Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Aug 1935, p. 2

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~~ COOL... REFRESHING GREEN EL GHOST More Couples are Getting Married; Confidence Returns Government Figures Reveal 73,023 Weddings Perform- ed in 1934 -- Largest in Five Years. Ottawa -- The fact that more young couples are now getting mar- ried and setting up house indicates, possibly better than any carefully prepared index, returning. public confidence and improving . economic conditions in Canada. Government statistics show that 73,023 marriages were performed in 1934 or, in other words, 146,046 persons were confi- dent of their economic -future. The number of marriages solemnized in 1934 was the largest in the past five Ta < eee -- as 'His Highness Lion Cub's Travels India to London Zoo London Times Weekly Singh was born in the Zoological Gardens at Jamnagar. towards the end of March, but there was noth- ing to indicate that he would soon be fated to travel as far as to Re- gent's Park. The chain of events was started by a letter from a small boy in England, 'in which he asked his mother, then staying as a guest of the 1" Mahaajah Jam Sahib, to bring hi "a lion or a tiger from India: One Veta at dinner in the palace the request was Ingh-| = ingly mentioned, It met with an im- mediate reponse.:* Singh," the only male in a litter- of three, was then and there presented to the small boy, whose mother eharged herself with the transport of the gift. Singh. was them barely a fort Your Handwriting Reveals Your MANY BC. ROADS END IN WILDERNESS {Vancouver Province) As the story comes to us, the Publicity Bureau in Victoria believes that Vancouver Island possesses the highest waterfall in the world, It "is the Della Falls, thirteen miles north- west of Great Central Lake, reputed to be 1,680 féet high, The gazeteers do not support the claim that this is the highest water- fall, but certainly it should rank among the first half dozen known falls. in the world, If the other information about the Della Falls, as given out by the bureau, is true, then we agree that they should be better known. We are told that it is not very large in volurie of water, but a genuine waterfall, nevertheless, and a beau- tiful sight, the noisy music of it to 1 ears and represents an increase : of 9,168 or 143 per cent. over 1033 | night old--an odd' little bundle of Charact | Al Rights Gaoiirey ot. Clair bs Beard foe files away through the [ by Stuart Martin figures. Of this total, 33,261 or less|rough fur, the size of a large kit- er: Reserved Graphologist Yt is Tria cecasi coos soossosseses |than half took place in cities and |ten. Plainly, he must be gradually ji, o ooo -e - > . t is inaccessible by road, and to } iad * ESA ALC other large urban centres of 10,0001 weaned. Accordingly, he was separ- : reach it you rust go by boat to the { SYNOPSIS gargoyle of a face he had ever con- | population or over. ated from his mother for some hours| Recently, several correspondents | test revealed that I chose nine out|head of Great Central Lake, and P Maua Barron awakes with a pre templated. ] More recent fizures. covering) TY ay: watil he became -accus-| have asked questions about the sta-|of the twelve correctly. 1 might add then by a forest trail for thirteen ! ponttion of disaster, Sha wears padding | "phe sight of that face for an in- ; r 4 ecen git ba Oyering tomed to human beings. - A strong tus of Graphology, posing certain ob- | that my friend had purposely cho-|miles, until you come to Della Lake study she finds him dead. stant stupificd, paralysed, him. He |Such urban centres alone show that}, 4 "gpl big enough travelling] Jections against it, and in this ar.|sen specimens that he thought would | and glacier, Dr. Sidney Easier, 4, Siena, ia Joined uttered a shout of startling in- the marriage rate this year will be cage of hardwood'; was constructed ticle 1 will deal briefly with some of | prove puzzling. It all goes to show A genuine waterfall, 1,580 feet mulatto, Who OS a lost a man. tensity; but the men who craned even higher than in 1934. For the| i" ¢iveq on the "outside with opa- | these angles: that it is sometimes difficult to spe-| high, even if the volume of it is their necks besxle him were too first five months of 193b, January qué blinds whigh could be pulled in "How can handwriting show one's | cify the sex of the writer, and as not great (ten times as high as "Ah, ah, yes, there was some evi- | engrossed to heed him, for everyone to May inclusive, 21,230 Canadians | 0.4, give him the darkness Which character, when we are taught how | there is very little to be gained by Niagara), is indeed a wonderful - dence volunteered, but if you have | was struck to his soul by the dem. [Stepped up to the altar as compared|) "yy 047 to write from the same copybook in 'this, not very much particular re-|gight, We do not doubbt that' the F anything to say that will upset such 2» point of view--" "Ah have, but Ah kin wait." oniacal features on the print. Dr. Sidney Foster stepped back, catching at his throat as he gasped at this with 20,798 in 1933. During the first five months of this year the province of Ontario led all other sections of the Dominion with approximately When the time came for his final separation' from "his mother he was still to young to lap,- and was fed school?" The answer to this objec- tion proves how strongly handwriting DOES show character. Because, {if you will study the writing of a single search has been expended on this angle. However, it is probable that before very long, as a result of the varlous researches that are being car- Publicity Bureau is right in thinking that it would be a great tourist at- traction if it could be made acces. sible. , dramatic climax. The And once more the mulatto's gaze | RREXPecteds 4,607 weddings. The province of |at two-hourly iftervals by having| class of students who have learned | ri in handwriti defin- : ; g ras th ) . 3 : o have learned | ried on in handwriting, some de s went to the young man with the pA BR a Was Lhe face Quebec came second with 2,234, the |milk poured down: his throat. He| writing from the same copybook, a|lte scientific evaluation will be pos- a whe it le talking dark bair: "Bettah git all evidence yo' want, Coroner. .Dis young man heah--" The young man rose and stepped lorwatd. Bowing - profoundly, he took the oath. "I nrerely mentioned to the Cor- "Chapter V. THE MYSTERIOUS PICTURE "Where did you get this?" The question came from the out- skirts of the crowd, and Dr. Foster Prairie Provinces third with 2,084, British Columbia fourth with 880 and 'the Maritime Provinces last with (35. By cities, Toronto led with 1,990 weddings as compared with Montreal's 1,688, although the lat- ter city showed a more marked in- put on weight steadily, vas safely transported. to 3ombay, given a day or two's rest there, and then placed in a sheltered nook in the liner which was to convey him to the West. As soon as he was strong enough few years afterwards, you will NOT FIND TWO WHO WRITE ALIKE, Each one Writes differently--a dif- ferent slant, a différent pressure, and differing conformation of letters. This is so, despite the training they have had in a standardized writing sible to determine the writer's sex. "Can disease be revealed by one's handwriting?' This is, an angle of graphology that is. exercising _ the experts continually. 1 might say that information i; being obtained continually concerning this: very im- portant angle of the science, and it beauties of British Columbia, where 'shall we begin and end? That very country of the Della Falls, which is * to all intents and purposes still a-: terra incognita, is less than halfway up the Island. Nearly all the north end of the Island, too, is that sort oner, gentlemen, that in my close | Was conscious that William Hughes | crease over last year than did the|to walk a, small collar and chain| hand, and proves that, as one grows, of country connection with the late Mr. Barron, | Was eyeing the mulatto suspiciously. former, Winnipeg came third with| were provided for him; the sight of one's character changes or strength. |is true that, even now, certain dis. Th : ; I have had opportunities in plenty | The sharpness of - the pointed | 775 weddings and Vancouver fourth|Singh at his daily exercise on the| DS. and one's handwriting changes, | eases can be indicated by handwrit-| 2 Siang Highway ends at of knowing him and 'his unhappy | question broke the spell that had|with 697. Boat dock. of theiliiicr 'sooh batanies- to: ing. But to say that there is any | MenziesyBay, north of Campbell fallen on the room. The coroner took "Does handwriting show the sex|'"cut and dried" scale to detérmine| River, and there is a .150-mile moods. He had spoken to me more than once about the possibility of taking. his life, because he was so depressed and neurasthenic." "You are Mr. William Hughes?" gaid the Coroner. "Perhaps I had . better add your evidence in a few up his official attitude again. "Yes," he said. "That' the quest- ion. Where did you get this print? I see it is not Hing finished. It is fading already." «.... "Yo' bet." Ah got H feos a A photo- grapher only an hour or so since, The purchases of household fur- niture and equipment by the newly married couples and the number .of wedding presents showered on them greatly accelerates the machinery of industrial production and retail trade. This is reflected in the in- an event of the day. He proved an affectionate and playful as a kit- ten, early learning to recognize friends and to keep his already for- midable claws carefully sheathed in playing with them. It was found that he flourished of the writer?" This question has been asked me quite frequently ot late, and my answer is that while it is possible for the trained graph- ologist to make certain guesses . of the sex of the writer at times, there is really no definite scientific foun- these scientifically Ag, to go beyond the facts. Now and again it is possible to help a writer to know a little more about his or her health a3 a result of a scrutiny of handwriting, but as yet there is no accurate and perm. stretch of country beyond, practically unknown, with the little cozst settle- ments, of Port Alice and Port Hardy cut off from communicaticn except by sea and air. The occasional explorer-- timber cruiser, government surveyor or airman--brings us back word of words, You are employed in looking « ert : sos J : h \ : y pitor Mr. Tui, FI ale? 8 suh," replied Onec-cye, overcoming Cn rogisersd 1n the Jamin best on a _widely-advertised infant | dation for this. anent means of determining ailments this country from time to time, a- "1 am. his swift fare of veseatmant, SHLis-yo Ar San S00, BIAS | report on ¢| food to. which raw eggs were added.| We all know men who witte in a] or disease, in all cases. greeing that it is a beautiful wilder- . ool sen Al's pwine to give ma. evi- changes in the value of retail sales He was brushed and groomed every| feminine hand, and vice versa, wo-| . . ness, but nobody else ever gets into Foster. found himself study:ng| sen, Ah's gwine to give md during the popular wedding months et 18 : ' rid iG ness this young man attentively. So this | dence." ring popuis ! g 5 day as carefully as a prize Pek-|{ men who write a markedly masculine Would YOU like to know what] it. It is an hour by air frem this ¥ : | One Eye took the wi'ness chair and particularly in the furniture store |jngese; his coat became sleek and|hand--the reason is simply that these | YOUR handwriting reveals 'about, City, and it is -Veautifel country un- was William Hughes, who had no! proved so efficient as he had been expected 'to prove. "Was there any financial ~ reason for depréssion?" asked the Coroner. "Well, none 'that, I know of so far," Teplied Hughes, but giving somehow - the impression that it was not by any means unlikely that such a state .of affairs would be the case. The Coroner looked at. One-eye, who had remained strangely stiff during the questions and answers. "What have you got to say, De- tective- Uttock?" One eye's face lit up. He drew an ablong box from his hip pocket, and placed it on the table in front of the oath. "We has it on oath dat dere was a flash in de studf where Mistah Barron fas takin' pictures ob de bay. We hab it on oath dat he did dis often at night. We had it dat he was gwine to England soon. Ile in- tended to retire befo' long--" "Who told you that?" asked coro- ner. "His daughter tole me. Den we hab it on de suggestion ob dis young man wid de black hair dat it may be Mistah Barron had money trouble comin'--hold hard, suh, an' doan in- terrupt; maybe ¥o' didn't mean to convey dat impression but dat was reports. Darl: Sheers Best Town Frocks For Hot Weather "No, bother me," summer weather doesn't an executive told us last summer. "1 simply refuse to think about it. After all, we always have hot days in July and August and | decided long ago that I mind- ed them less if I-stopped comment- ing = about the thhought of more pleasant things." His idea is a good rule for all of temperature and I glossy and he remained entirely free from any trace of 'zoo smell." Travelling in the suite of His High- ness the Maharajah Jam Sahib, Singh quickly became in every sense the lion of the party. , The Italian and the French Gov- ernments gave him special facilities for crossing their frontier, but in England as a lion he would fall within the four corners of stringent anti-rabies regulations; and for a while his owners were in despair, 'But interest in the journey of an Indian lion cub so young to Eng- land, and the 'ready acceptance by the Zoological Society of London of; people typify these same traits in their characters. Some men are almost feminine in their habits, and there are women who act in an al. most masculine way, These charac- teristics are shown in their handwrit- ing. Recently, a colleagué of mine pick. ed out a dozen specimens of writing from my files, and, hiding the names of the writers, asked me to state which were written by men and which were thg work of women. This you? The truth, not as you might like it, but as it really is? And have you friends about whom you are anxious to know' something_of their characters? Send specimens of the handwriting you want analyzed, stat. ing birthdate in cach. case. Enclose 10c co:n for each. specimen and en- close with 3c stamped addressed en. velope, to: Geoffrey St. Clair, Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Tor. onto, Ont. All letters will be treat- ed In strict confidence. Wild Turkey Makes British Railways 2 Kill 1 in 96,000, 000 known. We speak of all this Tort by way of reminder. It is useful, it seems to us, that we should get such re- minders from time to time. We know that such reminders ave little likely to eventuate, for a lcng time to our unknown British Columbia. We suppose it is not much use to expatiate upon all these highways of ours that end in the wilderness--we have got to get them made passable before we can extend them--but we ought. to remind ourselves abovt them every little while. Do you realize come, in the project of open'ng up . that the straight road between Van- ~ the Coroner. Then he glanced at the | de impression yo' conveyed. Ain't [us to follow. It stands to reason|'N® £ - 1 couver and Calgary is cut cff by an jury with a faint, tronical smile, fi) so Flt it okt bh tte dom the loss If annoys ie is Cone back hn West : Sig aile £89 atmos Reve! Siok 4 nna say dat Mistah 'I certain thought we mig ear | thi - . : a . | and Golden, an at you must make 5 WS 4 ror il hisself. of financial difficulties," admitted | you, 8 So Louse Jointly Syaked she (Medicine Hat News) onde oy one Pastengereanle 500-mile detour in cur own ter-- "Can you prove it?" demanded the | the coroner. "Well?" Ey Since nothing you do or say will | Spa yan, ii] of or otfizia sh ~ On the Prairies the sandhill crane £00,008 carried on. British rail- ritory in order to complete that Coroner, and every face was turned "Dere ain't no financial difficul- [make the breezes cooler, you might R-Snty. of agtleniiure, is known as the "wild turkey" of | Wa¥S last year was killed, according [journey by rcad, : towards' the Mulatto. ties. Ma office cabled to Lunnon on |as well accept the weather philoso-| The visit of an inspector of the| Canada, but though edible it is a |to Ministry of Transport figures pub-|- There is no 'road through to" "Yo'bet. If a man shoots hisself | ma suggestion. We already got a|phijcally and forget about it. Ministry to the country house which| very different bird indeed from the | lished recently. The proportion of in- | Prince Rupert. The road up the his finger prints are on de gun.|cable about his finances. Dey are all Wear the coolest clothing you can|Was to be Singh's temporary abid-| genuine wild turkey of the Southern | jyred was one in 3,000,000 North. Thompson out of Kamlocps, Dere were no finger prints a-tall on | right. Dere's plenty money in de|p,v of course. This means under-|ing place resulted in the declaration} States which is the progenitor of the ; Tl Le - | reaching up towards Jasper, ends de revolver lyin' on Mistah Bar- | bank. One ob his directors ob decay of sheer cotions (new and fash-| that, Within a: few necessary pre-|domestic turkey. In" accidents other than train ac-|in the wilderness. A 200-mile trail ron's feet." business has had a letter from him |. ble this season) or silks "that cautions, a large conservatory and a In this connection it is interesting cidents 68 perscns were killed, main-| continues the east-west road from He opened the oblong box on the [hinting dat he would retire when he | pool moisture and let the air get walled rose garden would be. suit- to note that the Wild Animal Park ly through misadventure: or careless- the Cariboo through - the Chilcotin table and, with a pair of tweasers lifted cut a revolver and placed it in front of the Coroner. "Ah have tested de distance, suh, and itwas quife possible for some- one, or something, to lean in de open ""whether you want to gxnt nortn of Parry Bound.) got back. Men dat are thinkin' ob retirin' doan kill demselves. An' dere is anoder t'ing." . "What is it?" (To Be Continued) to cherish fervently; Memories, deep and tender, in your to your skin. For town, you'll prob- ably discovél' that dark chiffon jack- ct dresses and cool-looking, short- sleeved prints are the most comfort- able. White hats and other acces- sories make you look cool, even to able quarantine. To these quarters Singh was transported from Dover in his own car;. in them he quickly settled down, becoming, if possible, even more good-tempered and more tract- an objection to publicity and pro- | preaching and in. sending out his = today. Fy the, most ALA g instantly. A trial bottle, at pets dy store, is guaran- Society at Moosejaw has been ex- perimenting with the wild turkey of the South and from young birds im- ported now boasts the possession of a flock of 160, the largest in captivity in Canada. of starting the other parts to pen- ragate them, and supplied the breed: ness by tha victims themselves. thank yo Sold at tall good drug. stores: to Bella Coola on the coast. ~ Most of our great inland emnira of British Columbia--do you rezlize it?--after seventy years of discov ery and settlement--is still wilder- ness, still almost the country of the | will come: when women would have | a fair numerical representation. both ; 3 ich' 3 : : paganda, but, speaking with all re-~ {eedto it .D. D. : Rest - Play ; Fish wide fringed eye you hold; ference, she said thht Jesus Christ chibi AN BALM. ing stoek for-most of them. When diaE. Pinkham's , |in the House of Commons and the D. J McRae Dear ny bit white star With | 0 gorstood the value of and prac- raised under the 'ordinary hen they etable Compound i Lig etlong* Lodge, Ardbeg, Ont, a hear 0 tised publicity and propaganda in % EF, become ar tame as domestic turkeys, ' "There is a place for them. They Lingering' Lode, Asdbeg BLANCHE HALES SQUIRES.! preaching and ii _lesue No. 31 = Whereas they. are otherwise very Vor ipedn owl _ present a differént viewpoint, which winder and shoot ~Mistah Barron . yourself. able than he had been before.' But,| "In 1929 there wasn't a wild tur- unknown. L& close as if he shot hisself, an' den Toronto Firm Imports Remember to put on fresh ling-| alas! he has grown so much in health|key in Canada, and our society im- PRX, to lay de gun on his feet. Whoever, . eric and stockings each morning [and strength that, while his man. ported three birds at a cost of $100 ; z : or whatever, did dat wore gloves -- Coal From Indo-China] i,cidentally, it's better not to wear|ners are perfect, the vespovsibility|in order that we might show the Appointment Honor if it was 'a_pusson." . " the same pair of shoes two days in{of keeping him has become too public the difference between sand- d . 8he: jury gasped, and Dr. Foster Montreal--First i £ it kind Succession. Take "baths a day--| great for any but the ekilled attend-| hill cranes (so often called wild To Farming People leaped' to his fect and advanced to- ik irst hopois <f . from | lukewarm one before you go to|ants of the Zoological 'Society's|turkeys) and wild turkeys. The only S M Fall wards One-eye, listening to eva fhe gh Jeimtses SRS, id bed and a cool shower when you get| Gardens. ; similarity they 'have is the hoise ays rs. alls word. The Mulatto went on, as if he | Irenc indo-China--a load of 8 up in the morning. % ; 3 : they make while in the ait. Them ! were speaking to himself, tons carried in the Norwegian motor- In his splendid quarters there his]! hen suh, ah guess [ship Bonneville--arrived here recent- If you are home at lunch, anther friends feel sure that he will not | birds themselves are about as dif- Peterborough, Ont. -- Unper#u: bed : kin show yo' all What St was dai ly to be sold on the Canadian shower will help you to get through| disdain to take notice of the chil-| ferent as birds could be." We have SRM A by " her 'appointment, Canada's sec- in y y Eo the afternoon in a more peacefull dren whom he has come to regard [Since imported several more turkeys Pi \ ond lady. Senator, Mrs. Howard T. 4 caused Mistah Barron to yell in| market. p "gold Keys t pe Smokers! ue With ) fright, an' what it was dat Doc| The shipment is the first of a ser manner. If not, at least Sash your as playmates. and haye Ised god = tarkeys > "GOLD Fallis, carries on her household i y |. "| face, neck, arms and hands and pat : various parts of Canada, and las hold duties a . ; Fohtor AD aysat Seeh hoy mand lice 4a fie brought here before the ny a skin tonic before you apply : Fall had a flock of over 150 birds. and cajoy ar cally "1 > sual 5 hours. after. de death. If yo' wanta| close of navigation next Autumn. It : ; . : good smo consider the appointment as an know 'what killed Mistah Barron -- [has been uought by Elias Rogers and | TS" Makeup "Consideration for the rights and | 'The wild turkey, known in the ane Taming pesple of Hie _ 1 guess dis is de culprit." Company, Limited, of Toronto, and . sensibilities of others is merely a|U. S. as America's grandest « game 50 MAL i N CIC SAR TTE TOBACCO country," he declares, "I am going x He tplunged his hand into his |iyjll be transhipped by lake boils to general definition. of courtesy." =| bird, is the Anes eating there is to Ottawa to present them." ; : Prd Adve d > 3 smily Post. n the bir ine. There is more 3 yn id y pocket and laid down on the table that city for distribution, A part of Regrets Bible Not ' white meat in" proportion: than a WHEN YouR DAUGHTER Mrs. Fallis states politics are in a photographic print, over Wich future shipirents will 'be sold here, More Widely Read i - Jomestic turkey and. the. meat is of } VU er blood. "Even when 1 was a lit every 'man a. all piling on top os James T. Quinlan, Montreal repre: : } ; o finer textire, sweeter and fot so COMES 10 WOMANHOOD tes &irl 1 used to 'stay away from each other in their eagerness. sentative of the company, stated. T p | 1 ] Mm dry. 'Many of the most successful 4: school to attend political meetings. series of gasps and exclamations nb Lady Bridgeman, speaking on "The S 0 TH T TC El domestic turkey breeders in the Most girls in My father was considered the best broke out, some in horror, some in Church. dnd licity" \ SL he . 'teens Jed impromptu speaker in the ditrict, / : urch and Publicity" at the annuai In One Minute United States are buying wild tur oi ! sheer amazement, some in utter be- "TO A DAISY conference. of the Press and Publicat. I 2 4 \ £ key gobblers and crossing them with a tonic and perhaps I' inherit some of my Wilderment: t led . into that oT ions Board of the Church Assembly D. D: D. Prescription Speeds Relief the domestic turkey to improve the ability from him," re pl 3 ee A 1t0 the | Dear common daisy, , said she was sorry there was a gen- It isreally surprisingtosee how De. D.D. quality of the domestic birds that, | The woman Senator has made a amazed er A an Sam yong ha hs Whene'er I see a field of you, a quilt] eral ignorance of the simple teach. Dennis Buren Cooling, ont od through . time, ' have become too wide survey of political history, and table, ia print of the most fr.ghtfu of waving snow, ing of the. Bible, which was largely tortures of csema mie, incsauito of coarse and. larger than the market hs. Te {in addition .to studying = Hansard or 1 tread forgotten footpaths where alunread. | other insect bi thet skin | calls for. ; qnony 3 oar when the House is in session, she has child was wont to go--- : afflictions. Forly'y EE a di I read every biography of famous men - y hi ho was Tityself in th The Press provided a great engine cess, Its enti ols pt Andy | "We have over 70 breeding stoek.| her ide at pei and' wonien sk 1d Ker hind ge Goirig on a Holiday? A child who was myse In the years lee teaching which might be made Soothing and healin freinfamed sues The largest flock in Canada, In fac' | critical time. When she iad a happy, on' n she cou get er hands 4 $hat-used its De use of more extensively, "She knew, slalniess-- dren ui up almost imm diately: more than all the rest. of Canada put| healthy wife and mother she will . We can give you the best When wayside weeds were treasures | i ji the minds of many there was' Try D. together, and have been .the means | Mrs. Fallis: gays she hopes the day | disciples as messengers. I Mattawa, Ont, July 17, 1936. 0 wild? a 4 is vital today."

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