Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Aug 1935, p. 4

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FT a, re ers CW Cin on a a tuts Tv Cia Re Rees as 2 A rt . PO ot SRE tL) en Tt Na ry tte = eh Be ROA Page Four sr---------- PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook, Mrs, Wm. McClintock, and Miss Muriel Cook, have returned home after spending a pleasant holiday at Rosedale, Miss McDonald, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. Wesley Boynton for the holiday. Mr, Hugh Nind, of West Lorne, was a visitor here on Monday. Prof. and Mrs. Anson Walker and family are the guests of Mrs. E. A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Price, of Welland, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Mor- rison. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Flint, of London, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Harris on Civic Holiday. Dr. J. D. Berry, of Willowdale, was in town on Monday. Misses Winnifred and Dorothy Milton and Mr. Ted Leckie, of To- ronto, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reesor. My. and Mrs, Gordon Reesor, of Markham, spent the week end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor. Miss Hortop, of Glen Williams, is visiting with Mrs. J. Hortop. Mr. and Mrs, Orval Switzer, of Whitby, with relatives in town on the holiday. Dr. and Mrs. Peterson and children, have returned home after a pleasant holiday, in the Maritime Provinces. - Mrs. E. H. Purdy and Mrs. I. R. Bentley and children, and Mr, Clar- ence Purdy, motored to Smith's Falls on Saturday to spend the week end. Among the former Port Perryites seen in town on Monday were: Mr. E. L. McLean, of Toronto; Mr. Forbes Nasmith, of Toronto; Mr. W. Spence of Whitby; Messrs. George, Charles and Gordon Cawker, of Toronto; Messrs. W. U. and Harry Carnegie, of Toronto; Mr. B. Ward, Toronto; Messrs. W. Hodgson, C. Hood, and F, Jeffrey, of Oshawa; Mr. and "Mrs. V. Johnson, of Whitby; Mr. Stouffer, of Newmarket; Mr. Ernest Moore, of Lindsay. Mr: Gordon Ingram, of Sault Ste Marie, spent the holiday. with his mother, Mrs, N, Ingram. Mr. and "Mrs. Oliver Roberts, of Windsor; were in town for. the holi~ day. .Mrs. H. Roberts is returning to windsor with them. Mr. Chas. Cawker and family, of Toronto, spent the holiday in town. Miss: Ethel Cook, of Toronto, with her parents over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. L. O'Neill, of Stouft- ville, were in town on Monday. Mr. and. Mrs. A. M. Lawrence are holidaying out of town this week. Rev. F. and Mrs. Waite arrived from Limerick, Sask., to supply the pulpit of the "United Cuhrch in the absence of Rev. Mr. Smyth. Mrs. R. W. Johnston and Mr. Wilson Johnston of Drinkwater, Sask. accompanied them. : too RESULTS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS, PORT PERRY Crosier, Archibald T--Fr. A. II, Fr. C, IL Crosier, Mildred E.--Eng. Comp. C, Alg. C, Agr. 1 C. Currah, Kenneth D.--Eng. Comp. 111, Eng. Lit. C, Can. Hist. II, Alg. 111, Agr. I, IL Eagleson, Marion AA, Hist, C, Geom. C. Fralick, Lillian G. -- A. Hist. II, Geom. I, Lat. A, II, Lat. Comp. I, Fr. Auth. II, Fr. Comp, II, Agr. 2, L. Harper, MacKay A.--A. Hist I, Alg I, Geom. II. Hayes, D. Margaret--Eng. Comp. I, Eng. Lit. II, Can. Hist. C, Agr. I C. Jackson, H .Patricia--Eng. Comp. I, Eng. Lit. I, Can. Hist. I, Alg. C, Agri. 1, L. Jones, M. Frances -- A. Hist. Il, Geom, II, Lat. A. I, Lat. Comp. I, Fr. A. II, Fr. Comp. I, Agr. 2, I. Lakey, Delza L.--A. Hist. I, Geom. I, Lat. A, I, Lat. Comp. I, Fr. A, I, Fr. Comp. I, Agr. 2, I. 4 Lee, Alma I.--Geom. II, Lat. A. II, Lat. Comp. C. Lee, Kenneth J.--Eng, Comp. III, Eng. Lit. III, Can. Hist, II, A; Hist II. Luke, Murray R.--A. Hist. I, Geom, C, Lat. A. II, Lat. C. II, Fr. A, 11, Fr. C. II, Agr. 2, IL McCrea, Norma H.--Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Lit. C, Can. Hist. C, Alg. C, Agr. 1, IL. McKercher, Muriel G.--Geom, II. McLean, Ross--Geom. III, Nasmith, Malcolm B.--Eng. Comp. 11, Eng. Lit. II, Can. Hist, II, Alg II, Agr, 1, II. Nasmith, Virginia E.--Geom. C. Orde, John 8.---~Geom. C, Fr. A. G, Fr, Comp. C."* Phoenix, Walter Vora, A. III, Lat. Comp. ¢ A , Smallman, Sidney G.--Lat. A. II, * Smith, Marion O.--A. Hist. II, Geom. II, Lat. A, I, Lat, Comp. I, Fr. A. II, Fr. Comp. C., Agr. 2, II. 'Steer, Dennis AA. Hist, I, Geom, I, Lat. A. I, Lat. Comp. C, Agr. 2, I. Stone, Mary J. -- Eng. C. I, Eng. Lit. II, C. Hist. I, Alg. III, Agr. 1, I. Wallace, Vivian E~--Eng. Comp. I, ; Erg 1 Lit. I, Can. Hist. I, Alg. I, Agr. Weir, Garnet--Eng. Comp. III, Eng. 111, C. Hist. C,, Alg. C, Agr. 1, IL| A LISTEN! Mr. Horse Owner Now is the time to buy that new harness you have been needing. Leather prices are.advancing and we will be forced to raise our prices in a short time. See our Special Web-Trace harness. It's good and strong, but low in price. See us for Binder Whips, Nose Guards, Leather Gloves and Mitts. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry Myrtle Station Harvesting is now in full swing in this district. Crops are good and prices not so good, but that is just the farmers' luck. Although a good crowd turned out to see the softball game last Friday, they were disappointed because the visiting team from Port Perry failed to appear and so they lost the game. At present we are unable to announce when and where the play-off games are to be played. Mr, 'Robt. Chisholm 'has been im- proving his property by painting his house and. fence, also re-shingling his driving shed and garage. . Mrs. Cross and daughters Phyllis and Evelyn were recent visitors to Havelock. : : Mrs. J. E. Beacock is recovering nicely from a bad fall she had last week, when she fell down the back steps. Sorry to hear of her mishap. Mrs. Oliver Lane was a visitor to Oshawa last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Dickson and family of Toronto, were holiday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickson, Murs. Greentree, of Oshawa, was the guest of Mrs. Chisholm, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooper and baby son of Toronto, were week-end visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Chisholm, of Toronto, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Leury on Tuesday. Our town is well set for stores now. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey have established a grocery store in the building recent- ly vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Jewell. The store recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beadle has been leased by Messrs. Robert and Wallace Arm- strong for a grocery. We wish them all success. Miss Betty Chisholm, of Toronto, is holidaying with relatives here. "Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson and Jack, attended the Lennox Picnic at Jackson's Point on Monday. Mrs. Roberts, of Toronto, paid a flying visit with her brother Mr. Jas. Cooper. 7 Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Britain and daughter, of Sarnia, Mrs. Campbell Jand daughter and son-in-law, of To- ronto were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Cooper and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Maynard and family, of Brooklin, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and family, of Oshawa, enjoyed a family reunion at the home of Ivan Rodd, on Scugog Island, on Sunday, where there father Mr. Thos. Smith is visiting. Miss Doreen. Williams, of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Britton. BACKACHES BACKACHES gone after using RUMACAPS--they give quick and sure relief RUMACAPS MORRISON'S DRUGSTORE Stran d Theatre UXBRIDGE * * Thursday Friday and Saturday, this week. Florence Britton and Tim McCoy, in "SILENT MEN" Fighting, riding, and loving. Out- door Western, and added: attraction. * * * % Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 12, 13 and 14, Myrna Loy and Garry Grant, in: "WINGS IN THE DARK." zooming areoplanes crash against death, with love at the finish. Also chapter 8 of the Serial, and "Popeye" and other attractions." * Thursday, Friday, Sat'day, next week "Hollywood Party" PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, B.A, B.D,, Minister Rev. F. Waite, of Limerick, Sask, | will occupy the pulpit during August. PERRET 2 Puth GEC prey od FOR SALE ! One Pure Bred Holstein Cow, due to freshen August 17th, Also 10 White Lehorn Cockerels, Apply to A. R. Woodley, Prince Albert. Vis EALED TENDERS addressed the S undersigned, and endorsed 850 der for Harbour Wall, Oshawa, Ont, will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Saturday, August 17, 1985, for the construc tion of an extension to the Harbour Wall and Dredging at Oshawa, Ontario County, Ontario, Plans, form of contract and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, at the office of the District Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ont.; Toronto Builders Exchange an struction Industries, 1104 Bay Street, To- ronto 6, Ont., also at the Post Office at) Oshawa, Ont. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth therein. Each tender must' be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Cans ada, payable to the order of the Honourablé the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, uncondition- ally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the afore. mentioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount. NOTE--The Department .will supply blue prints and specifications of the work on de- posit of a sum of $20.00, in the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The de- posit will be released on- return of the blue prints. and specification within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If not: returned within that period the -epoatt will be forfeited. By order, ; N. DESJARDINS, X Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 8, 1985. The Men's Bowling Club held their annual tournament on Wednesday, July 31st. Besides four sets of prizes the Jeffrey cup and the Port Perry Bowling Club Cup were given. There were 16 rinks entered from the following places: Peterboro 2, TE ------ Port Perry 4, Uxbridge 2, Oshawa 3, Lindsay. '1, Whitby -2,- Cannington 1, St. 'Matthews, Toronto, 1. + C." McNab, of Uxbridge,' won the Jeffrey Cup and '1st prize' 'with three wins and a score of 46+. C..C. Stenhouse of Oshawa, won' the Port Perry Cup and 2nd prize with 3 wins and a score of 30. A Miller, of Uxbridge, won third prize with 2 wins and a score of 42-1. N. Thomas, of Whitby, won 4th with 1 win and a score of 34. The Oshawa Bowling Club were the guests of Port Perry Bowling Club on Thursday evening of last week, Three 8-end games were played and prizes were given for the highest scores. The prize winners for the evening were as follows: Mrs. Brownlee, of Oshawa, 1st, with a score of 39. Mrs. Chapman, of Port Perry, 2nd, with a score of 30. - Mrs. McFarlane, of Port Perry, 8rd, with a score of 29. Mr. Brownlee, of Oshawa, 1st with a score of 43; Mr. C. C. Jeffrey, of Port Perry, 2nd, with a score of 34; R. Jeffrey and G. Palmer had to play off to break a tie for 3rd, and R. Jef- frey won the play-off with a score of 28. The scores of the players were: Oshawa -- Mrs. Brownlee 30, Mrs. Bonnetta 23, Mrs. Dempsey 14, Mrs. Stevens 24, Mrs. Clatworthy 21, Mrs. Legge 20, Mrs. Stacey 24, Mrs, Lorris 22, Mrs. Kaiser 23, Mrs. Bain 19. J. Fisher 27, B. Ward 16, G. F. Turney 19, W. Brownlee 43, G. Murray 24, W. Jackson 24, A. E, Bonnetta 23, J. Hef- ferman 17, J. Bryce 22, T. W. Kaiser 20," H. Stacey 26, H. Pawson 18. Port Perry: Miss H. Mellow 20, Miss H. Jeffrey 14, Mrs. Chapman 30, Mrs. Jackson 28, Mrs, E., Beare 15, Mrs. McFarlane 29, Miss E. Somer- ville 24, Mrs. Palmer 24, Mrs. F. Jeffrey 25. A. P.' Ingram 27, Robt. Somerville 20, C.-C. Jeffrey 34, C. Cann 18, R. Jeffrey 28, R.Williams 23, Wm, Grahdm 11, A, P. McFarlane 26, .| G. Palmer 28. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LL.B. Offices 7% Simcoe Bt. 8., Oshawa Phones, 4 and 6 (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 (Whitby) CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, August 11th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Service, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH August 11th-- In the absence of Rev. D. Fer- guson, the Rev. P. Wilson tet ie, of Toronto, wil conduct the services in the Presbyterian Churches at h- burn, Utica and Port Pe at regular hours, In view of the ob- servance of Derry Day, on Monday, || the vote in Port, on Wednesday the 14th, special refererice will be made to, both these svents, and as Mr, Currie is well known in these parts, there ought to be & large attendance MANCHESTER Mrs. Grant Christie spent a tow days at Fergus this week. Mrs. D. Harris and little daughter, of Hamilton, visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W. Crosier. Mr. and Mrs, J. Hogg, of Mount Albert Mr. Croan and Mr, Oldham, also of Mount Albert, with Mr and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow, on Sunday. Miss Josie Mitchell, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mitchell, Miss Rosie Masters has returned home after visiting with friends in | Taronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. I. Moore and baby, visited Mr, and Mrs, F. Lamb last week, Mrs. A. Crosier attended the Len- Monday. Miss Dorothy Roper 'has retumed home to Toronto, after spending her holidays with Mrs. J. Masters, - Mr. J, Lepere, of Toronto, is visit ing with Miss Tindall. Mr. Mac Wilson, of Timmins, has been visiting with Mr, W, Crosier. Sorry to report Mrs, Barrett not so well at time of writing. - Messrs, 'Arthur and Geo. Ormiston end on a fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs, J. Johns and son at- tended the Graham picnic at Lake- view Park, Oshawa, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bryant attended the evening program. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bray, Miss Susie Bray and Mr. Will Bray, visited with | Miss Mary Martin, at Prospect, on Sunday. : Misses Doris an Daisy Bryant re- cently spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stacey, of Columbus, Mrs. Stewart and daughter have re- spending -several weeks with friends here. ": Mr. and Mrs. Street and family, of Whitby, visited" at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Bryant, on Sunday. Miss Hazel Grose, Mr. Fred Cox, of Toronto, are spending a few days with with Mr. and Mrs. J. Grose. Miss Ruby Wilson of Oshawa, is spending a couple of weeks at her home here. Miss Huntley, of Whitby, is holi- daying with her cousins Misses Doris and Daisy Bryant. Mr. and Mrs, Warden, Mrs, War- den, Sr., of Bowmanville, called on Miss Ethel Bright, on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Britton, of Sarnia, spent one day last week with Miss D. Bright. Miss Laurene Miller, Messrs. Clay- ton and Clarence Miller, Norman Wil- son, spent the week 'end at Coldwater. Mrs. A. Miller and son Gordon have returned home after spending two SE EE Shi a Only a i = Few Weeks HW 2 Ahead | 2 B : AUGUST § [8 n 19 : = i . } 8 R20. §W i i 5 5 21 or vam mom omommn® STAND PERFORMANCES, = t CHAS. P. DAVIS, (Secretary, 4 Mr. and Mrs, G. Taylor visited with. nox Picnic at Jackson's Point on| were at Salmon Lake over the week turned to their home in Toronto after]. Lawrence's (You Can Save = 0 GS A guaranteed pro- duct for eczema and other skin dis- "orders, $1.00 bottle PHONE 49 's Drug Store News en Safety at Your Rexall Store) Check These Values DARLEY'S STOCK SPRAY-- 1; gallon 65¢., FLY-TOX........ 33c., 57c., and 97c. PEARSON'S CREOLIN, 20c., 35¢., 50¢. FRENCH BALM ........25¢c. and 39¢. = MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE SEIDLITZ POWDERS, ++... 15c. pkg. ANDREW'S LIVER SALT,.. 29¢c, 49c¢. A M. LAWRENCE rae Rangll so 1 gallon $1.25 25¢. and 39c. 2 pkgs. for 25c¢. PORT PERRY Phone 61, = o pO weeks at Midland, Coldwater and, Orillia. Misses Eric and Catherine Toss, of. Oshawa, are holidaying at the one of Mr. and Mrs, J. Wilson." Trek Mrs. Johns and' 'Mildren are pongt|* ing. a.. couple of .weeks with her daughter in Toronto. 3) Mr. and Mrs. Pilkie; and Mrs. Maye. 'spent one day last week with relatives in Goodwood: Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson, Lnodon, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilson one day last week. Sunday School and Church service have been discontinued for the month of August and wil be re-opened on Sept. 1st, with Sunday School at two o'clock' and church service at three. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bray spent one day this week in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, R. Davidson. Miss Beamish:of Oshawa, is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. R. Moon. Mrs. G. Luke, of Rachine, W.C,, is spending some time with Mrs, Chas. Luke. Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson, Miss L. Miller, and Mr, Norman Wilson, at- AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS, LIVE STOCK, LARGE MIDWAY, FIREWORKS, GRAND FRUIT "AND VEGETABLE EXHIBITS, | FLOWERS AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS. 8 ONTARIO COUNTY'S ANNUAL EXHIBITION / HORSE RACES, of W. E. N, SINCLAIR, K.C., M.L.A,, Presi dent Rare Bargain in Beatty Washer! Slightly used BEATTY Electric. Washer for balance of payments. . . CARNEGIE HARDWARE CO. 'the Christie- Claughton picnic on Sat- "Apply to Port Perry tended the Garden Party at Zephyr last 'week, Mrs, Wm. Avery, and Mrs. Miller Front one e day of thia week at Enfield. UTICA 'Rev. 3 Edmunds "and 'niece : aris : Page, of Uxbridge, called on Me, d i Hortop recently. © : The. three children of Mr. vhs ; Thompson, .. Markham, . are. . making their home with their aunt Mrs, Geo. Miller. Mrs. Kleffman and children, of Pennsylvania, and' Mr. and Mrs. Jef- frey, of Weston, called on their aunt Mrs. B. McKercher, recently. Rev. Jos. Denny: is leaving in about two weeks for a trip to England. About one hundred people attended urday. Mr, Harold Jory Mr. and Mrs. Earl on Saturday. Mrs, Jas, Hortop visiting in Port Perry. Mr, Edgar Hogarth and sons of Napanee, Mrs, McDonald and Mrs. Cassidy, of Brooklin, with Mr, and Mrs. E. Kendall, and Audrey with owsam at Altona, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pryman and ; children with Mrs, J, Ackney. Mr. and Mrs. E, Gunyou and Jackie spending their HE with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs, E. A, Christie. LEON E. OSIER, I Manager. | Crem 5 Social on Air, 1h evel 4 ened ah 3 ter Billie Geer with his 'grand! mn "Mr. ogo Mrs, Redshaw at laremont. The Ladies' Aid will hold an an Ice 1dth, A 'amily Al- The anid Pi Clob ted il 'hold their annual corn roast sometime in the near future, ot 3 N We Carry a Full Stock of Lumber and Roofing Materials -- Frames, Sash 'and Doors mad . to order. \ : : Try us and get results Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. co 5% Phone 240 : PORT PERRY, ONT. | Eyesight Specialist 'Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times. - DISNEY BLOCK ; Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 1616 SUITS "CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office Ll] ELECTRICAL "Phone to JOHN FARMER Eves Examined FREE F. E. LUKE : Yonge St. Toronto ~~ DR. W. 8. HARPER i Gn Teinity 0 Msdioal College and a Burgery--Port Percy, Ont, W. 'A. Sangster - DENTAL SURGEON Offies Hours: 9 am. to 5 p.m. _ Offies Up-stairs, over Bmamerson's J. 0. rm -- RO. Foc ORRISONS DE *brua very a 3 s Repairs * Royal SV, a ¥ e 4 - - + 4 2 | > ' L 3 + » di " oh FY ~ » | OR ¥ § \ Ll 4 i.) td »> Bo » - .& - Radio . Ld

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