledge carries responsibilities as well as privileges. "Blessed are ye if ye do them." Christ especially empha- sized the dolng of the things he taught at the conclusion of the great sermon on the Mount (Matt. 7:21, 24-28. * "Likewise ye younger he subject unto the eder." This may mean that the younger Christians should be in obedience to those advanced in age "Yea, all of you gird yoursalves." The white scarf or apron of slaves which was fastened to the girdle of the vest and distinguished slaves from freemen, was known by a technical word deriving from the verb here used, The verb itself sim- ply means to tie or fasten about one's sell and occurs nowhere else in the New Testament, "With hum- ility to serve one another." True humility toward our fellow-men ar. fses from humility before God, wherein wea attribute no good thing to ourselves, recognize that all that wg have, even our natural gilts, are of God, and that we are the objects of his undeserved love. "For God resisteth the proud, but giveth gracg to the humble," A quotation from the LXX version of Prov, 3:34; also quoted in James 4.6, God withholds his gifts and aid from the proud, since the necessary condition on the part of the creat. ure for the reception of every com- Science Approves Toasting Bread Shortens Time For Diges- tion and Does Not Harm Protein Content The scientists have recently had toast up for trial in the laboratories, And they found out some interesting items," We have known for some time that the heat of toasting acts on the starch in bread, changing it to sugar or "dextrinfzing" it, and thereby shortening thg time required for the body digestion. But might the toast. ing heat be harmful to the protein content of the bread and so counter- act the good effect on the starch? That's what the experts wanted to know. Their tests have shown that the protein of toasted bread is as com- pletely digested as the protein of nntoasted bread, so the evidence is all in favour of the toast. Eliminates Potatoes That's good news since toast Is so use'ul to us housewives. Many im. portant chefs in the great hotels and restaurants throughout the country serve lamb chops, broiled chickens, broiled Kidneys, mushrooms aspar. agus and any number of foods on toast, 3 Potatoes are unnecessary when toast figures In the menu. Rarebits and creamed foods on toast are in- viting at luncheon time and broiled filet: of beef, lamb chops and Salis- Lury ®teaks on toast are excellent for dinner, Creamed dried beef with hard cooked eggs on toast is easily pre. pared, inexpensive and nourishing luncheon dish, So are creamed oQy- sters on toast, Onion soup, tomato soup and cel- ery soup all gain distinction if two or three squares of toast are sprink- led with grated cheese and served in each portion, Melba toast is perfect with soups of all varleties. The Marrying Age The vital atatistics compiled in Ontario since 1881 seem to show that the province has a marriage jwoblem in which the conomic sit- uation is in strong conflict with na- tural law. Those who have liad experience in circles where disrupted. marriages are dealt with are of the opinion that people should not marry after the age where they have hecome too set in their opinlong, ' The financial situation of the av. erage man is such that -he cannot undertake the responsibilities of es- tablishing a household until he is 30 years of age or thereabouts, while to have the hest opportunity to make ie marriage partnership a success, these authorities claim that men should be wedded from 20 to 25 yrs. of age and women from 18 to 23 years af age. In Ontario about per cent of the marriages are in con- formity with these conditions, Galt Reporter. Gratefully Remembered A young man-who -set -out- from Peterborough, Ontario in a canoe to paddle across the Atlantic to Peter- boro England, has never beeh heard from, and is believed to have lost his lite. His adventure was foolhardly hut had one redeeming feature which public gratitude and praise, Kuoowing that it was foolhardy, he attempted it single handed, prepared to the consequences whatever they might be. Ile carried no radio with whieh to notify the world when he upset and to bring a thousand other persons to get him out of his mess and save his lifg at the risk of their own, A monument should be erected for him, thus inscribed, "In grateful memory of the world's last man who was willing to pay the full price of his own folly." Detroit News, Howlers The Sadducees didn't believa in spirits, but the Pharisees were pub- licang and sold them. : A damsel is a little plum. A monologue is a conversation be- tween two people, such as a husband and wife, the cloth handle, will probably not |ter, "unto the uttermost." against the will of Chrlot, "Jesus | munication on the part of God js| Henry VIII was the greatest 13 : 12 l exceed 25 cents. These colorful bags | And during suppor." This was a |answered nim, It 1 wash thee not, | Wanting to them, widower the world has ever seen. WELL, JEFF AS LONG AS WE ARE UP rar OT THE -- WHATS HERE IN THE FROZEN NORTH LETS | NO, SAP ESKIMOS - AND THEY EAT i CK TO GO ASHORE - T THINK T SEE ESKIMOS? 1S If ARE PEOPLE! THEY HE RUNNING Bask SOME ESKIMOS! \ NN = SIN IT ANYTHING _} LIKE DOMINOES? LIVE ON OIL ~~ RAW FLESH! THE BOAT FOR? Beauty Aids Mu i Be Used Regularly | Creams and Lotions Won't Ci Improve Skin if Haphaz- ardly Applied "I put all these things on my skin . i fairly regularly, but I really don't ' notice any results," complains a wo. man who says her dressing table is loaded with bottles and jars in var. | fous shapes and sizes. "What can I do to get somg good out of them?" The answer of course, isn't as sim- | ple as the question. She admits she | doesn't' use anything at regular {n- tervals and, by the tone of her voice and her gestures, she probably ap. plies each preparation haphazardly, Therefore, if she's serious about her beauty she should decide on four or flve good items, learn to use them correctly and then do the same routines day aftér day until she does see an improvement In her skin, You can't expect a lotion that's supposed to be patted into the skin to do any good if you merely rub it on, A cream which should be left on all night, won't help at all it you wipe it off before you go to bed. In addition to knowing what to buy you should learn how to put on ecaoh thing. The easiest way is to have a professional racial. Watch the opera- tor as she cleanses your face and throat, Notice that she always uses upward and outward strokes when / re smoothing on a cream or lotion, KX Take notes on her movements with add an ice-cold patter, And, finally, Ly 24 4 | waten her left fingers as she blends A your rouge and pats on powder. Re- KS fr | member everything she does and try EX A Cr ay to do likewise when you give your. sell treatments at home, - Backward Glahies The world's backward glance upon 1934 reveals many important chang- e. The League of Nations conies through a difficult year with flying colors, according to Geneva obser vers. tussia's entry into the League ranks first, Rumors of Germany's 50 take ! re-entrance greet the New Year, Koki Hrota, Foreign Minister of Ja- pan, with ink on the Japanese docu- ment abrogating the Washington Naval Trea'y of 1922 hardly dry, looks back "with satisfaction at the progress made in cordial relations between Japan and America." The Saar agreement between France and Germany is one of the League's major achievements. World peace and prosperity was the goal outlined by French states- men. Russia's New Year resolution was the abolition of bread rations on Jan. 1, a real triumph in the belief of Soviet officials. . Interpreting the American year 1 in terms of people, politics and poli- cies, our observer finds: Iirst, gradual economic improve- ment but continued unemployment. Second, a November election that swelled the tide of Democratic domination of federal and stage gov- ernments. Third, power and housing pro- jects co-ordinating national resour- ces; an arms embargo aimed at the Chaco belligevents; relinquishment of America's hold in Cuban affairs through repeal of the Platt Amend- ment, and an attempt to formulate a policy of neutrality to keep the country out of foreign wars. Britons Praise Peace Example Point to Unguarded Frontier Belween Canada and U.S. Westerham, Kent, Eng. -- Tributa - {o Wolfe as a great soldier and to Canada and the United States for their long unfortitied frontier was paid recently at the annual dinner of the Wolfe Society, Recalling the historic attack upor Quebec in 1759, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger Keyes, commended Wolfe as a masterly exponent of amphib- fous warfare and one who had un- A bounded faith in the necessity of command of the sea. Winston Churchill, die-hard Con. gervative sald Canada had a great part to jlay in thg future world and in the British Impire, He referred to the peaceful 3,000 mile frontier between Canada and the United States as a marvellous spectacle of (wo communities with their distine- tions, rivalries and differences dwel- ling sidg by side in a state of com. plete confidence, "I am not here to look forward up- on the future with any feeling of weakness or despair; on the cont. rary I believe the greatest days of the British Xmpire still lie ahead," hn asserted, "In tha. great progres- sion and expansion which after an fnterlude of difficulty following the great war undoubtedly lies before us Canada will play a leading bart." "Phe only way to cure crime Is to give thy masses a chance to make a ° decent living."---Clarence Darrow. "Caplalism cannot stand still} to function properly it must advance, otherwise savings freeze, durable goods workers lose their jobs purs chasing power takes a nose dive. Stuart Chase, : 4