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Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Jul 1935, p. 8

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Page Bight en | PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1935 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST. Voters' Lists, 1935, Municipality of the Township of Scugog, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Scugog on the 20th day of July, 1935, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elec- tions and that such List remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take imediate procedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 10th day of August, 1935. . Dated this 20th day of July, 1935. JOHN L. SWEETMAN, Clerk ot the Township of Scugog. -- BR. -- REUNION HELD BY DALTON AND ROBSON FAMILIES The third annual re-union of the Dalton and Robson families was held July 13th, on the beautiful lawn of Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie, Stouff- ville, when about ninety members were presént. The President, Mr. D. W. Dalton, of Oshawa, was in charge. The afternoon was spent in con- tests, a ball game, and sports of all kinds, under the direction of Mr. C. Feasby of Goodwood. The winners received prizes and each child was presented with a ball. At six o'clock supper was served on the lawn. Following the bountiful supper, which was thoroughly en- joyed, the secretary, Mrs. B. Ball, of Uxbridge, gave her report. Speeches, singing and instrumental music were enjoyed. The program included the following numbers: speech," Past- President G. H. Dalton, of Uxbridge; «mouth organ and guitar duet by Mrs, Hiscox and son, of Peterboro; speech, Mr. J. Dalton, of Uxbridge; duet by Lillian and Ruby Lapp, of Uxbridge; song, the Robson sisters, Oshawa and Stouffville; song by Raymer sisters of Stouffville; duet, Mrs. A. Holden and daughter, Markham; trio, the Pickett sisters, of Uxbridge; speech, Mr. Andrew McDermott, of Toronto. Community singing, led by the Dalton . family with piano accompanyment by © Mrs. Priscilla Sollitt, of Peterboro, was enjoyed. ; A hearty vote of thanks was moved to Mr. and Mrs. Rennie for their hospitality. Mrs. William Coakwell, of Oshawa, read an address and Mrs. Arthur Holden of Markham presented a water set to Mr. and Mrs. Rennie, to which they both responded feeling- ly. Guests were present from Toronto, Peterboro, Oshawa, Markham, Stouft- ~ ville, Goodwood and Uxbridge. The guest of honour for the occasion was Mrs, Lucas (Ruby Rennie) and two little daughters, of Manitoulin Island. The officers elected for 1936- are: President, D. 'W. Dalton, Oshawa; Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. 'Rennie, of Stouffville; Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. B. Ball, Uxbridge; lunch convener, A. Holden, Markham. The oldest person present at the "picnic was Mr. Peter Raymer, Mark- ham, while the youngest was little Eva Lucas of Manitoulin Island. DA a OBITUARY After a somewhat lengthy illness, there passed away on June 2nd, 1935, at his hofiie 83 St. Clarens Avenue, Toronto, James I. D. Thompson, form- erly of Seagrave, For many years Mr. Thompson was a resident of Toronto where he was associated with the Toronto Street Railway Company, having helped to put the first electric cars in operation. He was appointed roadmaster by the company and later promoted to the position of inspector. Mr. Thompson was a kindly, quiet man who loved the good fellowship of friends and acquaintances and the society 'of his own family more than 'outside 'attractions. His friendly handshake and expressive smile as you entered his home will not easily be forgotten. He was well respected by those who knew him best, The funeral service, which was held at the home, was largely attended. ~The surviving close friends are his wife (Mary Elizabeth Sornberger) ; two daughters, Mrs. Harry Crealock * and Mrs. (Dr.) Geant Fletcher, of Toronto, one son' Janmiés, of Port Huron, one brother Robert Thompson, _ of Whitby, and one sister, Mrs, Nel- ~ son Mitchell, of Toronto. He was Inid to rest in St. John's ~ Cemetery, (Norway), Toronto, be- - neath many floral offerings, Let your camera be your favorite traveling compan- Your vacation and travel snapshots will serve letters you write later to relatives and friends. MEMBER of the Snapshot Guild returned recently from a rather long journey after visiting relatives in many cities. "I had a lovely time visiting and enjoyed the traveling," | the winter. she wrote, "but one thing took a lot s» of joy out of my trip. I did not take along my camera. No, I didn't forget it. Isimply didn't take it and thought no more about it until I reached my Then I discovered something. I have been reading the Snapshot Guild, have taken quite a number of good pictures by follow- ing instructions, but didn't realize that I had unconsciously developed an eye for pictures," she continued, "When I arrived at my sister's home--my first stop--I saw unlim- ited possibilities for interesting, story-telling pictures. I hadn't seen my little niece Jean since she was a month old and here she was toddling around and getting into all kinds of 'mischief. I could easily have taken six or éight snapshots of this cute youngster doing all kinds of inter- . esting things." . -With the coming of warmer - weather and more sunshine we are reaching that time of year when na- ture is discarding her drab, winter clothes for the bright colors of spring and summer. Itisa time of the year. As the sun becomes brighter and sister's home. glorious SNAPSHOT CUILR more and better light will be enter- ing the lens of your camera and reaching your film; .Your exposures should be somewhat shorter than in Suppose, for instance, that on a day in February you took several pictures of your child as she played in the front yard. If you had a fold- ing camera and the day was of aver- age brightness (with sunlight) for that date, you probably set the lens opening at £.8 and the shutter speed at 1/25 of a second, and got a prop- , erly exposed negative, Again, sup- pose you are taking such a picture today. Then what? If the sun is shining brightly and the sky is cleat, instead of having the diaphragm set at f£.8 and the shutter speed at 1/26 of a second as you did in February, you should do one of two things. If you leave your lens opening at f.8, your shutter speed should be set at 1/560 of a second. -Or, you might set the diaphragm at £.11 and: prob- ably get the proper exposure, under average sunlight conditions, with the shutter speed of 1/25 of a second. Personally I recommend the smaller aperture, or lens opening, and the, slower shutter speed for the smaller : the diaphragm opening the greater the depth of focus, Take advantage of the brighter days. At home and traveling have your camera ready Nearly always a refreshing breeze at William's Point., Civic Holiday Fines to be better| - oor : . K the d tor thi vent, JLo? eel MANCHESTER Thorold this week. purchased Mr. Buchanan's cottage. | ~~ Miss Dorothy McTavish is spending | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe, of a month at Onawa Girls' Camp in| Columbus, : Huntsville, There are about fifty | Mr. Gordon Crosier visited with Mr. girls in attendance. : the skies clearer, remember that|for instant use, P0064 060000008000800004 SEER LLLLLLLLLL LLL 000000000000 00 00 RRR L000 000000 used at the vote to be take HIS HONOUR And further take noti I and III of the voter And further tak plain that his name o ed on the said list h names of any person entered thereon, ma All persons are reques order to ascertain that th And further take no be revised ma municipality, eir names dre corre y he geen posted up at t the Post Office and To Forms for complaint and other had on application to the Clerk of the municipality, (Signed) ROBT, RUDDY, Election Board for the County of On 12th day of July, 1936 Bessa bine [Iii Chairman of the Dated this Voters' Lists Act The Liquor Control Act (Ontario) 'Electoral District of Ontario, Local M e or the n on, or removed from the list. e notice that such a unicipality of the Village of Port Perry 5 NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICER Take notice that sittiings of the Revising officers for the purpose of hearing complaints. or a Voters' Lists to be sions of the Liquor Control-Act no of the Village of Port Perry, get forth in the schedule hereinafter set out: SCHEDULE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1935 at 10 o'clock in the fo (standard time) IN THE TOWN HALL, PORT PERRY H. C. NASMITH, ESQ., Municipal Clerk's Office, Clerk of the Revising Officer JUDGE RUDDY will be the revisin the above mentioned municipality. ce that the list to be so revised is Parts 8" list prepared for the municipality. e notice that any voter who desires to com- r the name of any person entitlad to be enter- as been omitted from the same, or that: the 8 who are not entitled to be voters have been y on or before the 30t apply, complain or appeal to have his nam other person entered And further tak in 'writing in the prescribed form, duplicate and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for him at his address as stated above. : ted to examine the Voters' Lists in ctly entered therein, tice that gopics of the Voters' Lists to e office of the Clerk of the wn Hall, Port Perry, forms under the A ppeals with regard to the n under-the provi- w pending for the Municipality will be held at the times and places renoon, Port Perry, g Officer for h day of July, 1936, ame of any ppeals must be by notice signed by the complainant in ct may be on Saturday, for two weeks, ed the wedding march, and Miss Jean 2 PASTRY FLOUR Malcolm sang, : 3 : waters" were the words of the Psalm. ist, long ago, We find ourselyes led CAESAREA Longfellow expressed it: Mr, Geo, McTavish and family, of | «not enjoyment, and not sorrow Flesherton, visitéd at his brother's| 1s our destined end or way; cottage at William's Point, on Mon| gu; to act that each to-morrow day. 3 Finds us farther than to-day. Mr, Wm, Taylor has rented his Let us then, be up and doing, cottage for August to Mr. Jardine, of | With a heart for any fate, Toronto, Still achieving, still pursuing, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Daniels, of Osh- Learn to labor and to wait." AWS, (Are occup ying a cottage here, So while shadows and storms do '| and Mr. and Mrs. Deymar, of Toronto, : are visiting with them, almost swamp our barge at times, ; still "behind the clouds of life shines On Monday, the 16th, Mr. I. Aldred, | the love of God" That quotation is Mr. Jackson, and Dr. Langmaid, ali| printed over John Wesley's chapel left off holidaying and returned to| door, on City Road, London, England, their respective labours. | But we are dwelling on the thought Mrs, Wilson's nice new cottage is! of a still sea, Then the waters mir- being enjoyed by Miss Harris, of To-| yop the beauty all around, reflecting ronto, for the season, it makes it doubly lovely. The Kenosha House is quite busy this| shadows enhance the beauty in"the week, Guests registered from To-| yeflection, The very clamness soothes ronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Rochester,| our spirits, our hearts, We lose our- and Detroit. : selves on quiet review; we spontan-|§ Music is being provided for the| eously worship. The shadows of life regular Wednésday and Saturday| are lost for the time in praises. We 'evening dances in the pavillion at suddenly turn from the still waters Caesarea by Ragman Stein and his| to find "He restoreth my soul." splendid band from Whitby. Come Wordsworth, as such a time, de-|§ and trip the light fantastics with us, scribes the man thus: : Weather is now. ideal for campers. "His mind was a Thanksgiving to the Power that made him. It was blessedness and love. The annual Regatta at Caesarea on Sgedness if Mrs. Agnes Shepherd is visiting in| Mr, J. Anderson, of Port Bolster; visited on Sunday with Mr. James On Tuesday noon, Mr. Douglas| Mitchell. : Frayer caught a nineteen pound| Misses Leola and Irene Wilson are lunge, . The hour for fishing here | spending their holidays with Mr, and -doer. not seem to be important. Mrs. C. Gerrow. Be " Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tremaine, of Miss Rosie Masters is spending her Toronto, are holidaying at Williams' holidays in Toronto with her aunts. Point for a month. Mrs, Carlison and daughters, of Wild ducks, even so early, have| Toronto, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. been seen flying over the lake. Swanson, Sea fleas visit Caesarea frequently,| Mr. and Mrs. C. Lamb and children {from Toronto, and thrill us' with their| of Lindsay, with Mrs. F. Lamb on daring stunts, 2 Sunday, Bob is staying over for a Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Adams are the holiday. SEE | guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Scott. Mrs.. McMasters, of Toronto, has In the United Church here, Sunlday | been visiting with Mr, &nd 'Mrs. Josh evening, Rev. Mr. Bell conducted & | Dobson, ; service, Miss Doris Johnson, Toronto, visit- Mr. W. Tomlin, of Toronto, has| ing with Mr. and Mrs. F. Crosier. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow spent + | Wilson Crosier recently. : Frayer Brothers made ~andther| Mr. and 'Mrs. John Moore and fam- shipment. of Carp to Toronto, on 'Wed-| ily, wisited with Mr. and Mrs. John nesday, July 17th. This time over Moore, Sr., on Sunday. : 1300 pounds were loaded in a huge vat on a truck, The vat was partly filled with water. The car had been netted the last two or big weeks in Inthe Testate of George Franklin, the lake, and kept in 'a wired en- ; decensed, ini closure, and fed rice, corn and wheat. All persons having claims against -- ro op NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'One by one they were lifted into a he Wattte of George Franklin, late of box which was weighed, then emptied the Village of Port. Perry, in the s ; ; | County of "Ontario, Gentleman, de- widest Tg 178 men Worked hard Sond, whe Sied on or about the 18th ay of June, A.D. 1936, are hereby a ham heing viele notified to file with the undersigned, Graln is bennett i 'Solicitor for the Estate, on or before yellow tags g-* +O 2] the 1st day of August, A.D. 1936, full Mr. W. T or. J ; . | particulars of their claims. . ..+ vm. Laylor, Jr., who is on his Immediately after the said date the holidays here, spent Friday at the | agsets of the deceased will be dis- liftlocks at Peterboro. His father, | tributed amongst those entitled there- Mr. Wm. Taylor, began his holidays to, having regard only to claims so filed, and thé said estate will not be Mr. Gerrow, baker, of Port Perry, | Jiabls to any person of whose claim comes here four times a week, and | the said Solicitor shall 'not 'then have 'his goodies make one smack his lips. | notice for the assets so distributed, or Hamilton-Weatherilt any part thereof. A very pretty wedding was solemn- Dated at Port Perry, June 28th, 1935, ized on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. W.|> Joseph Denny, R. R,. 4, Uxbridge Weatherilt's home, at three o'clock on | Solicitor for the Executors. { ' Saturday, July 20th, when their eldest daughter, Leona May, was united in : - EN a marriage to Percy Edward, son of Mr, : and Mrs, Robert Hamilton, of Black-| Cw stock, Rev. Mr. Bell, officiating. Two O u ; an dainty little flower girls, Jean Toms "i ; : and Verna MeNally led the bridal pro- cession, 'followed by Miss. Myrtle Weatherilt, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid. © The bride, leaning on the arm 'of her father, was very charming, indeed, as she stood under the artistic arrangement of summer 0.A.C. GROWING MASH flowers in the bridal arch. The iy, BALT GROATS groom was attended by his brother| ; 'Mr, Cecil Hamilton. , Mrs, Hyde play-| |= BUCKWHEAT FLOUR The happy couple, after a buffet| | BREAD FLOUR © supper, left on a motor trip for points| 5 pg PR, East, ne wholé community joins in F PURINA PRODUCTS best wishes-for their happiness. Mr.| ~~ SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT and Mrs, Hamilton will 'reside at : FLOUR Janetville, where he is to teach, 5 RAS -- at -- Sunday Readirig "He leadeth me beside the still Lake Seugog Milling Co| and you 'will receive the best value down beside the waters of Lake[ for your money that it is good Seugop. Not Always ii neither af ~~ YO. e always quiet. ie lake stems | © Mill'0 Saturday Evenings. ever changing; calm; peaceful, 'still: A i 9 : again it is rippled, rocking, roaring. | * SH It has many moods, but over it al-| : ways, whether in sunshine or behind the clouds, is the unchanging blue, business 'to give Sh = A. WARIDEL, Manager = 3 Our lives have seasons of sun and shadow, too. Soméone has said: "Into || every. life some rain must fall" THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS | -PHONE§3,. . + . Fuad i ~ IS EASY IF YOU BUY = FROM. (20, BERT MacGREGOR sure Yourself of the Best | By having'our driver call to deliver your needs in. |" Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Fresh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers W Pasteurized Products "ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders to 238. We do the rest. 26 PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor. Phone 238 a AL OFFICE MOVED 1. have moved my Insurance Office to my residence on Bigelow Street, where you' will find us fully equipped to look after your insurance need. Phone 41. a Bo "HAROLD W. EMMERSON COAL AT SUMMER PRICES Have you thought of the money you can save by putting in your winter's Coal while low summer prices are in effect? "FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE" If you have not previously used this "Better Pennsylvania Hard . Coal" order it for next winter and be assured of entire heat satis- faction during the coldest weather--Nut, Stove and Pea sizes. - Also summer prices on WELSH COAL and COKE. ~ CEMENT---Fresh St. Mary's Cement always on hand, also LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, ete. ; HARDWOOD SLABS and SOFTWOOD SLABS. Your orders will receive our prompt and careful attention. al « PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones--94 W and 94 J. * "Reliable Service 'and Better Fuels" SUIIIIEILEIISILTIILISLLILSILIILLLL 9400000000000 888000 41 3313s 1te $4000 ss00ber Good Baking at Reasonable Prices te is Our Policy he Give us a trial --you won't be | dissappointed ; ~~ Gerrow Brothers G. M. GERROW i M. A. GERROW Sites 5 Daily, service, ° EXTRA SPECIALS ARMAND $1.00 FACE POWDER ...... Yeap ar ita Visas iiss 098 ARMAND 50c. FACE POWDER Voie 3c, MOORE'S GLOW NAIL POLISH, all shades ................. 29¢. COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE, giant size ..................... 8c. - COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE, small size ...., cess iiiienea 206 GARDENIA, : ROSE, and LAVENDER DUSTING POWDER. 2e. GARDENIA, ROSE and LAVENDER TALCUMS,.............200 SERVEX CLEANING TISSUES, 200 shieefs .,................ 106. SHEET#M USIC, Latest Popular Songs Cranes ise ray rane 850) FLY:A-CIDE, Death' to Flies, moths, mosquitoes and many other . insects, 8 oz, bottle 33¢, Bottle refilled for 25c¢, QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING, DEVELOPING 'and PRINTING. TR I SETAE 1g EM SL 3 AL Hh a Ca !

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