Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Aug 1935, p. 5

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® . > pig ) ey PY a a - a oo -W Yd -». i lad - »i « x » EN Sh LI § 4 - veh. + git bay PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1035 4 od i a CS-------------- -- il Blackstock Continuation. | School Report MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS Louise Davidson -- Can. Hist. I, Chem. 2, Lat. Auth. 1, Lat, Comp, 1. ' Leona Devitt--A. Hist. 2, Physics 1, Chem. 1, Fr: Auth. 2, Fr. Comp. 2, Ellen Emerson--Alg. C, Chem. III Muriel Fallis--Lat. Auth, III, Lat. Comp. C, Fr, Auth. C, Fr. Comp. C. Birdie Gibson -- Eng. Comp. III, Eng. Lit. C, Alg. C, Lat. Comp. 2. Ray Graham -- Eng. Lit. C, Can. Hist, II, A, Hist. IT, Physics C, Chem. III, Lat. Auth..II, Fr, Auth. C, Fr. Comp. II. Mildred Hooper--Chem, III, Latin Auth. III; Lat. Comp. C, Fr. Auth, Il Norma McQuade -- Eng. Comp, C, Alg, C, : ; ' Victor Malcolm -- Eng. Comp. II, Eng. Lit, I, Chem, I, Fr. Auth. C. ~~ Anson' Taylor--Eng. - Lit, II, Can. Hist, II, Physics I, Chem. II, Fr, Auth C, Fr, Comp. II, : Pearl Taylor--Eng. Lit. C, A. Hist, Cin : 3 * Harvey Thompson--Eng. Comp. C, Alg, III, Physics II, Lat. Comp. IL . Lorna Trewin--Lat, Comp. II. Mabel VanCamp -- Can. Hist, I, Chem. I, Fr. Auth. I, Fr, Comp. I. t Annie White--Eng. Lit. II, Chem II Eva White--Eng. Lit. C, Alg, C.' Walter Wright -- Eng. Comp. III, Eng. Lit I, Can, Hist. II, A, Hist. II, Alg. II, Physics I, Lat. Comp. II. BLACKSTOCK On Friday evening a very success- ful Recital was given in the Com- Cecil Hyde. Music was furnished by the Port Perry Orchestra. The prizes presented by Mr, Brown of the Pedlar People, Oshawa, for the best Old Time munity. Hall by the following piano waltz were won by Mrs. Florence and vocal pupils of Ada Jones Sadler: Misses Verna McNally, Dorothy Wright, Wilma VanCamp, Audrey Mountjoy, Ruth Bell, Pearl Wright,| Kathleen Wright, . Anna Thomson, Edith Wright, Vivian Sadler, Pauline Ferguson, Marjorie Galbraith, Mabel " VanCamp, Jean Wright, Alice John- ston, Mrs. Walton Larmer, Masters Howard Forder, Neil Johnston, Maurice. Samells. A vocal duet and encore by Messrs. Ralph and George Sadler 'added to the enjoyment of the , evening, as did also three selections by the Glee Club. : a One of the best and most largely attended barn dances of the season was held-on Friday evening last in the beautiful new Heipler barn of Mr. Thomson and Mr. Jack Smith, The annual -church strvice of the Black Preceptory was held in St. John's Church on Sunday evening and was conducted by the rector Rev. C. C. Harcourt and special music pro- 'vided by the choir. The parade led by the Blackstock Fife and Drum Band was well represented by the various lodges of the district. On Monday they held their celebration at "Pontypool which was attended by a large number from Blackstock and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, Miss Jean Wright, Mr. Fred Trewin, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Ginn, made a recent 'week end motor trip to North Bay. They called on Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill and visited the famous Dionne quintuplets at Callander. Misses Georgina Sutherland and Mary Rutledge, of Bancroft, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, N. S. McNally, Misses Sadie and Anna Roland, of Millbrook, are visitors of Mr, <and Mrs... Alex Johnston, ; Among the taventy-six near rela- tives of Mr, and Mrs. Jos: Archer who met at their home on Sunday, Aug. 4th, for a \quiet and happy re-union were: Mr, and Mrs. W. Irwin, of Mid. land, Mrs. Mary Colwell and Miss Margaret Colwell, of Vasey, Dr. D. Archer, of Oshawa, Mr. Jas. Archer, Miss Lizzie Archer, of Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fee and family, Mr. and Mrs, Meredith Thompson and family. - : ' The August. meeting of the Vie- torian Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, John McKee, on Wednesday afternoon the 7th, with an atteridance of 47. In the absence of the president Mrs. C. Marlow, the meeting was in charge of the 1st Vice President Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and was opened with the Institute Ode which was~followed by the repeating of the 28rd Psalm and The Lord's 'Prayer in unison, The program which was in charge of Mrs, McKee was as follows: a reading by Miss Della Lethangue, "Rustic reading by Miss Leona Devitt, "The Faithful Few"; a reading by Mrs. Ri Mahood, "Children's Associates", a reading by Miss Helen Fowler, "A Little Rhyme and a Little Reason", a reading by Miss Norma Hooey "A Slave to 'One's House", an article on "The Scugog Institute" read by Mrs. C. Ferguson and a "Wife Contest" conducted by Miss Heelen Fowler. Lunch was served by Mrs. McKee's group. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rutledge and son of Toronto, spent Sunday with rela- tives in the village. q--a HERE'S extra value for you in each of Pontiac's many features. For General Motors has engineered into this car only advancements which definitely add to riding ability and safety. "Pontiac is built around lished reputation for reliability, economy and long life. The advantages of this policy will be demon- strated when you drive invite you to do, knowing that the experience not only will save you money but guide you to the most gratifying motor car investment you ever know . or particularly in view of the liberal allowance we will make on your car plus GMAC. ; enc' LS t m uf gnowld TEAST jf cod Tien YO noatollce fot © PROM ¢ form =. ove \e ot I cefer® othe ing ale Cour P we bY rel ore 8Ccord ¥ Ba dealer voday - 11 in her PRICED FROM - factory, eo only extra == Prices of 8-cyli - facto D n at $1149. every Pontiac (for the Standard Six 2-Pass. 5% "~~ Coupe) : 'Delivered, fully equipped at , Oshdwa, Ont. Freight .~' and Government Registration, nder models at appearance, performance, Constantly improved, an engine with an estab- the '1935 model. This we the low - rate financing of PAS)? i & 2.2 é and ° -- ' ; Shad ght \ Only Pontiac has this splendid water-cool- ing system which - makes possiblegreater engine efficiency and longer life. Increased safety, complete insulation and freedom from squeaks and rattles "feature this exclusive method of body- building. 2 WER "Rolls" you over bumps without jar- ting or."neck-snap". Available on Straight Eight and-De Luxe Six models. Pontiac*s Triple Sealed Hydraulica bring you to a quick, even stop well within "safety limits. They . are dirt-and-weather- . Enables you to shift silently, easily throughout the entire gear range; simplifies control under all driving conditions. Individual weather * conditioning for you and your passengers. _ Endsdralts, 'muddy' * interiors and clouded windshields. EE 4 ---- . « ¥ ; Dealer, | Port Perry Courtship"; al "daughters, twenty grandchildren, Mr. Miss Betty Knox, of Hampton, Miss Vera Powell, of Uxbridge and Miss Olive VanCamp were recent visitors Joy. Rev. C. C. and Mrs, Harcourt spent a few days last week with the form- er's sister and husband, Mr, and Mrs, F. R. Dickinson, at their. summer home at Port Bolster. Miss Mary Henderson, of Brant- ford, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton, 1a Congratulations are extended to the Blackstock Boys' ball team on winning the tournament at Pontypool on Monday afternoon. They played three games with the following re- sults: Blackstock 16-Bowmanville 8, Blackstock 16-Millbrook 5; Blackstock 20, Peterboroo'0. ; Roy Bradburn of Detroit, spent a few days recently with his parents Mr, and Mrs, D. W. Bradburn. Sunday afternoon proved a delight- ful and happy time at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Wright when their children, grandchildren and a few close friends gathered together to re- 'mind then that on Saturday, August 10, 'Mr. Wright had passed another milestone and that on Wednesday, 'August 14th, Mrs. Wright would have done the same. The afternoon was spent quietly and in the evening a lovely 'birthday supper including ice served on the lawn. Among the 41 present were three sons, three and Mrs. Chas. Sisson, of Toronto, were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn and of Mises Frances and Grace Mount- | cream and lemon and orange ade was | -------- end with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. R. Stinson. ' Miss Marion Stinson has returned to Oshawa after holidaying with her parents Mr, and Mrs. R. Stinson. On Thursday evening of this week the Prayer Service will be conducted by the Misses Dorothy Prentice and Ruby Wilson. A good turnout is hoped for, FRA The Young Peoples' Society at the various points have been discontinued until the fall. The L. O. L. No. 2139 held 'their regular meeting last Friday night in Memory Hall. Many were the ex- pressions of sorry owing to the sud- den and lamented passing of one who had been the staunch friend of the lodge for so many years, a.e. Mr, R. Mr." Harper's son was duly installed in his late father's Steward. ------ HONEYDALE Those who attended the Women's Institute meeting at Solina, from this Branch, were Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Gerrow, Mrs. Owen, Mrs. Wells, Miss Dorothy Williams and Mrs. J. Reader. Mr. Howard Mills, Miss Vera Wells and Mrs. Chas. Mills, visited with friends in the section on Sunday. The sympathy &f the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren, in the loss of their infant girl. family of Janetville and Mrs. William Barton, of Blackstock, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs. D. W. Brad- burn. Mrs. M. Smith spent a few days last week with Miss Lizzie Archer of Port Perry. Miss Lula Wright spent the week Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday, Aug. 8th, Wray Edwards, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Edwards, aged 26 i years. The funeral service was held at the home of his parents on Sunday, August Ilth at 3.30. The large at- VERYTHING considered, snap- shooters are a lucky lot. As we have seen, they have the edge on or- dinary mortals in the matter of real: ly personal, meaningful birthday or other types of greeting cards. And they have the means of creating gifts of exceptional charm and value. These particular "means" are the snapshot negatives from which beat tiful enlargements can he made. If you haven't yet experimented with enlargements, now's the time. In enlarging a picture you get not only a bigger, more realistic image, _but the opportunity to select the best part of any negative for magnifica tion. Suppose you haye a good nega- tive of the youngsters at play in the sandbox -- a picture: which thelr grandparents would be delighted to have, enlarged, as a gift. But suppose there's something fincorgruous--a wash on the line, a lawn mower Or anything else that doesn't ald a thing to the charm of the view--to the right or left of the children. With an enlargement, that distracting, un. necessary feature can be completely 'eliminated, . ; Enlargements may be of almost any size. Any good negative, no mat- ter how small, may be "blown up" to make a picture five or six times;the SNAPSHOT CUILE ENLARGEMENTS W Enlargements make Ideal gifts for friends and relations. 314 inch film will easily give you a sparkling 8 x 10 inch enlargement. A word about subjects for enlarge- ments--particularly if-they're to be used as gifts. Choose pictures that will mean something to the recipl- ents. A shot of Fido trying to climb a tree after Cleo, the cat, will be vastly appreciated by big brother or sister away at College, but it won't mean very much to Aunt Cynthia who doesn't care for either dogs or cats. ' f Some of the best enlargements we've seen have been landscapes--or seascapes, Mountains usually make good pictures. _A friend of ours makes a practice of getting informal shots of his friends which are enlarged. and de- livered to the various cronies as gifts. 'All of which simplified his gift problem. * : With the coming of summer you getting many plotures that will make beautiful enlargements such as a ploture of grandmother in the flower garden, or sister standing dn front of a tree filled with beauti- ful gpring blossoms, Opportanities for beautiful ple- tures are countless at this time of year, so go forth with your camera and got them. size of the original. A sharp 2% x JOHN VAN GUILDER. 4 Harper, A two-minute silence was |& .observed." position in the lodge, that as Fnancial | § There passed away in St. Michael's |} RED & WHITE STORE | SPECIALS | : Ww i ) Vinegar %irvio Angler Salmon, 1's, Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. Redpath Sugar 35c. a gallon EA LT, 2 for 19c. 59c. $5.29 M © d- Gran. Dresses Neat, well made, in soveral attractive styles. 98c. Blue denim work with rivets 98c. pants, w..ite. Ladies' Shorts, assorted colors--blue, green, and 69c. Regular 98¢. To Clear. Ladies' Organdie Dresses ...98c. Plain colors, also some with colors, reg. $1.39 and $1.50 value Childs' Bathing Suits Women's Bathing Suits to Clear One only, size 36, reg. $2.95, for $1.98 2 only, sizes 38 and 40, cardinal and green, $1.95 for $1.69 Reg. $1.26 and $1.95 lines clearing Regular 76c¢. at 98ec, lines for 59e¢. Silk Hosiery Monarch full-fashioned, service weight Hosiery 69c. White Plates - GLASSWARE A SPECIALTY Cups and Saucers, Clover Leaf, 98c. dozen . Glass Tumblers at be. each § Al! kinds of white, green, and amber dishes at market price. - $1.10 dozen ¥ : Phone 43 [Se Soutet Sil JSS SNE I A SHE TIMES THE Tee! « Coal winter's coal at a saving. comfort next winter. The "Blue." FRED E. ~ Lumber The time is slipping by when you can buy your next If you have not already done so, let us fill you bin with coal that will insure you real heat LUMBER--We have a good stock of lumber on hand and can fill almost any kind of a bill. B. C. SHINGLES, ASPHALT and METAL ROOFING. BODYWOOD, Hardwood and Softwood SLABS. LIME, CEMENT, TILE, MARMILL POULTRY FEED. Ammen Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73) Wood coal with marked quality-- l] REESOR especially meats, "FOR THAT PARTICULAR TASTE This is the time of the year when one's taste is very particular-- Our meats are so tasty and delicious that the most fastidious appetites are satisfied. Phone your next order to CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery (endance and beautiful floral tributes showed the love and esteem in which the deceased' was held. He leaves to mourn his loss, his sorrowing par- ents, two sisters Helen and Norma, at home, and four brothers Jack of Kirk- land Lake, Bert. of Blackstock, and Cecil and Lloyd at home. The pall- bearers were Bob. Hill, Harold Retrie, Bush McLean, H. Cross, A, Darling- ton and Marwood Dickey. Among the beautiful floral tributes were wreaths from Miss Lorraine Sherlock, Mr, and Mrs. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickey, Mount Dennis Service Station, the Weston Station, Honeydale Institute, Sunday School and W. A. of Nestle- ton, Mr. J. Forder, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tinney and family, Mrs. K. Vincent, \ Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Burhs, Mrs. Jno. Forder and Vera, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin, Bill Proctor and Gordon Brown, Mr, Van Wright and Miss Audrey, the boys at the store, Mr. and Mrs. H, Porteous and family. The heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity goes out to those who mourn. "Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on his gentle breast, There by his love o'ershadowed, Sweetly my soul shall rest." "HOUSE FOR RENT. Known as the Russell Wilson house, south side of town. Apply to Mrs. Chas, Gerrow, Port Perry R.RA4. | al fas FONTAN ir. - BA RH i ARN CHIR S. 0 ; bok

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