Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Sep 1935, p. 2

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NB Son oS = EE TA, pa ~ r= dad LD OF FLAY A i ! ! 4 4 + % 4 . Fibs NGS Ko , Ere (Vt Maui api Sgeiiitin' of foGtyteps Wu KVgt wth & pnd Jeg She ven pdt Bushing: intg' ver' futher's ih Jeg! vr, J (YIgdl ly jotued LA truck, 4d VT last of ay CWE MY Bavadan alwys ming and' gobie' arid: you' know that the anthoritids gy ddtdimindd (0 daepladiy' ie death 1 thought) pe taps yan might dhtahi gomd tdes wus RENISETN ite Hw CB if a ion i ddad'? ir diego felt afte feed ree, " tHe edt contdmptuontly Hy eavidd, ward df Highs eae af hie that id "Tooling fey Higrerdy!? i plain' dy af pilrdetnt Maced Mv The fadevdd dine, FO (me witnleé aunt iH ELEALTLS Added" "Yon Hot Pony aw sure of it van ay wise iddd dnt pit fd Be [odd astray Binfedn illdd think Ay By thant Bladlemansodd, Hihegld) FAS piridotly id Ny OF domes Vy anid 7" Plagtnl it) te dd with FTE Pld iE ard Ha dee yo anid me gb get vou, mrénded' té dy away with i the jay dv butted in Ror dart mon Flagg , 3 < 4. + > BSL A RR i dda a oo jshHavgily. winders | Idmding that hem!" Folded thie plite 160 id, aff die REO way ap!" He'|} : [tuted in [lin plavdd! ib ted a Logie that Be lad! faded ite Ghee [dyad did ot ale for a donfaion. 1k Laukdd' far tHE plate, PRE di st dinindd gia i way fe i ha "7 YIP Y Py By Stuart Main LS = lo Se Ts [he plate wwas snirshed, you' dant ide . i Hidvd ie Fo saw it Aer [ABE tHe tae i He study wierd fit! wis laid bby whodtdy avdd' it thei dure' that home Vd saw it glared' thee Avid! helio placed E77 You inst' Have Beet idden' of the study, anid Hho Td net day wa) duid' Paster, wentiv in time td rddodtr fd the position' into' whieh' Het wis - Belg [avigrindd ST dnd 1 dn it dn dhe dtndy dahl? SBOE yan dnid it was Paced' tHevd IPR EE AE TY was Oldloyd tid Huvrhds figwned, (OF dani wan doit ENGL IIE HEE wae (de lava IHW way that? " } "i plavdd' it thie aid' dide et nferinintaly Be welded Pie ied ddtndined' il HAA SPR anid! Hie, with! a FUN | \ Sm vdry dimavl" CHE wa Bat iv lad! a Fug" "Why ae fhe" ALAS (He (hid! was ant, Thedford it mdant that av REE Vou {ed Her winter colléetion: im @ 5 | ow Cahgwddt Ghdided and Me FOR WINTER Plissemuitenies;, Looped! Vell Addl Pls Ave kad! Barth CHmiel] vivian + hate: Pe Veit) WHI chante: ii tk ORE ite off estore" elegance; (CATT) velvety, Pie riod stat 18 evident' in (Hee IEE sHoulder Hivises' aid' sid sash Hows anid! dk (iD the bated] anid! shived' floutivings on evan skirts attuedied! or didgori' ies Aeros' the skits avid! bel ted! Hips: | Prgrilvent! sion (He ton sully Bless avid! dey be vv sig! vers tilly ded! sin didie Ue arta Woot it sirfigle belted! dnt with a Heri! off veHite dt! tHe neon aid! Wwidktly david srifelll vat HIE Heth dolor off thet postillin) origin ae thpifed! up at" tee sides apd! ide of tHe dif' ataterinl dy tHe sporty el pocketed! Al Hose ove tHe HotiEl devdegiet off ily Chir! Thies anid! dail Av Mhive@ eehny tHe Big ote iy a Hop Wiritew dou Whi willl tite the pliive off the lll lag eg thiddaquivter digi © These iw | diy dt tHe dln toys), ave (dedi off oe style But Clint! alta ded By Ise vetiis | tds dnd ariiiison duit fave aide vimnirdd! with prssdititalive, hoy Lédl valvdt fina, Bividy off mBBow avd! vad, puffed! wma and! Lquintities off fave Ade aw wih Alot Mid e dduds vanes Seon Hip Iafrtl te tide quivtéieg, widuly Bavdued aid Andy With contiasting fon dldavdd andl polis ov Biel of | TOY. Bist dont fo yoni women Lappe With geitted dipelilte Bad; feiviited! id vow of filwdy. He akivls Ave SEPATEHE and AuvEon Evening didsidy avg dimple and! Cig, WIEN SHE Bell divide. Phe vet! Brine, Pus, RBbent val Harden TE was goriieous' im Ess wins wid! peoples cane: ti bok: a itt from with many atterivon modes add be 16d), velba anid! white bssoms: tails gw thee fi and drdsses iv @ whole devi off] IV ik rotiveatle tit Hate ip tHe) Sit with sHovd cont, Betted! aid! wasp whist cot with sHouldiar gigi Hall. J¥ Hud! Ben so long on vidaw it Pie dain cobctiol of tse COUTRE Aypreatistiiom off Goud! Things Ik grea! Bist! By Cantiaels A lie dit! wi tiem th sere year anid! fod. Bower grow so t fis a oni! or so muel @s @ stick dno them). Plrplé, pinks al' itires; { 'wd! grout) @ smal! pool ieee ones opie mete whirl], aud! the (ili! Alpen! Her Heide wih didights. i LOE ib demutifull!' she: cried] ABN mothers, 1 wish we could! Haves @ gadean like tha! HI teres wis Hie diother seid! nothing. butt iin] SHAVE Herr eves sought' the Housed f | Your Handwriting Tells Your Real Chavacter? By CEOFFEY $I. CLA (Croptiolbglie)) A Bighives Meserved!. Many letters: recetinly line enmquli- spending Hed stad an! unmlbored! dd! for some @ditftion) fietls atiout: Hite a saad tid! pave! wlio Hes: put A flaw Hitley Huss wore grows i Beside tHe: gored 46 though sone die it dt spit off pity Had! verve Hevea! it dling. 7 CONIIEASTY INT GARDENS LOM il vey exiting, inthe ib) sh arEverad! fil. Yes, le ily @) lovely titi. THe only thing thay deen to Bee ler out ile tHe Houke-- ddl donite gion. Thee oie tow aft owes for lave evan" Hw lik jwaoulil! Graphology andl why it reves all! ghee Hud! or Her Hild! arid! seeped | chimeetins fom: Hadivttting. So im SHaWHilY away fom observation [ite mest ome or two atiides;, at legist], I avy godine thither inte (His ane Wer wee eepive @ Totter fiom @ iden! it ile mot neessEny tw open it im order to Buow fore whom (t comet. A gli att tie welt: om tie: envelope ie usually sufficient. Thee styler tells us atl ome whe the witdter i. We weognive the wilt wieshipe as readily as we J Hie vole. ThHiks shows ue wemy comin ingiy DAU few idles away wie aiothions divide), lige, oldie and thadiitivng| [wad dllitost forgotten. ie djl! di! ot gy Hee Handle aw (dy drt! tvongl 4 witket! iw A Bow Hodigs Mase was andsed! Hwiiy With ia iline Borders, low halls ond! step fo diffareng levalls, a Ruidived! sayviistion off stats, flows dv Th! down di Bicol mituve Had! put few lee aatovally, whine [til y dowd Below. Tle omy dsm |ddgion to foumudlity Wis a low avenue 6f Relistusye: so Ble ith sem jay (hough privy of fie sly Had! falllan, ja dedend ote to Beng sug die dostiing Bemity of te plies. Flows [andl fHeve & jist of watey splistiod) [godly foo a welll. [| "ed we dit ow Gili stone Bows inde five everson tracy. We went thay thoes must: He some sot: off coms nection Hetiveen te style off Homb wilting andl the gasondity of tie walter. Avothier fonilime ewiilonee off thi iis tHe fact tied no tive posons wilt exetlly alilte notwithstanding tht Hundiedle off tHowsondls off ws leamied! to write from the sone coppioolt aud were taugit to fomm out lettors in mecisely the sane Wi. Now iff Handling Bove no ne lationship to posomdity andl was wot inflamed! By the oiavietor off the indiniduadl, we would Al Be wait tiny tiie Begutitall Spoteerimn cop porplife we ware taught at soltooll. But aw it ik, mod one iin (fly fons andl wiltes in this name five peas After leaving sellout § Wack owe of ue Haw aNdiffed the dspylioolt style iw acomndidnes with one It ibs phiniin), therefore, thntt a pure sons Hamdiveiting ibs really a putt off tore off Hike volte. OF comse;, the sthilie off Hiondivnits ny dues noth im every case vemuiin te sine thoughout. the lite of a mmn or women, AA mon att At muy ott wdtee the same Hond! tia He dill whem lie wae 18 or 20), and! iff He lives to Hee 80 grr 900 itt will], iin alll mobability;, show fothieyr indioad- ome off chimes. This fot muovally emphusizes the velitimstilp Hoathwan Hundivididing andl personality; for it willl alivays Be found] thod whee thas iis a otimngee of Stplle jin @ pon sols writing thee iis alo © ane rsyonding: oimige im the perso us who pettiin the some dint; disposition andl nate hat we lad! im pouti. Repevienue andl wivissitad- as diy muon to modify our tempura ments, aud! withh suodh modifications come alterations in ony handy. Io some people the diuonge in very siiightt, while in otters itt iis wesw nots. I iis only necessary to add dhe very cavafull andl soientitfic investi tion Hwy onolsivelly © shown hag heme ils @ divert, conmetinn Getween the wavions featwes of a puoutivulr Haudiviiting: andl the dhauetfer of the writer. MH hos demly demon stoated that ames netave aad dis -- Conny Won Stites Pics Off World Rests Ow Fo BICONE J ------et Himself . TH ik am expnossiom off like pertomdity andl ji as cHmeactiiistile off Him ass thie way He wallis on the Himgelll. Atte alll, dione ave flow of | stony iin tite Clviistien ' tne fon Lowden England, } Tio pes of she world rests all) tiils momeny spon the additadls taken towand! wovldl affaeivs By five modern' wordy, said Mee Wath, presidents of the ovgawization. Not Bessie tie modmy vomen possesses swf fiviond polidieall or economic power, tle speaker contended fo seowe puavs--sie does mot--But Berane sli possesses qualities which, out. dibtanving in influence fhe nfivenes off ged anwies aad "wealth, om the suvest of fatemna tional wnderstanding and seowity-- tile qualities, that is, of enthowiaems andl off Huwaw sympathy. INTERNATIONAL WORK Duwi the five years of its exiat- nu, tie Associated Country - Women off He Would has been Busy im divect- ing thi enthasiasw 2nd syrapaiky inte international % togetiier the rural women of tiong--wowven who, as is pointed "Nive very mear to the realities of life, andl ave the more ready to have dime with superficialities ana fo. face facts. ; areadest frankmess ways amd nveans by which stronger amd strsuger links of international | friendliness may be forged. One of the methods by which pee- ple of all mations can be drawer to- gether, #8 was agreed, is by compar- ny and wrifying the work of their handy. People may "think™ differ- ently with their brains, but with their hands they "think" alike, and the meeting devoted: must time to the dinussion of how it might be {possible fo eollect and distribute the mentors and discussed with the .- Hi indioidivall cfinietar. Bact ls wiiesseiiously adopted @ style of wtiding had iis Best suited to Ris FE NBEE fe iitdnr af Oye lay. Ph ? UNE deat Blonse Hed i a mussaline £6] dale--fiwg Tosi. in ny fon avewataly ganged CIEE Had al dada Por dmasling THE] jigadell file dleiv Bud lined! wide pale) RECOGNTON OF Biadny Vos Renin i i l (COGNITION OF BEAU {Best im Bandicaft design in order (that everybody might hare it. plactdriaphie plavd." } pattie I platd." Ee iv. Flarnegd swany 1 CWENY aide s 7 CRATE var Benalla? WR thd Rlard wae fakdn freawy rh Flaw dd rR domly oh ale Far was Anthmy lado Bar Ra it Bask hie ne Adan ¢ 3 AWARs ARE Hlo#ads rad HAE KITA KAAATY. Ad HAWS aha it? nd AIEMARS ARS ATTA Anan Pod CWAY AYES FTO EA SWAT AftaTE TRE FRA WAS P< to prevent nwt fay wid Ke Grint fh 3H, i ; nes Flow d4 yA Rabw? Arn A 4 brs tH a tAtANAA WH Bastar fads, ifr thé Arai he [Rats wad phtirHbsa Fran that." ot SEAPATINE BATA de WARE wh? srrhby I thé Aid fiht Hhebpvs Hert &4 the pikiht fat ; fie Hh we «if His ihitd Ny f vast theta, ty i+ fib buh woe thbies AHA Hf HA Wanted fist fodte Headly, SH shbiid He fetish Ab Gif tite bidpttibnts : SHY IE we 1 Headed JRLET EIA AS pei ot 1 tied bred tha! Hs ft bod Bhat 10 Nd band petted fhiddnt St Foster Wit his di Hat bn feb gh gtithethitip that Oub bye desired {y ktbn sberedd Bib tn thie Hee Haid he Wedd int bald Foibsr (5 keep Hie fact &eevef Ap if Hiuphes wud ty fing it He Hi ft ede fit His Hiat We hid kine. CRON RE ay Nave Wad Bis ped Flood fue Hind he wid petitle. Uhl "WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER GOMES T0 WOMANHOOD Host pies 1 : i RT fravh held tee 4 HER {tute AHH FEpH: tet, Bye ; 4Ble F 8 5 it HH BHR: TedE Wi il L- bl ik aren Ao | i 4 i at ll koed dig stores: dopa erable Wi HE DR Lv hg at. | _ Isuie No; 38 = '38 Ab CO wand Ray stay and | CARE ROBO EO FTA | A Bava Added Ff Be Sond tWake Sapitar | that cond Bu?" £9. wondde aaid Wgdray, CAnvaay, (He Niggdd Ave darén ' CNG ne did Ast, appirdntly, dé- Gd fh SATAN RD NEE fad; Bot if ford (Ads vd fhat, aw you diy, inte wad gmat. AN iF sequived fe ATOR hi Wad A) Ei AR 7 CRE BE Eales CF asa Févr fimne" Haghes $€roek a mals and sé-lit | Ais PIR, WHICH Aad Fone wt. Aaa haan véhy gat 14 hat 5a "f Agpast JAadhiAy 0 WHE Wit FRA Agger" fas & praat Admitation fad Ope SN Fh Yair bd FraGuatihy dstoative yousset préabntly" CWA MAKSE yo think $677 UMBPETY CHAE Yo SHON S4NE baal tide {Hat fhaké the trike Rat Way." your Sit ay A "I weld ne satisfied With my des] fontive auilities if 1 exwld hind titibdbeny bt Mp. Batson "Hang ib all, that prder dex is dt Ghat sion With veut' "Ue tw the fading of the erin | idl, bt Erithitials. te Miss Barren" 'sna dehtt erisd Hughes sits his temped dll at ise, Hs pet elt his pif whl thihet bith Hie ERIE Ap EESIVEIY. ty Be Cunbinaedy Ethal'd - Biiminer (Lenna Adis Hill dir the New York Stil. j The delicate how herty bilboin Dieithd white in old felee iuwe ahd ehitldren play Flirgiph the eles light of an ei: Elddited day 'thew droop bright leads in sleep: From Biiimet's lobia Cuiie phstel--eolored dawg and teFhinEd alippled With tawny heat thst brutize by Hoo; Afterhvons diely and hot, an orange Hin : Hiditig the shy 61 velvet pighta "wheat pippled ; Be the alow higid of an impersonal ub wild black: bike to wii : Olinte eoppery-gold, Boon will the bait steiped Aiihes UF Aigtisk Fipen and ; siilight dapples Neglected orchards, and Fens bie Ehinged - To bills of sliver while ved lilies blow Ih swamps whee fell the wild BlaEkhEEY #00, pretiive UF Rave leavied from pet experi: ies that the shar of A motion ple: ive shold dob be burdened with the Fepbohubihbies BE & producer alse," Mary Pieklord, FOB Where Dalle andl amet deivaned Taught Indians Art Of HomeMaking He | » . « > | Missionary's Wife Recalls Exe perienices On Reserve 235 Years Ago | Mee Maclean, wife of the walk RAW aiggionary, Di. Jel Mactes, (ie fhe subject of an interview in. The Winnipeg Feidwne by Lilien Gib: Bos, in A series Articles on noted | | WHEN, . . | Mrs Maglean worked with hey f hishard ih the mission &t Melesd, | Aitay Ty years 888, Two years after Ewer aFrival (hers the Blosd Thdians Lol tne Blackfoot tebe Were put one to the Blood Indian Reserve #4 Old Man River: The Dominion govern: tient HAA just finished Sey the redérve, And the thdiang were being | persiidea {0 change their verming ite tor one of dumssticity. The Mae: leans learned theif language, 4nd ried tu teach them the Gospel story. | Mes. Maclean interested the In: dian women in sewing. Shs wrote to hier friends down Bast asking for cakien, print, scissors, needles and "the Giggest thimbiles you ean hig." "Why the biggest? Hessuse the wo: tien did all the work, putting tip tents and taking then down, eutting wont, did so forth, and their hatids were #48 wide as en's, The men deighed only to hint" Whe the thimbiles aviived, the wate were glad enough to wear thei, awkward thotgh Leg felt, he: vite they picked their fingers of the prifit on which they were titi: eed to sew. Cooking alse attracted the Indian weet; who stood in the doorway of Mrs. Maclean's kitehen to wateh hey ee spives, Balt they had seen, bit fot pepper. Pie was something new to thei, and when she actually gave them # taste, thelr eyes volledl Hut bocliing was restricted in the early dave, Prices were exorbitant: Wiggs cost 87 a dozen in summer and~gd in winter, # sack of sugar was §60=> ay Mwe gave up eating sugar sald Mrs, Maclean, Butler wae G06 in aitiier afd $1 a i in whiter, Folatoes were $7 for a 100-pound seh and even onions H0e a poind, Stops "Hopper Plague Hiandon, Man: == A ia we of Fasshoppers Was Exdesied fo the ek This year, but did not develop, Bee lB, Bind, Dominion Entom: olofisl, sald the eggs of the hoppers rotted in the ground, attacked by a disease brought on by rain and eoo wenthes : i Faally the child disleg ~T wonld! like fo stay Reve fovever, motder. I ves iY i he plice where fhe [faves ive FE doen seam vawll LON, fheve's a yellow Bivd ewding 5 [tle Beviiay off fhad Busi LC SPhad Bs why (Rese Buses were |plantad=--<te draw Bivds, dea. And [he gavdew was made for pesple fo [ast ih and to Be peseefsl and Kappy (and think of --of falvies The long 6) you stay, the Betder you Kke #. Doss i wake you think of amyriing, Mayr "Mayhe Mary studied, "a hitle Bit Tike our garden at howe. Owly ours is $6 Fide" "hark you," said ker wether, Pha is the best compitmént 1 ever had. Yes, if 1 Wad woney wy gars den would be big and besatifa) Hke| $ris one" : : Hey mother shiiled at her fete tion. Mary did net know it, but sh was getting & splendid lesson in good' taste" More Tourists Here in 1934 Washington Data.--=Number Of Canadians To See U.S, Also Up, WASHINGTON, = Necent Coi: fiers Department figires disclosed that ini the first year of repeal, Units ed Slates toiirists fnereased thelr ex- peiditires {ii Canada and Mexico, foriner tiedarby oases, Total expendi: tires hy United Btates tourists In 1084 were estimated at $314,000,000, Gompared with §$202,000,000 in .1949, Hit while there was a $10,000,000 drap in thie outlay overseas, tourists apeit $19,000,000 more in Canada, and $14,000,000 more in Mexico than dur. lig the last year of prohibition, AoE 1, 'Tayler, oficial who pre- pared tlie report, attributed an $13. 000,000 foreign tourist fnerease to a #8 per cent, jump In the number of Canadian motor ears entering the United Hiates, and a 29 per cent, in. ereasn in the number of aliens ad. fitted "for business, pleasure and transit" =n : lie figures for United Btates tours ist expendituves fneluded 10,000,000 for 480,000 eltigbna yeslding permans ently abroad ahd derlying Inoome from this nation, OF that number, liowever," 847,000 ving In Canada wera sald te derive thely prinaipal goles of fheome from farming in the Dominion, ; : United Atates tourists spent. §140, 000,000 In Canada last year, or 48 per cent, of the total United Blates tour. ist expenditures, Canadian tourists spent $47,000,000 here, a 44 per gent, Inereags over 1083, LT fagtes andl dlinations, and Has coneiantly giver fo if a distinet- ive dHargeter. : Like spessly oy gastos, writing SEIVES 49 4 dans for (he expression of thought, and fv expressing owr tHonghits we give expression to sur selves. When enue the at of weiding is learned we ave no lowger eonscions of the mental and manual efforts re- quired to form the Jeffers fheny- salves. J§ Becomes, as if weve, sez- ond waters to os. he 1] Would YOU fruth afiont gouvseli? Do yaw wish to hoew what gar friends ave really Rite? Fend spevivvens of the Randwritings gow wand analysing, stating age iw excl came. Jend Ific vw for exe specimen, and emeloue with Je stamped addressed envelope, to: Geollery $6. Claiy, Roows 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronds, Ont. All letters will be confidential and be answered as quickly as pes- sible. $90,000,000 to be Industry in US. Speeding Up. Facilities Of Plant Expansion To Pro- - duce More Motor Cars and Trucks, Detroit, -- The $50,000,060 expan. soil program annoinced by General Mofors Comporation rubs up to well over $40,060,000 the comitments made or contemplated by the auto. tnobile industry for enlargitg pro- diction facilities, Some of this huge sum has been expended already in providing facil). ties that enabled the industry to pro. diies this year more cars and trucks than in any like period since 1930, The General Motors investment is Jargest of any thus far announced, Optimistic Outlook The Word Motor Company several months ago began letting contracts oh # program of plant expansion in. volving approximately $27,000,000, a large part of it In"extending ith steel manufacturing facilities and the re. opening of a glass manufacturing plant, , The Packard Motor Car Com. pany's Investment against an expected steady 'ncrease In the demand for automobiles has to. talled thus far $6,200,000, large. ly In production facliities for the new lower priced model, lxpansion plans also have been announced by the Chrysler Corpora. tion. on behalf of two of its units = the Dodge division in an enlarged B: truck, producing plant and tho Ply. mouth division In the contemplated reopening of two plants ins Bvang. | ville, Ind, For the remodelling of these buildings And other alteration % work an outlay of $1,000,000 way pro. | vided, A primitive telephone ayktem Is installed In a village in the heart of Afylea, The telephone Instruments are made from cocoanut shells and | wives are of fibre, | QUEER WORLD A "truth serum," which makes it almost impossible for eriminals to tell lies when being questioned, is claimed to have been perfected by Mr. Leonard Keeler, of the North- West University, Chicago. The erirninal must submit to several ino- culations with the "truth serum" be- fore he comes under the influence. He then begins to talk freely--and truthfully. 7 Spiders that live under water must have air, and so a wonderful diving bell is constructed, ° The spider rises to the surface, makes a movement with one of her legs, which causes an air-bubble to form. This she takes down to her home twelve inches or so bescuth. Up she goes for another supply, until in her nest we see a large silvery ball _| which contains sufficient air to keep her going for a long time. An electric eel, capable of supply- ing enough electricity to light a neon lamp bulb, is in the aquarium at the Battery, New York, An of- ficial was standing on the edge of the tank whén the eel touched a wire he was holding. The charge was 80 great that the man was sent flying- five feet, . A ViRGAY J. a okel y SO MADE UP IN CIGARETTE TOBACCO litte to kuow the Mme. EMBROIDERY REVIVED | In England, it was explained, a steady revival of the art of embroid- ery Is in progress, with an attendant revival in the reproduction. of the most ancient design and stitchery, and there is more than a little de- sire to study the methods and med- (foms of other lands--of India and | China, and of the countries of Cen- tral Europe where embroideries are famous. This was also shown to be the case in the United States, where rural women are anxious for the |chances of wider study and are in genuine need of expert teachers possessed of international know- ledge. At the moment, the women are busy in the- preparation of a book which, when published, will furnish information "drawing the home tables of all countries into a pleas- ant unity in good things." : Business Woman Turns Sculptress Lombardi Give Re- markable Exhibition In London _- A remarkable exhibition of sculp- tured horses was shown recently at Londonderry House, London. There, hundreds of them in plaster, each: about a foot high, expressed every possible attitude of 'the horse in action. They are the work of Madame Vera Lombardi, sister of Captain Esme Arkwright and wife of an Italian cavalry officer. SAS HA An interviewer found them cover- ed with plaster among her horses." . They had come from Rome, and she had forgotten to mark the boxes "fragile". She mended legs while she talked, and these 'are some .of the surprising facts about her: Until a year or so ago she had never dreamed of being an artist. +I 8he was a buriness woman and still /| spends eight hours a day \ 1 | fice, She has never had an art les- in an of- son in her life, and knows nothing '| about anatomy. Her studio in her bed, where she works until she falls asleep, ; Mme, Lombardi was "discovered" 18 months ago by the great Spanish painter, Euolaga, = She has had a - remarkable career. She nursed at base hospitals throughout the war, being in charge of an operating room for two years, 2 After, the war she became manager for Chanel, the famous Paris dress- maker, and has taken Chanel col- lections all over the world. She started a sports department, which built up Chanel's workrooms from va | 200 hands to 2,400, . 4 Sa pe

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