Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Sep 1935, p. 4

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J ae ho Rs MEA Sm Tod =o. BO we oo Sh oa A Ta ~ RN a Yo 4 a 2 Ne on on Strid wpa i Ge Fy al 4 A, A 1s the daughter Graham, PERSONAL Rev. T. A. Nind has returned home after a visit of some weeks. with friends in England, He had a most delightful holiday and is in excellent health, His' many friends here are "glad to welcome him back to Port Perry. MOVED TO PETROLEA Mrs. A, H. Rose and family have moved to Petrolea. Mrs. Rose has leased her home to Mr. Elliott, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mrs, Rose will be greatly missed iu the Church of the Ascension, and on the Public Library Board, in both of which institutions she was a highly valued member. We wish Mrs. Rose and her family every happiness in their new home, And we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Elliott as citizens of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Somerville, and daughters Evelyn and Mrs. W. Chapman, lett on Monday for Bech- ard, Saskatchewan, where Mr. Somer- ville is interested in the harvest on the farm operated by his two sons-- Arthur and Roy. Mr. Grant Real is in Sudbury where he has been engaged for some time with a surveying party. Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, of Osh- awa, have returned home after a visit with relatives of Mrs, Harris, in Nanimo, B.C. Mrs. "Wm. Real and her daughter Miss Marjorie Real, left on Monday tor the west. 'They will go by auto, sss Marjorie driving. They expect to be away about six weeks and will visit Moose Jaw, Sask., Carroll, Man., and probably Edmonton. Murs. Krnest Hayes will be at home on Tuesday, September 10th from 4 to 6 p.m. Mrs. Bruce Elliot, formerly "otf Penetanguishene, will receive with i Murs. kiph. Meredith, (better known as Kuth Graham), has been visiting stiss Sophie Hern for a week. She of the late Henry and when living in Port erry was employed as a tailoress by tienry Doubt. Mrs. Meredith notes many changes in the years that have passed since she left the village, and "misses many old friends. She returns to her home in Detroit next week atter a very pleasant visit with 'her iriends here. Mr. Gordon spent the holiday Mis, IE. A. Howard. Howard, of Toronto, with his 'mother, Mr. F. D. Slemmon, of Brockville, spent the holiday week end in town. Mr. C. C. Jeffrey and Bob spent a few days in Montreal last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Robertson and son Grant, returned on Monday from a motor trip to West Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbank, of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. IX. Reesor, Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey, Mrs. Wm. Davéy, Miss Dorothy Davey, and Mr. and Mrs. John Davey, motored to North Bay over the week end. Dur- ing the trip they called on Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Hunter at Burks' Falls, wh wished to be remembered to their old acquaintances in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are in good health. Mr. and Mrs. John Hardy and fam- ily, of Perth, have returned to their home after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Honey. Mr. and Mrs, S. Farmer are spend- ing some days with friends in Grimsby. Mrs. Sarah Bryson, of Watford, who has been visiting with Mrs. Bry. son, has returned home. Mrs. Bryson was very much pleased with the clean appearance of Port Perry with its beautiful homes and surroundings. The Port Perry High School opened on Tuesday with an attendance of one hundred and fifty pupils, WON FIRST AT TOURNAMENT Port Perry Girls' Softball team won first place in the Stouffville Tourna- ment on Monday. They won two. games, Stouffville, Uxbridge, High- land Creck and Port Perry were the teams "entered in the tournament. Congratulations. The games ran. -- Uxbridge beat Highland Creek, first game, Port Perry beat Stouffville, second game, Port Pery beat Uxbridge third game 16-10, A play-off game with Brooklin girls is to be staged in Port Perry on Fri- day evening at 6 p.m. standard time. SCHOOL DAYS are here again. . . Do you need a School Bag for your boy or girl? We have them in leather or fabrokoid. i i Leather Bags ........ price $1.00 Fabrokoid Bags .....price .60 How about a Tan Halter for the Fairs. We have them at attractive prices. Pure Wool Rugs, 57 x 72 at $5.00 Grey and Brows -=Doézkin - Shirts at $1.50. ; Horsehide Mitts and 'Gloves at from 30¢. to $1.76 per pair, WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry CHURCH OF, THE ASCENSION fev. A. A. Nind, Rector. sunaay, Sept 1st-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D,, Minister. Sunday, Sept. 8th, 1935-- 10 a.m,--Sunday School. 11 a.m. -- Sermon Theme -- "The Manifesto of Jesus" -- "Good Tidings" 7 p.m.--"Great Saul Experiences in the lines of Bible Characters-- 1. "Abraham and Isaac on Moriah". Thursday, 7.830 p.m.--Midweek service of Bible Study and Prayer. PERU CORE SRS SER . SER Star Advertising pays-- Lry it! JRESURIRRE SSE eS] WON TWO PRIZES AT C. N. E. Mr. Arthur Dowson 'is to be con- gratulated on winning two important prizes on the horses he exhibited at the Canadian National Exhibition. He took first on his standard bred stallion, "Baba Viva", and. third on his three year old Clyde -- "Civic Polly". This is a fine achievement considering the keen competition in these classes. Cm ODO -- ~~ MECHANICAL STOKER INSTALLED AT SCHOOL "Iron Fireman" Stoker has been installed at the Port Perry schools." The cost of installation is $1143; and the agreement is made that payment is to be made out of the fuel saving effected by the mechanical stoker, An WP DIED Mc¢GILL -- "Suddenly in Manvers Township, Lot 1, Concession 6, on Wednesday, August 28th, 1935, Sarah IX. Arnott, beloved wife of Charles W. McGill, in her 71st year. to @o------------ HAVE RETURNED TO WINNIPEG Dr, Orr Graham, V.S., and his son Mr. Jordon Graham, left on Monday on their return trip to their home in Winnipeg, after a most delightful holiday with friends in Port Perry and vicinity. Dr. Graham is happily remembered by the older residents in Port Perry. He left this village some twenty-five years ago and has prospered well in his adopted home in Winnipeg. For many years now Dr. Graham has been acting- as official judge of horses in connection with the Agri- cultural Fairs. This Government ap- pointment he was well able to fill, owing to his skill and training as a veterinary surgeon. His son Jordon, has been in the transportation depart- ment of the T. Eaton, Co., and was recently presented with a gold wateh),) and two months leave of absence in recognition of his services to the T. Eaton Co. for the past twenty-five years. . Dr. Graham is greatly pleased with the many improvements that have been effected in Port Perry during re- cent years. When he left there was no bowling 'green, no big brick Post Office, no dock at the water front, and no fine library such as we have now. It is pleasing to note that, in spite of his eighty-four years, Dr. Graham is in excellent health, and has a keen interest in current events, It was a real pleasure to both the visitors and the visited to have Dr. Graham and his son Jordon come to Port Perry. We wish them a safe journey home. Ce ST. J OHN'S PRESBYTERIAN . CHURCH Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Kvening Service ae | Phone No. 4 uality L . is EVERYTHING in Buying meat successfully depends on' long experience and training, A good butcher knows good meat al- most at sight. We have that ex. perience and training, and you can depend on us to select the kind of meat you require, and that fits your purse. We Deliver. W. BOYNTON A PORT PERRY BOY'S HOME AT ROSEDALE' Mr. and Mrs, S. Jeffrey with Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Wilson, of the Lindsay Post, on a recent motor trip to the Kawartha Lakes, had the pleasure of visiting the beautiful summer home and grounds of Mr. Robert Blong, a former resident of Port Perry. Tese attractive gardens are located in a beautiful spot of the north country. The plan and design dis- played by Mr. Blong in his beautiful grounds, with the artistic arrange- ment of large beds and borders of gorgeous blooms,. together with a splendid collection of shrubs, flag stone walks and imposing gates and driveways, makes of the whole, a place of rare beauty. Mr. Blong is to be congratulated on providing such a show place for the people of Rosedale and his friends, whom he so warmly receives. It was a real delight to again meet Mr. Blong and his family, amid such attractive surroundings. S. Jeffrey. BOWLING NEWS Miss Hazel Jeffrey won 2nd prize at the gala day in Uxbridge last Wed- nesday afternoon. Port Perry Team Beats Well Known Toronto Bowlers. A team consisting of Mrs. Mulli- gan, Miss. Hazel Jeffrey, and Miss Helen Mellow, went to Agincourt last Thursday te play in the Ladies' Treble Tournament. They won 2nd prize with 3 wins and a score of 36. The last game was played against Miss D. Taylor, well known bowler of both Toronto and St. Petersburg, Fla., the Port Perry team winning" 14-10. Miss Taylor has won 50 tournaments and nine cups this season. The weekly jitney was held on Tuesday evening, The prize winners were Mrs. McFarlane 1st, Miss Hazel Jeffrey 2nd, Mrs. Mulligan and Miss L. Harper played off to break a tie for 3rd, Mrs. Mulligan winning the prize. For the méh A. P. McFarlane 1st, G. Manning 2nd, H. Mulligan 3rd. The scores were: Ladies--Miss Helen Mellow 18, Mrs. McFarlane 27, Miss L. Harper 23, Miss H. Jeffrey 26, Mrs. F. Jeffrey 19, Mrs. Mulligan 23, Miss K. Carnegie 18, Mrs, Palmer 19, Mrs. Weir 16. Men--R. O'Neill 17, Geo. Palmer 17, A. P. McFarlane 29, Geo. Manning 28, R. Williams 21, C. Cann 24, H. Mulligan 25, R. Jeffrey 19, C. C. Jeffrey 23, R. Levia 18. -- Pa LOCAL MEN TO SPEAK AT BANQUET The following gentlemen will speak at the annual banpuet of the Junior Liberal Club at Oshawa, on Saturday evening, September 11th--John Dry- den, Jr., Stephen Saywell, Ed. Henry, Jack Henley, and J. C. Anderson. The speeches will be broadcast. by C.F.R.B.--8.30 to 9.80 D.S.T. <->; MARRIED Milner- Acheson At Port Perry, on Wednesday, Aug. 28th, 19356, by Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Beatrice Eveleyne, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Acheson, of Toronto, to James Ray LeRoy Milner, of Scugog Island. bate a Rev. Mr. Smyth was in the pulpit again on Sunday and expressed his pleasure at being back. x Mr. and Mrs. E. Philp, Mrs. Swan- ick, their sister and Miss Mildred Hooper, motored to Hastings recently and visited at the home of Rev. Mr, Newell. Mrs. W. Webb and little ean, of Norwood, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hunter, Among those o that attended the o N. E. from here were Mr. Sager and Myra, Fanny Parme, Gerald McCrea, Murray Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith, Mr. L. Bond and family. Mr. Charles Plum as been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Plum and Robert. : Miss Nellie Spénce called on Mrs. Patterson last week. Te latter also received a visit from her cousin Dr, Hart, of> Toronto on Monday. Miss Helen Robértson was with her grandparents on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Robertson. Miss S. Laird has returned from a trip to the Orient. The Misses Holman have returned to Toronto to resume duties there. Two of our young men took a hike to Chalk Lake and back on Labor Day. Quite a jaunt. Mrs. Regan and son Jack enjoyed "| a motor trip to New York. THOU SHALT NOT KILL! RET T] FOR SALE Two lots, frame house, barn, double garage, hen house, in good condition. Apply at Star Office. i RE LT pM APS ls LA ~ ROOMS TO RENT - Rooms with conveniences for High School girls, corner of Mary and John Streets. Apply to Mrs. Ed. Griffen. Zo SAR RAN Lr FOR SALE House and lot on Perry Street, cen- tral location, electric lights, hard and soft water. For particulars apply to Stewart Collins, PortPerry. Also for sale motor boat and row boat. septl2 --_-- eo a -- LOST on Tuesday evening of last week, a canvas covered Kayapk. Finder please notify Harran's store, at Caesarea. Reward, Ra... th bk ""CAR FOR SALE 1929 Durant Couple in good run- ning order.~ Will sell at a bargain. Phone 168, Port Perry. ER aE FOWL WANTED 300 birds, including Hens, Chickens, and Ducks. For information call 177, A. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY. --_----e FOR SALE Tomatoes; several varieties. of cooking apples, 80c. per bushel Choice Clover and Buckwheat Honey. Apply to F. W. Bradley, Plione 256J, Port Perry. LUMBAGO Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago --USE RUMACAPS RUMACAPS MORRISON'S DRUGSTORE UTICA Congratulations to Robt. Walker on winning the Guelph O. A. C. Short Course Scholarship for general pro- ficiency in the South Ontario Boys' Calf Club. He is the guest of the Club at the Ex. this week. Also con- gratulations to Lloyd Smith who took "tird honours. We are sorry that Mrs. Russell Harper and Elmer are both ill. We hope for a speedy recovery. f Miss Edith Lakey, of Toronto, has returned home after spending a week in the community. Keep in mind the dance in Memory Hall, on Friday, the 13th, sponsored by the Bluebird Club. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell of North Bay, visited 'her mother Mrs, James Swan, over. the holiday. Mr. and Mrs," Jas. McCullough, of Alpin Christie. has been visiting with relatives here. 'Mrs. Chas. Lakey is spending a few 5 days in Oshawa, Claremont last week. The Ladies' Aid are holding a social | evening at the home of Mrs, Reynolds 2 on Tuesday of next week. . Miss Jean Miller left on Monday to |E take charge of her school at Loring. Miss Olga Lakey is teaching at Ban- croft this term, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. = Mrs. Mac Christie, of Sundridge, |= Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Mitchell attended |B the funeral of Mr. Raymond Pilkey at | 'Quality Produet. we must be confident that it will prove satisfactory. following are.goods which we highly recommend. OLYMPENE--The Antiseptic Liniment. Two sizes, You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) Before we buy a product we make sure that it is a Before we recommend a product to you SASKASAL_The new natural Laboratory. 3 WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALT---The morning refresher for your daily good health. Two sizes. RICKER'S FRENCH BALM--There is nothing better for chapped skin. Two sizes. - JASMINE OF SOUTHERN FRANCE Lawrence's Drug Store News | The 50¢. and $1.00 salt from nature's own 69¢. 50c, and $1.00 25¢. and 39c. See our display of this wonderful toilet goods line at PORT PERRY FAIR. A. M. LAWRENCE 78 Renal sure " PHONE 49° ; : PORT PERRY EI I I I I I EI RADIO BROADCAST Tune in on CFRB for a broadcast of] the annual banquet of the Junior Liberal Club from the main dining room of the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa, 8.30 to 9.30 p.m. (d.s.t.), September 11th. LOCAL SPEAKERS Seagrave Baseball Tournament and Dance have been postponed until Monday, September 9th, at which time the Dance and 'Lucky Number Draw will be held in Sonya Community Hall, rain or shine. Serves the best meals in town. 'Drop in and get our FAIR DAY SPECIAL 2 THE WHITE KITCHEN. & CAN IT BE DONE ? By Ray Gross your money. MEAL. Watch for the name. EEE pl i ' | THREADLESS f SEAMS |! Why NOT A MACHINE THAT | WOULD CEMENT AND PRESS : 7. TUE TWO EDGES OF A FABRIC TOC THER AS ONE PIECE N, | STRENGTH AND APPEARANCE 2 ; Cin 11 BE DONE? of Nis A ERE Do FUL Bite veaeh waded a fh adie atest vedas cea al NIE ob Ui Bea sneper CO , mg | RESTAURANT 'We give you more for Walter Cook, Proprietor. In stock rearrangement we have many window and storm sash which 'may be bought at half price. Call to see them. They may meet your winter needs. ay Sam N. Griffen ! ! Lumber Co. i : Phone 240 i PORT PERRY, ONT. A A i Eyesight Specialist Wednesday, Open Monday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times. DISNEY BLOCK Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 15186. SUITS. CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 'C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office 1 OO INET ELECTRICAL Repairs Phone to | JOHN FARMER No. 85 | Eyes Examined FREE 'F. E. LUKE Yonge 8t., Toronto DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate ily its Hori" * and Fost Graduate in 8 tes' College and Polssnle, London, of Madi Norn East London. London, 1 London, England, a nfirmary, Glasgow. Office and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont, W. A. Sangster 'DENTAL SURGEON iOffice Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. Office 'Up-stairs, over Emmerson's: Insurance Office 'CONANT & ANNIS : Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, "ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LL.B. ' flices 7% Simcoe st. 8, Oshawa Phones, 4 and § (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 (Whitby) 1 0. STEPHENSON, Ro. arr 5 ~~ EP-PP ~ FCN ty ¥ Pht Sar Radio >.

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