Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 Jan 1935, p. 5

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Fi a PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 81st, 1985 ~~ ha "vr sr re --y ' ER RR NE Sr SN RN a ABE NA SE EF AR. WLBT A P A Page Five .s i a and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. . We are offering good values--60 "different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done : MERCHANT TAILOR i : % Ww. T. Rodman Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry on | BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS] FREE FOUR WEEKS COURSES i = IN-- "Agriculture Domestic Science FOR YOUNG PEOPLE OF REACH AND SCUGOG TOWNSHIPS at PORT PERRY, Feb'y 4th to March 1st The Ontario Department of Agriculture offers a splendid Course of instruction for young people of the district surrounding Port Perry, starting Monday, February 4th. The Course will be held in the Port Perry High School. The Agricultural Course takes in such subjects as Feeding, Care and Judging of Live Stock; Field Crops, tillage, varieties, judging seeds, etc.; Soils and Fertilizers; Weed and Weed Seeds; Poultry, Feeding, Care and Management; Farm Mechanics; Public Speaking and Debating, The Domestic Science Course includes Foods and Cookery, Laundry, * Household Administration, House Planning and Decoration. The Clothing Course deals with the choosing of styles and materials, patterns, cutting and fitting, stitching and machine work, garment making, remodelling and all phases of Sewing. Experienced Instructors for both Classes, Hours are 9.30 to 12 o'clock and 1.80 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday inclusive. Write 'or 'phone for Short Course Calendar, to Sewing Agricultural Representative, W. M, Croskery, Hon. Duncan Marshall, : Uxbridge, Ontario Minister of Agriculture. | DON'T WORRY ABOUT yo Ee ee SREY S00 | 'Have your property properly 1 © "insured atonce =. = HAROLD W. EMMERSON in bigger, roomier Bodies : Fishat with built-in ventilati oso dM in-hea operating and upkeep costs any car . . « : owerful cable-controll Ack for greatest safety. "yr 5 : . . Seasonable Specials KEPLER COD LIVER OIL WITH MALT EXTRACT-- This valuable combination forms a highly nutritious "food and is a nice way to administer Cod Liver Oil. "Per bottle 96¢. and $1.50. PHILLIPS' PURE LIVE. YEAST is recommended for stomach ailments, lack of energy, boils, pimples and constipation. Two sizes 50c;-and 97c. per bottle. WAMPOLES PHOSPHO-LECITHIN repairs nerve waste and Builds new tissue. Valuable in nervous exhaustion resulting from overwork, worry, anxiety or excesses of any kind. Price $1.00 per bottle. Morrison's Drug Store Ontario : # Port Perry Phone 16. ists have been sayin see these two new lines roomier an THE MASTER NEW CHEVROLET STANDARD BIX...Chevrolet's proved high quality at the lowest cost. Offers the traditional Chevrolet styling ed Blue Flame valve engine . i .-A 23% in- crease in power. . « The lowest Bigger and more HOOSE Chevrolet! That's what motor- thousands thronged Canada's motor shows. It's a value-wise saying, and an even wiser action, as we know you'll agree.when you the two lowest price ranges. THE NEW CHEVROLET MASTER SIX is a bigger, wider, longer car-- with more comfortable interiors than ever. And it sets an entirely new style Ras by on of ed in the low" price Steel "Turret Top" Body by Fisher. and doing, as THE NEW of Chevrolets in --and get full Master Chevrole CHEVROLET NEW SIX... The Style Carof thelow } DARD SIX is a car of proved Chevrolet quality at lowest cost. It costs you less to buy--less for gasoline and oil--less for upkeep! And it features 23% more power,~ - The Chevrolet Standard models are on display now at our showrooms. See them A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CHEVROLET MASTER field. Beautifully stream I , with the new Solid Steel 'Turret Top' Body by Fisher. The wheelbase is longer and the bodyslung lower. Fully-enclosed Knee-Action in the Master De- Luxe models. The perfected Blue i Flame engine gives finer, "snap- | pler" performance with greatest economy of oil and gasoline. field, with the new Solid CHEVROLET STAN- information about the ts, coming soon! aml HAROLD R. ARCHER MOTOR SALES, PORT PERRY ... FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION C-25C SCUCOG PORTPERRY COALYARD Let us look after your fuel needs. We can supply you with all different sizes and kinds of fuel required. 3» FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pen- i nsylvania Hard Coal--you can always be sure of get- ting uniform, good coal when you order Famous Reading Anthracite--Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. COKE--Hamilton By-Product (now called Hamco Dustless coke), or Semet Solvay Coke. Nut and Range sizes. WELSH COAL -- SCOTCH COAL -- CANNEL COAL STEAM COAL Lin BLOWER COAL--For your Blower. We can supply you with Welsh Blower or Scotch Blower Coal. = | HARDWOOD -- SOFTWOOD -- CEMENT --LIME--TILE PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones--94 W and: 94 J, The Lake Scugog Junior Girls' In- stitute will meet next Saturday, Feb. 2nd, with a very interesting program. Motto: But ah; to-morrow's beauty will not think, So much of lotions, powders, rouge and drink, . Fresh air and laugh provoking ex ercises, She'll know the contents of a cooking pot. Can make complexions beautiful or not. --Ivah Milner Roll call--A new health or nutrition habit I should practice daily. Community singing. Address--Vege- tables for winter meals--Addie Me- Laren.. (Exchange of recipes.) Con- test--Valentine--Each member bring a hand-made valentine. A prize will be given for the best. and Mrs. Joblin judges. "Reliable Bervice and Better Fuels" Hostess--Mrs, Geo. Samells. one come. Gerrow Brothers, Bakery will pay you to leave your bakin worries to us. We can supply all your Bread and Pastry needs i M. A. GERROW J G. M. GERROW | . . i Saturday night. . . . . . . ' . . ercises to music--Miss Lillian Fralick. Every- Glad to hear Mr. Geo. Hodgson is able to return to his home in Kinsale after spending some time in the To- ronto General Hospital. i Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. H. Collacutt in the death of their son Hubert. | The Head Sunday School is having|' a social in their church on Thursday, February 7th. -- Here's hoping the weather will be favorable. We sure are having real winter weather of late; but wait and see what old bruin thinks of it on Saturday. Ry E-- RAGLAN | The trustee board and congregation held their annual meeting on Friday, January 26th, in the church when the business for the year was transacted. Various reports of the church work were presented and the election of Mrs. Aldred officers held which resulted as follows: Health 'Ex- Board of Trustees---Messrs. Ormiston, C. Brawn, Wm. Avery, D. Thompson, A. J. Pilkie, A. J. Grose, R. Squelsh. Board of Stewards--Messrs, Jack Kel- lington, Lloyd Miller, Carl Avery. ' Mr, J. Carnochan of Shirley visited yg. Messrs. ©. Brawn, J. Kelling- his brother Mr, H. Carnochan.a few ; = .oanist--Mrs. I. Ormiston. ## days last week. ' Mr. Milton Demara and Mr, Ray Milner 'visited in Toronto over the week end and attended the Hockey We offer you good service, and it | "The annual Sunday School meeting immediately fololwed. Mr. Pilkie gave a very fine report and the election of officers and teachers followed--Supt., game in the Maple Leaf Gardens on \/." 4 iston; Treasurer, Mr. Pilkie; Secretary, Marguerite Miller; Mission. | Miss Jean Crooks, of Toronto, is ayy Supt, Mrs. W. Bright; Cradle visiting friends here for a few weeks. poll Supt., Mrs. Pilkie; Organist, Mrs. / Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearce and Mr. anda §, Miller; M. & M., Bruce Bright; i Mrs, Lewis Pearce and daughter Mary Home Dept., Mrs. G. Luke. Teachers-- if spent a pleasant evening last week Mi. Ormiston, Young Men's Class; Mr. ## with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Schell, if Reader instead of Mrs, R. Carter. C. Brawn, Bible Class; Mrs. A, J. In thé recent Women's Association Grose, Senior Girls; Mr. Moon, Junior i report it should have been Mrs, R. Boys, Mrs. L. Milelr, Junior Girls;; Miss Laurene Miller, Primary Girls; Miss Olive Thompson, Beginners. Miss Kemp and Mr. Arthur Ormis- ton, of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ormiston. = Miss Violet Thompson, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Ila Wilson, and Fred Cox, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. } Miss Una Sleep spent the week end at her home in Seagrave. Sorry to hear Miss Olive Thompson and Mr. Howard Thompson, are con fined to their beds with measles. We hope for them both a speedy recovery. The following were elected officers for the Women's Association--Presi- dent, Mrs. A. Miller; Vice-President, Mrs. A. J. Grose; Secretary, Mrs. C. Luke; Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Luke; pro- (gramme committee, Mrs. W. Avery, 'Mrs. O. Bright, Mrs. Ormiston for a term of one year; visiting committee, whole membership with Mrs. D. Lyle convener; flower committee, Mrs, IL Ormiston, Mrs. O. Bright; parsonage committee, Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Hugh- son "MARSH HILL Mrs. Wilbert St. John returned last week from visiting with friends in the U. S. A, . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Acton enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. John Colleran and My, and Mrs, Jewell one evening recently. . Mrs. Edgar Slack spent Saturday in Goodwood. Mr. Wilmot Swanick of Toronto University spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Swan- ick. A A few around here have had the flu but are glad to report most are on F. W. BROCK & RED & WHITE STORE Money Saving Sale of Crosse & Blackwell Products TOMATO SOUP, 4 tins 25¢. CATSUP, 14 oz, 2 for 25c¢. PORK & BEANS, Chef Brand, large tins ........2 for 17¢c. TOMATO JUICE, 10%; ounce tins .......... ....Each 5c. VEGETABLE SOUP CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS, 2 ths. for 27e. CHIPSO (with 2 cakes of Kirk's Hardwater Soap free) } Large Package 19¢c. LEMONS, per doz. 19¢, ORANGES, per doz. 35¢. and 39c. HEAD LETTUCE, SPINACH, TOMATOES, BANANAS, at market prices. Two patterns in two yard width, suitable for Bedrooms, Halls, etc. 390. sq. yd. Monarch Special Wool, 1 oz., 10c. New Wabasso Prints in a large assortment of pleasing designs. All Tub Fast. 20¢., 260., 300., 8q. yard. WE HAVE SEVERAL CLEARING LINES THIS WEEK. Overcoats, Leather Coats, in broken sizes. Some lines of Men's Rubbers, Ladies' Goloshes, Men's Felt Top Rubbers. Phone 43, Port Perry on | | | 1935 Service Business has been steadily growing during 1934, and we are in a bet- ter position than ever to serve our customers in supplying fuel and building supplies. SELLING OUR PRODUCTS IS IMPORTANT, but giving our customers the service they require is even more important, for that is the basis of good business: It will be a pleasure to talk things over with you if you anticipate doing any building or repairing. Quite likely we can make suggestions that will be to your advantage. We invite you to call. FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 j "HAVE YOUR RADIO TUNED UP ade NY ew - HOPKINS & FARMER " ° WITH THE NEW Supreme Oscillator Equipment | SWEETMAN BLOCK | Phone 26, PORT PERRY the road to recovery. When you want good meat telephone a butcher. Our business is to serve you with the best of meats. - CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery ok Fe an NSS

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