Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Aug 1935, p. 4

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_ Rl "7 Ye fs ie, rt . Sr Joy y Ry eT ig WC mk oy Bo Bo wm MEN Gn Bo 2 dd a : Ce ~ RN aes rn RET, ones Le a Proclamation Corporation of the Village of Port Perry. In accordance with' resolution passed by the Council, I hereby proclaim 'Monday, August bth, as CIVIC HOLIDAY for this municipality. By order W. M. LETCHER, Reeve. Port Perry, July 20th, 1986. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor motored to Owen Sound last week to be the guests of Mr, and Mrs, E, W. McQuay on a boat trip to Cape Croker. Mr. Austin Mitchell, of Toronto, is at home for his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris, Mrs. Christy, the Misses Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Orchard, Mr. E. Hayes, and Wm. T. Harris, have returned home after a most pleasant motor trip to Copper Cliff, where they were the guests of Dr. Bert Harris, Mr. Will Stephens, formerly of Reach. Township, now of Windsor, called at the Star Office recently. The editor and Will worked on farms side by side in the days of long ago, and were able to compare notes. Dr. F. J. and Mrs, Patterson, Men- dota, Ill, has been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Taggart for the past week. Dr. Patterson was a resident of Port Perry 62 years ago. He has been pleased and surprised to see the many improvements in appearance made during recent years. Dr. Patterson is a brother-in-law of Dr. C. N. John- son, of Chicago. Mr. Wm, Allen and Mr. S. Burch, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, over the week end. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Port Perry, and Rev. Mr. Woodger, of Napanee, left on Tuesday for the Pacific Cogst. They go by auto, and expect to make the round trip in four weeks. Miss Tomlinson, visiting her cousin, Jeffrey, in Port Perry. Mr. Jas. Terry, of Toronto, Mrs. W. P. Watson, and Mrs. Geo. Hart, ot Uxbridge, Rev. Jos. Denny, of Epsom, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prentice, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prentice. Mrs. David Steele was in Toronto on Sunday visiting her sister. Mrs. C. Coulter and two children-- Claudia and Philip--of Ottawa are the guests of Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Mr. Merlyn M. Statton, of St. Catharines, is visiting with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Fossey and son Har- old, of Toronto, and-Miss Dorothy Davey, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davey, on Sunday. Mrs. Ada Vickery and Miss Helen, of Toronto, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy O'Neill. -------------- > EP PP ------ -- BOWLING NEWS BOWLING TOURNAMENT of - Toronto, is Miss Marjorie Wednesday, July 31st, was the day of the annual Port Perry Bowling Tournament. As we we go to press the Tournament is in full swing with the following rinks taking part: Club skip Peterboro ............ R. F. Downey Port Perry ............. D. Carnegie Uxbridge ............... Dr. Mellow Oshawa ....... REEF ry E. Goodman Port Perry ......... ,evv.oad. Lucas Lindsay .......5.. 0000000 C. Bell WHHDY (ov virnecaniéviee N. 'Thomas Oshawa ................ 0. M. Alger| St. Matthews ............... J. Kerr Peterboro ......... J. B, Fitzpatrick Cannington ......... Vievads J. Kay Oshawa ........... .C. C. Stenhouse . Port Perry ©....... «A. P, McFarlane Uxbridge. uuu n .C. McNab Port Perry". ...... .«..R. Somerville Whitby ................ J. M. Hicks The weather was ideal and the greens were in perfect shape, A list of the winners will be published next week, rE Am iit am------TEETEL | PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A;B.D., Minister Rev, F, Waite, of Limerick, Sask. will oecupy. the Pulpit during August. % LAY HAVE YOU TRIED IT? We have it--"Renew-an-Upper""-- the new finish for boots and shoes. Refinish your worn and discoloured shoes in any colour desired. "Renew- an-Upper" is not a polish; will not rub off; has no odor. See the old shoe in our window. Colors: Black, Brown and White, 25¢. Blue, Grey, 'Red, Green, Blonde, 30c. We are clearing out the following line 'at reduced prices: Kansas Cattle Oil, reg. 0c. for 30¢. Peerless Poultry Tone, reg $1 for b50e¢. B. D, Furniture Polish 16c. and 25c. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry BOWLING NEWS S. Jeffrey and R. Jeffrey won 1st prize in Cannington at the Men's Doubles last Wednesday. - Also last Wednesday, A. P, McFarlane, Wm, Graham and R. Somerville won 3rd prize at the Men's trebles in Oshawa. The local jitney was held on Thurs- day evening of last week. Mrs. Jack- son and Mrs. McKee had to play off to break a tie for 1st prize, Mrs. Jack- son winning 1st and Mrs. McKee 2nd. R. Jeffrey won 1st prize for the men and J. Hayden 2nd. The following are the scores of the players: Ladies--Miss Hazel Jeffrey 32, Mrs, Goodale 20, Miss E. Somerville 81, Mrs. F. Jeffrey 20, Mrs. McKee 33, Mrs. Weir 23, Miss L. Harper 20, Mrs, Chapman 17, Mrs. Palmer 24, Mrs, Jackson 33, Mrs. McFarlane 25, Mrs. Mulligan 27, Mrs. Levia 26. Men--A. .P. McFarlane 25, H. H. Mulligan 24, G. Palmer 19, G. Gerrow 23, J. Hayden 32, K. Pearce 25, Wm. Graham 24, J. Lytle 29, C. Cann 30, R. Somerville 25, R. Jeffrey 33. A. P. McFarlane and A. P. Ingram won 18t -prize in Whitby at the Men's Doubles on Monday evening. ---- PD -- -- RESULTS OF LOWER SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS IN THIS DISTRICT WHITBY Peggy McKibbin--Arithmetic Doris Moore--Geography Ellen Mowat--Br. History, Geog. Marguerite O'Connor--Physiography Frederick O'Dell--Eng. Grammar Evelyn Underwood--Eng. Grammar Isabel Watson--Eng. Grammar. Sylvia Wilson--Br. History BROOKLIN Douglas Cairns--Arithmetic CLAREMONT Jean Fleming--Eng. Grammar, Br. History, Geog., Art, Botany. Marjorie Tweedie--Eng. Gram. Br. History, Geog., Art, Botany. Walter Young--Art PORT PERRY Joseph Aldred--Art. Elizabeth Archer--Eng. Grammar. Margaret Bagshaw--Br, History, Art, Geog., Agr. L Muriel Beecroft--Geography. Betty Jeffrey -- Br. History, Geog., Art, Agr. 1 - Archibald McMaster--Eng., Grammar Frances Whitter--Art, Agr. I. PICKERING William Bryant--Zoology. Ina McConochie--Physiography. Harold Scott--Br. History Dorothy Watson--Arithmetic, Marjorie White--Arithmetic, cpt Hi PAIS Poirier, IN MEMORIAM McKINLEY--In loving memory of Harry McKinley, who died July 29, 1934, We often sit and think of you, And think of how you died; To think you could not say goodbye Before you closed your eyes. The flowers we placed upon your grave May wither and decay; But the love for you who sleeps beneath Will never fade away. Wife and daughter Hazel. SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office | for PRINCE ALBERT Mr, and Mrs. Hazelton and family of Midland, visited on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs, E. McCrea's, The Misses Holmen spent last week with the Moffats at their summer home on Lake Simcoe, Visitors this week at Mrs. Worden's were: Mr, and Mrs. .F. Jeffrey and Helen, of Weston, and Mrs, E. Kleff- man and daughters Ruth and Marion, of York, Penn. Miss L. Murphy is visiting with re- latives in Ottawa. Miss McDermott, Montreal. two weeks with Miss Srague, Merle Hope is visiting relatives on Scugog Island. Celia is also on the Island. © Mrs. Bongard, of St. Thomas, was\ a recent guest of Miss Tewkesbury, Mr. and Mrs. W. Butt, of- Oshawa, were in the village one day last week. Mrs. Fox, of Toronto, is' visiting spent Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (this week) Myrna Loy and Warner Baxter in "PENTHOUSE" Plenty of Thrills Comedy--Air-Freight. Cartoon Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Aug. b, 6, 7 GIANT HOLIDAY BILL Shirley her brothers, Messrs, R. and R. Buf- son. Kathleen Murphy and Murray Luke as delegates from the Y.P.S,, attended the Summer School at Oak Lake, near Stirling, last week, They report a profitable and enjoyable time spent with such outstanding leaders as Dr. Bryce, Dr. Barner, and Miss N, M. Lewis. Some fifty men "attended the barn raising of "MEW. Martin last Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs, E. King, and family, of Brigden, visited Mrs. Worden last week. Rev. T. E the preacher here on Sunday. . Holling, of Toronto, was The 'subject of his discourse was "Be Ye not not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." Rev. F. Waite, of Limerick, Sask., is to take charge of the services dur- ing August. " Miss P. Jones, of Toronto, was the guest.of -Miss Medd on Sunday. - Port Perry Fair ~ Wednesday, September 11 ------------ CO-ED - NEW PEDDLERS' BY-LAW 1S PASSED IN EAST WHITBY At a meeting of the township coun- cil of East Whitby, held at Columbus recently, a 'by-law was passed for the regulation of hawkers' 'and peddlers' licenses in the township. This by-law is very similar to that which was passed recently by the city council of Oshawa, and makes special provision for the residents of the city, as well as those of East Whitby. In the city of Oshawa by-law, it will be recalled, special concessions were granted resi- dents of East Whitby township. The "| schedule of license fees per year im- posed in the by-law is as follows: Applying to residents of East Whitby and the city of Oshawa: For a hawker or 'peddler on foot, $2.00. For a hawker or peddler using a pusheart, $4.00. For a hawker or peddler using a vehicle drawn by an animal or an- imals, or using a motor vehicle, $25. one person and $4.00 for each additional person, For persons, firms or corporations who do not reside or whose head office or chief place of business is not in Bast Whitby or Oshawa the schedule of fees is as follows: For a hawker or peddler on foot, not using a pusheart, $5.00. For a hawker of peddler using a pusheart, $7.50. For a hawker or peddler using a vehicle drawn by an animal or an- imals or using a motor vehicle, $100 and $7.50 for each additional person accompanying the vehicle, One year's continuous residence or establishment in business in East Whitby or Oshawa is _required. to qualify for the reduced schedule un- der the by-law, which also provides for penalties up to $50 fine or 21 days in jail, > CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, August 4th 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. + Rev, H. R. Young. EE rs aes £ nt ae ES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D, A, Ferguson, BA. Minister 7 p.m~--Evening Serviee SRL par y, A. GILBOORD ¢ Temple and JAMES DUNN in "Bright Eyes" | | 'Bring the Kiddies "to enjoy her great comedy feature. Other added attractions Oswold Lucky Rabbit pe IBERE 5 LS ORL SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SHOW! Mothers! you owe it to yourself to treat your kiddies to see their show, Shirley Temple in "Bright Eyes", on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. 5-6-7," at Strand Theatre, Uxbridge. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, next-- Tim McCoy in "Silent Men". (west- ern). Come where it is comfortable. pr ~a FOR SALE One pure bred : Holstein cow for sdle. Due to freshen Aug. 17. Also 100 White Leghorn Cockerels. Apply to A. R. Woodley, Prince Albert. = Small Ki 5 ve, cit "wicker | Baby Carriage, repairs for John Irvin Pumps, Heads, Cylinders, Leathers, Suckers, Valves and Spouts. A. D. Peters, at Jubilee Pump Works, Port Perry. = ------ -------- a ~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of E: H, Purdy deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of E. H. Purdy, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of July, A.D. 1935, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned Solicitors 'for the Estate, on or before the 1st day of September, A.D, 1935, full particu- lars of their claims,, Immediately after the said date the| assets of the. deceased will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled so filed, and the said estate will not be liable to any person of whose claim the said Solicitors shall not then have notice for the assets. distributed, or any part thereof. Dated at Port P ik Ontario, this -31st day of July, 1 _ GREER & Snr, Purdy Block, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. Port Perry | Dominion Store Clearing Sale, Every article in' the store will be sold at lowest possible prices, Come in and get your share of real bargains and save money for yourself, 'Clearing Sale 'starts Thursday, August 1st. 2 We also assortment of Fresh Fruit every day. If there is anything you want call 177 and it will be delivered at lowest prices. We pay top price for fowl. pL For information, call Phone 177 CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, 'Solicitors, 'Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C,. ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A. LLB. Offices 7% Simcoe Bt. 8. Osha "Phones, 4 and 6 (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr, Conant) Phone 7 '(Whitby) thereto, having regard only to claims |] : DARLEY'S effective. Purifies the blood. Stimulates the lver, PHONE 49 The best cow spray. Cheap and most : Will not taint milk or r 'burn the cow's hide. FLY-TOX--For House Flies _ RILEY'S TOFFEE We have just unpacked a shipment of and élea the Two Sixes this fine English product, Try some hd . S0c. and $1.00 LOT & real treat. Bulk, 4 oz. for 15c. Tins, 26c., 60¢,, $1.00 A. M. LAWRENCE STOCK SPRAY-- ¥ gal. 65e. 1 gallon $1.25 > 83, 87c., and d 9. PORT PERRY on through my office. 1] A ' "YF oe Station Church service last Sunday after- noon was well attended. Rev. W. E. ing for his text Jude, verses 20-28. Sunday School session was fairly well attended. After considerable dis- cussion it was decided to close the S. S. for the month of August. We hope when September comes there will be a special interest taken by the scholars and teachers after their| month's rest. The prolonged rainy season, seems to be slackening up, thus enabling the farmers' to finish up their haying satisfactorily before commencing the harvest. Barley is 'now ready to cut. Mr. R. Heron started his binder going ; last week. | Painter were Mr, H. Beck, Mra. Gray, Brs. Broadhead, Miss E. Gray and Miss Leontine: Broadhead, all of To- ronto, the later two. remaining for a gouple of weeks, Mr. Orland Hall and Misses D, and | I Hall, of Atherley, 'were Sunday guests of their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chisholm, ; Miss Susie Bray, of Raglan, i» the| 'guest of Miss Mary Martin this week. Mrs; L. Scott, of Seagrave, is visit- ing this week with Mr, and Mrs, C, 'Harrison, =; Mr. and Mrs. M. Gray and family, | also Mrs, Mitchell, of Pontypool, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, El- wood Masters. Mrs, Geo. 'Houston, Toronto, is spending a few days this week with her parepts Mr. and Mrs, Beacock. The Softball team lost out at Black- stock last Friday, I am sorry to say. We hope for hetter rssvlts when Port Perry come to Myrtle on Friday of this week, This will be the last game for Myrtle before the finals, Be sure and come out to boost them along. a UTICA Mr. Harold Kerry has installed af new waterwheel in his mill, Master Murray Geer is holidaying]. in Uxbridge. Miss Ruth Mitchell staying at Port Bolster fob the holidays. Miss Irene Hartford and friend, re- turned home on Sunday. | The attendance at the Bluebird ple- nic was not so large this year. Many were in the midst of Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Gail return. ed to their home at Hepler, on Thursday. nae : Mr, and Mra, Harold with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hy wg Sands. | Miss Taylor, of her cousins Misses Merve and Malba Ballard, = Mr. Leader has commenced work at his mill this week. = ANNOUNCEMENT The undersigned wishes to announce that he has purchased the insurance bnsiness of the late Mr. E. H. Purdy, and in future all business connected therewith will be carried Honey preached a good sermon, tak-|. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.| C. SLEEP * * Manchester Miss Verna Masters is holidaying in Toronto for a few days. Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Pool, of Toronto, | with Mr, and Mrs. H. Carpenter for the week end. 'Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Crosier have 'moved into the Arnold Roach house, Mr. Vertal Crosier is holidaying 'with Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosier, 'We are sorry to report Mr. Dennis 'McKinzey lai up with a broken 'ankle. We hope to see him better be- fore long. Mr, and Mrs, McKinzey and Mr. H, MeKingey, of Toronto, with Mr. D. 'MecKinzey over the week end. Miss McCullough, of Toronto, with Miss -A. Barrett. ; . Mr. I. Vernon is on the sick list. 'We hope he may soon recover. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the 'home of Mies Hooper oi Aug. 8th at 8 pm. : Miss Dorothy Roper, nurse-in-train- ing, at St. Mary's Hospital, Toronto, a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. - Masters. Miss Leo Tindal, of London, called on-her aunt Mrs. H. Dobson. There will be no service at Man- 'chester on Sunday as Rev, Mr. Honey will be on his holidays. . The young people of 'Manchester gave Mr, Elwood Crosier and his bride a royal welcome on Friday 'night. They gave them a truck ride to Prospect and Port Perry. The party about forty strong, were treat- ed to ice cream and pop. We welcome them to our village, 1 ~ I An The Ladies of Marsh Hill enter- 'tained the Women's Association at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lormer on Tuesday of last week, There was a Jarge attendance and an enjoyable afternoon was spent. Miss Louise Wakely, of Bolton, is visiting at the home of Mr, R, Orga * Mrs, A. McMillan and family, of Orangeville, are visiting at the home 'of Mr. Ernest Phair, Miss Margaret Cooper, of Brant- ford, is the guest of Mr. and Mr, B; Cragg. Mr. Elmer Les, of Toronto, at his home here on Sunday. : Mai Parr, of Toronto, visiting with Mr. snd Mra. Dyson. Mrs. Jas. Les and Miss Ruby: Tico i iy i a S07 Ottawa. Mrs, Sanderson and Miss Sander: en a Miss Bristow, of Montreal, was » rca tan of os, Wotswort. ca | 2 PRN & We Carry a Full Stock 0 of Lumber and Roofing Materials -- Frames, § Sash and Doors mad § ; to order. Try us and get results x ig Sam N. Griffen § # Lumber Co. 'Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. | Hib Eyesight Specialist Monday, Wednesday, Open 'and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all "DISNEY BLOCK Oshawa TR Opp. Post Office, Phone: 1618 times. Fi % SEA i "An economist. " gays the Omaha go} Journal-Stockman, "is a man who knows a great deal about a very little; and who goes on knowing more and more about less less, 'until finally he knows practically everything about nothing; 'whereas, a professor, on the other hand, is a: 'man who knows a very little 'about' a great deal and keeps on knowing less and less about more until finally, he knows practical- 'ly nothing about 'everything. --Leavenworth Times A ------------------ : . Radio ELECTRICAL Repairs Phone to JOHN FARMER . No. 88: : . £ Ni Eyes Examined - FREE F . Ed LUKE % DR. W. 8. HARDER radusty of Trinity Medical Claws' smd Post Graduate in ot Medical Gradu- ee O%iene and P Nott AR ed London, Br 'Infirmary, Glasgow. Offs and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont, i E------------ W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON j Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 pm. : . Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office bi NIPREY y ft oS 1.0 STERHINSIN, B.), A : MORRISON LT Pres Forenoon of

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