Pa La A AL Fp BF NE A ad, SRA A NS Ah a a RE A ra aS Ta pa LS RE Ted CHES RR RD ASE AR WIE Raa ah Ca gba Te TT TNT id Ss oh SAL RAL es bl EET TT 5 Rated a lea Rib 2 Es SE Figs Oks BROKE HER LEG AGAINST A STAIR Whilst Hampered by Rheumatism "Two years ago," writes a woman, "Y was suffering with rheumatism in my legs, and when walking upstairs one day just kicked my right foot against the stairs, and broke my leg just below the knee. I was in hos: pital for four months, and when 1 came out someone advised me to try Royal Bank of Canada Presents Strong Statement Morris W. Wilson, President and Managing Director, Notes forest products by 17,368 cars, or 21.0 per cent, lumber by 15959 cars, or 24.8 per cent., pulpwood by 15,742 cars, or 82.7 per cent, and livestock by 6,418 cars, or 7.4 per sent, Distinct Improvement in Business Lov Forward to Sees th 1935 With Confidence a Sydney G. Dobson, General Manager, Reviews Financial Spells "Olibanum" And Wins Contest (New York Times.) High school teachers, economists, business executives and an editor were spelled down in Town Hall by Sam Pope Brewer, & reporter on the New York Herald Tribune, in a spelling bee between college and non-college teams, It is doing the little "extras," the J things we're not asked to do-- The favors that help one's brother to trust in God and you; Statements -- Reports $50,000,000 Increase in Deposits At the Sixty-Sixth Aunual Meet: ing of The Royal Bank of Canada, - held in Montreal, Morris W. Wil fering incidental to violent booms and depressions, Undoubtedly, the Canadian Club Speaker Paints "extras," th i H : war placed a great strain upon the , It is dobog, ] gay, the tes aps. (the Kruschen Salts. I did so, and now Vivid Picture Of Far son President, and Munasing DI. | capitalistic system. That system | JO" .) Cowie of the Town Hall : il bring us our King's kind I Dut my daily dose North rector, pald tribute to the distin- [has been the result of a process ot | "lub, Which has been staging the N ANN Wyo! Tat pie ing "well done," as on of Kruschen, which I take every | Toronto --Smashing the popular fl.| guished service rendered to the | evolution and as such has been | contests annually for three years, Enjoy a really fin dos] | iJ 1 bank by Sir Herbert Holt, who had h lusion that the North Pole is noth. subject to modifications from time [gave words from Phyfe's 5,000 and-made cigarette 3 ing--half g teaspoonful in warm : : i we gO, } mornin, B J presided at successive Annual to time to meet changing condi- | Words Often Misspelled," and after rollin your own wi ; water." --Mrs, P. B, ing but a barren waste of ice and Ov & 4 9 § ' : i ' Meetings for over a quarter of a tions, ' Further modifications and s J The six salts in Kruschen stimu- | snow and prophesying that Canada's | Coiiiee and whose outstanding | changes may be a necessity if we they seemed too easy he turned to GOLDEN VIRGINIA a special list culled from Webster's -- ys - : : i ys to health / Wife (reading)--It says - here . a late the liver 'and kidneys to hy oc ek wr oly vould k t regular action: assist them to get dream of a rich and powerful Empire | ay)ity and prestige have been im- are to be rid of the evils of major ALSO MADE UP IN PIPE TOBACCO shou ave a : well-dressed man h in the far north is going to come | portant factors in the sound and- depressions, The difficulties in the Ther LL b ) least 18 suits. ' of the excess urfe acid which a} © | true, Richard Finnie, F,R.G.S., spoke | consistent growth of the bank dur- distant past were the outcome of ere were about twenty con- x Hubby--Huh! Then I must be & cate of Thematic Jains with ita at a recent meeting of the Canadian | ing his regime. shortages. At the present moment | testants on each side, about the ture" and Miss Allen spelled. In commenting on the strong Statement presented to the meet- ing, Mr. Wilson sald that it re. flected a year of operations under distinctly improved conditions, both at home and abroad. Referring to the recent revision of the Bank Act and the Act in- corporating the Bank of Canada, he stated that at the public hear- same number of men as women. "Apparel" tripped a the non-college side as the first victim. Then Miss Mabel Goodrich. an editor at Macmillan's, went down on '"beleaguer." "I'd have sworn there Us' just as in 'vellum, " as she came out of line. the major difficulties have to-do with the distribution of an increas- ing surplus which tends to exceed purchasing power, Increasing at- tention must be given to measures which will provide for a freer and more even flow in the exchange of goods and services, Insofar as the "New Deal" in the United States, or economic experiments in other Club. : The speaker, who was born in the Klondike, within a stone's throw of the Arctic Circle, painted a vivid picture of a country, which, he be- lfeves, is going to offer a tremendous source of wealth and power to the Dominion. Within a few years, he prophesied, villages and towns will siclcunto.death dressed man with | : "venous" with an "i" after the *"e", only one lone threadbare suit, Neither Mr. Brewer nor Miss Hel. muth could spell "planxty," which is "an Irish melody for the hacp.™ But that was explainable, for every one in the room thought the reade: was calling out "planked steak." Osx a vote the word was eliminated from the contest, : eposits' of needle-pointed crystals-- there's no doubt about those aches and pains going too! woman on THE COLORS OF A MAN He's blue when loyal, He's purple when angry. He's yellow when cowardly, He's red when embarrassed. He's white when he's straight, Car Loadings ~ Off Sharply were two she said y y spring up right across the entire po-| ings preceding these enactments parts of the world, may provide a "Chevron" eliminated another "Opiphagism" was casy for Mr. i hes Sires" when wos smitorn:| For End OF Year -- Decrease jae ciclo aud taro wil frm the (he, Banter, wats tie lo ny | Nori, sunk bo 8a Brobic, | soman She ap "cher | Brewer ad" se" Bits 5 ) end. . E d mT * . H yineey | « " RTI " ot » ing. Of 11,780 Noted In Bhelels Of Diiey Lips VUN Sh that the curtailment of earning that solution. Social and economic Then To Mian, ho Shainee) opodeldoc ' in her : stride. Both Ottawa Fi Ures 88 DO ey ae Jo ineral | POWer resulting from restrictions experiments which fail, however, op the Public Service -ompany of missed on "oneirocritic, although Hubby--Well, dear, how are you deh § a B84 undisc m upon jnterest rates chargeable by are usually costly and it is prudent | New Jersey, blushed and said "pass" | My, Brewer got it on his secon ' t----rre . banks and the withdrawal of note- when he got "diocese," He was out. issuing privileges will inevitably reduce the ability of banks to and wise to "make haste slowly" In changing fundamental principles of the existing system, try, "Olibanum" was top much for Miss Helmuth. She spelled it with an "e." Mr. Brewer spelled it prop- getting on with your golf lessons? Wifey--Pretty well, but when the professional 'told me to address the Describing the recent and remark- va--Car loadi on Can- OtgNa--GCar loadings able mineral discoveries {mr the adian railroads for the week ended In the audience women trying to le intain unproductive branches in , "a i Ly , December 29 amounted to 29,334 | Great Bear Lake district, Mr Finn ma p a The Outlook be helpful were making signs with | erly and the mateh was over. VA bal 1 JUL LOMIAY HRI: Of 5. Word fars, as against 29,360 cars for the | 8trongly denied that transportation small Soliman ley Janking pronts "For more than a year and one- | their mouths in attempts to save -- a a 0 say. Foot week of 1053 and 41,114 cars for i gs insolvable problem in DANS hoe ni TAREE Ra NAL tusre hn heen RNigrtngt up- | floundering contestants, but they Quebec To Extend . , : : : i ini s dis . ward trend in business activity; v 'r rs 3 The way to judge your ideas and ' the previous week, the Dominion "The popular belief has been that| be maintained, there is a point Bircrement Las Lae Wis 3 gave the wrong letters as often a isti 'e i Mortgage Holiday methods 1s to look around and see Bureau of Statistics reports. the only way to get the minerals out | Deyond which enforced economies practically all branches of agricul they LAYS the Mit ends, gage Holiday : % '8 W = . frs. Doris Webster, who wrote hoe - i ah x how far they have brought you, decrease of 11,730 ears was consid. | %, F000 1 by airplane," he| !0 meet falling revenues on one | ture, industry. mining and trade, 3 } : "| Quebec Becruse of the serious : 3 erably greater than the normal and sald, "and mining experts Fave fig. paul ony lw a 1sxstin oa At the beginning of the new year "I've Got Your Number," a book| cule m which Quebec property the index number dropped from 71.29 to 63.98. It is possible that the Christmas holiday falling on Tues- day had a greater reducing effect than in 1933 when the holiday was on Monday. . conditions, both at home and | On self-analysis, and whose husband abroad, favor a continuation of |is a grandnephew of Mark Twain, this uward trend. It is true that in went out on "aberration"; she spel- Canada there remain a number of led it with two "b's". A. E. Good- Lime Dioiens for which prac- | hue, vice president of the Chicago cal solutions are necessary, but Pneumatic Tool Company, put an Youth--Darling, do you think you conld manage to live on $20 a week? i. SET Sweet Young Thing--Yes, a week --but not much longer. owners are the Quebee Government has decided to extend its noratoriem on mortgages for another year, it was announced from oficial sources last week. It was rumored that bos'des mak- ured this cost to be too expensive, But this summer the Hudson's Bay Company and the Northern Transpor. tation Company, have been arrang- ing new and modern methods of river transportation," Reterring to taxation, Mr. Wil- son sald: -- "For every dollar paid in divid- ends last year we paid sixty-seven cents to the Canadian tax-gatherer, This does not take into account Responsibility is put on the shoul- ders of one who can bear it. Man--Lend me $5, old man. I pro- mige you, on the word of a gentle- man to pay you back tomorrow. Friend--Bring the gentleman _ ound and let me see him. ar- "Mrs. Kramer--No, indeed, I threat- on to have Mother come here. Aunt Mary Flelderthrush of Pea Ridge says that many a girl is single because she couldn't never -to give \ : . | ting, as do other items 'i SKIN RASHES WITH while a man talks about himself. your child a transmitted susceptibility. Ultimate ht Catizan its of wheat ex Balance Sheet, a heartening the tha Allan, o graduate of Sevacase a. remedy you don't know all |ly the relatively small portion of the "Demand from the United States crease in Canadian business ac- | University who teachers English at! stay awake Young man--She certainly is pol- ished, doncha think so? Girl Friend--Yeah, Everything .she pays casts a reflection on someone. Total loadings for the 62 weeks amounted to 2,319,936 cars in 1934, 2,081,970 cars in 1933, 2,175,625 cars in 1982 and 2,675,460 cars in 1931. - "Total loadings of grain and coke were lighter than in 1933 by 107,461 cars, or 26.5 per cent. coal was up by 652,199 cars, or 19.6 per cent., According to 'any doctor you ask, the only safe way is about, without asking him first. When it comes to "milk of magnesia,' that you know every- where, for over 60 years, doctors Paralysis Its Control Or Prevention Is Still Believed Far yet many would develop immunity without contracting a violent case of the_ disease. Dr, Aycock believes that the key may lie in heredity. By studying family histories it might be possible to learn more about the nature of population most likely to acquire the disease could be selected. To this small portion preventive measures not feasible for the entire population might be applied. the income tax paid by our share- holders: themselves on dividends received from the Bank, Surely these figures require no comment." In discussing the improved cons ditions in (Canada, Mr. Wilson pointed out that during the past year manufacturing a employ- ment have approximated the lev- lumber and a record volume of shipments has heen made during ~ the past year, lle mentioned the importance of the tourist trade to Canada, which had amounted to over $300,000,000 a year and for several years brought more money for newsprint has been strong, with the result that the output of the Canadian mills in 1934 was more than twenty-five per cent, higher than in the previous year, In fact, it was within five per cent, I believe that the Canadian people have the courage and ability to solve such problems in a rational manner, It is upon the basis of past performance that I look for- ward to 1935 with renewed con. fidence." General Manager's Address In his remarks, Mr, S. G. Dob. ing to note that an increase in de- posits wads shown by every prov- ince in the Dominion, "Current loans in Canada show an increase for the first time since 1929, and are up over $10,000,000. This is a significant change, reflec- tivities," Mr. 'Dobson pointed out that all banks in Canada, because of their easy cash position, are looking for desirable loaning business, and the comparatively small increase un- 2 "@" in luxuriant and went to the sidelines. 'The New York Times reporter spelled "dominoes" without an *¢' and was counted out, . Mrs, Maud Nathan, a cousin. of Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo of the ing this decision the discussed the imposition of a tax on chain stores. It was impossible, how- ever, rumor, cabinet had to obtain confirmation of the of the University of California, who: teaches in a New York high school; ! Miss C. R, Trowbridge, a graduate of Smith College, who. teaches at George Washington High School | and wrote, 'Constructive Spell-: ing," a school textbook; Miss Mar- | Julia Richman High School, and 0. P. Pearson, an economist employed by the Automobile Manufacturers Association. They took some staggering words Classified Advertising Get Kid ot Dist BLOTCHES AND ALL Dr. D. D. Dennis' Liquid Prescription, made and ¥ guaranteed by the makers of y : i d i M 1 J 1 qe When a girl gets a proposal of | have said 'PHILLIPS Milk of One E = BL Ihe. Doik Jeni ob Ie pe der this heading reflects a lack of | Without a quiver, but after a while Campana' Italian Balm. Tris] § marriage nowadays, she wants to Magnesia for your child. ne Exception however, were even lower than in | demand for loans, rather than a | Miss Trowbridge went out for omit. hattle 35¢ ut your drusvis know if her young man can support Ss 1h? n economies operations have contin. restriction of credit. ting the second "i" in vinaigrette.' hy her parents in the manner fn which Bans vil Figg Nhe Cinci ti E iver 1933 and, despite the most rigid "Brofits or the year were $4. | SOF the sec misspelled "vivisepul- --~ they are accustomed. i - : you ny: And, or Sou it ncinnati Enquirer) ued on an unprofitable basis. i hay are bi properly com- : -- NEXT SPRING: - cevob mind; see, 1h Mr. Swear and Mr. Swanke were The Railway. Situation parable with published profits for Little Norman. (as: he gaw his| Child gets this; the i Wek 1yueiness. enemies, bub: chance hed Fig railway situation continues Ine Pinions Jeon wieaish hector Catarrhal Deafness '| Sap -- Syrup -- Sugar . : i v 0 be the most important economi ver ported after de- I Are you all ready wna vou pod in 5 * mother sterilizing the dishes that | know. Made in Canada placed them on the same board of problem in ob Obviously, ne ducting Provincial taxes. but be- May Be Overcome your Maple Bub EFL pS ; came from the stick room)--What directors. Canadian people cannot stand in- fore Federal taxes, For the sake : 8 solu wut, al Lnvtic magni ii gh are you doing that for, mother dear? fot Pouca Youts One day after .a meeting Mr.| definitely a weekly drain of over of uniformity, and the fuller in- mit ariel for Mother--Because, darling, your Y ss others by busing Swear was holding forth. $1,000,000 for railway deficits, and formation of shareholders, both If you have catarrhal deafness or] good grade 2 daddy has flu and the germs get on to ageept a substitute for the "There are hundreds of ways of | the time fs rapidly approaching asa of iazes are now disclosed | head noiscs_go to your druggist and RE cv gud 2 the dishes, I boil the dishes and that! | genuine Phillips: Mitk-of Mag-, making money," he 'said, provoca-| When more drastic and effective eli Rue report, Making al- get 1 oz. of armint (double when sap kills the germs fess, Dos intr tivel action will have to he taken if we © for the resulting increase | strength) and add to it 4 pint of carts te in itt I il f t Va A A i : & are to maintain national credit and under this heading, profits are | hot water and a little sugar, Take 1 rin next : > Little Norman (silent for a few bsg Sg Rg vg "Yes," put in Mr. Swanke, "but| gojvoncy lower by $268,448, leaving $1,506, | tablespoonful four times a day. *pinag. Ky olf Bg minutes) --Mother, why .don't you terest of the only one honest way." Referring to world affairs, the | 804 to be carried forward in Profit This will often bring quick relief The Gri : boil daddy? 5 "What way's that?" asked Mr, & Loss Account, after the usual | from the head e rrmm President said that in spite of distressing noises. merchandise by 86,601 cars, or 6.0 Away els of 1926; iron and steel produc- | SON, newly appointed General Man. yams hb Hi Wt In trying to improve, one may be- er cent, ore by 22,092 cars, or tion, the output of automobiles, ager, referred to the very satisfac the more difficult words, stumbled PATENTS es A ¢ome discouraged by attempting to|P i: oul rad paper by No means of controlling of preven-| textiles and electrical energy had tory nature of the Annual Report n "bivoune," but she recovered in Fah do too much at one time, 47.3 per cent, pulp a t. other | ling infantile paralysis or poliomye-| increased and the value of exports and Balance Sheet presented. He | OM" 4 a hioint 3 ot" AX Sr Ll PO Bs LA yas ba ia RR ' 18,158 cars, or 23.1 per cent, o litis has yet been found, Dr W. Lloyd | notably lumber and minerals, had Spam pa At Seveia) years ine 9 py Pao I Megs lok ian i Mist lone ali 50 ite) -- Aycock of Harvard reports. He thinks | advanced substantially. The wheat hap Agures due 10 gon "{ down -Syeitually Lol, . on ingle Ln paren Sd studied $4 Dratgis, (0; funmer's Wile) m > f iv crop was no larger, but fortunate- eral conditions, I am glad to say phone." Toit an Wig bio ho VRE you have a hog caller on your farm? little of protective vaccination. Even ' th _ ME . = = t with an effective vaccine there is] 1¥, higher prices prevailed. The e trend has not only heen arrest- Joseph Alsop, who was reporting! --------- En, [mn oe CARY Farmer's Wife--Yes, the dinner (] value of field crops had increased ed, but under most headings | the match for the Herald Tribune, | $83 I'OR YOUR OLD teu Ai bell, . : ' A Law very no satistactory method of determin. over $100,0000,000 and the enhanc- has been reversed; in some in- oe he oh rein she ots out the BEAN Vie Wiginest ois fur iY h Sh 1d ing which children should be vaccin- | 4 purchasing' power of the farm- stances to a substantial degree." |. Pr re lickli ne i inated Victor ( Your old sold. naar oc Pail, 0) Sometime we would like to hear: Mother ou ated. i ers had stimulated trade through- In reviewing the Financial State- BRIO Teor Tr ve thet Weal ava " with ute tution" wilh iy the - officiating clergyman vary the Ob A Most of us are immune to Infan.| gut the country. There has been ment, he said:--*"Perhaps the most o hy oCK, 8 myer ae oft ou Cher Tia nd MA CL form by announcing: "I now pro Know and serve tile paralysis because we have had, increased demand for Canadian gratifying feature of the Balance k¥--and "myrmidon elminated i ter Lox ay 8 it d r : imperceptibly mild doses of it, Dr.| mineral prodicts abroad and it is Sheet is the increase of over $50, | another contestant on the -colloge 215A" rad bie Ao) © nounce you man and wife--and may Never Give Your Child An Aycock would like to select the sus-| anticipated that the output -of | 000,000 in total deposits by the | side. ' TT pountmy the best man win, ith ceptibl Tests would h to b Canadian gold mines will exceed public. The total is now $612,579,- iin | me pegei Unknown Remedy without eptible, Tests wou ave to be : 153, -Conadion IA hes x i Co » . may sata - . Fi made among the very young. Even| $100,000,000, as compared with ted prancies contrib. By this time only college entries Y3 Jp SERIA pen Lian i Mrs. Smathers--When you have al! | Asking Your Doctor First | | = there would be uncertainty. Few | $35:000,000 in 105 Be building Ee tL Bei pan i were in the bee--Mr. Brewer, rep. ma, Udi Promiim size whi hos i . : hoom in Great Britain created un- : . vhich ,000, 3 in ; > idly ] a THEE lost: i Rg siti children would prove to be immune, onl Bi i for Canadian the Savings category. It is interest. | resenting Yale; Miss Lou Helmuth NL szsbiis, own, Goi ' Swear, sharply. tense political situations during deductions for dividends, taxes, ete, | Clogged nostrils should open, breath: . ' It anybody is getting out an edi. | PHILLIPS : UARY vetoried Mr. Swanke. "I| the past year, business has con. re keeping with the' downivard ing become easy and the mucous Champion Evaporator bo os, spot 8, Jormary, | Molle of Maquesia | wou you wouian Cimon | tae" impor Fionn Tn | id In tarot rer and he ve | ofS droning oko the dh" 30% |p fp stone sti fo | fis Je, Loa be issued {in countries was greater than in 1928, funds profitably, the bank and pleasant to take. Anyone who has ig i Wyo all 13 e- + - : - - - ber] "It is only in the countries of the her Rustiinns Secophinie 2ptaral fonthess or head noises Grimm Champion never disappoints ma Po. . ; gold bloc where business has be- reduced their rates on in- | should give this prescription a trial, || 2nd lusts a life time. Ye ant wo neertunen. 1 or GUY AGAINST Rickets with Cod LiverQil | sm bess vee doe be | radians i,m ro wiih Hie. co. : mire anyone who sings at his work, Your, von arode, Roweyen iss had a beneficial effect upon Koni ARE YOU TRO B et : 8 Dagtoln ow you must love =& TFIGHT GERMS, ; itd An Wm hs Trion, Mil prices, and has helped to reduce U LED ! a dl mosquito. MVITAMIN A, I= \ ong the worst products of the de- he Domitian and Provin- ? He : : 5 pression, if it is to regain healthy : WITH NERVES 1 ? "The human race need work but rere yieor, Excessive economic national- Wi Don made special refer- " Artists and an hour a day to supply all its | sm has proved a dangerous boom- Ice to the satisfactory results Do you find it hard to go to sleep at ' ' 3 3 needs,"--Clarence Darrow. ADDED DIGESTIBILITY Seine: shiiking Sonn tome indus- Shire) by fhe Teantkes outside night ? Do you feel poorly rested ithe * Authors Service 3 - : : rles as well as those of foreign a and the valuable assist- morning, "jumpy" all day, and '"'rag- ' PA) hi "As a nation we are amazingly in Soins iors fun pho nel Th ays ven to expirtors Bub Ny vinings "Here's a deli Send a three cent stamped en- AS ; : ; i SV y fMVITAMIN O, swing toward better economf in the countries where the bank is i in apc: ; ; ! skilfull at circumventing the spirit All babies need the anti-rachitic value of Vita- HEALTH §STRENGTH lationship nmin cn. liv represented, In conclusion, te he Bie) mot ; drug, Dias £00thes velope for information on our : BP olir.own 1908 Whils obeying the mins A and D, found in pure cod liver oil. DEPEND I look upon this new attitude as a sald: -- you pA Yo oie Sy on sie MONTHLY BULLETIN SER- letter of them."--James P. Warburg. Scott's Emulsion isrichin these Vitamins, PLUS . happy augury of further favorable, 'On the whole, 1934 may be re- whole being with Mow new Sind VICE to Artist 1 Autt Ha ; ; the casydigestibility thatresults from Emulsifica- developments during the coming garded as a year of substantial ro. Wi is bei i + to Artists and Authors, NY . + Kindness and Cruelty tion, PLUS the body-buildingaid of hypophos- year. covery for Canada, Whilo wo still | glemcniss As You ple valuela listing up-to-date information SY WW, = : phites of lime and soda. Pleasant to take, Scott's The Capitalistic System have many problems to solve, we Sern 2.5L fraps com 3rd With ths on i Kind d cruelty appear to be Emulsion is tremendously more effective. - "It is not surprising that new have, I believe, every Justification os Li oan, Alay de a unantsed ' ay! indness and cruelty appea : social experiments should have for looking forward with confid- begin taking Wi \ as you "WHERE AND WHAT (he relative terms, and wholly depend- been undertaken in many countries ence to a further improvement in wonderfull % tte his i de = TO SELL i RR # ent on habit. One hears no complaint in the hope of mitigating the suf- conditions during 1935." Wincarnis Ye se blood a C i i ER ! on the part of Chinese wives, be- - your nerves and creates lasting re- anadian and International Art LE eause * their husbands never kiss C " do's Pork "The only way to wage e success-| "gerves of strength and energy. and Literary Contests 1 them. Doubtless they would complain anada's rarks ful war is to have an absolute Over 20,000 medical men have proved Yearly subscription, One Dollar 4 If their husbands did, Sir Richard Ottawa, Chnada--M ¢ | | monarchy."--Irenee duPont. In practice the value of Wincarnis . 5 8 | BX lish linguist ttawa, Canada--Means of trave : + i of Sample Sheet, Ten Cents #33 > Burton, the famous English ling and communication in the eleven n ouscs of lumpy nerves, insomnia, EAN a - er, relates that he once Bn ayo SAVE $10.00 anaemia, debility and general ER i and traveller, National Parks in Western Canada, T sition, Get Winoarni TRY i : et a be have been steadily increasing. ggAc- || guy tne ON rT IZE RS own "t~Sales Agenta: Harold Rit GIFF BAKER i {8 = Bn 8xpeditions, her hasband' 4 cording to the annual report of the || Use local material for the nner | - & Co. Ltd, Toronto. 10 39 LEE AVENUE i i jer fobs the Joss oo how lic ob ) A y-y Department of the Interior there 3nd aaYe Heignt, Full particulars, 4 ove, He 8 i ; t £ : ormulas, eto ) i 5. are 628 miles of roads in these : V i 4-- TORONTO, ONT ought I was lost, Well it had been | THE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUE ore, 628 miles of vouds, in these [| "il 5d sarmurs co-operates || Issue No. 4--'35 NTO, | i i Jong time jlines her husband ka ; For Sale by Your Druggist oA 1,004 miles of telephone lines. Toronto, Ontario 5 ' wn 'Fiven her a + : : : . SAS ' 1 rs Sid ! ane oa ~