Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Dec 1935, p. 4

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"LOCAL ITEMS You ean now secure a season ticket for skating at the rink for $1.60--a : gin that will be appreciated by any £ or girl, For sale by the secretary ol Mr. R. G. Gemmell spend the week end with relatives in Sudbury. Miss Smyth, of Belleville, is spend- ing the Christmas holidays with her brother, Rev. W. J. H, Smyth, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Armstrong, of Myrtle, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sweetman, on Christmas 'Day. Mr, and Mrs. N. Sweetman, and "Mrs. T. Smith, are living in Toronto for the winter. Miss Eva Burns was in Kinmount with her parents for Christmas, Rey. W. J. H. Smyth and his sister Miss Jennie Smith, spent Christmas with friends in Omemee, , ~ Mr, Forbes Nasmith, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his father Mr. M. Nasmith, '+ Miss Ethel Cook, of Toronto, and Mrs. Wm. McClintock, of Lindsay, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cook. Miss Marian Farmer, Mr, Mac Boyd and Mr, Irving Boyd, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, S. Farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor, of Markham, at the home of the fomrer's parents for Christmas, Miss Dorothy Davey and Mr. Harold Fossey, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davey. Miss Marian Goode, of Midland, is 'spending the holidays with her mother Mrs, A. Goode. 3 Miss Grace Cawker, of Hampton, is 'at the home of her parents, Mr, and «Mrs. John Cawker, for the holidays. Mr, and Mrs. David Jackson, Mr. Thos. Hamilton, of Toronto, were the guests of Dr. J.-B. and Mrs. Lundy, "on Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris and Mrs. "Jas. Harris, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. "John Harris, of Oshawa, and Mr. R. 8. ~~ MeCracken, of Toronto, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Harris. ©. Mrs. Parr, Dorothy and Billie, Mrs. "Graham and Dr. Cook, of Toronto, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock. Mrs. Jas. Hortop, Mr. and Mrs, T. : A. Blight, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, S. Miller, of "Sunderland; -on Christmas Day. © Misses May Cockburn, May Venus, Nellie Potter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cock- burn and Bobbie, and Mr. Alfred Lankin, all of Toronto, are visitors at the home of Mr. J. C. Cockburn, Dr. Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Richardson and Mr. W. S." Gemmell, © spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gemmell. Mi, Frank Slemmon, of Brockville, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. GC. Jeffrey, for Christmas. Mrs. P. G. Morrison is:spending the "Yuletide season with Fergus friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Lucas and little daughter, of Toronto, spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lucas. . Mr. and Mrs. Leighton MacGregor and children, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Wm, MacGregor. - Mr, and Mrs. Philip Nind, Thorald, Misses Doris and Sylvia Nind, of To- ronto, Mr. Hugh Nind, of Campbell- ford, spent Christmas at the Rectory, .. with their parents. Miss Mary Smallman of the Isola- tion Hospital, Toronto, and Mr. Bev- erley Smallman, of Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. R. B..Smallman for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallace, of Oshawa, Mr. Ivan Wallace, of Ignace, . Miss Olive Wallace, Toronto, Mr. - and Mrs. A. Wallace, of Blackwater, Dr. F. W. and Mrs. Wallace, daughter Marion, of Toronto, and Miss Ila Val- lean, of Toronto, were Christmas * guests of Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Woods, of To- ronto, at the home of former's mother Mrs, Woods, for Christmas. Mr. and Mis. Walter Cook spent Christmas at the home of Mr. Thos, McCoy, Sonya. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cook, "of To- ronto, spent the holiday with Mrs. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Sankey, of Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Durkin, for the "holiday. Mr. Thos, Harris, of Toronto, is Bolisering with his parents Mr, nd H. Harris. ; | much credit. "BEST WISHES May this New Year bring more pros. perity and Happiness than ever came your way. START THE YEAR RIGHT Buy your Harness and Horse Goods from Us, Come in and see our New Harness, We have a special Team Harness that s less collars, We have single Driving Harness from $19.00 up. Ww, Come and See for Yourself. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENTS Last Friday evening the Sunday Schools in St. John's Presbyterian Church and Port Perry United Church held their annual Christmas enter- tainments. The children enjoyed ents each in turn breathed a sigh of relief when Johnny or Susie spoke up well and remembered just what. to say. Of course this did not always happen; but Johnny and Susie did their best, and will do better next time. The tiny tots provide much entertainment quite unconsciously. They just act naturally, and break all stage rules--and there -you are. Teachers and others -who do the training of these young folk deserve It is better to teach self-expression than it is to teach much profound knowledge that may in the end rob the child of human sym: pathy." The iid Spe is a great instituti e training of self-expression. . i» fo > << _-- CELEBRATED 45th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook, of Port Perry, celebrated their forty-fifth wedding anniversary on Christmas Eve. Their many friends will join in wishing them all happiness, and will look forward to the day when the Golden Wedding will be celebrated. We are pleased to note that both Mr. and Mrs. Cook are enjoying good health. They have established a re- cord in Port Perry as permanent householders, having lived in their present residence all their married life. > <a UL UA THE PRIZE WINNERS The following is a list of prize win- ners at the Lawrence Drug Store 'Con- test. Girls 1 Pauline Prentice 6427 votes; 2 Mayrene James 4845 votes; 3 Mary Pearce 4293 votes; 4 Florence White 3951 votes; 5 Doreen Hayden 2891 votes; 6 Thelma Gerrow 2602 votes; 7 Ruth Arnold 9022 votes; Anna Vanos 1724 votes; 9 Audrey Ploughman votes: Boys 1 Ross Dowson 5269 votes; 2 Jack McGregor 4014 votes; 3 Harold Hayes 4011 votes; 4 Teddy Mitchell 3907 votes; 6 Jack Goode 3702 votes; © George Waridel 3674; 7 Gordon Goode 36562 votes; 8 Arthur Dowson 2479 votes. i - a CHRISTMAS SERVICES Special Christmas music marked the services both morning and even- the United Church last. Sunday. The choir, under the direction of Mr. Stouffer, rendered a number of beauti- ful anthems; and, at the evening ser- vice, sang some lovely Christmas carols. Rev. Mr, Smyth spoke in the morning on "The Heart of Christmas" which he stated to be God's love for humanity; and in the evening on "The Charm of Christmas"--the charm ot childhood, of joyous festivity, of the expected and the unexpected. A delightful touch of the Christmas spirit was given in the beautiful dec- orations of poinsettas and evergreens. a ew tI mn BORN LAWRENCE--At Port Perry Hos- pital, on December 21st, 1986, to Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Lawrence, a _son, James Garfield "Gary". EE acl sind, qm DIED rt FENTON ~-- At Victoria Hospital; London, Ont., formerly of 2174 Ger- rard street (the residence of his uncle, Mr. Frank C. Dawes;) on Saturday, December 21st, Wakefield M, B, Fen- ton, eldest son of Mrs. Fenton and dia late: W. I, Fenton, of St. John, | day, December 21st, 1985, Delliah .| Gibson, beloved wife of William Hodg- son, in her 78rd year, ; we are offering you at $26,00 per. set, | ° themselves thoroughly and the par-|' 1602 votes; 10 Marie Densham 1432 | HODGSON---In Oshawa, on Satur. WE WISH YOU ALL BRIGHT AND HAPPY NEW YEAR ere I. R:. BENTLEY - Jeweller & Optometrist - PORT PERRY, ONT. VETERANS HOLD CHRISTMAS TREE = The Army and Navy Veterans, Unit No. 216, held their annual Christmas Tree and Concert on Saturday 21st, in the Club Room, Hon. President, Jas. Lucas, was present. President John Hayden was unable to be present ow- ing to his strenuous work and duties in the bank, Hon. Chaplain, Rev. T. A. Nind, acted as chairman, - The large Club Room was packed with smiling youngsters and the concert got under way at 2 pm. There was a splendid program of songs and reci- tations by the children, as the last number on the program was finished a messenger "dashed up to the chair- man with a telegram that Santa was 'on his way, this was read:and brought uproarious cheering from the child- ren. senger dashed up with a message that Santa had passed Manchester and YOUR ORDERS will recéivg careful 'As this died down another mes- | BEST WISHES : FOR THE | NEW YEAR ~ Phone 4 attention, and prompt delivery. W. BOYNTON would arrive in a few minutes, this brought forth another burst of cheer- ing. The bells could then be heard and Santa had arrived and greeted the children and started distributing || the toys, etc., after the toys had been distributed the Chairman announced that there was: to be three "Lucky Draws", the first was for a complete outfit--doll's crib; bedclothes, and aj large doll; This was open to all girls | 10 years and under. The second was for a boy's sleigh; open to boys 8 to 10 years of age. The third draw was 1936, As asiciher year ¢ swings to a close and 'another uletide Season is upon us, we pause once 'more to 'convey to you our | sincere thanks for your confidence. 'Placed § in us, and your, patronage which we appreciate. 05 In remembrance of our past plehdant relations, we wish 'to you and yours Health, Happiness and. i Rrosperity during | ome 40 for a boy's sleigh open to all boys Ll 7 years and under, these articles had |= been generously donated by Mr, Thos.!® Asher, and ladies of the "Queen Vic- | toria Chapter", ~ Ladies - Auxiliary. Hon. "Chaplain Nind," made the draw| for the girls, the lucky winner was Gloria Partridge. Lucas made: the draw for the boys, |= George Jenkins was the lucky seven |S TR : entertainment and the Committee and all those who so ably assisted are to be congratulated on making it Buch u success. year old, and Harvey Partridge the lucky winner for: the 8 to 10 boys. All the children. were 'then given large bag containing candies, nuts, oranges and apples, and a "Bucking- ham Jig-Saw puzzle, Rev. T, A. Nind then addressed the children after which the concert concluded with the singing of the National Anthem. 'The. Christmas: Tree and' Concert was put on in true Veteran style; not a dull moment throughout the whole Hon. President J.|= SUNDAY SCHOOL 'ANNIVERSARY f * (crowded out last week): The United Church Sunday 'School 'Anniversary was well carried out on Sunday the 15th. The morning ser- A M. LAWRENCE me Resall Store| CLARENCE COOK wishes to thank his many customers for their continued j business in 1935; and to assure them of. 'prompt and § efficient service in 1986, I'wish-you alla = HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. rendered by 'the pupils of the school, with = particular - selections by the| YEAR'S SEEN EEEEUNEEEEEENNEENNUANERENEEER! TT RARER STORES . * 'The Last of The SPECIALS Peas 3:-25° HEINZ SOUP 2:23 GOLDEN . DATES 13 25 |W gy BEEF - +10 0 | Bn A These values are effective Fog} December the 26th to 31st inclusive or Pears light syrup i LIMITED FANCY SANTA CLARA Prunes Large : Size FANCY PACK Lobster N ale ShirrifPs or, MacLaren's Assorted Jelly -- 3-14 "Powders Choice Quality Raspberries No, 2 sq. Tin 17 "Fresh Zippy Ginger Snaps 10° Fresh Smyrna Jam Filled * 2-25 Fig Bars Cow Brand Baking = Soda 2: Ibs 2: 19° Sweet Mixed, Sweet Mustard or Sour Mixed Jar Picnic Picicies 25° end Lettuen 2 2 for 'Chinese Lettuce. «+410 180, xxxKX Ai Bread Ade. Flour, 8s Ve : bo. ; . 1 - a \ : pr | PORT PERRY Clarence Cook, Port Perry. vice-consisted largely of sacred music Primary Department under the direc- tion of Mrs. Z. M. Jackson. Rev, Mr, on "Bells", tones of harmony in life. in the form of a Cantata--"Like the Wise. Men". The musical part of t Cantata was under the direction ne Mr. V. P. Stouffer, and the scholars gave evidence of his expert training. Mr. Smallman read the theme story; and the performance throughout was most enjoyable. : The orchestra assisted in their usual happy manner at both services. 'ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m. --Evening Service CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m, Christmas Festival Evensong ---------- A PP PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, B.A, B.D, ~Minister. New Year's Services-- 11 a.m. -- "Thoughts Suggested by "the Coming Year." 1,46--Men's Class and Forum, 2.46--Sunday School. 7 p.m.-- "Reveille, Morale, Finale It is hoped that family will be represented at these services. " \ a - CHRISTMAS SERVICE AT THE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION The Christmas carol service at the ~~ 1 BACKACHES "Anglican Church on Sunday evening , was well attended and the excellent rendering of the hymns and carols wis enjoyed by all. Two anthems were given by the choir and the two' solos by Mrs. Mann and Mrs. Hayes, Were special features of the service, The opportunity was taken of reading the Christmas pastoral letter from Arch- service -reflects much' credit on Mr. Mann, the choir leader and Miss Cock: burn, the organist, 7 BACKACHES GONE after us- ing RUMACAPS -- they give quick and sure relief, . _P. G. MORRISON CARD 0 THANKS, TT Tn Smyth gave an appropriate address > which if properly con-| structed of good matérial will render | The evening service was conducted i bishop Owen to' the congregation. The |" fl ¥ { Sam N. Griffen | bo Phone 240 i PORT PERRY, ONT, { Ryeslght Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by TSppoffitment at all times. DISNEY BLOCK : : Oshawa in - Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 xe {| SUITS CLEANED Suits" sponged. and. pressed Coder 50 Cents = Dry Cleaned $1.00 - C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office "ai 0 SL a5 : ~ Radio «ELECTRICAL Repairs i JOHN FARMER 85 No: YOUR EYES 'Consult us if you have any suspicion' of failing "eyesight, It may save you years: of future - trouble, ¢ F.E.LUKE & SON | 163-167 Yonge St. Opp. Simpson' s=Untairs ; Phone; B. 1830, DR. W. 8. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Med College Felnity Unie Nedical Colon and Post' Pg! in | sien Goll oie Medical Gradu- Sallege and P lo Tandon England, a oJ London, B fo nd, Toya) Tn Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and. hill vi Perry, Ont. | i in Ww. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 pm. Office Yratin 6 over Emrmerson's x ® Offs, rie Onan - NNIS Barristers, Solleitors, Notaries ; GORDON D. |

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